Emily's Protectors

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Emily's Protectors Page 6

by K. L. Donn

  One day Emily, one day, I will have that, she thought looking back at Dane and Cooper standing in the doorway watching her. Admiring Cooper’s dark looks, the deep pools of his almost translucent gray eyes; his wide shoulders and strong arms made her want to be held by them. I bet they’d keep me warm at night.

  She’d never admit it out loud, but Dane’s height intimidated her. He was nearly two feet taller and having to look so far up at him all that time made her want to stand on a chair just to have a conversation, but he was one of the nicest and sweetest men she’d ever met. His eyes were bluer than the tranquil azure color of the Caribbean. She could get lost in them for days. His dark, silky hair made her want to run her fingers through it and mess it up just to ruffle his feathers a little. He was so stoic and controlled it made her want to do something crazy just to shake him up.

  “How old are you guys?” She blurted out without thinking.

  Laughing at her out of place question, they both walked over to sit down beside her; Dane on her left and Cooper on her right. They grabbed each of her hands and she swiveled back and forth looking at them. When Dane put his hand on her cheek turning her to look at him, rubbing his thumb on the apple of her cheek, he gave a half smile before leaning in to kiss her softly on the mouth.

  Frozen in shock, it took her a moment to respond. Softening against his lips, she melted into a puddle of goo when he licked the seam of her lips before moaning and pulling away, looking at her with lust-filled eyes. “Does it matter?” he asked her.

  Clearing her head of her own sensual thoughts she told him, “No, not really. I was just ad—uh wondering.” She stumbled out almost revealing her previous thoughts about admiring their good looks.

  A pinch on her ass had her squealing and turning to face Coop, prepared to blast him for it when his lips landed on hers. Immediately, all thoughts fled as he nipped her bottom lip and tangled his tongue with hers. Leaning in to him, she got lost in his kiss until she heard the clearing of a throat.

  Pulling away slightly, she was embarrassed to have been caught so unaware by Officer Rivera; the same person who took her statement about the hit and run a few days prior. She could feel the blush creep up her neck and into her face. Feeling the guys each squeeze her hand in support gave her the strength to stand up and face what was coming next.

  Watching Emily visibly pull herself together to do what needed doing made Dane incredibly proud of her. He knew she was hurting, but she was stronger than she realized. Standing up and helping her to her feet, he shook the Officer’s hand. “Thanks for coming so quickly, Officer Rivera. It looks like someone broke in through the bedroom window and just left the front door open as they were leaving.”

  “You believe it was Ms. Baxter’s stalker, am I right?” she asked in a clipped and formal tone.

  “Yes ma’am, we do,” he replied coolly.

  “Please wait here while we check things out,” she told them as her and her partner went inside.

  Waiting was torture. He was so used to doing everything, being in control, but he could see the toll it was taking on Emily. She had stress lines over her brows, she was biting her bottom lip, and tapping her foot in agitation. Pulling her into his arms he looked over at Coop, who was still sitting on the steps with her hand in his. Seeing the conflict in his eyes, Dane knew he was fighting the same battle.

  Burying his head in her neck, he kissed her behind the ear and whispered, “We’ll get him, Em, baby. We won’t let him control you anymore.”

  After standing outside a little longer, the officers finally came back out and peppered Emily with questions about where she was overnight, what condition they found the house in, and if they had moved or touched anything. “Emily? Hun, do you think you’re up to doing a walk-through? See if anything’s missing?” Officer Rivera asked quietly putting her hand on her shoulder.

  Nodding her head, Emily walked inside and meticulously looked over everything. He could tell when a particular damaged item made her upset because she would let out a sigh and her shoulders would droop.

  After going through the whole house, she finally looked at the officers and told them, “No, nothing’s missing, it’s just… broken. Everything’s broken.” Turning away she fled to her room, slamming the door shut behind her.

  “Fuck!” Cooper exploded storming his way to the kitchen. Looking back to the officers, Dane thanked them and walked them to the front door.

  Looking back, Officer Rivera told him, “We’ll do more frequent patrols in the area for her benefit, but Mr. Johnston, you know the procedure; we can’t do much if there’s no physical evidence left behind by him.” Looking in the direction of Emily’s room she continued, “Keep her safe.” She headed out to the street, climbed into her cruiser and pulled away.

  Going back inside he went to the kitchen to speak to Coop, only to find him cleaning up the mess in there. The fierce scowl on his face told Dane more than words ever would. He was pissed, frustrated, and scared for Emily. Hell, he was too. He was pissed this fucker had violated her home again. Scared of what could have happened had she been here instead of at Keeley’s the night before.

  They continued to clean until a whispered “thank you” announced her presence. Looking over at her, he could see she’d been crying; her nose was red and eyes were puffy, tear tracks ran down her cheeks, and she was still sniffling a little bit. Her gorgeous blonde locks were a mess that only enhanced her beauty to him. “How you doing, baby girl?” Coop asked walking closer to her.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she didn’t look either of them in the eye before pulling her cell phone out of her back pocket and handing it to Coop. After a minute of his silence, Dane could practically see the smoke billowing from his ears he was so pissed off. “What the fuck, Emily? Why the fuck are you just giving this to us now?” He exploded, handing Dane the phone.

  Looking down, he was shocked at the image and message on her phone. The photo of the three of them in front of the police station from a couple days ago looked very intimate. The way they held her between them. The way Coop was whispering his threat of a spanking in her ear for running from them. His was pissed about the violation of their privacy and the threat to Emily. Looking up and into her eyes, he could see the fear and the doubts she was probably having, “Why, Em?” he asked knowing she’d know what he meant. She was an extremely bright woman from everything he’d learned about her but had zero self-preservation sometimes.

  Looking down to her feet, she started to fidget again. “I didn’t want anyone to get hurt. I still don’t. He keeps saying he’ll go after you. I can’t have that. I won’t let that happen to you.” Looking up between the two of them she whispered fiercely, “Either of you.”

  She looked so small and afraid, so he relented on his pissed expression a little. “Em, baby, this is what you hired us for. To protect you. We can’t do that if you’re keeping stuff from us. You can’t do this shit anymore. Something happens, no matter what it is, you tell us. Got it?” He demanded.

  Nodding her head at him, she looked at Coop. “Cooper?” She questioned.

  He’d never been so mad before. No, he wasn’t just mad, he was fucking pissed. She was in danger, had been for years, and she didn’t tell them that he’d sent another threatening note. Coop couldn’t believe it, he knew he was probably angrier than what the situation called for. No, fuck that. She’s lucky I don’t put her ass over my knee now! He thought angrily. When she whispered his name, he heard the fear in her voice, but it wasn’t just fear of her stalker, it was fear of him.

  Storming up to her Coop slipped one hand around her back and one into her hair, grabbing a fistful of the silky locks and pulling her head back. Hard. “No more hiding shit, Emily. This isn’t a fucking game. I know you know that, so no fucking more!” he said vehemently before slamming his lips down on hers, making her gasp in shock.

  The second her lips opened he pushed his tongue inside, tasting every crevice he could reach. Tangling his tongue with hers, he
played, drawing her back into his mouth. Nibbling on it, he swallowed her moans of pleasure. Letting go and trailing his hand down her back, he grabbed hold of her luscious ass, pulling her closer to him so their bodies were aligned. Drawing back from her lips, he watched her fight to catch her breath. When she looked up at him, he turned her around right into Dane’s arms so fast, she didn’t have time to react when he planted his lips on hers.

  Watching Dane’s tall frame tower over her and swallow her up in one fell swoop was one of the most erotic sights he’d ever seen. She melted into his big-ass body without provocation. Listening to her breathy sighs and deep moans was the biggest turn on in the world at that moment. His cock was harder than he’d ever felt it. He could feel his pulse in his long, thick length beating so hard it was almost painful.

  Running his own hands over as much of her pliant body as he could reach, Cooper started rubbing his hard length against her soft ass, leaking pre-cum all over the inside of his pants. Pushing her hair to the side, he started kissing and biting his way up her neck. Stopping at the pulse point, he gave one hard, long suck before letting go to admire his mark on her soft golden skin.

  Sliding one hand around the front of her stomach and slowly moving it down her front into her pants, he found her core soaked with her arousal. As she felt his hand softly gliding along her bare center, she pulled back from Dane letting out a soft, almost painful, sounding moan. He would have stopped if she hadn’t gushed at his first touch of her most intimate area. Rubbing his thumb gently on her clit, he moved his finger lightly around her pussy hole, pushing in the slightest bit.

  Leaning against him she whispered his name in a nearly silent plea, “Cooper, please.” She begged, looking up at Dane when he growled out his pleasure of her rubbing against him at the same time.

  “Fuck, your beautiful, baby girl. Lost in pleasure between us, I could drown in this sexy body of yours for days.” He exclaimed roughly as she writhed between the two of them.

  “Oh, God.” She moaned out.

  “No, baby girl. Not God, just us. Now, fucking come!” Dane told her roughly.

  And she did. Beautifully. A deep blush worked its way from her chest all the way up her slender throat and onto her beautiful face. Working his finger deeper inside her tight channel and rubbing more furiously on her clit, he prolonged her climax for as long as he could.

  When she went lax in their arms, he pulled his hand from her warm heat, sticking one finger in his mouth to suck it clean. Dane grabbed his hand, shocking the fuck out of him, and ran his fingers across her lips, smearing her essence all around and into her mouth. Swooping down, Dane sucked on her tongue and lips until he was sure there was nothing left of her pussy cream.

  “Motherfucker! That was hot as hell.” He deadpanned, making Dane chuckle and Emily hide her face against his chest.

  “It was wonderful,” she said on a breathy sigh. “Can uh… Can we do that again? Only for real this time?” Shocking them both when she asked brazenly.

  “Em, you can have anything you like.” Coop smirked.

  I think I need new panties, Emily thought looking at Dane and Coop after that wild orgasm they’d given her. She was soaked. But at the thought of needing new undies, reality came crashing down on her like a bucket of ice water. Her ruined home. Her stalker. Her living nightmare.

  Furious all over again, she decided not to dwell on it. She hated this constant sense of dread and overwhelming fear dragging her down all the time. It was time to get her old life back, including the old her. The one who wasn’t afraid to take life by the balls and go after what she wanted.

  Feeling a vibration by her hip, she looked down at Dane’s pocket then back up to him and smiled coyly, “You’re vibrating, Dane.”

  “So I am.” He chuckled, pulling his phone out and answering with a clipped, “Johnston.” Watching his face as he talked was more erotic than she would have thought. As soon as whoever it was started talking, his face went hard. Dark. His blue eyes narrowed causing his eyebrows to furrow and lines and grooves appeared across his forehead. His cheeks tightened in frustration, and his lips thinned as he listened. At his explosion of “What the fuck!”, she jumped back into Coop’s hard chest.

  After a few more minutes of him just listening and grunting he hung up, nearly crushing the phone in his fist. “Dane?” She questioned softly, looking up at him. Feeling hands squeeze her hips, she looked back over her shoulder into Cooper’s nearly translucent eyes and smiled before looking back.

  Letting out a rough breath, he told them, “That was Officer Rivera. She finally heard back from the police station in Lincoln and they told her that it was all in your fucking head. There was no evidence of anyone stalking you. Fucking useless bunch of twits.” He expressed, frustration etched in every line on his handsome face.

  “Oh,” she said feeling almost defeated. She walked away from them and went into the bathroom to start cleaning up.

  “Emily!” Cooper barked in such a stern voice that her body froze mid-step at his command. “Get your sweet ass back here.”

  Torn between wanting to listen and wanting to just think about her options, she didn’t move fast enough for him before he threatened, “Baby girl, you have three seconds before I put you over my knee.”

  Affronted at his threat, she turned around glaring. “You wouldn’t dare!” She challenged.

  Hunching his shoulders forward menacingly, he whispered, “Try me.” With a sexy ass smirk on his face and eyes alight with lust, humor, and dark promises that he would indeed do it.

  Walking towards them slowly, hands wringing in front of her, Emily stopped a foot away. Hearing dual growls come from them she shuffled forward a little more. Startled when they both reached a hand out intertwining them in her hair at the back of her head, they pulled her forward until her chest met theirs.

  Gulping, she looked up… And up some more.

  “What’s happening in that head of yours, woman? Shake any bullshit out right now that has you thinking you can pull away, not after that amazing show you just gave us,” Cooper told her sternly.

  Looking at him sharply she thought about her reply, carefully. “I… I just needed to think. This is overwhelming, and I’m pissed off and scared and… fuck!” She cursed at the sharp tug of her hair.

  “Watch. Your. Mouth. Last fucking warning.” Dane growled menacingly at her.

  “You just swore.” She pointed out helpfully, realizing too late she had just sealed her fate. Fuck it all, Emily, keep your damn mouth shut! She scolded herself at the look on their faces.

  Yelping when Coop swung her up in his arms, there was a flurry of movement as he moved and sat on her ripped couch, putting her over his knee while Dane pulled her pants and panties down to just below her ass cheeks. “Stop! Oh my God! What are you doing? I’m a grown-ass wom—”

  Whack! Whack. Whack!

  Three hard spanks had her shutting up fast. The burn of his palm meeting her flesh started spreading as he rubbed the spots he hit. She could already tell her ass was red; she could feel the throb.

  “Damn. Would you look at that, Coop? Seems our girl likes a little pain with her pleasure.” She could hear the smirk in Dane’s voice as he spoke.

  “You can smell her sweet cream from here,” Coop said as he started moving his hand closer and closer to her opening. Rubbing his fingers against her sex had her gasping in pleasure; not realizing she moaned out or pushed her ass back for more.

  “Cooper,” she whispered out on a sigh as he kept rubbing across her lower lips, just missing her clit on each pass.

  Feeling large calloused hands on each ass cheek, spreading her wide, had her squirming again. When she felt a warm breath against her pussy, she tried to look back but Coop’s hand pushing on her head kept her in place.

  At the first swipe of Dane’s tongue, going from her clit to her anus, had her crying out in ecstasy. Putting his mouth directly over her hole, he started making out with her pussy. Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh my G
od, he’s going to eat me alive, she thought. When he pushed his tongue inside her, massaging her walls and squeezing her ass cheeks, he pulled them up closer to his face, diving in with gusto.

  Feeling a hand going under her hips and rubbing her clit with hard strokes had her going off like a geyser. Screaming out, “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!” Getting breathier with each word. Lights burst behind her eyes, her body went rigid, back arching and neck straining. She’d never felt such pleasure in her life. As she slowly came back to herself, her limbs were numb and heavy.

  Every touch from them felt like little shocks of electricity shooting straight to her still throbbing pussy. A hard slap to her ass had little aftershocks of pleasure running through her body and Dane and Coop cursing. “Fuck, if I knew what spanking her would do, I’d have done it to her days ago.”

  “Beautiful, baby girl.” Dane’s whispered words had her preening in satisfaction that he was happy with her.

  A knock on the door had them sitting her up in a rush and quickly helping her with her clothes. “Bedroom now, Em.” Dane demanded. Scurrying to her room she waited with baited breath. Seeing them both go into fighter mode was a beautiful and arousing thing.

  Dane’s eyes lost the light in them that he always seems to have around her. His face went hard as stone. She could see all the veins in his neck pop out and his muscles bulge and ripple. Even though it was just a quick glance, it was hot as hell. She couldn’t believe the effect these two men had on her mind and body.

  Coop’s eyes got bright in excitement, not like when he was aroused but like he enjoyed the danger that might be beyond her front door. He was loose and limber, prepared to do battle. For her. That amazed her more than anything. They’d known her for mere days, but they were ready to slay her dragons.


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