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Sanctuary Page 32

by Alene Adele Roy

  “I understand,” he answered politely. “Your plan is fine with me, Rachael and Phoebe.”

  Out of the blue, they saw Crane galloping toward them on his horse. “Captain Davis, we have an emergency at Magnolia Gardens,” he announced, breathlessly. “I think you should hurry home.”

  “What is it, Crane?” Stopping his team, John reached to help still Crane’s horse.

  “It’s a baby!”

  Panic struck John Davis in the heart. “Is it my Lily?” He asked, dreading what Crane’s answer might be.

  “No, sir, a baby’s arriving!” Crane was still breathless, but trying to explain the situation.

  “A baby is arriving?” Rachael called in disbelief, repeating his words. “Whose baby is it?” She glanced at Phoebe, then to Crane.

  “A man and woman arrived asking for a doctor. She’s delivering her baby now,” he explained.

  “By herself?” Dr. Davis wanted to know more. He studied his butler’s face for the answers.

  “No, sir, Dr. Graham is with them. He was leaving for Fernhaven as they arrived. Yet, he stayed, instead, to help her.”

  “That’s my noble friend, Monty,” John whispered with a grin. “You can always count on him.”

  The Hathaway sisters smiled at each other, as John’s team sprung into action, although, when they did arrive a few minutes later, all was well.

  “A little baby girl has been born here at Magnolia Gardens, doctor,” a happy Miss Mariah informed them at the front door. “Dr. Graham is awaiting you in your library.”

  “Congratulations, Monty,” John said, with an outstretched hand when he entered the room.

  “She’s a beautiful baby, but I need to speak with you, John. Mother and child are fine, though.”

  Their host looked puzzled. Glancing at the two astonished Hathaway sisters behind him, he now asked his friend, “You can speak freely in front of these young women, can’t you, Monty?”

  “Perhaps we could speak on the veranda, John.” Monty insisted, tone quiet, contemplative.

  John was baffled. “That’s fine.” He swept a hand toward the door. “We’ll only be a moment, ladies.”

  But Rachael could not stand the suspense. After the men were outside, she grabbed Phoebe’s hand and pulled her toward the door. Just inside, they hid and listened to the doctors speak of doctoring.

  “We’re needed here, John. I believe we should open a practice together soon. This town will grow and there is a need for medical help here with Dr. Evans retiring, momentarily. We can still continue our Red Cross work, if you like.” Monty quickly told his best friend what had been on his mind these last few months. Then, he waited.

  John scratched his head. “I’m not sure, Monty. I have other ideas I’m pondering just now.”

  “We can do it, John. In fact, perhaps we should discuss Buddy joining us, maybe part time, since he farms, too. If we need a break, he might fill in for us. I’m not sure how far people would travel to come to our clinic, since the community is widespread, or how much of our time would be needed. Still, we can be there for those who need medical care. It’s our gift. We studied it. We probably should use it.”

  John considered Monty’s words, yet stayed silent. How would Rachael react to this, he wondered, especially since they had spoken of well-drilling prior to this conversation, and marriage?

  “Wasn’t that what you ultimately planned to do with your life when you studied medicine?”

  John laughed. “Yes, it was. It was a dream for all three of us, Buddy included.”

  “We’ll talk about this again. I’m going home now, John, since the young couple needs my room. They shouldn’t travel for a few days with the baby. We can place a notice about our medical office opening in the newspaper when we’re ready, after we find a room or a building for it,” Monty suggested.

  “Of course,” the captain agreed quietly. “I understand. I’ll miss you, Monty.”

  It was then Rachael turned to begin pulling Phoebe toward a pair of tapestry adorned armchairs near the unlit fireplace, having heard all that she needed to hear at this particular time. Thrilled with Monty’s business proposal to John, she wondered how her employer would respond, since he had not seemed to be in favor of it. “He’s such a perfect host, taking in strangers like that,” she told her sister.

  “He didn’t have a choice, did he?” Phoebe responded, truthfully giving her opinion.

  “No, I guess not.” Rachael laughed. Then she changed the subject back to Monty’s idea. “You know, if they work together, that means the pair of them will always be near, although in the village, perhaps. I don’t believe my employer has room for a home clinic here.” Yet, she wondered how Monty Graham would take to traveling to and from his work from Fernhaven, miles from Velvet Villa Village and Magnolia Gardens.

  “Speaking of home, perhaps I should return home on the weekend,” Phoebe interjected, speaking to Rachael, yet loud enough that her host heard her, as he came through the door. “Will you be ready? I do not wish to overstay my welcome here, even though the people and their kindness, plus, the upcoming wedding of Crane and Miss Mariah, capture my interest, and I would love to assist. I thoroughly enjoyed writing some news for the newspaper, too. Now, I can even write up a birth announcement on the new baby, that is, if you don’t wish to do it, Rachael.”

  “It’s yours. Do it. But first, we have to meet her and her parents,” Rachael replied warmly.

  “You will both meet her in time,” John informed them. “But Monty, I really wish you’d stay. They are both your patients. Please stay in my room until she’s able to travel home, would you?”

  “What’s wrong, John? Does it make you a bit nervous having a new baby in the house?” Monty teased, and the Hathaway sisters laughed.

  “I believe it does,” he admitted, with a chuckle and a glance at Rachael. Just then, Lily ran to him. He picked her up and swayed with her, hugging her. She giggled happily while clutching her doll.

  “This is to be her new dress for our wedding,” Miss Mariah told the group, holding up a tiny replica of the yet to be sewn wedding gown.

  “Ohhhh,” replied the two Hathaway sisters.

  “We still have to fashion something for you, Miss Rachael,” informed Miss Callie.

  “Oh, thank you. That will be wonderful,” Rachael indicated. Then, the meaning of her words spoke to Rachael’s heart, making her realize that she was about to be included in Crane and Miss Mariah’s wedding party. “You mean, I’ll be in your wedding?”

  “Yes. It is my way of asking if you would stand up with me,” gushed Miss Mariah.

  “Oh, of course, I will,” Rachael accepted on the spot, with a small gasp. “This is so exciting.” Phoebe and Miss Mariah came to hug her.

  “I hope I can be here for it. I don’t wish to impose, though,” the other Hathaway sister confessed to the bride.

  “Oh, Miss Phoebe, why don’t you join us, too? Could you please return to be a bridesmaid?” Miss Mariah asked, glancing at a nodding Miss Callie and Crane.

  John Davis smiled at the new and very interesting developments unfolding within his household. He was thrilled that his staff was including the Hathaway sisters in the soon-to-be wedding celebration, especially the Hathaway he loved so much.

  “Oh, I couldn’t?” was Phoebe’s surprising reply.

  “Why couldn’t you?” Miss Callie and Miss Mariah asked in unison.

  Her sister joyfully joined in with them. “Why can’t you, Phoebe?”

  “Well, Miss Mariah, you haven’t known me all that long,” was Phoebe’s answer. Actually, she could hardly wait to accept the offer, and hardly believed she’d found such favor with the group.

  “Please tell me your answer is ‘Yes,’” the bride-to-be stated, with a hopeful look upon her sweet face. “We really wish for you to be a part of our wedding day.”

  “We do,” Crane assured her, moving to place an arm around his bride.

  “I shall, then!” Phoebe happily accepted their offer. “Yet, I was thinking of leaving this weekend.”

  “We can discuss that this evening at the fireside gathering, Miss Hathaway,” John told her, adding, “We shall take a vote and my guess would be that it’s unanimous that you stay a little longer. Please don’t be in a hurry to return home. I know your sister enjoys having you here. We all do. There’s much to see and do.”

  The new baby and family only stayed for three days, yet, they delighted the Hathaway sisters and Lily. During that time, Monty used John’s bedroom, while their host slept in his library at night. It was on one of those nights that Miss Rachael Hathaway crept down the stairs unheard, to join John for what she considered an important late evening talk. She had something on her mind to discuss with him, which she had not wished to address at their fireside readings and discussions, in front of everyone.

  “May I join you for a few moments?” she quietly asked her employer, while standing just inches from him.

  John bolted from the divan as if struck by lightning.

  “I did not mean to startle you,” she whispered.

  “No, you didn’t, darling. I’m delighted that you are here. Come and sit down, please, Rachael. What is it? What’s on your mind?” He couldn’t imagine his love coming to him in the middle of the night like this.

  “I must admit that I overheard your conversation with Monty when he announced that he wanted you to go into a medical practice with him.” She was not shy about telling him what was on her mind. After all, he had proposed marriage to her, hadn’t he? Or had she just dreamed that? Anyway, Monty had proposed, too, so she needed to get a few things settled in her mind. Tonight seemed like a perfect time. Otherwise, she would not be able to sleep a wink. She felt it was right to ask some questions.

  “Yes, he did. Does that upset you?” His heart and mind were reeling at her presence beside him, and the fact that they were having this conversation. He would do his best to answer all of her questions, truthfully, for John understood why she had not brought this up earlier with the others present. She needed to privately get the answers and they had not had much privacy lately. “I’m sorry we haven’t had a chance to spend much time together. I’ve wanted to, yet, guests have kept me occupied, plus I’ve been searching for my horses.” He took her hand.

  “I understand completely, John. Yours is a busy household.”

  “Yes. But what is troubling you, Rachael? What can I do to help ease your mind?”

  “Well, I personally think it is a wonderful idea that you two or three would go into practice together. I want to encourage you to do so, since Monty and Buddy seem to be like brothers to you. Join forces, and do it, I’d advise.”

  “You do? You overheard? That’s a relief.” Disbelief at this good news was apparent on his face.

  “Yes and yes. In your work, John, is where I want to encourage you,” was her brief explanation.

  He was silent for a moment. “I don’t know how I feel about taking on that responsibility now.”

  “Really? Why?” She was amazed and her voice spoke that amazement. “I felt the very same way about becoming a nanny.”

  He pulled her close. “You did? Thank you for giving me encouragement. May I kiss you, sweetheart?”

  “That is the other reason why I came here tonight, John. I wondered if you’d ask.”

  “You did? Well, I’m asking.” He was joyful at having this woman in his life. They embraced and kissed, tenderly. “I love you, Rachael. I love you.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Thank you,” Phoebe replied. “I embrace the opportunity to stay.” The next evening, after her host insisted on some voting fun, which he hoped would encourage Rachael’s sister to stay longer, he was correct. It was unanimous that Phoebe extend her visit until after Cinco de Mayo, so they could all attend it together and celebrate. “I’ve met wonderful people here, tried new culinary dishes, and you can be certain I’ll introduce some of them back home. Plus, I love your gardens. I’ll be sure to write Mother and Father about them, and yes, I’ll stay awhile longer. Thank you, Dr. Davis. Besides, I want to see the castle.”

  “Oh, you do? We haven’t even shown you our secret pond yet, either” John told her, glancing at Rachael. “It’s a very special place, and there are other things to see in this vicinity, as well.” He smiled, thinking of his and Rachael’s walks to the pond and the radiant joy they’d brought him, and of other places he’d like to show the Hathaway sisters.

  “Have you had baby ducks on the pond this year, John?” Cousin Emery wanted to know.

  “Not that I’ve noticed. But I haven’t been out there much. Oh, I’m sure they’re there, though.”

  “Let’s walk out there in the morning before breakfast. No telling what we’ll find,” his cousin said with a laugh. “You can’t imagine how much John enjoys the wildlife that visits his pond,” he explained.

  “That’s a good idea. If anyone wishes to join us, please come around 8:00 am.,” John invited.

  “Thank you. I shall,” Amber Worthington quickly agreed, with a bright smile. “I’ll bring bread.”

  “We shall, too, won’t we, Phoebe?” Rachael interjected, glancing at Monty. Her old enemy, jealousy, grasped at her once again. She tried to shake it off, yet wasn’t quite successful, unfortunately. Rachael thought she had put that feeling to rest, yet hadn’t. “We always love throwing breadcrumbs!”

  “Count me in!” the lieutenant jovially joined the conversation, with a knowing chuckle and nod toward both Miss Hathaways. “We’ll make it a safari.”

  “Yes, and while we’re all here, I’d like to introduce another plan I have. As you know, our region is blessed with wildlife, especially birds. Twelve Ponds Territory gives birds and waterfowl one of the things they are looking for ~ water. However, I think we can improve nesting grounds and feeding areas. Therefore, I’d like to build birdhouses or an aviary as a sanctuary,” Dr. Davis informed his guests and staff.

  “What a good idea! I love the eagles and crows,” Cousin Emery announced. “I feed them.”

  “How will you create an aviary, John?” Monty wanted to know more about his plans.

  “I was thinking of a large, covered roosting enclosure. But now that I think about it, some birds are territorial. I believe separate nesting boxes are in order. I’ll scatter them around the property.”

  “I didn’t know you fed birds, Emery.” Amber Worthington looked amazed. “I feed the owls at Apple Valley Ridge, you know,” she explained, quickly joining the discussion. “I delight in seeing the young ones each year. They are so fluffy.” She was excited about this topic. Everyone could see that.

  “I love the little yellow canaries,” Miss Mariah explained, and Phoebe agreed with her.

  “I like the steller’s jays, with their dark blue or black colors and topnotch. They’re bold, so I can hear them in the gardens and know they’re there. I’d like them to stay and nest. We can encourage them with berries, eggs, fruit, nuts, and seeds to eat,” Crane advised.

  John agreed. “I like them, too, Crane. Let’s give them a feeder with some of those items in it.”

  “I love the white doves. Rachael and I saw one in the kitchen the other day,” Miss Callie revealed. “It didn’t stay long, though, did it, Miss Hathaway, Miss Rachael Hathaway, that is?” She chuckled.

  “No. But it was a precious sight while it visited us,” Rachael happily revealed. “I especially love the chickadees. They’re so quick and lively and they come rather close at feeding time. You can almost touch them.”

  “We can help you build those nest boxes, John,” his cousin offered. “I have some scrap wood.”

  John nodded at the eager group willing to help. “I can use all of your expert advice and

  “At Fernhaven Pond, I feed ducks and geese,” the lieutenant told the birdwatchers. Describing his devotion to birds, he told them he especially enjoyed viewing waterfowl. “You should see those little ones in the springtime. I’ll help, too, John. Then, I’ll build some nesting boxes and feeding stations at home.”

  “I’ll help you with yours, Monty,” Cousin Emery offered. John and Crane volunteered, too.

  “And I’ll help with yours,” Monty told John’s cousin, laughing.

  “You feed the pond birds at Fernhaven? That’s wonderful,” Rachael cooed, yet, she didn’t intend to sound so utterly devoted. She was always excited to speak with another bird-lover and it showed.

  But, suddenly, surprisingly, her sister rivaled Rachael’s interest. “I’d just love to see those babies in your pond, Lieutenant Graham,” Phoebe blurted, unaware that her sister had turned to stare at her.

  John Davis openly chuckled and cleared his throat. “We can certainly arrange for that, can’t we, Monty.”

  “Why, yes.” The lieutenant agreed, chuckling, too, delighted at the visiting guest’s apparent interest in ducks, geese, and herons.

  Amber Worthington joined in with raised eyebrows, as she smiled at Emery Davis. “They’re just wonderful. Aren’t they, Emery? We’ve seen them, haven’t we John?” she asked coyly.

  Rachael felt sick. Placing one hand to her forehead, she feigned head pain. “I have a headache coming on, so I believe I need some rest. I’ll retire now.”

  “Wait.” John saw a dilemma and wanted to rescue his love from any unpleasant situation which might be occurring in her mind or in his parlor this evening. He was also not about to be surpassed as a host or romantic interest by best friend, Monty Graham, or have his dear Rachael and her sister at odds with one another over anything or anyone. Instantly, he grabbed the silver serving tray of sugar cookies to pass around to his guests and asked if anyone had brought their musical instrument to play. Some had. Next, he moved to where his glass harmonica stood and began to play. Then, he broke into song:


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