Love by the Slice (Harbor Point Book 1)

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Love by the Slice (Harbor Point Book 1) Page 9

by Heather Young-Nichols

  A hiss of breath sucked in between his teeth as if I did something painful to him. His eyes, glassy with want, inched down my body, taking it all in. Then his hand followed. Running down between my breasts then back up, his fingers went to the elastic holding my hair back and yanked covering my shoulders in blonde locks. Got it. He liked my hair down. I would definitely remember that.

  Fisting those fingers in my hair, he sighed, “Bianca—”


  Attacking him once more, he didn’t have time to protest, and honestly, I don’t think he wanted to. While his tongue explored my mouth, I tugged at the hem of his shirt until he backed away far enough for me to pull it over his head. Which is when I realized I was staring. And Gio liked my staring. A look of amusement played on his lips while I felt a flush of embarrassment creep up my face. Just to remove the smugness, I let my fingers trail down to his jeans to pop the button, unzip the zipper and push my hand inside. His relaxed posture jolted then hardened, along with the rest of him, the moment my fingers touched his already engorged erection.

  Gio hopped to his feet, taking me with him. My legs wrapped tightly around his hips, the heels of my feet digging into his ass and of course, I had to let go of the lower part for him so he could get us to my bedroom where he launched a full-scale, torturously delicious, assault on my entire body.

  I don’t remember how my clothes got removed, but I laid before him naked as the day I was born. He looked at me with a hunger that hadn’t been there moments before. Another couple of seconds passed before his jeans and underwear disappeared into an abyss on the floor. Gio naked was a sight to behold. Every part of him defined strong and hard and absolute perfection. His eyes took me in the same way mine did him, traveling from head to toe, lingering at a few important areas. Wanting to feel those important areas. Funny thing, I wasn’t embarrassed in the least. To have him looking at me in such an intimate way. It had to be him because every other time a guy even tried to peruse my body in that kind of detail, I got extremely self-conscious, thinking of every place fat could be hiding. But with Gio…with Gio none of it crossed my mind. It’s like self-doubt could only exist as a concept but not something that actually belonged in my world.

  He worked me up to the point I thought I might explode. His hands grazed and explored all my sensitive areas moments before his lips and tongue. There almost wasn’t an area left untouched causing my entire body to simmer like bubbling water. And I wanted him touching all those places again, wanted to feel him against every inch of my body all at once. He got me to the edge but didn’t let me tumble over. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to kiss him or punch him … no, punch him in that moment.

  He pulled away from me long enough to slide a condom down every hard inch of him. Then his lips found mine again as he settled between my legs. Some of the urgency disappeared, not the need or desire but neither of us were in a hurry any longer. He acted like he wanted to savor every damn moment. Gio’s tongue slipped into my mouth, gently stroking, scorching everywhere it touched and flooded my body with warmth. His hand cupped my breast bringing the nub right back to attention. My heart thudded against my chest and desire settled low in my stomach. Everywhere he touched came alive and I was acutely aware of his skin against mine. He knew exactly what he was doing and if the tiny groans that strangled in his throat were any indication, he enjoyed every second of it.

  Each sound he made turned my insides to Jell-O, something pliable he could mold with his bare hands. He seemed to want to go slowly while I became desperate to have him inside me. It turned into more of a need than a want. I pushed my hands against his ass for encouragement. His hips rocked until he settled inside me then he paused and sighed into my neck. My heart took off leaving me breathless while my body pushed into the mattress at the same time I came alive. Aware of every single place he touched me. Holding himself still and filling me to the max. I tried to urge him on but the man had his own schedule to keep and hell did it turn me on. Finally, he moved slowly against me creating the most amazing friction. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I came apart beneath him.

  Gio moved his body, the heat of his skin rubbing against mine pushing me further into oblivion. His lips roamed down my neck, lingering wherever he could reach. Then he lifted off me, I immediately missed his weight. But when his hand slid between us, finding the spot to push me over the edge, I didn’t care that he’d pulled away. My world exploded, imploded, fell into pieces, and glued itself back together in those moments I reached the most beautiful place. His name slipped out of my mouth as I slowly came back to Earth. It was a whisper of a word and I didn’t want to come down. I would rather stay there with him forever.

  Gio gave a satisfied grunt yet kept his movement slow and steady. His lips sucked on my shoulder, and my legs started to shake from the effort of holding my muscles together. When his tongue licked my earlobe moments before sucking it into his mouth, I moaned. He pushed back, looking into my eyes as he slid in and out of me. His eyes were burning and vulnerable. And for the first time, I realized how new this was to him. To pair feelings with sex. He truly felt something for me.

  Our fingers intertwined beside my head as he picked up the pace until he pushed himself to his own release and he came to a stop with the full weight of his body on mine.

  Gio rolled onto his back taking me along and tucked me into his side. Pushing hair off my damp forehead, he kissed me like I meant something. Like I was precious. He hopped off the bed, heading for my bathroom across the hall and came back fast enough I didn’t have time to miss him beside me. Still naked, he fell into the bed holding me close once again. All I could do was breathe, an exchange of oxygen because my body wouldn’t let me suffocate.

  The room stayed silent while we waited for our heart rates to return to something resembling normal. Still wasn’t long enough for me to get all my thoughts together.

  I mean, we were amazing together. The best intimate moment I’d ever been a part of. Not just the sex but us together. Oh, man, I was in trouble with this guy.

  “Wow,” he finally spoke first. It’s such a simple word but it made my heart soar because he’d experienced the same thing I had. With Gio, I’d kind of figured we’d have this kind of crazy, recklessly abandoned sex but this … this took us to a whole other level of intimate.

  “You can say that again.”

  Before continuing, Gio pulled the blanket and sheet out from under us because we’d fallen on top of the bed and had no intention of taking the time to get under the covers before. The sheet draped our bodies. With the sweat and air conditioning, not to mention the things he’d just done to my body, my skin erupted in goosebumps.

  “Oh, man,” Gio sighed, “am I’m falling for you.”

  The way he said it, the under his breath kind of admission like it was a bad thing, made me think he hadn’t meant to say it out loud at all. But he had and I couldn’t have been happier because I’d already fallen for him, though wasn’t ready to declare my love or anything.

  “That’s ok. I’m kind of falling for you, too.”

  His arm tightened around me constricting my lungs and he kissed the top of my head. Such a small gesture but one that made me melt again even though I’d already be thoroughly satisfied already.

  Showered, together, and fresh pajamas later, Gio and I slid ourselves back into my bed. Since he hadn’t been planning on staying the night, he came back in only wearing his boxer briefs. Some of my muscles were already sore. In a good way. More because I used a few muscles I kind of forgot I had and it relaxed my entire body making it jelly-like. It was a hell of an orgasm.

  As a matter of fact, I so relaxed and fell asleep before he did.

  Chapter Eleven

  Morning bloomed earlier than I would’ve liked. I would have been completely satisfied to sleep curled up into Gio for the entire day after the night we had. Then I realized I was actually alone in bed and the smell of bacon filled my apartment. I’d never had a guy make me breakfa
st before but then a thought took over and wouldn’t let go. More of a fear.

  If I found my mother in the kitchen I would have to commit murder. My anger brimmed beneath the surface until I remembered Gio had locked the chain so even with a key, no one could get in. I needed to school the goofy grin I felt on my face before I could face him. I didn’t want to be all dorky on our first real morning together. I did my best but who knew what he’d see. Wait…I had bacon in the house?

  His shirt fell to my knees, covering enough that I felt no need to change out of it. I’d put it on after our shower last night because crawling into bed naked when we were both exhausted seemed impractical. As if a thin cotton barrier would keep either of us chaste.

  Gio stood at the stove, the sound of bacon snapping in a pan as toast popped from the toaster on his right. I stood there watching him in only those boxers. Getting a better look at the tattoos on his back turned me on even more. Without touching me. Without even knowing I’d come into the freaking room. It was all bold lines and little color coursing the muscles in his back. His golden skin peeked through but dear lord the ink was sexy as hell.

  “You gonna stand there watching me all day?” he asked without turning.

  “That a problem?”

  “Not at all but I was hoping for a good morning kiss.”

  Sliding behind him, my arms wrapped around his waist while he shut the burners off and put eggs and bacon on two plates. Then he turned to cup my cheeks in his hands.

  “Good morning,” his voice sexily low, I almost didn’t hear it.


  His gaze on me made something low in my stomach lurch awake before his lips met mine. The chasteness of his kiss did nothing to deter my inner desires from kicking into full gear. This could be a detriment to my productivity.

  “Don’t want these to get cold,” he said grabbing both plates and we moved to the small table sitting against one wall of my kitchen.

  “Definitely not. I’m starving.”

  “You worked up an appetite.”

  To hide the blushing, I said, “Please, I hardly did anything.”

  Gio’s dark eyes bore into me when he said, “You did plenty.” I guess he enjoyed himself as much as I had.

  “Well, you didn’t suck either,” I said before realizing how it would sound. Glancing up at his face, the smirk was all I needed to know he got the double entendre because he kinda did suck … sometimes. “Shut up,” I said rolling my eyes before refocusing on my plate.

  “I have to get going after breakfast.”

  “Ok.” He watched me a little too intensely; kind of making me nervous as he searched my face for signs of … I don’t know what. “What?”

  “Just making sure you’re ok with that.”

  “Ha. No. I’m going to chain you to my bed you can never leave. We have lives, Gio. Great sex doesn’t change that.”

  “Ok. Number one…great sex, huh?” This guy had seen me naked and heard sounds I don’t think I’d ever made before and could still make me blush a second time in barely ten minutes. “Number two … buy the chains, I’d go willingly.” Now I laughed. “But some of us have to work today.”

  “Oh, right. Work. I have the weekend off.”

  “Must be nice to have an in with the schedule maker.”

  Eating as slowly as I could, breakfast eventually came to an end. And he did have to go to work, which sucked because I could’ve come up with a hundred other things to do that day. But such is life. Gio even helped me wash up the dishes which didn’t surprise me at all. He was incredibly considerate where I was concerned.

  “So, I’m gonna need my shirt.” He pointed at me because I’d sort of forgotten I had it on.

  I lifted my arms in the air with a smirk on my face daring him to take it. Stepping close, his hands ran up the sides of my body, lifting the shirt along the way until I stood in front of him in only a pair of white panties. That’s when he looked conflicted which brought a giggle out of me even if I didn’t intend to laugh.

  “Have fun at work,” I said through the laughter.

  “Yeah, right.”

  Lifting me until I sat on the edge of the table, Gio kissed me like he meant it. A kiss that could’ve gone somewhere given all my nakedness. He kissed me like he’d hate being apart like he wanted me to remember what this felt like. When his hand slid up my ribs tentatively, I knew he wanted to take my breasts in them but instead settled right below.

  “Do I get to see you after work?” he asked slightly breathless.

  “If you want to.”

  His eyes roamed down my body paused at my completed uncovered breasts and the panties covering the V of my legs. He needed to stop turning me on before I became a giant puddle of goo somewhere at the bottom of a swamp. “I want to.”

  Another quick peck and he left. His absence was palpable and I hated it. It’s amazing what one night can change. I knew I liked him before but our night together proved the extent and how much I wanted to be with him.

  There were a million things I could’ve done with my day but nothing seemed appealing enough to get me out of my apartment. At least until Dad left. Gramps would’ve gone to work much earlier, probably before Gio and I even woke up. So, I decided to hang out with Mom for a while.

  I found her in the kitchen packaging up some pre-made meals to put in Gramps freezer. It didn’t surprise me. She always worried we’d starve or be sustained by only pizza so whenever they visited she cooked like crazy, froze everything and he’d (we’d) eat well for a month. Little did she believe we both kept ourselves pretty well fed the other eleven months of the year. We both liked to cook, yet another thing we had in common.

  “Morning,” I said popping a few grapes from the counter in my mouth. Gio fed me well but I still felt hungry. Again, his fault.

  “Morning, Bianca.” She glanced at me over her shoulder, shook her head and went back to work. “Saw Gio leaving this morning.”

  I first thought about whether Dad had seen him or not. Then immediately decided I didn’t care. He did the whole birds and the bees thing with me and told me in no uncertain terms that if I was going to have sex, I had to come to him for birth control. I never did. It would’ve been mortifying. He still made sure I knew how a condom worked at I was fourteen just in case. Equally horrifying.

  I may have been a handful but I didn’t have sex until I turned seventeen, my parents didn’t want to be grandparents any more than I wanted to be a mother.

  “Yeah, he has to work the early shift. Where’d Dad go?”

  “Here and there. Take care of some things for Dad before we leave.”

  Mom and I decided to spend the afternoon together and this time we did some purchasing with our shopping. She’d drop little questions about Gio she didn’t think I’d recognize because they were little nothings. But I knew each one served a purpose and she wasn’t getting anything out of me. Once Mom knew I figured her out, she stopped asking.

  As we walked, the phone in my pocket buzzed. I pulled it out to find a text message.

  Gio: I’d rather be with you.

  Truth be told, I’d rather be with him than my mom. I know I should’ve been reveling in the small amount of time she and I got to spend together, but Gio was all I could think about this morning.

  Me: Too bad you have to work

  I had to answer him back, of course. Thinking that’d be the end of it but no, not with him. He sent another asking if I thought his boss would mind him leaving early.

  Me: Not if you were sick.

  Gio: *cough, cough*

  Me: LOL. Nice try.

  He didn’t respond which I could only assume meant his break had ended and he’d gone back to work. As we were about to call it an afternoon, Mom got a call from Dad asking her to meet him at the restaurant for a bite. We dropped everything at the house and I walked with her. Something else we had in common. We liked to walk places as much as possible and she didn’t get the opportunity as much in Michigan. Things
were much more spread out than in The Point.

  The floor was slammed. Even with the extra help, a line extended out the door and the wait staff ran around like little mice in a maze. So, I grabbed an apron and pitched in. My parents took their pizza into the break room because there wasn’t anywhere else they could sit. Clearing tables the moment the customers vacated helped as did refilling drinks and getting people seated. An hour later I took my first order and it was a weird one, I needed to hit the kitchen and explain it. The things people ate on their pizza never ceased to surprise me.

  Turning the corner into the kitchen, I slammed into something solid, and hard … and warm. An arm wrapped around my waist to keep me from making a complete fool of myself by flopping to the ground like a fish.

  “Whoa,” Gio said with a smile not letting go of my waist. I didn’t want him to. “We have to stop meeting this way.”

  I gave him a smile. I needed to pay better attention is what needed to happen. “Ah, have a weird order.”

  “When did you get here?”

  “Like an hour ago. They’re busy out there,” I said with a thumb over my shoulder back toward the dining room.

  “So you pitched in?” The smile playing on his lips said he knew I would’ve.

  “Yeah, uh…”

  “Go take a break or something,” Joe called tossing another crust after he saw us around the corner. “Get the hell out of my kitchen. Bianca, I can’t stand this kid today.”


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