The Bhagavata Purana 3

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The Bhagavata Purana 3 Page 30

by Bibek Debroy

  ‘In every direction, it was surrounded by palaces that were like the sun, the fire and the moon. There were wonderful groves and gardens and many flocks of birds called out from them. There were bodies of water with blooming night lotuses, day lotuses, white lotuses and water lilies. It was surrounded by ornamented men and women whose eyes were like those of deer. “What is this place? Whom does this belong to? Where did all this come from?” While he was debating in this way, those men and women, who were as radiant as immortals, came forward to welcome the immensely fortunate one. They sang and played on many musical instruments. Hearing that her husband had come, his wife was excited and delighted. She quickly emerged from her house, in a form that was like that of Shri coming out of her residence. She was devoted to her husband. When she saw her husband, her eyes filled with tears of love and eagerness. She closed her eyes. In her heart, she embraced him with her mind. He glanced at his radiant wife, resembling a goddess in a vimana. She was resplendent in the midst of female servants wearing golden necklaces 792 and he was astounded. He was himself delighted and entered his own house with her. It was full of hundreds of bejewelled pillars, like the great Indra’s residence. The beds were as white as the froth on milk. They were made out of ivory and were covered with golden spreads. There were couches with golden legs and fans and whisks. There were golden seats, with soft cushions on them. Nets of pearls hung from the dazzling canopies. The walls were made out of sparkling crystal and inlaid with extremely expensive emeralds. There were women ornamented with gems, holding dazzling lamps studded with jewels. The brahmana saw the opulence there, with every kind of prosperity. Without any agitation, he debated about the reason behind his prosperity. “I am certainly unfortunate. Since childhood, I have suffered from penury. The reason for my prosperity is nothing but the one who confers great opulence through his glances. That is none other than the best among the Yadus. He is the one who enjoys all kinds of prosperity. Though I did not speak, he gave me plenty of what I wanted to ask for, like Parjanya showering down. My friend is a bull among the Dasharhas and he himself saw. He regards what he himself has given as a trifle. However, if a well-wisher does something that is insignificant, he regards it as a lot. I only took him handfuls of parched and flattened rice. However, filled with joy, the great-souled one accepted it. From one life to another life, may I possess goodwill, friendship, affection and servitude towards him. The great being is a reservoir of qualities. May I be attached to those who are devoted to that Purusha. For his devotees, the wonderful and illustrious one is himself a treasure. The one without birth is capable of bestowing kingdoms and prosperity. However, he is himself wise and can see that for those who lack foresight, wealth is the cause of intoxication and downfall.” He was extremely devoted to Janardana and he used his intelligence to decide in this way. Though he wished to give up all these objects, with his wife, he enjoyed them. However, he did not lust after them excessively. The lord Hari is the god of the gods. He is the lord of sacrifices. Though he is powerful, he accepts brahmanas as divinities. He does not know of anything that is superior to them. The brahmana was the illustrious one’s well-wisher. He saw that the unvanquished one is conquered by those who are his own servants. He meditated on him and the force of this loosened his own bonds. Within a short period of time, he obtained the abode that is the destination of the virtuous. He regards brahmanas as divinities. If a person hears about his devotion to brahmanas, his sentiments turn towards devotion towards the illustrious one and he is freed from all the bondage of karma.’

  Chapter 10(82)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘Once, while Rama and Krishna were residing in Dvaravati, there was a great eclipse of the sun, as if the end of the kalpa had arrived. O king! Having got to know about it in advance, people from all directions went to the region known as Samantapanchaka, so as to ensure benefit for themselves. 793 Rama, 794 supreme among the wielders of weapons, made the earth empty of kshatriyas at that spot. The floods of blood from the kings created large lakes there. The illustrious Rama was untouched by this deed. However, so as to instruct people, the lord performed a sacrifice there, as if to dispel any sin he might have been tainted with. It was a great tirtha and all the subjects of Bharatavarsha went there on a pilgrimage. O descendant of the Bharata linage! The Vrishnis, Akrura, Vasudeva, 795 Ahuka and others, went there, wishing to cleanse themselves of their own sins. So did Gada, Pradyumna, Samba and others. Suchandra, Shuka, Sarana and Aniruddha, along with the leader, Kritavarma, stayed back, for protection. 796 Along the road, those greatly energetic ones, wearing golden necklaces, were resplendent. Their chariots were like the vehicles of the gods. The movement of the horses was as light as that of waves. The elephants trumpeted like clouds. The men were as dazzling as vidyadharas. Along with their wives, they were adorned in divine garlands and garments and were armoured. They seemed to be travelling through the sky. The immensely fortunate ones bathed there. They controlled themselves and bathed. They gave brahmanas cows, garments, garlands and golden necklaces. After this, 797 following the rites, the Vrishnis again bathed in Rama’s lakes. They gave the best of food to the best of brahmanas and said, “May our devotion to Krishna remain.” Having taken the permission of those who were divinities to Krishna, 798 as they chose, the Vrishnis seated themselves under the cool shade of trees and ate. 799

  ‘Wishing to see them, the kings who were their well-wishers and matrimonial allies arrived there—Matsyas, Ushinaras, Koushalya, Vidarbhas, Kurus, Srinjaya, Kambojas, Kekayas, Madras, Kuntis, Anartas and Keralas. O king! There were hundreds of others, from their own side, as well as adversaries. Their well-wishers, the gopas and the gopis, Nanda and the others, had been anxious for a long time. They were overwhelmed with joy at seeing each other. Their hearts and faces resembled radiant and newly bloomed lotuses. With tears flowing from their eyes, they embraced each other firmly. Their body hair stood up. Since they were overwhelmed with joy, their voices choked. With a great deal of affection, the women glanced at each other. Casting smiling and sidelong glances, they embraced each other. The kunkuma from one person’s breast smeared against that of another’s. With tears of love in their eyes, they engulfed each other in their arms. They honoured the elders and were honoured by those who were younger. They welcomed each other and asked about each other’s welfare. They then spoke to each other about Krishna’s accounts.

  ‘Pritha met her brothers, sisters and their sons, and her parents too. She met Mukunda and the wives of her brothers. While conversing with them, she forgot her sorrow. Kunti said, “O noble elder brother! 800 I think that there have been no benedictions for me. When I was afflicted because of the hardships, you excellent ones did not remember me. When destiny is unfavourable, a person’s own relatives, well-wishers, kin, sons, brothers and even the parents, no longer remember the person.” Vasudeva replied, “O mother! 801 Do not censure us. Men are puppets in the hands of destiny. Whether one does something, or is made to do something, people are under the lord’s subjugation. Tormented by Kamsa, all of us fled in different directions. O sister! It is destiny that has again brought us back to our proper places.” Vasudeva, Ugrasena and the other Yadus honoured the kings. On seeing Achyuta, they were filled with supreme bliss. Bhishma, Drona, Ambika’s son, 802 Gandhari and her sons, the Pandavas and their wives, Kunti, Sanjaya, Vidura, Kripa, Kuntibhoja, Virata, Bhishmaka, the great Nagnajit, Purujit, Drupada, Shalya, Dhrishtaketu, Damaghosha, Vishalaksha, Maithila, Madra, Kekaya, Yudhamanyu, Susharma, Bahlika and others, along with their sons, were present. O Indra among kings! The kings who followed Yudhishthira were amazed to see Shouri’s form, the residence of Shri, along with his wives. Rama and Krishna honoured those who had arrived in the proper way. Filled with joy, they praised the Vrishnis, who were Krishna’s companions. “O lord of Bhoja! 803 Among men in this world, your birth has been successful. Yogis find it impossible to constantly see Krishna. But you have seen him in that way. The sacred texts speak about his glory, which purifies all contamination, as do
the water that has washed his feet and the words he speaks through the sacred texts. The touch of his lotus feet revived the powers of the earth, which had been ravaged by time, and she showers down all the objects of desire. The householder’s path is one that leads to hell. However, Vishnu himself, the source of heaven, emancipation and cessation, 804 has resided there with you. You can see him. You can touch him. You can walk with him. You can converse with him. You can lie down with him. You can be seated with him. You can eat with him. You can have matrimonial alliances with him. You can have blood relationships with him.” 805

  ‘Hearing that the Yadus, with Krishna at the forefront, had come there, Nanda arrived there, wishing to see them. He was surrounded by gopas, who had many objects on their carts. Seeing him, the Vrishnis were delighted, as if life had returned to their bodies. Not having seen him for a long time, they had suffered. They stood up and firmly embraced him. Delighted and overwhelmed with love, Vasudeva 806 embraced him. He remembered how he had suffered because of what Kamsa had done and how he had left his son in Gokula. Krishna and Rama embraced and honoured their parents. 807 O extender of the Kuru lineage! Their throats choked with love and they were unable to say anything. The immensely fortunate Yashoda embraced her two sons in her arms and placed them on her lap, forgetting her sorrow. Remembering the friendship that she had shown towards them, Rohini and Devaki embraced the queen of Vraja. 808 With tears choking their voices, they said, “O queen of Vraja! Who can forget the constant friendship the two of you have shown us? There is nothing in this world that is enough to pay you back, even if one possessed Indra’s riches. When these two had not seen their parents, you were their parents. You tended to them, reared them, nourished them and protected them. They resided with you and you protected them, just as the eyelids protect the eyes. There was no fear from any quarter. The virtuous do not distinguish between someone who is theirs and someone who is someone else’s.” The gopis had obtained their desired Krishna after a long time. Glancing at him with their eyes, they cursed the creator of eyelids. 809 Using their eyes, all of them completely embraced him in their hearts. This state of immersion is one that is impossible to achieve, even for those who are constantly engaged. 810

  ‘When they were in such a state, the illustrious one met them in a secluded place. He embraced each of them and asked about their welfare. He smiled and spoke to them. “O friends! Do you remember me? It was to accomplish the objective of my relatives that I have been away for such a long time. My mind was engaged in destroying the side of the adversary. Do you reprimand me? Do you suspect me of being ungrateful? Indeed, it is the illustrious one who brings creatures together and separates them. The wind brings together and separates masses of clouds, grass, cotton and dust. This is exactly what the creator of beings does with beings. Devotion towards me certainly leads to immortality. It is good fortune that you possess this kind of affection towards me. That leads to obtaining me. I am the beginning and the end of all beings. O beautiful ladies! I am inside and outside, just like the elements—space, water, earth, wind and fire. It is these that exist in beings. The atman is in beings. 811 Both of these are manifest in me. But behold the supreme and the imperishable, manifest in me.” The gopis were thus instructed by Krishna about the knowledge of adhyatma. 812 Through constantly remembering him, they destroyed their living sheaths and were immersed in him. They said, “O one with the lotus in the navel! Lords of yoga, those who are unfathomable in their understanding, think about your lotus feet in their hearts. They are the support for deliverance from the well of samsara into which, those who are engaged in household pursuits have fallen. May our minds be always enlightened.”’

  Chapter 10(83)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘The illustrious one, who was the preceptor as well as the destination, favoured the gopis in this way. He next asked Yudhishthira and all the other well-wishers about their welfare. They were asked by the protector of the world and honoured extremely well. Delighted, they replied. On seeing his feet, all their sins were destroyed. “O lord! How can there be anything inauspicious for those who have drunk the nectar from your lotus feet? Sometimes, those great minds articulate this through their mouths and using the ears as cups, it can be drunk. Those with bodies suffer from amnesia about who created the bodies and this destroys that loss of memory. The radiance of your atman destroys the three kinds of states created in ourselves. 813 You are a deluge of bliss. Your knowledge is absolute and without limits. Time has ravaged the sacred texts and using your yoga maya, you have assumed a form so as to save them. You are the destination of paramahamsas. 814 We bow down before you.” The people spoke in this way about Uttamashloka, who is like a jewel on the crest, and praised him. The Andhaka and Kourava women met and spoke to each other about Govinda’s account, which is sung about in the three worlds. Listen. I will describe it to you.

  ‘Droupadi said, “O princess of Vidarbha, 815 who is never separated from him! O Bhadra! 816 O Jambavati! O Koushala! O Satyabhama! O Kalindi! O Shaibya! O Rohini! 817 O Lakshmana! O wives of Krishna! The illustrious one uses his maya to follow the conduct of ordinary people. Tell us. How did he himself marry you?”

  ‘Rukmini replied, “When I was to be bestowed on Chedi, all the invincible kings and their soldiers raised their bows. However, he placed the dust of his feet on their heads. Like a lord of deer, he took his share away from a herd of sheep. His feet are Shri’s abode. May they always be mine to worship.”

  ‘Satyabhama replied, “My father’s heart was tormented because of his brother’s 818 death. He defeated the king of bears to remove the stain on his reputation. He took away the jewel. 819 Because of his powers, my father was terrified and bestowed me on him, though I had been promised to another.” 820

  ‘Jambavati replied, “My father 821 did not know that his own protector and divinity, Sita’s consort, had assumed a body. He fought against him for twenty-seven days. When he had tested him and got to know, he respectfully offered me as a gift, along with the jewel, clasping his feet. I am his female servant.”

  ‘Kalindi replied, “He knew that I was performing austerities with the hope of touching his feet. He sent his friend 822 and accepted my hand. I am the one who sweeps his house.”

  ‘Mitravinda replied, “He came to my svayamvara and defeated all the kings and my brothers, who insulted him. He took me away, like a lion taking away its share from a pack of dogs. The abode of Shri brought me to his own city. In one life after another, may I have the fortune of washing his feet.”

  ‘Satya replied, “My father arranged for seven bulls that were extremely strong. They were energetic and possessed extremely sharp horns. He wished to test the bravery of the kings. They destroyed the pride of those brave ones. However, he swiftly subdued them. Toying with them, he bound them up, the way a child does with a kid goat. In this way, he won me and my female servants as viryashulka. With four kinds of forces, 823 kings tried to obstruct his path. But he defeated them and brought me away. May I be able to serve him.”

  ‘Bhadra replied, “O Krishna! 824 My heart was devoted to Krishna, my maternal cousin. My father himself invited him and bestowed me on him, along with my female friends and one akshouhini. From one life to another life, as I am whirled around in my bonds of karma, may I be able to touch his feet. That will be best for me.”

  ‘Lakshmana replied, “O queen! I repeatedly heard Narada chant about Achyuta’s birth and deeds. My mind was fixed on Mukunda. Indeed, the one with the lotus in her hand 825 thought about it carefully and chose him, rejecting the guardians of the worlds. O virtuous lady! My father is known as Brihatsena and he is devoted to his daughter. Ascertaining my intentions, he devised a means of bringing this about. O queen! In your svayamvara, a fish was devised for Partha’s 826 sake. It was the same with mine, except that the fish was covered from all sides and could not be seen. There was only a reflection in the water. Hearing about this, all the kings arrived in my father’s city. They knew the truth about all astras and shastras and we
re accompanied by thousands of instructors. According to valour and according to age, my father honoured all of them. With their minds on me, they took up the bow and arrow kept in the assembly and tried to pierce it. Some picked up the bow, but unable to string it, put it aside. Some lords were only able to string it up to the elbow. 827 They were hurled back and fell down. There were other brave ones, Magadha, 828 Ambashta, Chedi, Bhima, Duryodhana and Karna, who could string it. But they could not determine the location. 829 Partha looked at the reflection of the fish in the water and could determine its location. However, when he released the arrow, it only touched the target from the side and did not pierce it. The kings withdrew, their pride shattered. As if toying, the illustrious one picked up the bow and strung it. He fixed the arrow and looked at the fish’s reflection only once. He pierced it with the arrow and it fell down. At that time, the sun was in Abhijit nakshatra. 830 Drums were sounded in heaven and shouts of ‘victory’ were raised on earth. The gods were filled with joy and repeatedly showered down flowers. At this, I entered the arena on my feet, anklets tinkling. I held a brilliant garland that was made out of gold and jewels. I was wearing new lower and upper garments made out of silk. A wreath of flowers was braided into my hair. I smiled bashfully. I raised my face, with its thick locks of hair. The shine of the earrings illuminated my cheeks. With a gentle smile, I cast a sidelong glance at the kings who were all around. With my heart devoted to Murari, I slowly placed the garland around his neck. There were the sounds of drums, tabors, conch shells, larger drums, kettledrums and other instruments. Male and female dancers started to dance. The singers started to sing. O Yajnaseni! 831 In this way, I chose the lord. However, the leaders among the kings could not tolerate my choosing the illustrious one. With their hearts full of desire for me, they challenged him. He placed me on the chariot, yoked to four jewels among horses. He raised the Sharnga bow and armoured himself. The four-armed one stood there, ready to fight. O queen! Daruka drove the chariot that was plated with gold. The kings looked on, just as deer looked at a king of deer. Trying to restrain him, for some distance, the kings followed him from the rear. Some were ready and raised their bows. But they were like village dogs after a lion. Torrents of arrows were released from Sharnga and some fell down on the field of battle, with their arms, thighs and necks severed. The others gave up and fled. The lord of Yadu entered his decorated city of Kushasthali, which is praised in heaven and on earth. There were colourful flags, pennants and arches that blocked out even the sun. He entered, as if the sun was entering its own abode. My father honoured his well-wishers, matrimonial allies and relatives with extremely expensive garments, ornaments, couches, seats and other furnishings. Though he 832 is complete, he gave him female servants, all kinds of riches, soldiers, elephant riders, chariots, horse riders and extremely expensive weapons. He finds bliss in his own self and there are maids in his home. Abandoning all attachment, we must have undertaken austerities.” 833


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