Break Out: (5.5 Novella) (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter)

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Break Out: (5.5 Novella) (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter) Page 8

by Lila Rose

  “Why’s Blackie so quick to get rid of him?” Muff asked.

  “Blackie ain’t stupid. He knows we got more men than him. He doesn’t want Hawks as an enemy. Besides that, this Python dick is dealin’ drugs and doesn’t care where he’s doin’ it. Apparently, Python’s even thinkin’ of comin’ into our territory.”

  “Just let the fucker try,” Pick snarled.

  My eyes moved to Fang, sitting next to Pick, and I saw his body practically vibrating. His anger was thick in the room.

  “Fang,” Dodge called.

  His head turned slightly, his eyes moving from the table. “What?”

  “You able to hold it together?”

  “Yes,” he clipped.

  “Brother, know she’s been in your past—”

  “She’ll be my future soon.”

  “Until then, we know she’s somethin’ to you, and this Python guy wants her, but you gotta keep a clear head. Not only for you, but for her too.”

  “I will,” he stated darkly.

  “Isn’t her dad a Venom?” someone called out.

  Fang stood, his chair slamming into the floor. “So fuckin’ what? I used to be one as well, and I still got some mates left in that club. You got a problem with it? Not gonna have my back now?”

  No one said anything.

  “We got your back, brother,” Vicious called. “Need all the info we have on Python. Did you used to hang with him in the day?”

  Fang sucked in a deep breath, ran a hand over his head, and then shook it. “No, he’s a new recruit. Got in just after I left. Poppy didn’t actually date him. They went on a couple of dates, but she didn’t like what she saw, so she refused to go out with him again. He didn’t like that. Claimed her without telling her, so he thinks he owns her.”

  “Does she know where he hangs when not at Venom’s compound?” Billy asked.

  “No. Two dates, that’s all she had with him, and he didn’t give her much information on himself.”

  Wasn’t hard to guess Fang didn’t like the fact this Poppy bird had two dates in the first place with the guy.

  “So we got nothin’ to go on to find the fucker?” Dallas asked.

  “If he’s that obsessed with her, he’ll come lookin’ again,” Muff said.

  “She’ll not be bait,” Fang roared.

  “Fuck me, calm the hell down, brother. No one said anything about bait. It’s an obvious fact he’s got it bad for her. We’ll keep her protected,” Dodge stated.

  “What’s the plan then?” Griz put in.

  “We go to the street, find out who’s been buyin’ off Python, and see what they know of the guy,” I suggested.

  Dodge nodded. “Good. We still got businesses to run so we’ll be rotating everything around between all of us. I’ll get Low and Josie on it, and you’ll get a text or email with the roster. I’m headin’ out with Killer, Stoke, Gamer, and Griz. We’re goin’ back to Venom’s to talk to their new recruits, see if any of them came in with Python. Got the feelin’ from Blackie the guy isn’t smart enough to work alone. Someone’s gotta know somethin’.”

  “Fang and Vicious, you’re both on Poppy. Watch her like a hawk, brothers.” They both got up and left. “Got Eden at the hospital with Elvis. Three brothers each at the strip club and already got eight roaming the streets. I’ll give them the word on what to hunt for. You lot, get back to your women or if you don’t have one, get some motherfuckin’ sleep because it’ll be your turn tomorrow.” With that, he picked up the gavel and banged it on the table.

  I wished I could head out and help the brothers, but I was grateful I wasn’t on duty since I had a woman to claim fully. At least Dallas and I would get our turn the next night. The room cleared out. Dallas and I headed back to the kitchen, only to freeze just outside the door.

  Hell had shown and was in the kitchen with our women.

  “Can we just leave?” Dallas whispered.

  “I’m not leavin’ Del,” I snapped.

  “I’m not going in there.”

  “Man up, brother.” I smirked.

  “Jesus.” Dallas groaned. “Fine, you go in first.”

  “No. You.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I eyed Dallas.

  “Pussy,” he snarled. Sighing, he ran a hand over his face and then took a deep breath. We’d need patience to deal with the situation in the kitchen, a truckload of patience.

  Dallas entered, and then I heard, “Oh, there’s my superhero. Come give me some sugar.”

  Cursing under my breath, I followed Dallas in. Julian gasped. “Handle, my hot meat, I just heard the great news.”

  My eyes shot to Del’s. She smiled and said, “That we’re together.”

  Right, so not about the baby.

  “That’s right.” Julian clapped. “And good timing. I was in town visiting Josie, with Mattie and Aeila, so I thought I’d come over to see my two other girls. Also so I could set Della up with a hunk of muscle in Ballarat, but alas, she’s now off the market. Which is a shame, since I think you and Jared would have hit it off.”

  “Julian,” Melissa started. “If you want to keep your handsome face as is, I wouldn’t continue talking about setting Della up.”

  Julian looked, smiling might I add, like he didn’t have a care in the world. Meanwhile, I was fuckin’ furious and scowling at him. Thank fuck Del and I had sorted our shit out. If she’d taken Julian up on dating fuckface Jared, there’d be killing happening.

  “Settle down, bad-boy biker. I had hoped you had a hard-on for our Della since she thinks roses drop out of your arse, which is a fine arse I will add, and since you do, it’s all worked out. Everyone’s happy.”

  Della groaned, planting her forehead on the table. My lips twitched. “Julian,” she mumbled, lifting to glare at him. “Can you not talk about Finn’s arse?”

  “Finn’s fine arse. Aw, you two are all seriously involved now. I can tell since you’re using his real name, well, a shortened version of it. Isn’t that right, Finnegan?” Before I could wrap my hands around his neck to shut him up, he went on, “It’s so damn sweet I’m getting a tooth ache.” Julian sighed, then faced Della more. “And, babe, good to see you’re possessive over him. So proud you’re coming into your biker-bitch badness.”

  “Fuck me, can we just gag him?” Dallas asked, turning his pleading eyes to his woman.

  “Yes,” I agreed. Fucking Talon’s woman, Wildcat, probably shared my full name with Julian; she seemed to have a thing about learning them all.

  “No.” She grinned.

  “Del and I are heading to my room.”

  “Do. Not. Fuckin’. Leave. Me,” Dallas clipped low and slow.

  Snorting, I went to the cabinets, grabbed some fruit and snacks, then held my hand out to Della. “Come on, darlin’.”

  She was up and out of her chair in seconds. Dallas was edging towards the door until Melissa cleared her throat. “Viking man, we’re going home—”

  He spun. “We are?”

  “Yes.” She grinned again, only it was a little evil. “But first, we’re dropping Julian’s car back to Mattie so Julian can come with us and be picked up later.”

  “Kill me now,” Dallas muttered.

  “Oh, I love our bonding time too.” Julian winked.

  Dallas’s hard gaze turned to his woman. “Drinks, lots of them, and you’d better make it up to me later.”

  “You know I will,” she cooed, making her way to him to wrap her arms around his neck and whisper something into his ear.

  “Well, all right then.” He nodded.

  “Have fun,” I called. Dallas gave me the finger.

  “Hold up,” Melissa called, her eyes for her friend alone. “You’re staying here tonight?”

  Della glanced from Melissa and up to me, her smile shy. “Yes.” She nodded. Looking back to Melissa, she said again. “Yes, I am.”

  Fuck yes, she was.

  Shit… I had to clean my room first. My pregnant woman was not stepping foot into the mess in t
here. No way in hell.

  Chapter Eleven


  Finn asked me to stay in the kitchen a little longer. He even found me a newspaper to keep me occupied. I asked why, and I couldn’t believe his answer.

  “Gotta clean my room for you, darlin’.”

  “Finn, I don’t care—”

  His fingers covered my lips. “I do. My woman ain’t sleepin’ in a shithole of a room. Give me half an hour, baby.”

  “Okay,” I mumbled beneath his fingers. With a kiss, he left, taking the snacks with him since he’d hadn’t had dinner himself. I read for a while, but my mind wandered. God, in the span of twenty-four hours, I’d gone from being annoyed with Finn, fighting my feelings for him, and then admitting I loved him, to starting a relationship, and having a baby on the way.

  Could someone say holy shit times infinity?

  It was crazy, but it felt so very right, which made it even crazier.

  And then there was the fact I was going to sleep with Finn again. He knew it, I knew it, and we both wanted it.

  I was going to have sex with Finn Kaidion.

  A bubble of excitement ran through me. I was looking forward to it. Strange. Or maybe it wasn’t since I knew I was doing it with the right person. The man I loved and the father of our baby.

  My hand dropped from the table to cover my stomach. There was a baby in there.

  A little bundle of pooey nappies, dribble and stench, and yet, I knew I’d do anything for the happy future Finn had me imagining. It was a future with him, one that involved happiness and love.

  It was possible, even for me.

  Reaching up, I touched my lips. I was smiling, and Finn was the cause.

  “There’re to be a lot of those in our future.”

  I jumped, my eyes flicking to the doorway to see Finn leaning against it, his arms crossed. I had no idea how long he’d been standing there.

  “Sorry?” I asked. I wasn’t sure what he meant.

  “You smiling, you’ll be doing it more in our future.”

  Warmth spread through me. “I believe you.”

  “Good,” he grunted, then straightened. “Come here, darlin’.”

  Standing, I folded the paper, left it on the surface and made my way to my man. His smile was small, but it was warm. His hooded eyes told me how much I meant to him, how he liked watching me walk to him.

  Once close, his hand captured mine before he bent and kissed my neck. “It’s been a big day. We gotta get some rest.”


  He led me down the hall to a door on the right. After he opened it, we stepped in. It smelt of cleaning products, fresh sheets, and leather. A bed was set against the middle of the wall to the left of the room. To the far side were floor-to-ceiling windows covered in long dark drapes. Bedside tables sat on each side of the bed and on the opposite wall of the bed were two doors.

  Finn pointed to the closest. “Walk-in robe.” Then to the other. “Bathroom, not all rooms have a joining bathroom, most but not all, and I was lucky to get one with.” He sighed. “I live here for now, but we’ll leave eventually, with time.” He smiled. “And once we spend more time together, so you know you won’t get sick of me in the end, we’ll get a house together. Like Dodge and Willow’s area, schools are good. So was thinking that way maybe. If you’d be down with it.”

  It was cute how nervous he sounded. A biker. A man, my man sounded nervous because he wanted things to be perfect for me.

  Turning to him, after he closed the door and locked it, I stepped up, resting my head against his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. His arms came around me tightly. “Finn, I love your room, and I’m sure everything will be perfect no matter how long it takes because you’ll be with me.” Looking up, I added, “We don’t need to rush this. Actually, I think it’s best we don’t. I’ll still live with Lissa, for now.” His frown made me smile. “But I’m also adding in sleepover nights here and at Lissa’s. In the meantime, as we spend more time with each other, in case you get sick of me and don’t want to continue with us, then we could look for a place together that we’ll both pay for if everything between us stays strong.” Fortunately, I still had enough savings from my previous job, before Ashley’s death, to keep me going for a while, until I got another job after the baby was born.

  A squeeze, then with a growl in his voice, he stated, “It will.”

  “I think so too. But just in case, we need to take precautions, for us and for our baby.”

  He sighed, leaning in to rest his forehead against mine. “I know, darlin’. I’ll do anything you want, but know you are mine.”

  “So…” I licked my lips, “you’ll do anything I want?”

  “Anything,” he said, with a kiss to my temple.

  “Good.” I grinned, then pulled out of his grip and said, “Get naked.”

  His eyes widened for a second, then heated and lowered with a hungry look. “Get naked?”

  “Please?” I offered.

  Smirking, he reached behind him and tugged his tee from his body. He then stood there giving me time to take in my fill, and I did. I eyed his tattoos, all of them, and there were a lot. Each piece was its own work of art on his extraordinary body. From the ones on his chest to the ones that engulfed his arms. Even though most of his body was covered in ink, I could still see the hard muscles, his pecs, his biceps, his six-pack. God, even his waist, where his jeans rode low, was worth a look, for a very long time.

  “Your turn,” he demanded gravelly.

  “Pardon?” I asked, unable to remove my eyes from his upper body.

  “Fuck it,” he bit out and then came at me.

  From there, things got a little heavy and heated. Finn tore my tee from my body, stating on a mumble how I could wear one of his the next day. My hands roamed over his skin, and while he undid my bra, struggling a few times because he was frantic, I placed kisses on his chest. Even after he finally managed to unhook my bra, I didn’t move away. I went lower and twirled my tongue around his nipple, causing Finn to hiss and grip the back of my hair. My bra dropped to the floor, and I kicked it away, busy enjoying the taste and feel of my man’s body with my mouth and hands drifting over his skin.

  “Jesus, sweetheart,” he groaned. Sliding my tongue across his skin to his other nipple, I bit. His whole body jerked. “Fuck, woman.” He grabbed my hand off his waist and led it to cover the large bulge behind his jeans. “Feel what you do to me. Drive me crazy, Della. Even from the first time I saw you.”

  I glided my mouth my way up to his lips and took them in a wild kiss. When I palmed his cock harder, he rocked forward and grunted. Then he took my hand and twisted it gently away from his dick to behind my back. My upper body arched back. He grinned and said, “My turn,” then dipped his head down to my breast. He kissed one before moving onto the next and straight to my nipple where he attached his mouth to it and sucked. My breaths were pants as he continued his delicious tease of my nipple before moving onto the other one.

  Between us, I reached down with my free hand and undid his jeans, lowering his zipper so I could slide inside, but I was stopped. Finn’s hand gripped my wrist and tugged my hand free. Since I didn’t want to rip his penis off because I wanted to soon use it, I let go of him and growled in the back of my throat in annoyance. He had the nerve to chuckle.

  “Soon,” he mumbled around my nipple.

  “Finn,” I breathed. “Please.”

  Straightening, his heated eyes met my needy ones. I glanced down when I felt his hands at my jeans and watched him slowly undo the button, then the zipper. His hands went to each side of my waist, hooking his thumbs in. Bending, he first kissed my mouth, ran his tongue over my lips and then kissed down to my neck, chest, breasts, stomach, and while he glided his mouth down my body, he dragged my jeans and panties lower. As he kissed my hip, then the top of my mound, he helped me out of my shoes, socks and then finally jeans, so I stood in front of him naked.

  He leisurely ran his
eyes up my body from kneeling in front of me, and when our eyes collided, he asked, “You wet for me, darlin’?” All I could manage was a nod. “Hmm, mind if I see for myself?” When I shook my head, he smirked. “Good.” His hands ran up the outside of my legs, from my ankles to the top of my thighs, only to dip one in between my legs. A gasp fell from my lips at the first touch of two fingers to the outside of my lower lips. “Spread wider, baby.”

  I did. “Finn,” I moaned. He slid those two fingers inside of me, finding out just how drenched I was for him.

  “Christ, soaked and just for me.”


  His movement was unhurried. His fingers pushing in and out of me in prolonged exquisite torture, but I wanted it faster. I ground my hips down onto his fingers. His hand on my waist tightened.

  “Easy,” he ordered.

  “Finn,” I retorted in frustration, only for my head to drop back and cry out when his tongue swirled around my clit as he used his other hand to spread me wider. I lost his fingers when his hands came around and gripped my arse, forcing my body forward so he could tongue my clit harder. My hands landed on his shoulders, my fingers digging into him.

  “Finn,” I whimpered, my legs shaking with pleasure. “Need you.”

  A shocked gasp left me when he stood, his hands under my arse, demanding me to lift up, so I did. With a little jump, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

  “Best tasting pussy I’ve ever had.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, “Don’t need a comparison to others, Finn Kaidion. Just need to know you like my, ah, taste.”

  He chuckled. “Good to see my woman has claws for me, and I fuckin’ love your pussy.”

  “Well, good.” I nodded.

  He snorted. “Glad we got that sorted. You in a snit now?”

  “No.” I shook my head, lying. I kind of was, but I was too turned on to stop.

  “Good.” He smiled and then threw me on the bed. A squealed scream erupted from me. I landed, bounced a few times and was about to tell him to never do it again, but then thought better of it if I got the same result every time. And that was to see Finn kick off his boots, get rid of his socks, and push down his jeans and boxers. He crawled onto the bed, pulling my legs apart so he was kneeling between them. I let out a noise of complaint because I wanted to stare more at him and he was moving closer so I couldn’t.


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