Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1)

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Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1) Page 12

by Mindy Carter

  “Gretchen barged into Keegan’s room this morning since he turned off his phone last night. I guess she needed him for something or another. We were covered, but it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what went on between us.”

  “Tell me, how was it?”

  “I have no words. Better than I ever imagined and everything I wanted.” My heart is so full right now I’m afraid to leave this happy bubble I’ve been in since last night.

  “If Keegan is anything like his brother, you are one lucky woman.”

  I am lucky, and not because of the sex, but because of what we have become. He is mine, and I am his officially. Who am I kidding? He claimed me the day we met. There will never be anyone else.

  “I’m happy for you, Aimee. You deserve everything Keegan can give you. He’s your Noah,” she says, referring to The Notebook.

  “He is and more,” I tell her with a smile.

  I look up and see Keegan stride into the room with a smile.

  “Reese, I have to go. I’ll see you later, okay?”

  “We aren’t finished talking, Aimee.”

  “Bye, Reese,” I say before quickly hanging up.

  Keegan strides over, grabbing the material of his shirt he notices I’m wearing. “This looks way better on you than it ever did on me.”

  “You think?”

  “I know, and I may never have it washed again.”

  I’m pretty sure he’s never getting it back, but knowing he likes me wearing it makes me feel all giddy like a teenager.

  “So that was Reese?”

  “Yes, she was worried when she didn’t hear from me.”

  He lies down beside me on the bed with his hand propping his head up, looking at me with interest. “She cares for you?”

  “Of course. She’s my best friend,” I say, not thinking of how it sounds since the only other best friend I ever had was him.

  Keegan stares at me, looking a little hurt, but he has to know things are different between Reese and I compared to him, especially now.

  “You know your shoes were pretty hard to fill, Keegan. I didn’t replace you with Reese. She was my college roommate, and we clicked from the moment we met. She also didn’t know anyone in the city besides her brother. She’s from California, and that’s where all her family and friends are.”

  I’m not sure why I’m explaining this to him. He disappeared. I don’t owe him an explanation, but the look he gave me made me want to let him know he wasn’t replaced.

  He smiles at me and grabs my hand, running circles over my thumbs, which instantly runs tingles down my spine. His touch is always so soothing. Even as children, he always seemed to know the perfect way to touch me.

  “I’m sorry for being absent even a single day since we met, Aimee.” He pulls the hand he’s holding to his mouth and gives it a light kiss.

  “I know, and you’re forgiven,” I tell him.

  “Don’t think I won’t spend the rest of my life proving how sorry I am.”

  I stare at him then give him a kiss on the lips. “If I knew how good kissing you was, I would’ve grown a pair and done it a long time ago,” I tell him to try to lighten the mood. “Yes, kissing you doesn’t suck like I thought it would.”

  He takes that as a challenge and attacks me with his fingers, knowing I’m ticklish. I urge him to stop, but he’s enjoying making me squirm underneath him.

  “Take it back and I’ll stop.”

  “I didn’t say it sucked, just that I thought it would,” I return.

  He grabs both of my arms, pinning them down, now over me with a mischievous look in his eyes.

  “See, Aimee, now you have done it. You’re going to make us late now.”

  Late for what? I wonder.

  Before I can even ask, he assaults my lips with his own. Wherever we are going will have to wait because Keegan has other plans, ones that involve showing me how his kisses do not suck and making love to me for a third time. I suddenly don’t ever want to leave this bed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Keegan wasn’t lying when he said we would be late. After making love again, he dragged me out of bed to get dressed. I was none too happy to leave our happy little bubble. I wore my clothes from the day before, while he dressed in jeans and a crisp, sage, button down, long-sleeved shirt. Before leaving, I warned him Reese may give him a hard time and to be on his best behavior.

  This time, Keegan drove us in his Mercedes to my apartment so I could change. I like his driver Andrew, but it’s definitely nice being alone with him.

  Once inside, I quickly change into a pair of dark skinny jeans and a lavender sweater, still wearing my star necklace to complete the outfit. I don’t plan on removing my favorite piece of jewelry anytime soon.

  We arrive forty-five minutes late for meeting Kaleb and Reese at the Gramercy Tavern. This particular establishment is known for their American cuisine. The last time Reese and I were here, we made a reservation a month in advance for her birthday dinner. I guess Keegan doesn’t have to make reservations, though.

  Keegan and I walk in, hand in hand.

  “You’re late,” Reese addresses, winking at me.

  Heat creeps to my cheeks as Keegan gives his brother a friendly pat on the back and pulls out a chair for me to sit down. We are seated at a square table with Keegan to my left, Reese sitting to my right, and Kaleb right across from me with the goofiest smile on his face.

  “Kaleb, please take that grin off your face. You’re starting to scare the other customers,” I tell him.

  “I can’t help it. I predicted this in the sixth grade when you broke up with J.J. Kowalski.”

  He has the memory of an elephant. I have no idea what he’s referring to, but I’m sure he will let me know. Kaleb never was one to hold anything back. What you see is what you get with him, and that’s exactly why he’s the perfect match for my best friend.

  “You did?” I question.

  “Yep, you broke up with J.J. because you didn’t like his new haircut. You were so picky, always finding something wrong with whoever you dated.”

  “That’s not true.”

  Kaleb fires back, “Whatever you say, picky Aimee.”

  I was so not picky. He’s full of it. I was in the sixth grade. Plus, he was cutting into my afternoons with Keegan, although I don’t remember ever saying he had a stupid haircut.

  “Aimee, question?”

  What does he want now?

  “What?” I say, glaring at him.

  “Why on earth did you go to your senior prom with Dean Delaney? That guy was the biggest douche in town,” he asks.

  What is with this inquisition, and how does he even know that? See, the memory of an elephant.

  “He wasn’t a douche.”

  “Um, yes, he was. He had a big mouth, too, if you know what I mean.”

  “No, I don’t, actually. Please enlighten me, Kaleb.”

  “We ran into him at a party that year, and he was bragging about how he was going to bag you on prom night.”

  Okay, well, maybe he was a douche, but he didn’t bag me. It was actually a little awkward, like he was nervous the entire time.

  “Well, he didn’t”—I hold up my fingers with air quotes—“‘bag me’ if that’s what you are concerned with.”

  “Oh, I know he didn’t. Keegan made sure of it. He threatened to rearrange his face if he even touched you.”

  This makes no sense. Prom was almost an entire year after I saw Keegan the last time. I guess he wasn’t lying when he said he’d never forgotten me since he was still defending my honor.

  Keegan interrupts, “You have a big mouth, Kaleb.”

  “You two were ridiculous. I should have locked you both in a closet to play seven minutes in heaven. Maybe then you would have gotten a clue.”

  Reese breaks into the conversation before anyone else can say anything. “What did you crazy kids do today?”

  Before I can answer, Keegan takes the lead. “Aimee made us a delicious br
eakfast this morning. Nothing really after that, just hung out.”

  Reese smiles. “I bet you hung out.”

  I can’t believe she said that to him. How embarrassing.

  Thankfully, the waitress arrives with our menus and takes our drink orders. Once she leaves, however, I can see the wheels turning in Reese’s head. She’s in full mama bear mode right now, and I know there’s no stopping whatever she plans to say.

  “Keegan, I know you and Aimee have this long history, blah blah blah, but I’m her best friend, and it’s my job to make sure your intentions are honorable.”

  I place my head in my hands, trying to hide my embarrassment while he merely stares at her, letting her continue.

  “Anyway, this is the one and only warning you will get. If you hurt her in any way, I will hunt you down and make you wish you were never born, capiche?”

  A stare down between the two ensues, and neither is backing away. Kaleb and I simply look at each other, unsure if Reese is going to reach across the table and strangle him because of his silence.

  “So, do you understand, Keegan, that if anyone or anything hurts her, you will have me to deal with?”

  He nods. “I don’t plan on hurting her, so relax.”

  She seems happy with his answer and smiles. “Good. I’m glad we have that out of the way, aren’t you?”

  The waitress chooses that moment to interrupt and ask for our orders, which is good because I was on the verge of fleeing the restaurant. I love Reese, but she’s so crass and has no filter. Keegan handled her perfectly.

  After what I now am calling the stare down of 2015, the conversation becomes lighter. Keegan and Kaleb discuss their father’s fiftieth surprise birthday party next month. They will be flying their parents in for the party, and so far, he has no clue about the surprise.

  I haven’t seen his parents since they moved away and am excited to catch up with them. I ask if I can help with anything, and Keegan tells me Gretchen is taking care of everything. Reese rolls her eyes at his answer, and he gives Kaleb a questioning look. Yes, mama bear never backs down. I ignore the awkwardness, and Kaleb changes the subject, talking about the Giants’ picks in the NFL draft, which seems to bore Reese. She hates sports. We talk amongst ourselves for the remainder of dinner.

  As we are leaving, Keegan and I are hand in hand when Reese tells me, “I almost forgot to tell you, Liam is visiting next month. He’s going to be staying in a hotel.”

  “Who is Liam?” Keegan asks.

  Reese smiles proudly. “Only the best brother on the face of the planet, no offense.”

  “None taken.”

  Reese and Liam are Irish twins, only nine months apart. Her excitement for his upcoming visit shows.

  One thing I missed while growing up was having a sibling. My parents always planned on more children. Unfortunately, my mom was sick off and on, so they never had the opportunity.

  The valet pulls up, and we all get in Keegan’s car. Kaleb and Reese took a cab earlier to the restaurant, but we are all heading back to our apartment.

  When we arrive, Keegan excuses himself to make a call while Kaleb and Reese head over to the couch, cuddling into each other. Suddenly it hits me that this is a reality—double dates and sleepovers. It’s comfortable and normal.

  I head to my room where I find Keegan on the phone. He doesn’t see me, and I can’t help overhearing his conversation.

  “I’ll be in early in the morning, and we can work out all the specifics of finalizing the project … No, don’t come over … That’s none of your business.” Keegan lets out a long sigh, obviously starting to get irritated with whomever he’s talking to. “I don’t care. I don’t want to hear from you until the morning … I’ll handle it … I won’t answer.”

  I’m trying to decipher the questions, but they’re hard to guess with only his side of the conversation.

  “I’m serious, Gretchen.” He ends the call. Turning around, he smiles and strides over, throwing his phone on my bed.

  I should have guessed who the caller berating him was.

  “So, this is your room?”


  “I like it,” he states.

  “Thank you. It’s not much, but it’s home,” I reply, thinking he’s used to more space. My apartment is absolutely miniscule compared to his penthouse.

  “I can tell what’s going in that head,” he tells me, reaching out for my hand and placing it to his lips. “I love your place. It’s warm and has you written all over it.”

  “I’m sorry I don’t have a pool,” I say, immediately embarrassed at my lack of finesse. Way to go, Aimee.

  “You should be. How am I going to get my nightly exercise now?” he questions with a smile.

  “You can do some pushups,” I return.

  “Any exercise being done will involve you.”

  I giggle at him then grab my pajamas—a pair of cotton lounge pants and a ribbed tank top. Heading to the bathroom, I change and brush my teeth then move toward the living room to tell Reese and Kaleb goodnight, and I shriek when I catch a glimpse of his naked ass covering my roommate on our couch.

  “What is the matter with you two? Reese, your room is like two feet away,” I say, too horrified to even look away. I’m never going to be able to sit on our couch again. I love our couch. It’s nice and comfy, and I like it … a lot.

  Keegan saunters in, sees his brother, and starts laughing at the scene.

  “This isn’t funny, and I’m going to make him buy me a new couch,” I tell Keegan.

  “It takes two, you know?” he says.

  “I’m not seeing her naked all the time.”

  “Wait, what other time have you seen him naked,” he questions me.

  “Never mind.” I turn around and walk back to my bedroom with Keegan on my heels.

  While I crawl into bed and under my covers, Keegan shuts the door and removes his clothes, leaving his boxer briefs on. Then he gets into bed right next to me and faces me. We stare at one another and then both break out in hysterics. I’m no longer angry but amused. Reese and Kaleb are no doubt hot for each other. I just wish I didn’t have to witness it.

  “Do you know how many times I caught Kaleb’s ass in that same position in high school?” he asks.

  “I don’t want to talk about your brother’s behind. I’ve seen enough of it to last a lifetime.”

  “Tomorrow is going to be busy for me and most likely the rest of the week, but I was hoping you could come over during the week and sleepover.”

  “Like a slumber party?”

  He eyes me wickedly. “If that’s what you want to call it, a slumber party it is.”

  “You don’t have to spend all your free time with me, Keegan. I know you have a lot of responsibilities. It’s fine, really. I don’t expect it.”

  He looks a little hurt. “Aimee, you just don’t get it, do you?”

  I look at him, waiting for him to continue.

  “I want to be with you whenever possible. I have a lot to make up for, and I’m not going to miss one single minute with you if I can help it.”

  He has put to rest all the insecurities I have. Still, I feel like this is just too good to be true. I mean, perfect is great, but how long can it last? He and I used to be so alike, and now I can’t help thinking we couldn’t be more different.

  We both fall asleep in a peaceful slumber with Keegan’s arms wrapped around me. I don’t wake until the next morning when he kisses me good-bye before he heads home.

  Breakfast in our kitchen has me shooting daggers across the table at my roommate and her boyfriend. When Reese breaks the silence by talking about our upcoming girls’ night with Olivia, Kaleb excuses himself to leave for work, and I decide to finally ask her what is at the true root of my mood.

  “Do you think Keegan and I make sense?”

  Reese looks at me like I have grown two heads. “Um, yeah, like, you two already have that forever look about you.”

  I stare at her, puz

  “Let me tell you what I see. You both are like magnets; he’s stuck to you like glue. That man follows your every move, and I’m surprised you don’t see it.”

  “It’s just, things are different,” I tell her.

  “Well, of course they are. Aimee, where is this coming from? You’re beautiful, intelligent, sexy, and funny—every man’s dream. He finally got his head out of his ass.”

  I laugh at her bluntness, in a lighter mood.

  With my thoughts on Keegan and the weekend, we head into work together where it’s business as usual. If I could describe how I feel, it would be floating, especially when Keegan texts me, saying he misses me.

  Olivia enters my office and sits down. “So, I’m guessing Mr. James is the reason for that smile plastered all over your face and not your love of working here?”

  “Maybe. No offense.”

  “You’re so transparent, Aimee. In all the time I have known you, I haven’t seen you this happy. I just want you to be careful,” she tells me.

  “Of course, but you should know Reese already threatened to hunt him down if he ever hurt me.”

  “That is why I love that woman. She’s a tiger.”

  I know they are both looking out for me, but they don’t have to worry. Everything has been put on the table between Keegan and me. I have also learned some things are out of our control.

  “I love you both, but I’m a big girl,” I say.

  Olivia stands up and starts to leave. “If you ever want to talk, good or bad, I’m here for you, okay?”

  “I know,” I reply.

  Reese leaves after work to meet Kaleb at his place. Talk about two people who are stuck like glue. My evening consists of switching between channel surfing and reading on my Kindle. Once The Voice comes on, I’m more than happy to watch Adam Levine and Blake Shelton’s “bromance” again. Then my phone rings, and I pick it up off our coffee table, answering it eagerly when I see Keegan’s name flash across the screen.

  “Hello,” I say in my most seductive voice.

  “Hi, there,” Keegan says in a low voice, sounding exhausted.

  “Are you still working?”

  “Yes, it’s been a long day.”

  “Poor, baby. If I knew, I would have brought you dinner.”


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