The Right Stud

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The Right Stud Page 12

by Ilsa Madden-Mills

  Oliver is back, holding my fresh glass of wine and directing a shorter guy carrying a large, black tray. “Chicken salad here. Pork for the man.” I swallow a laugh, and he places my glass in front of me. “Here you go, my dear, and can I bring you two anything else?”

  “We’re good.” Jax gives him a pretend-annoyed glance.

  “All right then. Enjoy!”

  He’s gone, and I take a small bite of the salad. Huge chunks of white chicken breast are mixed with what looks like light mayo, pecans, and large purple grapes cut in halves. It’s an explosion of tangy, sweet, and smoky in my mouth, and I let out a little moan.

  Jax’s gaze burns into mine when I open my eyes again. “Keep making sounds like that, and I’ll have to take you to the car.”

  My stomach flips, and I feel a flush climbing my neck. “Promises, promises.”

  I don’t know where this sassy sex kitten is coming from, but I’m going with it. I’m sitting here in a red dress drinking sparkling wine with the hottest guy ever to hit this town, and Monica and Rayleen can suck it.

  My moment of preening is cut short when I hear Rayleen’s quip. “At least you know how to keep a man, Mon.”

  Monica huffs, and I hear the shuffle of chairs. “I heard she’ll be lucky if she even keeps her house.”

  Heat filters into my vision, and I reach for the flute in front of me, noticing my hand tremble as I bring it to my lips. Jax pauses mid-bite and lowers his fork. His eyes flicker to the women I feel standing behind me, and he clears his throat, rising to his feet.

  “What are you doing?” My voice is a hushed whisper, and my eyes go huge.

  “Excuse me.” He steps from around the table, and I literally cannot breathe. “Do I know you?”

  “Me?” Monica’s breathy voice goes high, and I shift in my chair to see her. “I don’t think so. I’d remember meeting you.”

  She steps closer, batting her lashes and cocking a hip to the side. She’s actually flirting with my lunch date right in front of me. I’m ready to stand up and toss my drink in her face, but Jax isn’t finished.

  “You’re right.” He shakes his head and gives me a wink. “You only look like a manipulative, two-timing sneak I know. I heard she ended up a lonely old hag. They found her body… eaten by her own cats.”

  “Oh my goodness!” Monica’s stupid head jerks back, and she clutches her chest.

  “Karma’s a bitch.” He shakes his head, returning to his seat and reaching across for my hand. “You never have to worry about that, Ash. You’re honest and genuinely sexy. Only good things will come to you. Unlike some people.”

  I’m doing my best not to laugh at his ridiculous story. Monica makes some huffy noise, and she, Rayleen, and their friends prance to the front of the café.

  Oliver appears out of nowhere and slides the check onto the end of our table. “Bravo,” he chuckles. “You can pay that up front when you’re ready, Mr. Man.”

  We’re alone, but Jax is still holding my hand, sliding his thumb over the backs of my fingers. Our eyes meet, and my smile is pure gratitude.

  “Thank you.”

  His lips curl into a smile. “No thanks necessary. I wasn’t about to sit here and let them talk about you that way.”

  Shaking my head, I pull my hand out of his. “You don’t have to feel like you need to defend me—”

  His phone rings on the table, and he scoops it up. Again, I notice a ghost of a frown pass over his features, and again, he silences it and puts it facedown on the table. I can’t help being incredibly curious as to who keeps calling and texting him—who he keeps ignoring.

  Tilting my head, I nod. “You can take that if it’s important.”

  “It’s just the office.” He lifts his glass, finishing his beer.

  “About the show?”

  “No, it’s my other office. I also do real estate work.”

  “Real estate? Like selling houses? You’re a Realtor?”

  His brow lowers, and he slides a finger down the side of his now-empty glass not meeting my eyes. “Not exactly.”

  He shifts in his chair, seeming uncomfortable, and suspicion like muscle memory flashes in my chest. I’ve had experience with men dodging easy questions, and the last time it ended with me looking like a fool.

  Like when I’d planned for Kyle and me to visit the over-priced caterer, and he’d claimed to have a weekend business trip. I later found out he’d spent the weekend porking Monica.

  “It’s not a hard question, Jax. Either you are or you aren’t.” My tone is icy, and his eyes fly to mine.

  I’m sure he sees my walls ready to shoot back into place.

  “You’re right.” He exhales, relaxing his expression and giving me an easy smile. “I’m not a Realtor. I acquire property for a real estate developer. I guess I should have told you from the start, but I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t committed to our renovation project. I’m actually cutting down to part-time on the real estate end, hoping to go full-time on the show. But it hasn’t happened yet, so they still call me from time to time with work.”

  I think about this for a few seconds, turning it over in my mind. “What’s the name of the developer?”

  “Pearson Real Estate. I’ve been with them several years.”

  “And you’re turning down work… because of me?”

  He hesitates over his reply. “Not exactly.”

  “But you’re not taking their calls.” I’m not sure how I feel about this new information. Is it because of me or is it because of his show? Do I want to know the answer to that question?

  “It’s not where my heart is.” His eyes rise to mine again, and that look is back—the one he gave me this morning in the kitchen. The one that makes my insides feel hot and cold and flustered and eager all at the same time.

  It’s not a look I want to see from him—or any man—right now, and I scramble for a distraction. “Okay, well, I really think we should check in on Lulu. I sent her a few texts, but I need to go by and be sure she and the dogs are okay, especially Lassie. I love Lassie.”

  I’m talking a mile a minute, and I’m out of my chair, pushing it under the table and moving toward the door. Jax quickly scans the check and puts several bills on the table.

  “Oh!” I start back toward him, lifting my bag. “I’m sorry—how much do I owe?”

  His lips press into a frown. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Not at all.” My wallet is open in my hand, but he covers it with his two larger ones.

  “My treat.”

  “But you wanted to stay at the house—”

  “Do we need to drive to Lulu’s?” He takes my arm, guiding me toward the front of the small restaurant. “It’s really a nice day for a walk.”

  My shoulders drop, and I close my wallet, slipping it into my purse before taking his arm. “It’s just a few blocks away. We can walk pretty easily.”

  Outside, the sun is shining, and my moment of panicked suspicion has passed. I think about stupid Monica and Rayleen and their minions, and I think about how Jax stood up for me. My chest warms, and I’m not sure why I’m fighting the possibility of Jax having feelings for me. Mrs. C has faith in him, and here he is, essentially confessing he’s turning down other work to help me.

  My hand is in his, and he gives me a smile. I glance up at the sun shining through his hair, the kindness in his eyes. Could he be the white knight I’ve been waiting for after all?



  Ben is calling. Blaine is calling. I’m ignoring all of them, because I can’t keep my eyes off this woman who has wormed her way into my brain.

  Only now we’re at an older home that has a sign out front advertising dog boarding, pet grooming, and… Tarot readings? Ashton’s best friend might be the strangest person I’ve ever met in my life.

  “She looks like a Dr. Seuss character!” Ashton cries as the poor collie walks out from the back of the house.

  Her fur has been shaved to the skin ev
erywhere except around her face and the bottoms of each paw. The pitiful animal’s head droops, and even she looks humiliated.

  “I didn’t have a choice!” Lulu cries, storming in from the back of the house, dressed in a sexy nurse costume.

  I have to give it to her, she’s cute in that outfit. Her frizzy red hair is smoothed into two low ponytails on each side of her head, and the low-cut white dress shows off her ample cleavage. She even has one of those little hats on her head.

  “Hey there, hot stuff.” She stops at the sink near where I’m leaning against the wall out of the way and gives me a wink and a little click-click sound with her mouth. “How’s it hanging?”

  “Are you going to a birthday party?” I’m so confused.

  “Process server.” She steps back and straightens the top of her white, thigh-high panty hose. “Doctor hasn’t made child support payments in a year. Asshole. The man has the money, and I’m about to let him know it’s time to face the music.”

  My lips press into a frown. “I don’t like process servers.”

  “Hardly anybody does.” She shrugs, shoving a folded blue pamphlet in the side of her dress. “The way I see it, I’m making sure people do what’s right, and I try to deliver the bad news along with a fun story they can tell their friends.”

  “I take it you’ve talked to my brother?” Ashton stands from where she was petting the scalped collie.

  “I have.” Lulu crosses her arms. “He’s all upset about something. I guess it’s a case he’s working on? Someone’s dodging his calls or not calling him back? I don’t know.”

  “I’m sure that’s making him a joy to be around.” Ash rolls her eyes.

  My stomach sinks at the mention of her brother. I’ve got to figure out a way to talk to her about all of this. She’s just so damn pretty in that red dress, and the way she looked at me after I stood up to those bitches at the restaurant…

  I couldn’t do it then. I couldn’t spoil her moment of triumph. I could only tell her the truth—my heart isn’t in that work anymore. I’m not sure what to make of my heart these days.

  “I don’t know.” A little smile curls Lulu’s lips. “I’m pretty much always happy to be around Ben. More lately than ever.”

  “No!” Ashton gasps, and her friend shrugs.

  “Let’s just say he’s being very attentive to my work.”

  Ashton surprises me with a laugh—they both collapse into each other laughing. “Miracles never cease!” Ashton cries, and Lulu suddenly stops, straightening.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Clearly not what you’re thinking. I just can’t believe my old brother is learning new tricks. You’re way too good for him.”

  “I don’t know.” Lulu straightens her hat before dashing over and pulling me into a hug. “I never thanked you for saving Jean Claude. You really are one of the good guys, Mr. Stud.”

  “That’s Studly to you!” Ashton cups her hand around her mouth, calling after her.

  “I don’t have time to find out what that means. I’m headed out. Lock up when you leave.”

  The two say goodbye, and Ash turns back to me, her eyes shining with joy. She’s so damn happy today. I go to her and catch her by the waist, pulling her body to mine. Fuck all that other shit weighing me down.

  “Do I finally get to kiss you now?”

  Her pretty hazel eyes are molten green mixing with warm brown. “You want to kiss me?” I love it when she’s sassy.

  “You have no idea.” I’m leaning down, my lips ready to take hers, when fuck it all, my damn phone starts buzzing in my pocket again.

  Ashton steps back and glances at my waist. Her bottom lip goes behind her teeth, and I pull the device out of my jeans pocket. Bernice’s picture is on the screen, and I quickly silence it, shoving it back and stepping forward to pick up where we left off. The sink behind her looks about the right height to sit Ashton’s cute little ass on, spread those legs, and fuck her good.

  Only she takes another step away from me. Her arms are crossed, and she’s frowning now, anger flashing in those eyes. “And who was that?”

  “What?” My semi has switched my mind to one thing.

  “That was a woman’s picture on the screen. Don’t tell me she’s some real estate deal. Who was that?”

  “Oh,” I exhale a laugh. “It’s just my sister.”

  I’m moving toward her again, but she keeps stepping out of my reach. It’s starting to make me crazy.

  “Your sister.” Her arms are still crossed and her eyes are narrowed. “As in the one with the kitten on the roof, three daughters, and no husband?”

  “I never said she had no husband.”

  I don’t want to talk about this. I want to sink into her warm depths. I want to slide my lips down the V of that dress to her soft breasts and suck, pull, bite. I want to bend her over and make her scream my name as she comes, throbbing and wet around my cock.

  Ashton does a little skip away from me. “I want to meet her.”

  It’s a cold bucket of water on my hot fantasy. “What?”

  “I want to meet her.” Ashton’s arms are crossed, and even her defiant stance is adorably sexy. “I want to meet this mystery sister with the three kids, the kitten, and no husband.”

  “I never said she didn’t have a husband, but if you insist…” A grin splits my cheeks as I close the space between us, catching her upper arms before she can step away from me again. “You’re seriously messing up my plans for today.”

  “Don’t change the subject.” She tries to jerk her chin away, but I catch it with my fingers.

  “Kiss me.”

  She fights the smile trying to curl her lips, but she doesn’t pull away. She leans forward and attempts to give me a chaste, closed-lip kiss on the mouth. Don’t worry, I turned that nonsense into something more.

  If Ashton thought she’d catch me in a lie, I have a feeling she’s regretting that assumption. Molly, Mellany, and Mayla are all over her demanding to hear all about Jean Claude van Ram. Ashton sits on the couch with one triplet to her left, one to her right, and the third hanging over behind her.

  “Do you have a picture of him?” Mellany cries, diving over the back of the couch toward her.

  “No.” Ashton shakes her head, unaffected by my middle-niece’s dive bomb. “JC and I don’t get along very well.”

  “Why ever not?” The oldest Molly’s eyes are wide, and her leg is crossed. I can tell she’s attempting to be very adult for their new guest. “I imagine he must be a very good goat to have such a great name.”

  Ashton doesn’t miss a beat. “He’s not.”

  “Has he ever eaten a tin can?” Mayla bounces nonstop at Ashton’s right.

  “He’s eaten almost all of my flowers. The minute your uncle saved him, he was off sticking his head in my sweet olive.”

  “I’ve got to hand it to her.” Bernice sidles up beside me, handing me a beer. “They overwhelm me when they get so wound up, and I’m their mother.”

  “Uncle Jax is a hero!” Mellany cries, diving over the back of the couch again. “He saved Mittens from the roof!”

  “Mel!” Bernice shouts. “Stop jumping on the back of the couch. Sit in the chair.”

  Mellany’s shoulders drop, and she stomps around to the armchair across from where my other two nieces are dominating Ashton’s attention.

  “Do you really live in a big shell by the sea?” Mayla is the youngest and definitely has the most vivid imagination.

  “I wish!” Ashton leans back, and Mayla does the same. Molly stays upright with her leg crossed. “Then I’d be a real mermaid… or SpongeBob!”

  “Uncle Jax said you live in a conch shell.” Molly casts a disgusted look my way, as if I’ve treated her like a baby.

  “It is called The Conch Shell,” Ashton explains. “But it’s just a regular house. Your uncle is helping me fix it up. Maybe you can come and stay with me one day.”

  “Oh!” Mellany is out of her
chair and jumping up and down beside Bernice. “Can we, Mamma? Can we?”

  “Let’s let Uncle Jax finish what he’s doing first.” Mellany takes off running in the direction of the kitchen, and I mouth a thank you to my sister. She leans into my ear. “No problem. Now you nail this one down. She’s a keeper for sure.”

  Mellany comes running back into the room holding Mittens in front of her in both hands. The kitten’s front legs are extended, and she lets out a desperate meow when my niece stops in front of Ashton. “This is Mittens! She likes to get on the roof, but Uncle Jax can get her down.”

  “When Daddy’s not in Boston. Now give Ashton room to breathe, girls.” Bernice leaves me to rescue my date from the onslaught of love. “Head to the kitchen. Time for snacks.”

  “Snacks!” Mayla’s next bounce is off the sofa and running after my sister to the kitchen.

  The other two girls follow, and I take Molly’s place on the couch. “You didn’t believe me.” It’s a teasing accusation, and Ashton only shakes her head.

  “I didn’t.” She actually laughs. “They’re adorable.”

  “They’re work.”

  “They love you.” Her eyes narrow. “You’re a hero.”

  The way she says it makes my dick twitch. “Let’s get out of here. This hero is ready to get back to what I’ve been thinking about all day.”

  She wrinkles that cute little nose and leans closer. “I’ll tell you a secret.” Soft lips graze the shell of my ear, and my dick twitch turns into a semi in my pants. “I’ve been thinking about it all day, too.”



  A cool afternoon breeze is blowing in from the Atlantic as we leave Bernice’s and walk back to the car, and the sound of sea gulls is prevalent even though we’re three blocks from the beach.

  The air smells likes gardenias, rich and spicy, and I inhale deeply.

  Jax stares down at me as we walk along the sidewalk. “Happy?”

  I pause mid-step but quickly recover with this hand on my arm, which noticeably slips down and curls into mine. My heart pounds at the electricity that sparks between us. Happy? Yes. But I’m terrified to tell him that. This is too much too soon, right?


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