Kristar (Bookstrand Publishing Romance)

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Kristar (Bookstrand Publishing Romance) Page 10

by D Renee Bagby

  She listened to that urge, rising up on her tiptoes so she could press her lips to Chigaru’s. He pulled in a sharp breath before tightening his arm around her waist and returning her kiss. His lips felt electric against hers.

  The need to feel him grew. A kiss wasn’t enough. More of their skin had to touch. She pulled his shirt out of his pants as his tongue delved into her mouth to tangle with hers. A hungry moan rumbled in her chest and she moved faster, wanting to touch his back, his chest, any part of him so long as it was bare.

  Chigaru moved her against the wall and pressed her into it with his hips grinding against hers. The bulge in his pants rubbed low on her belly, teasing her with the promise of what was to come.

  “We need to stop,” Chigaru rasped once he broke from the kiss.

  “No we don’t.” Kitty splayed her fingers over his bare back. She held him close while lifting a leg to his waist so she could rub her heat over his stiff member. “We really don’t.”

  “This wouldn’t be possible in my normal form.”

  That stopped her. She frowned at him. “Really? You all don’t have sex?”

  He smiled and laid a brief kiss on her lips. “I meant the position, Kitty. The curve of my horns would impede me.”

  “Oh. Is that all?” With a little coaxing, she got him to turn so she pinned him to the wall. “Easily fixed. Now where were we?” She leaned into him.

  He placed his hand in front of her face. “Stopping.”

  “Starting.” She tried to maneuver around his hand but he continued blocking her.






  Kitty sighed hard but pushed away from him. “Fine.”

  They’d been sharing a bed, sleeping next to each other nude, for three months and nothing had happened. That should have been her indication nothing ever would. Any other man would have jumped her long ago. From another dimension or not, Chigaru’s culture couldn’t be that different from Kitty’s. Two grown, consenting adults naked in bed together meant sex would happen. Not could, would. Part of Chigaru agreed with her assumption, but that part didn’t control the rest of him.

  Maybe the urgency derived from her lack of sex since Chigaru had entered her life. She would have to schedule some quality time with one of her booty calls in the near future. Since Chigaru was in her apartment, that meant wasting money on a hotel.

  She looked at her bed with wry humor. At least she could look at her bed again without feeling like she might vomit. Had the whole sword thing been some sort of Freudian analogy for her need to get laid?

  Nah. There’d been nothing Freudian or otherwise about that dream or the lingering pain it still caused her. It had had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with someone wanting her dead. There had been no mistaking the malice exuding from her assailant.

  Kitty had her share of enemies, but none of them would resort to murder. She hoped. And if they did, the people she knew were gun types. None of them were dramatic enough to purchase a sword, sneak into her house, and stab her while she lay in bed. They were more likely to shoot her at the end of her shift while she was walking to her car. Less chance of her identifying them in case she lived.

  Neither scenario comforted her. Until she figured out the cause of the dream so she could dismiss it, comfort was a faraway thing.

  “Kristar, I—”

  She stalked to her bathroom and slammed the door, not caring to hear Chigaru’s reasons or excuses for his lack of attraction to her. Figures the one man she wanted was the one who didn’t want her.

  She debated enjoying a long bath with her favorite waterproof toy, but vetoed the idea. She wanted the press of a male body against hers, not the vibrations of a machine. She took a quick shower and gave herself a small pep talk to stop pouting. When she was satisfied she could conduct herself like an adult, she exited the bathroom headed for the bed.

  Chigaru was already beneath the covers with his arm over his chest and his eyes closed. Kitty resisted the idea of sleeping on the floor. This was her bed, damn it. She would sleep in it.

  She got beneath the covers and turned on her side so her back faced Chigaru. Same old, same old. Nothing new here. Definitely no unsatisfied sexual urges. Nope. Just in bed naked next to a naked man. Totally normal.


  “Can we please just go to sleep?” she snapped.

  Chigaru rolled on the bed so he spooned her. His arousal, which hadn’t diminished while she showered, rubbed against her behind. “I do desire you, Kristar.”

  “Could have fooled me.”

  “My desire isn’t enough. I plan to return to my world.”

  “How? We haven’t found that scroll.”

  “A way will reveal itself. I am not meant to be in this world. I cannot stay.”

  “What if you have no choice in the matter?” She shifted so she could look over her shoulder at him. “You act like it’s only a matter of time before you leave, but without that scroll you’re not going anywhere. You know that, right?”

  “I do.”

  “But you’re still going to act like you have a chance of getting home?”


  She sighed before settling on her side with a pillow cushioning her head.

  “I won’t give up on returning home. Such a goal means I will not start a physical relationship with you, Kristar. I would want to take you with me when I leave. My world is not right for you.”

  And here was this argument again. “You keep saying that. You don’t know if your world is right for me or not.”

  “Our worlds are as different as night is from day. None of the technological advances you have exists there. It is similar to your medieval era in many ways. Living there would be hard for you.”

  “And you won’t even think of letting me try.”

  “This isn’t a matter of try. I came here only because I knew I could return home. The one who gave me the spell made no mention of being able to return someone if they came back with me.”

  “So, if I went, I would be stuck.”

  “That is a possibility.”

  “You’d be there.”

  “I doubt you will find my presence enough once you discover there are no microwaves.”

  She laughed and swatted at him over her shoulder. “I am not that bad.”

  “I have yet to see you cook anything that didn’t come with microwave instructions. Do you know how to work your stove?”

  “Okay, maybe I am that bad.” She snuggled against him, smiling at the groan that left Chigaru when her behind rubbed his hard shaft. “But you’re overestimating how much I would miss this world if I left it. Maybe I want a simpler life with less convenience. Did you ever think of that?”

  “Several times.” He placed a soft kiss on her shoulder. “Every time I imagine you in my world, I can only see you unhappy.”

  “So let’s recap. You won’t have sex with me because that’ll make you want to take me home with you, which is bad because your world is different. Did I get all that?”

  “Yes. There is one other thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  He kissed her shoulder again and then her neck. “If I were to engage you, the time I would need to pleasure your body would take hours.”

  Her breathing turned shallow.

  “Hours you need to rest for your work tonight.” He flicked his tongue against her ear. “I do not want you to be tired.”

  “That’s…uh…I have tomorrow night off.”

  He gave a soft chuckle, blowing his warm breath over her ear. “I said if, Kristar.” After one more kiss, he rolled to his back and settled against the pillows.

  Kitty sat up so she could glare down at him. “Oh now that’s totally unfair. You can’t kiss me and say all that and then not do anything. You’re a big bully, you know that?”

  Chigaru smiled.

  “Evil. That’s what
you are. Pure evil.”

  “The humans of my world do call my kind demons.”

  “For good damn reason, I’m betting.” She flopped against his side, settling her head on his shoulder. “I’m jumping you after work tomorrow. Just so you know.”

  He made a non-committal noise.

  “I mean it, Chi. You got me all hot and bothered. You’re going to do something about it.”

  “Go to sleep.”

  “Fine.” Kitty moved closer so she could drape her leg over him with her knee pressed against his manhood. She had the satisfaction of hearing Chigaru’s soft groan. She said in a sweet voice, “Goodnight.”

  “Move your leg.”

  She snuggled closer, making sure she rubbed the wet heat between her legs over his hip.


  She placed her hand over his heart so her fingers were near his nipple and rubbed it.

  “Kristar,” he said in a harsh, strained tone.

  Mimicking the tone he used earlier, she said, “Go to sleep. We have work tonight.” She nudged him with her knee.

  Chigaru groaned but didn’t move away or try to make her stop.

  Kitty smiled. With all her teasing, neither of them would be rested for work. But if that led to fun in the bedroom afterwards, she would put up with the exhaustion for a second night in a row.

  Thoughts of sex with Chigaru filled her mind and kept her nightmare away. Kitty fell asleep with a smile on her face and Chigaru’s hand cupping her behind.

  Chapter Six

  “What in the hell?” Red yelled.

  Everyone looked at her and she pointed to Danny, who was now dressed as a man. Gone were the long hair, makeup, and everything that made Danny…well, Danny.

  Angie said in a voice near as loud as Red’s, “You cut your hair.”

  Danny sighed as he touched his hair. “No. No, I didn’t. It’s a wig. My parents are visiting.”

  Kitty said, “Oh God, Danny, don’t tell me you haven’t outed yourself to your parents.”

  Red shook her head. “That’s bad news, sugah.”

  Tim put his arms around Danny’s shoulder and gave the man a squeeze before he said, “No, they know he’s gay.”

  Danny nodded. “You know what my dad said when I told him?”

  Kitty said, “Something along the lines of ‘oh God, why us?’ Or something like that?”

  “Close.” Danny dropped his tone a few octaves. “Well, at least you’re not one of them fucked-up queers who dresses like a girl. A gay man dating a man dressed like a woman should just date a woman and be done.”

  “Oh Danny. That’s harsh. You still have one foot in the closet.”

  “So far as my father is concerned—yes. I’m sure my mother suspects.”

  Tim grinned at them. “Know what his dad said about me?”

  “I’m almost afraid to ask,” Kitty said.

  Danny impersonated his father again. “Now that’s my boy. Go for a man’s man. No pansy-assed confused men in dresses for you, huh, boy?” He sighed again. “So here I stand.”

  Angie asked, “You’re not working like that, are you?”

  Kitty nodded. “I gotta agree with Brat, Danny.”

  “Hey!” Angie jammed her fists on her hips.

  Kitty ignored the girl and said to Danny, “You’ll scare away the customers. Especially when they realize it’s you without your face on. Take a few nights off until you feel more like your usual self or you get this mess with your parents sorted or both.”

  Vincent blew into the room, looking at everyone in turn. “What’s this? I didn’t authorize vacation. Who wants vacation? The answer’s no.”

  Kitty asked while gesturing to Danny, “Do you really want Danny coming to work looking like this?”

  Vincent did a double take. “Good God, woman…uh…man, what the hell happened to you?”

  Danny’s depressed expression worsened.

  “For the love of God, if you’re sick stay home or something. Don’t spread it around to us.” Vincent made shooing motions with one hand and covered his mouth with the other.

  Kitty said, “Her parents are visiting and they don’t know she’s a tran.”

  “Why not?”

  “Her dad is difficult.”

  “Ah. One of those.” Vincent nodded. “Take a few days off. Kitty’s right. I don’t want you scaring away my customers. She did that plenty last night.”

  Tim said, “I’ll be off too then to help her with her parents.”

  “What the hell am I supposed to do without a DJ and my best bartender?”

  Holland raised his hand. “I can DJ.”

  Vincent sighed. “I guess I can put a top-one-hundred playlist or something.”

  “Hello. I have experience.”

  “High school proms don’t count,” Vincent snapped.

  “Drunk business men. High school kids. What’s the difference?”

  Kitty said, “He has a point. They aren’t exactly listening to the music.”

  Vincent heaved another sigh. “Fine. Fine. Chi can watch the door by himself. Most everyone knows not to start shit with him standing guard.” His cell rang and he made another shooing motion at Danny and Tim as he answered. “Get out before I change my mind.”

  “Going,” Danny said.

  Kitty caught his hand as he passed her and gave it a squeeze. “Keep us posted and keep your head up, okay?”

  He squeezed her fingers and gave her a small smile. “Will do.”

  “Try to talk to them. You’ll have Tim with you. Come clean so you can stop”—she gestured to his wig—“this, because you look like shit. I’m not used to seeing you as a boy. It’s kind of scary actually.”

  He laughed a little. “I should pull this out next Halloween, huh?”

  “For sure. Best and scariest costume.”

  “Thanks, hon.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. To everyone else, he said, “See you all later.”

  “Hold it there, wig-boy.” Vincent reached out and grabbed Danny’s wig to stop him. Danny had already started walking so the wig came off in Vincent’s hand.

  Danny clutched his head and whirled around. “What the hell? Give that back.”

  Vincent tossed the wig at him and rubbed his hands on his pant leg. “You and Tim are going nowhere. I need Kitty serving.”

  “You just said—”

  “I changed my mind. Next time leave faster. Get in back and put your face on, or whatever.”

  “I told you, my parents—”

  “Will have to get over it. Genie just called from jail. Her and Kathy got arrested for speeding.”

  Kitty snorted. “That sounds like a line. Cops don’t arrest people for speeding. And they especially don’t arrest the passenger. They’re off playing hooky somewhere.”

  “Nope. I talked to the cop. They are in jail. Seems Genie has a bench warrant out on her for the next town over and Kathy was driving with an expired license—two years expired because it was revoked.”


  “That means I’m two girls short and all other hands have to be on deck. I need Kitty serving, not behind the bar.”

  Danny said, “Okay but you can manage with Phil and Rob bartending, right? I don’t have to be here.”

  “Phil called earlier from the hospital. He’s got appendicitis.” Vincent shook his head. “I swear it has to be a full moon today or something. Rob can’t handle the bar by himself. You’re it.”

  Danny took a few breaths as he tried to speak before he sighed and nodded. “Fine. I’ll call my parents and tell them to sit tight in the hotel for another night. They’ll understand not being able to get out of work.”

  Red asked, “They do know you bartend a strip club, right? At least tell me that.”

  “Yes, they know. Dad wants me to slip him some tickets on the sly and mom said she’ll skin us both alive if I do. So at least I don’t have to worry about them showing up unexpected.”

  “And that’s what we call a silv
er lining.” Kitty looked at the bar and pouted. “And I wanted to be behind the bar tonight. I have a new drink trick and everything.”

  “Oh yeah. Show me.”

  “Sure.” Kitty jogged around the bar and pulled up two bottles of the cheap stuff so Vincent wouldn’t complain and a cocktail shaker. Everyone gathered around while she poured the liquor in the shaker, added some ice, and then did a little shimmy as she shook the shaker.

  Tim whistled with two fingers in his mouth. “Shake it, baby.”

  Kitty winked at him. “It’s what I do best.”

  Vincent glared at his watch. “You need to do your best faster. We open soon.”

  “Fine. Fine. I’m going.” She positioned a glass and popped open the shaker with flourish. The drink was supposed to fall into the glass with a waterfall effect. It landed on Chigaru’s shirt instead. “Shit! I’m sorry, Chi.” She scrambled to get some paper towels while the others clapped.

  Vincent said, “I think I dodged a bullet today. Never thought I would say this, but thank God for the cops. Who knows how much Kitty would have cost me if I let her behind the bar. Add Holland to the DJ booth and we would have been out of business in a few hours.” He shook his head as he walked away. “Get back to work people. We open in twenty.”

  Holland flicked Vincent off behind the man’s back before walking to the entrance. Tim headed to the DJ booth and Danny to the dressing rooms.

  Kitty retrieved the paper towels and gave them to Chigaru. “It’s probably best if you change, Chi. You can’t work smelling of booze.”

  He pulled off his shirt as he started walking toward the back.

  Red grabbed Chigaru’s arm. “Oh no you don’t, Chi-honey. You stand right there, just like that, and let momma get a good look at you.” She ran her fingers along his abs. “Have you been hiding this yumminess under those loose shirts all this time?”

  Angie said, “He’s missing an arm, Red.”

  “Brat, if that’s all you see when you look at this delicious man, I feel sorry for you. This right here is enough to make me consider being bi again.”


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