Cherished by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 5]

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Cherished by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 5] Page 3

by Carolyn Rosewood

  She studied his profile as the car rose. His skin was smooth, and his mouth was full and inviting. What would it be like to kiss those lips?

  Sofia stared at the floor as a sigh escaped her throat. She missed having sex so much it hurt. It would be easy to give in and enjoy this place. If Susan’s cousin had been telling the truth, that’s what the owners here did. They offered no-strings-attached, safe, consensual sex. Would it do any real harm to enjoy them while she was here?

  As the door opened she mentally shook off the thought. She wasn’t here for that, and it would be dangerous to give in. Who knows what she’d say in the heat of the moment? She’d already told one owner too much. Best to eat lunch, try to politely answer his questions about a city she’d been in once, over ten years ago, and then retreat to her own suite.

  He led her to an unmarked door near the end of a quiet hallway. As soon as he opened it and she stepped inside, a smile broke out over her face. The most impressive drum set she’d ever seen graced one corner of the sitting room. “Wow. That’s beautiful. I love the color.” The blue almost perfectly matched the color of Niko’s eyes.

  Niko grinned. “Do you like it? I haven’t had it very long. It’s a Tama Starclassic Bubinga Elite. I finally had to replace my old set.”

  “How long have you been playing?” Sofia walked over and ran her hands along the cymbals, lightly tapping them.

  “All my life. Do you play?”

  “I used to.”


  “No. Woodwinds.” When would she learn to control her reactions? Now he’d start to ask questions, just as Reeve had done. At least this time she’d left the traitorous charm bracelet in her suite.

  Niko opened his mouth to say something, but a soft knock on the door interrupted him. “That was fast,” he muttered, crossing the room.

  She took a seat on the sofa while two staff members laid out plates and silverware. After they left, Niko sat close to her and twisted the top off the two-liter bottle. “I hope you like ginger ale.”

  “It sounds perfect right now.” She watched the muscles in his forearm flex as he poured them each a glass of soda. His arms must be that toned from a lifetime of playing drums. A fine dusting of hair covered his skin, and she resisted the urge to touch it.

  “I thought it would go well with the sandwiches, and you looked a bit unsettled in the lobby.”

  Sofia swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat. Did her anxiety show that much? “Thank you, Niko.”

  “We have turkey or roast beef, and if you want cheese there are three kinds.”

  Sofia surveyed the tray on the coffee table, finally selecting turkey and pepper jack cheese for her sandwich. She added mustard, tomato, and lettuce. Once they both had made a sandwich, she took a bite. It was delicious. She felt her strength returning before she was halfway finished. The ginger ale helped settle her stomach, and soon she relaxed enough to glance at Niko again.

  He was watching her too carefully. Sofia suddenly knew what a bacterium under a microscope must feel like. “Thank you again for lunch.” She didn’t know what else to say.

  “Tell me about Boise. I’ve never been there.”

  “Well, it’s very pretty. You can see mountains in the distance, and at night you hear coyotes.”

  “Is that where you were born?”

  She nodded, taking another bite of her sandwich, which now tasted like cardboard. Why the hell had she agreed to this? She was stuck in this man’s suite, and if he asked too many questions about her fake town she’d be found out.

  “Do you still live there?”

  Sofia opened her mouth, ready to reply in the affirmative, before she remembered that she’d told Reeve she worked at Northern Trust. Had Niko already spoken to Reeve? Is that why he’d invited her up to his suite for lunch? “I live in Chicago now.”

  “You’re a long way from home.”

  She nodded, taking a large drink of ginger ale so she could swallow the remainder of her sandwich.

  “Do you miss Idaho?”

  “A little.”

  “You must have left behind family.”

  She nodded, glancing around, her gaze falling on the drum set. Maybe if she got him talking about music he’d lay off the questions? “Did you ever play professionally?”

  “We had a nightclub here at one time and I played. Now I drag the set downstairs for parties. We have a forties-themed one planned. I hope you’ll still be here for it.”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  “Do you enjoy swing music?”

  “Very much.”

  Niko grinned. “Do you dance?”

  Sofia couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, trust me. You don’t want to see my attempt at swing dancing. It’s pathetic.”

  “Oh, come on.” He stood up and held out his hand. “Anyone can swing dance.”

  She shook her head. “No, they can’t. I assure you.”

  “I have difficulty believing someone who plays a musical instrument can’t also dance.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because to play any instrument you need an inherent sense of rhythm. On your feet, Miss Wilderness.”

  * * * *

  Niko had nearly called her “Miss Fillipone.” He’d have to be more careful. He hadn’t pushed very hard with his powers down in the lobby, but she’d reacted strongly to what little he had used. Gregory hadn’t been joking about either her looks or her resemblance to Frankie. She had his eyes, only in her face they were much prettier.

  Gregory might not like the spiky haired look, but Niko loved it. It framed her pretty face and gave an impish quality to her aura. Her gaze was intelligent but filled with trepidation. Who or what was she afraid of? It wasn’t him. He was certain of that much.

  She was watching him as carefully as he watched her. Did she know they suspected her? He wished he’d had the chance to speak with Reeve earlier and find out more details of his conversation at breakfast. He was winging this purely on instinct, and only knew she claimed to be from Boise because he’d overheard Tiffany talking about her the day before. The fact she’d changed the subject when he started asking too many questions about Boise hadn’t escaped him, but he’d let it go for now. There was time to uncover her real purpose in being here. For now, she intrigued him.

  She stood up and took his offered hand. Niko’s dick was rock hard, and he hoped she wouldn’t notice. “We have no music,” she said.

  Niko grinned, then began to hum “Tuxedo Junction,” leading her through the simple steps of a fox-trot, then progressing into a slow version of the Lindy Hop when she relaxed a bit. She had natural rhythm, and soon she was smiling and dancing without realizing it.

  He moved into faster songs like “In the Mood” and “Little Brown Jug” so he could twirl her around and try a few simple lifts. She laughed and whooped and hollered right along with Niko as she responded to his lead. She may have said she believed she couldn’t dance swing before, but she was doing so now. It told him two certain things about her. She was a musician, and she hadn’t cut loose in a long time. He was more determined than ever to find out why she was here under an assumed name.

  “I need to rest, Niko.” She fell back onto the sofa, smiling, and grabbed her glass of ginger ale. After she drained it, Niko poured her another one. “I don’t know when I’ve had so much fun. You’re an amazing dancer.”

  “Thank you. So are you.”

  “I had no idea I could that.”

  “Surely you’ve danced before.”

  A shadow of sadness passed over her face. “Not in a long time.”

  He glanced at the impression in her ring finger. “Then someone hasn’t treated you right.”

  She followed his gaze and the smile melted from her face. He immediately wished he’d kept his mouth shut. “Would you like to see the view from up here? The trees are just beginning to turn green.”

  He rose and held out his hand. She took it, but her eyes were now filled with anxiety
. Whatever the reason she was here, he now doubted it had anything to do with her great-grandfather. But it would be nice to know what she knew about him, so he’d be able to put the others’ minds at ease. It was only a matter of time before Gregory told them about her resemblance or they saw it for themselves.

  They stepped out onto the enclosed balcony, where the floor-to-ceiling windows afforded him a view of the surrounding woods. In warm weather he left them open, but it was too cold for that right now. Unlike most of the others, Niko had never liked the cold weather.

  She stepped close to him and her scent filled his head. It would be so easy to forget who she really was and just enjoy her company. But the guilt later would tear him up inside. He had to find out more information first.

  “How much property is there?” she asked.

  “Over two hundred acres. We’ve left it undisturbed as much as possible to keep the resort secluded and private.”

  “I’ll bet this is a gorgeous view when the trees are in bloom.”

  “It is. So tell me something, Eden. Is that indent in your ring finger from an engagement ring, or did you also wear a wedding band there?”

  Subtlety had never been his gift, but he needed answers. The desire to kiss her was too strong, and his willpower was hanging on by a thread. But he’d be damned if he’d be branded as the one who seduced the great-granddaughter of Frankie Fillipone without first making sure she wasn’t here to ruin their business.

  As she snapped her gaze to his eyes, Niko watched several emotions cross her face, including guilt. He held his breath, fascinated by the struggle he witnessed. “I was married,” she finally said. “But I’ve been divorced for a year now.”

  “Is that why you left Boise?”

  She averted her gaze and a soft sigh escaped her throat. She stepped away from the window a bit, and Niko wondered if that gesture was meant to put some space between them.

  “I’m sorry, Eden. It sounds like I’m prying.”

  She shook her head. “No, that isn’t it.”

  He moved closer to her again, and when she looked into his eyes something shifted. He couldn’t have explained his attraction to this woman if he’d had to. All he knew for certain was that he was going to kiss her and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

  Chapter Four

  Sofia didn’t know which was worse. The guilt she felt at lying to Niko or the overwhelming urge she had to push him against the wall and kiss him until neither of them could breathe. Every reason why making love to him would be a very bad idea sounded hollow in her mind as she gazed into those incredible blue eyes.

  She should tell him the truth. Now, before something happened. And something was definitely going to happen. The lust rolling off him in waves was proof enough if her soaking-wet pussy and tingling nipples weren’t. She couldn’t remember being this aroused, and especially not by someone she’d met less than an hour earlier.

  “Then what is it?” he asked softly.

  The compulsion to tell him the truth was so strong it shocked her. And to make matters more confusing, she couldn’t shake the feeling that if she did, all her worries would be over. He’d fix them, just like magic. That was insane, of course. No one could fix this.

  He touched her face. Just a soft touch, but his skin burned like fire. Her breath caught in her throat. She was going to melt like ice under those fiery fingers. It was inevitable.

  “What is it?” he whispered. “Tell me.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes for long moments. She struggled to find the right words, but before she could form a coherent thought, he pushed her against the wall and grabbed both wrists. She gasped as he pulled her arms overhead, holding both with one strong hand. Sofia moaned as he shoved his body against hers. His erection was rock hard.

  His mouth was no more than two inches from hers, and his breath was warm against her lips. All she had to do was crane her neck forward and they’d be locked in a hot kiss. It was that simple. Tears stung her eyes. She wanted this man so badly it hurt. But the guilt at making love to him without telling him the truth was killing her, and she had no idea why. Who the hell was he that he was able to evoke such emotions? What was wrong with her? Was she that starved for sex?

  “Tell me, Eden.”

  She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, so deep and blue now they resembled one of the lakes on the property rather than the sky. “I’m not from Boise.”

  Eden exhaled as understanding flooded his face. He’d already known somehow. Instead of releasing her as she thought he would, he pushed his body further against hers. Breathing became difficult. She licked her lips, and he stared at them for a few seconds, as if deciding whether to kiss her.

  “Where are you from?” he asked softly.


  “Why did you lie?”

  “It’s a long story, Niko.” The tears spilled over her lids before she could stop them. Long story was an understatement.

  “Why are you here?”

  “My coworker’s cousin was a guest. She raved about it, and I got curious.”

  “That’s it?”


  “Keep going.”

  She swallowed against the lump in her throat. The hand that held her wrists captive was suddenly as hot as his finger on her face had been. The realization she was under his control sent waves of passion through her body. Her clit began to throb. “I came here to hide.”

  A slight frown creased his forehead. “From who?”

  “My ex-husband.”

  Relief settled over his face. What had he been imagining?

  “He won’t find you here. You’re safe.”

  She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “You wouldn’t say that if you knew him.”

  “Tell me why you think he can find you here.”

  “He’s a vice cop. A dirty one. He has his hands in everything.”

  “I see.” His gaze roamed over her face. “Eden isn’t your real name then, is it?”

  She shook her head as she blinked fresh tears away. When he gently wiped them, she moaned.

  “It’s okay.” His voice was so sexy and reassuring. “Please tell me your real name.”

  “Sofia,” she whispered.

  He smiled. “That’s a much better name. You look like a Sofia.” As his lips brushed hers, Sofia groaned and opened her mouth to let his tongue inside. He rolled his around inside her mouth then gently bit her bottom lip before shoving his tongue back inside. Sofia pulled at his mouth with hers, wanting to devour him.

  He pressed his bulge deeper into her abdomen, and she rocked her body toward it. She needed him inside her. His free hand played with her hair, cupped her face, then moved down to massage one breast through her clothing. And still he held her captive with his other hand and his mouth.

  Sofia could barely breathe. Soft whimpers escaped her throat. She struggled to free her arms so she could touch him, rip his clothes off, anything to hurry things along. Finally he released her wrists, but before she could do anything he lifted her sweater over her head and tossed it onto the floor.

  He cupped her face again and kissed her, rough and deep. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer, grinding her body into his rock-hard erection. How the hell big was he? She wanted to find out, and quickly.

  When she moved her hands down his back to his ass, he moaned into her open mouth. She reached around to the front of his jeans and unbuttoned them. He released her mouth and grinned. “Anxious, are we?”


  The molten look he gave her nearly made her come. She shivered. This was really going to happen. The freedom she felt at having told him her real name and the reason she was here surprised and delighted her. She felt safe with Niko, though if someone had asked her to explain why, she couldn’t have done so.

  “We have nothing but time, Sofia. Let’s enjoy it.” He planted tiny kisses and nips along her neck, sending shivers up and down her spine. When h
e caressed her nipples through her bra, she reached for his jeans again, unzipping them.

  He unhooked her bra, and she slipped his jeans down, peeking around his back to admire the royal-blue boxers. “Nice. They match your eyes.”

  “That’s why I wore them.” His grin was enough to make her weak. He stepped out of the jeans while she removed her bra and tossed it on top of her sweater. He sighed and stared at her breasts, making her immediately self-conscious. She’d always hated how average they were. Rake had constantly complained about their size and wanted her to get implants, but the thought of doing so had made her cringe.

  “Perfect,” he said, cupping them in his strong hands. He bent down to take one nipple into his mouth, sucking and gently biting it, and Sofia cried out. She clung to his soft hair and pushed his head closer. He took turns with them until her clit throbbed with need and her pussy was so wet the juices began to leak onto her upper thighs.

  “I need you inside me, Niko.”

  He lifted his head and gazed at her with so much intensity she thought she’d go out of her mind with desire. When he pulled her into his arms and clamped his mouth on hers again, she groaned and wrapped her arms around him, pushing close. His cock strained against his shorts, begging her to free it.

  She slid her hands down and wrapped them around the base of his dick. He moaned into her mouth as she slipped his boxers over the shaft and pushed them down. When he released her mouth to stumble out of them, she gasped at the sight of the largest dick she’d ever seen. It pointed up at her, red and slick with pre-cum. Her pussy actually contracted in tiny spasms as she stared at it.

  Sofia stepped over to the sofa and took one of the cushions off it. She dropped it onto the floor in front of Niko, who watched her with his mouth open. She knelt in front of him and took his cock into both hands.

  He muttered something incomprehensible under his breath as she began to lick him in long, slow strokes. She loved the salty musky taste of him. As she took him into her mouth, she squeezed her thighs together, trying to bring on her impending orgasm. He was so thick she could only fit a few inches in, so she relaxed her throat muscles, wanting to gobble him up.


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