Emily's Protectors

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Emily's Protectors Page 11

by K. L. Donn

  Flashing him a stunning smile that lit up her entire face and made her green eyes even more striking, he was left breathless for a moment until she teased. “Dane? I need a chair.”

  “Why you little shit…” He trailed off running after her when she left him in the dust.

  Hitting the bottom of the stairs, he watched as she freely threw herself into Coop’s open arms and whispered in his ear, making him laugh out loud. To see her like that, so open and free with them, compared to when they first met her and she was a shell of herself made his heart crack open that little bit more for her. She was quickly becoming the single most important person in his life.

  Growing up, he’d had a strict life. With his father being military, he had so many rules and regulations to abide by that he hadn’t really gotten the chance to find himself until he joined the Marines at eighteen and met Coop. They’d been attached ever since. Closer than most brothers, it wasn’t long before they realized their affinity for sharing women and how much closer it brought them.

  It wasn’t until they met the Maxwell brothers that they knew they could have a permanent relationship with a woman like that. Watching their parents and how they were with each other and their children was something he and Coop longed for. The security of having the other one there in case something happened to one of them, knowing their children and the woman they loved wouldn’t be left alone and still be taken care of. It was a relief to know they would have each other’s backs in that way as well, and not just combat.

  The one thing they had agreed upon was that they wouldn’t actively search out a woman until they felt they had helped as much as possible in the Marines. They wanted to take that one danger out of the equation; one less worry. That didn’t mean that they would rebuff a woman if they felt she was it for them. With Emily they knew almost immediately, she had a vulnerability about her that called to him, like a wave in the ocean, she crashed into him with a fierceness that nearly knocked him on his ass.

  Hearing laughter echoed in the hallway, Coop looked up just in time to catch Emily flying into his lap so they both didn’t fall ass over tea kettle. The smile on her face and the mischievousness in her eyes told him she’d done something, but he was so enthralled with the look that he didn’t have time to ask before she whispered to him in a soft silky voice, “Dane’s coming for me, I need a chair to talk to that man on eye level.”

  Tickling her side to hear more of her laughter, “You can climb me any day, baby,” he told her with a wink. Laughing at the shock written across her features.

  Settling against him, he could still feel her shaking with laughter as Dane walked back in the room handing Linc her cell. “Woman.” He growled in passing, pinching her ass and making her yelp and swat at him as he walked by.

  “What are you thinking?” Coop asked nodding to the phone in his hand that he was hooking up to the laptop.

  “The texts that she keeps getting are coming from an unknown number right? Well, just because it’s unknown doesn’t mean I can’t find it. I might be able to triangulate to its nearest location.” He explained pressing a bunch of buttons.

  “How do you do that?” Emily asked, making Linc smile before responding. “Honey, if I told you, I’d have to kill you.” The horror on her face would have been comical if he wasn’t kidding.

  Leaning closer to him she mock whispered, “He’s not serious is he?” The look on his face had her saying “Oh” as realization dawned that he was.

  Listening to Linc tap away at a keyboard and Creed and Dane discuss more possible connections to Emily’s stalker had him holding her just that much tighter on his lap. He didn’t want to let her go, let alone out of his sight. Watching the fear enter her eyes every time they brought her in on what they were doing was slowly starting to wear thin on his patience. He wanted to find the asshole tormenting her and rip him limb from limb, for her to be able to go outside and not have to look over her shoulder.

  He watched his mom go through the same emotions so often when he was a child. His father was a drunk loser that thought it was ok to come back home whenever he ran out of money for booze. By the time he’d gotten violent with them, Coop was too big for him to push around, and he never dared to hit his mother in front of him because he knew that Coop would fight back and win.

  Each time he saw his mom with a new bruise, it left him determined to make sure it never happened again. Then one day just before his seventeenth birthday, his mom had finally had enough and shot his father in his sleep. Police reports had been filed often enough that she got off with counselling and time served because what DA in their right mind would want to convict a battered woman? That had probably been her saving grace.

  It was also her downfall. The guilt she suffered from taking his life turned her into an alcoholic. It got so bad that three years ago, just before he got out of the Marines with Dane, she’d drunk herself into an early grave. He knew it was happening, but with being overseas more often than not, he was helpless. All they had was each other, so there was no family to help her cope with her addiction while he was gone.

  Dane was with him through it all. He watched how he had suffered from not being able to help his mom again. He helped him work through his own guilt, and ultimately, it was that pain that had helped lead them to decide that permanently sharing a woman wouldn’t be so bad instead of just for the thrill that it had originally been. It also helped them decide to wait to look for that special woman until they retired.

  After meeting Emily, he knew they were both insanely happy they had waited on actively looking for a woman, or they might not have met her.

  “Cooper!” Hearing Emily try to scold him was almost comical if she hadn’t just bit his nipple through his shirt. “Son of a bitch, woman! What the hell?” He half demanded, half scolded.

  “You weren’t listening to me.” She harrumphed.

  “So your solution was to bite me?”

  “No, I called your name five times, poked you; well, tried to, but I think you have stones in your blood ‘cause your hard as hell. So then I bit you.” She purred the last part smiling coquettishly at him.

  “Uh huh, we’ll see who’s biting who later. Now, what was so important?” He questioned, smiling when her eye’s widened at his threat.

  “Umm, well, I spoke to Kenny earlier and she asked me to go shopping with her later this week,” she stated.

  Looking to Dane, he saw the hard look in his eyes. Knowing his answer before even saying it, she tried begging. “Please, please, pretty please? She said Keeley can’t, something about a sex fest and then she started gagging, so I’m assuming they’re getting it on. I haven’t been shopping with, well, anyone in so long!”

  “Shit!” Her begging eyes were sucking him in and she knew it. Slipping off his lap, she kneeled between his legs resting her cheek on his thigh and pouted. “Fuck!” He cursed looking to Dane who was now trying not to laugh at his predicament; whereas, Creed and Linc had no problem laughing their asses off. “Baby girl…” He tried soothing until her eyes narrowed on him and she gave what was probably a death glare but just made her look cute. “You were shot. You shouldn’t be shopping, and I really don’t think it’s a good idea yet.” He tried to reason.

  Tilting her head to the side, she regarded him for a moment. When the tears started to well up in her eyes, he knew he was royally screwed. “Fine. On one condition.” Sitting up straight, with a bright smile on her face and happiness now shining from her eyes, she leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips, saying thank you repeatedly. Clearing his throat, “Emily,” he said sternly to get her attention. When she looked at him expectantly, he sighed thinking, Dude you are fucked. She’s got you wrapped around tiny, little finger. Defeat ran through his veins knowing just how screwed he was where she was concerned. He’d give her anything she wanted so long as it didn’t endanger her life. “I or someone we trust goes with you two.” “No negotiating.” He added when he saw she was about argue.

eemingly mulling it over in her head, she finally nodded in agreement. “Can I use your phone, please?” she asked sweetly. Handing it over after finding Kenny’s number for her, he watched as she practically danced from the room.

  “Dude, you just got played by that little girl.” Creed teased.

  “Totally wrapped, man, and loving it,” he answered with a smug smile.

  “Got him!” Linc suddenly yelled.

  “Where?” Dane asked as they all crowded around him.

  “Looks like Roswell, New Mexico, and since we haven’t seen hide nor hair of this prick since the shooting on Saturday, I’d say it could be accurate. I know a guy in that area, I’ll get him on the phone and then Creed and I will fly down,” he told them gathering up his info and getting on the phone before anyone could respond.

  “Looks like we’re going to Roswell! Damn, I’ve always wanted to say that.” Creed joked as he followed Linc out of the room.

  Eyeing Dane, he wondered aloud. “You think it can be that easy?”

  “I think this guy didn’t expect Emily to get help and he could be sloppy, but I also think he knew about us a few days ago, so anything’s possible at this point. I wouldn’t underestimate him about anything,” Dane told him thoughtfully.

  After a tense day and a half of waiting on word from Creed and Linc, they tried to keep Emily occupied by bringing her into work with them for research and to give her new scenery. What she and Keeley managed to do was drive him, Coop, Nate, and Ty completely nuts.

  As soon as they found out the guys had proposed to Keeley on Sunday, the girls took off and have been happily chattering and interrupting them since then. But they were both extremely happy, so not a single one of them said anything to disrupt their current blissful state.

  Keeley had taken to bringing her new dog Rowdy to the office because she was afraid he would get jealous now that her men were home and she didn’t dote on him the way she had when she adopted him the week before. Emily confided in him and Coop the night before that he terrified the crap out of her. Not because of anything he did, but because she had been attacked by a dog when she was eight, for seemingly no reason at all.

  She had been opening up to them more and more the last couple days, showing some of her quirks. Like how she danced while she cooked, and always forgot to put the cap back on the toothpaste, which drove Dane’s own constant need for order crazy, and she, of course, found that hilarious.

  She was having nightmares, too, that at first shocked them because not once had she mentioned it since they met. Though, if he thought about it, it was obvious that she would. This stalker had been haunting her for years and had done some pretty horrific things. It wasn’t until the day after she’d been shot that they had found out about them though, and how when she was frightened, she hit and hit hard. Coop was now sporting a black eye from her right hand when she’d hit him so hard the night before. Immediately feeling horrible afterwards, she had been babying him ever since, and if he were honest, he was slightly jealous. Not that she was paying more attention to Coop, but more that he wouldn’t mind her naked body melted against his while she massaged his back. He was jealous as hell that he didn’t get more naked time with her. Coop was rubbing it in his face every chance he got, though. Frankly, Dane was ready to blacken his other eye.

  Emily and Kenny were set to go on some shopping trip the following day for some college party thing. He always forgot just how young Kenny was. Having just graduated high school the previous year, she was almost finished with her first year in college to get her fashion degree, and she apparently wanted to make her own dress but needed another woman’s opinion that wasn’t her mother telling her anything she chose would look fabulous. She insisted Emily’s input was vital.

  They had assigned a new recruit, Eric Michaels, to watch the girls while they shopped so that Dane and Coop could continue following any leads that cropped up on her stalker until they heard back from Linc and Creed in Roswell. They weren’t leaving any stone unturned. They couldn’t afford to.

  Eric was an Army vet and retired officer from the Austin Police Department, with nearly ten years in combat and another six as a patrol officer. He had proven himself to be an asset to Maxwell Secures, and they had no problem trusting him.

  Looking up at a knock on his door, he smiled wide seeing Emily standing there looking slightly nervous. She wouldn’t meet his eyes and was nibbling on her lower lip almost seductively. “Baby girl?” He questioned.

  He watched her every move as she entered the room and slowly closed the door behind her. As she walked closer, he got a good look at the blush staining her cheeks and the way her hands were fidgeting with the hem of her white sundress with a gold lace trim that had a bodice that both cupped her gorgeous breasts and lifted them up to show a small, yet scintillating amount of cleavage that had his mouth watering for more. Covertly adjusting his hardening cock underneath his desk, he waited for her to answer him.

  Having her walk around his desk, push his chair back, and hop up so she was sitting in front of him, legs sitting on either side of his so she was spread open like a meal, he met her uncertain eyes. Placing his large tanned hands on her creamy, white thighs and gripping them, almost bruising them, he stared at the contrast between their complexion whispering, “Em?” when she made no other move.

  He started gliding his hands up her thighs teasingly, slipping them under the hem of her dress and meeting the apex of her thighs. He was shocked—stunned really, and his cock, which had already been hard, was currently busting at the seams of his navy blue trousers—that she was commando. Looking into her mischievous eyes, he saw her blush, full force, from her breasts all the way up her neck and face; it gave her arousal a beautiful glow.

  “You’ve been a naughty girl, Em,” he whispered leaning forward, pulling her dress up to her waist and getting a look at her ripe, little pussy. Watching as it wept out more of her juices the longer he looked at her. Leaning further into her, he buried his face between her legs giving her one long, slow lick up her center. Hearing her sigh of contentment, he looked up at her face. Her head was slumped down so her chin rested on her chest, eyes closed, and an almost peaceful smile was on her face. It made his ego puff up and take notice that he gave her that.

  “Dane,” she whispered on a sigh when he continued to watch her. Finally opening her eyes, the emotion that lay in her green orbs stunned and humbled him. The trust she had for him and what he could only assume and hope was love, shined brightly at him.

  “Not that I’m not happy about this ‘cause, baby girl, I’m fucking thrilled to have you sitting here with your gorgeous pink pussy begging for my monster cock, but I have to ask… What brought this on?”

  When her face went beet red, he knew she wasn’t expecting to be questioned, but he also wouldn’t be swayed when he wanted answers to something. And the sooner she learned that, the better off they’d all be.

  Clearing her throat, she whispered, “I heard Keeley and Ty in his office…” Trailing off when he started to laugh. She got a pinched expression on her face; probably thinking he was laughing at her, but he was actually laughing because they had all heard Keeley and one of, or even both of, their bosses going at it at one time or another. But out of respect for Keeley, no one ever said anything.

  Giving her ass cheek a light tap, he decided that instead of trying to explain that to her, he would show her. Nipping her thigh on his way to diving back into her pussy, her harsh intake of breath was all the encouragement he needed to know she still wanted this.

  Zeroing in on her clit, he gave one long, hard suck wanting to get her as horny as possible before he gave gentle licks and nips along her labia. With one hand on her hip and the other going up to her breasts, he pulled them both out of the cups, pinching each nipple with every lick and suck on her pussy. Liquids flowing freely from her now and a constant moan coming from her throat, he was nearly ready to detonate.

  Licking all around her little hole, he slowly start
ed pushing his tongue inside; her taste exploding in her mouth, a mixture of vanilla and peaches. He wasn’t sure if it was her natural flavor or something she put on, but he loved it. It was exotic and all Emily.

  When her pussy started to pulse around his tongue he knew she was close, so he started pulling on her nipples, hard, and moved to insert a finger inside her to reach her g-spot. Finding the sponge- like spot, he rubbed across it a few times until she was writhing on the desk and he needed to hold her down so she didn’t knock them both over.

  Just as she was about to come, he stood up pulling her with him, flipped her so she was bent over, and after unzipping his pants, slid his hard and weeping cock between her ass cheeks, making sure to rub her rosebud with each pump. Whispering “soon” in her ear before he lined up his cock with her succulent pussy and pushed in to the hilt; he slapped a hand over her mouth just before she started screaming and coming all over his hard shaft.

  Feeling the ripples and sucking of her pussy had him almost going over the edge. When she started pushing back on him for more, he knew she was ready to really get fucked. Hand still over her mouth so no one heard her, he pulled out before slamming back into her tight pussy with his other hand holding her hip so she stayed in place.

  Head thrown back in ecstasy and enjoying the way she fit him like a glove, he didn’t hear his office door open until it was slammed shut and Coop was practically naked standing in front of them. He pulled Dane’s hand off her mouth, placing it on her back just above her ass and ran his own cock along her lips, teasing her to open for him.

  When she did, she sucked him to the back of her throat like a lollipop and started sucking vigorously, making Coop curse. “Fuck yeah, baby girl, you know how I like it.”

  Moaning out her agreement, she went to grab onto him when he grabbed her hands placing them just above where Dane had his on her back. Restrained between them, with Coop holding onto her wrists with both of his hands, Dane grabbed onto her forearms as they both pumped into her until she was coming again, causing Dane’s own orgasm to burst forth unexpectedly and hard. He blew like a gasket, emptying every last drop of his seed into her still pulsing pussy. He slammed into her so hard that he felt her cervix and shot the last few streams of cum as deep in her as he could go.


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