Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1)

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Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1) Page 19

by Mindy Carter

  “My mom would have totally traded me for you. She always wanted a daughter.” He’s being serious. I hope he doesn’t really feel this way.

  His parents love both their boys with everything they have. I was merely a happy observer. I missed having a mom growing up, and Mrs. James kind of took on the maternal roll in my life. The woman took me shopping for my first training bra, for goodness sake. I was thankful for her, as there was no way I wanted to do that with my dad. She got me, and I loved her for it.

  “You know that’s not true, Kaleb.” I stare at him pointedly.

  Kaleb goes to say something, but Reese ambles in, interrupting our conversation.

  “What’s not true?” she asks, obviously overhearing the tail end of our conversation.

  “Kaleb is just being silly as usual. That’s all.”

  Reese looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “Reese, are you all right?” I’m not getting a good vibe from her. Reese is always so up, and right now, she’s giving me down.

  “Can I talk to you privately real quick?” Reese looks at me with pleading eyes, starting to worry me a little.

  “Of course. We can go to my room.”

  Reese follows me, and once we enter, I close the door. She goes to sit on my bed and places her hands on her knees, looking down at the floor. I take a seat next to her.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  She lets out a huff and, without looking at me, says, “Do you think Mr. and Mrs. James will like me?”

  This question isn’t like her. She’s the queen of self-confidence. There is rarely a time I see her frown.

  “Why wouldn’t they? You are the most wonderful person on the planet.” That gets her attention, and she looks at me with tears starting to flow from her eyes. Then she shocks me.

  “Would they still love me if they found out I’m pregnant?”

  I wasn’t expecting that, and it’s definitely a sensitive subject with me as of late, especially after Keegan’s confession last night. She wouldn’t joke about something this serious, though. I’m positive this is her way of telling me she is pregnant.

  “Does Kaleb know?”

  She looks at me, wiping her eyes. “No, I just took the test this morning, and I swear I took my pills every day at the same time like it says on the package.”

  So this is a little more complicated than I thought. The one person she needs to talk to is sitting in the other room, and she’s in here, crying.

  I pull her in for a hug, rubbing calming circles on her back.

  “Whatever happens, you’re not alone, and Kaleb is a good guy.” I have known him long enough to know he will always do the right thing.

  Reese seems to be more upset and scared than I would think.

  Before I can ask her anything else, she answers my question.

  “I had an abortion in high school. I got pregnant, had an abortion, and it was the single worst mistake I ever made. My boyfriend at the time didn’t want me to have the baby. I was so in love that I thought we were going to be together forever. He promised me that, if I had the procedure, later down the road, we could have a boatload of kids. That was all a lie, though. He dropped me off at the clinic; I had the abortion; and then he was supposed to pick me up, but he didn’t. I had to call my brother, and you can imagine how that went since no one had a clue. We forged all the paperwork. I was only sixteen.”

  I can’t imagine what she went through alone. How could someone treat her like that? I’m so angry this happened to her.

  “Liam, he’s the only one who knows except my ex. He ended up cornering him one night when he was out with his friends on a date. He kicked his ass pretty good, told him, if he ever came near me ever again, he would kill him and bury his body in a shallow grave.” I would have done the exact same thing.

  I know she’s scared she will be repeating history; however, Kaleb James would never do that to her He would rather cut his own arm off. He adores his Reesey pie.

  “Kaleb cares about you. He wouldn’t do anything that cruel, I promise.”

  “What if he doesn’t want me to have the baby? I won’t give the baby up, not this time.”

  I know that, no matter what, everything will be fine. Everything happens for a reason, and I trust that Kaleb will be there for her. He doesn’t scare away easily, and from what I see, he cares for her a lot.

  I continue to hold her and rub her back, soothing her.

  I look up to see the door is now open, and standing there is Kaleb with so much concern in his eyes.

  “Reesey pie, are you pregnant?” Kaleb walks over to her and kneels down in front of her.

  I let go of the hold I have on her so these two can have this special moment. He is being so sweet, brushing her tears away and telling her it will be all right. Knowing he’s got this, I back out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind me.

  I make my way into the living room, feeling myself breaking from what I just witnessed between Reese and Kaleb. This isn’t that far off from what could happen with Keegan and me. After all, we haven’t been using protection, and although Keegan just wants us to let the cards fall where they may, I’m not as confident as him. I want him forever, and there is no doubt about that, but…

  I’m taken out of my thoughts when the sound of a key being turned in our apartment door leaves me frozen in place until I see who it is.

  “Liam, you scared me,” I tell him, the adrenaline rushing from my sudden fright.

  “Sorry, Aimee. Reese gave me a key. We’re supposed to have dinner,” he says.

  How do I get him out of here before he realizes what’s going on and kills Kaleb? Do I lie? Do I tell him she’s sick? Think, think, Aimee.

  “Liam, I’m so sorry. Reese had to work late, so she asked me to join you for dinner.” I hope the lie is believable. I have never been good at it.

  “Okay. No plans with the boyfriend?” he asks curiously. The way he says boyfriend makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

  “No, not tonight. I’m all yours.”

  He smirks at my comment while I grab my jacket, and thankfully, my purse is right on the kitchen counter. I’m so glad I don’t have to go back into my bedroom.

  Liam places his hand on my lower back, guiding me out the door. Then we head to dinner at a local bar within walking distance from our apartment. I try my best to not worry about Reese and what she’s going through, just spend time with my friend. The evening is pleasant, and I realize how much I have missed Liam’s wit.

  This entire month has been an enjoyable trip down memory lane, revisiting my childhood and my teen years with Keegan, but I’m more than ready to replace them with new memories, starting now.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  After dinner with Liam, he walks me to my apartment, and we say our good-byes, relieved when he doesn’t follow me inside. He has plans with some old college friends, so he gave me a light kiss on the forehead and let me know he will see me at Mr. James’s surprise party.

  Walking into my apartment, I’m unsure what I am going to find, but I hope Reese and Kaleb were able to work things out the best they could.

  When Reese confessed her past to me, it broke my heart. I would never judge her for her choices, especially one she was somewhat forced into.

  Removing my jacket and shoes, I spot Kaleb lying on our couch. As I approach, I can see Reese is snuggled into him. Kaleb is stroking her hair while she sleeps peacefully.

  “How is she?” I ask.

  Kaleb looks up at me. “She’s better, but exhausted.”

  I’m glad he’s here comforting her. It’s exactly what she needs from him.

  “What about you? How are you?” I look at him, and then it happens—he smiles at me, and I know in that moment that everything is going to be all right.

  “I’m good, more than good. I’m going to be a dad, and Reese is going to be a mom.”

  I walk over to him, placing a kiss on the top of his head. “Thank you, Kaleb, for being
everything she needs.”

  What a night. I’m exhausted from the evening’s events, ready to crawl into the comfort of my bed.

  I make my way to my bedroom and open my door. Lying on my bed with his back against my pillows and his computer in his lap is the one person who makes my heart flutter every time I see him.

  “Hi, what are you doing here?” I ask. I’m not complaining in the least. Seeing Keegan is the best thing that has happened to me all night.

  “I missed you and hoped we could grab something to eat, but you weren’t here.”

  I feel guilty. I know he expected me to be home all night, but I needed to get Liam out of the apartment. I still have no idea how he’s going to react to Reese’s pregnancy.

  “Sorry, I had dinner with Liam. It was a last minute thing.” I look at him, silently asking if he understands. I want to explain tonight’s events, but I don’t want to break anyone’s confidence.

  “Looks like I’m going to be an uncle.” Relieved that he knows, I let out a long breath.

  “That’s why I wasn’t here. I wanted to give them time to talk, and then Liam showed up, so I had to think fast and get him out of here. I was afraid of what he might do to Kaleb if he saw how upset Reese was.”

  I walk over to my dresser, place my purse down, and remove my earrings. Then I make my way toward my bed, lying down next to him. He closes his computer and places it on my nightstand.

  I move into him, placing my head on his chest, his steady heartbeat and spicy scent instantly putting me at ease. However, I’m not sure what is going on in his head.

  “I love you,” I tell him, hugging him close.

  “I love you to the stars,” he replies. There they are, the words that will never get old.

  “I talked to your mom today, and we made plans for lunch.”

  He begins to run his fingers through my hair, placing a soft kiss on my head. “Good, maybe now she will forgive me.”

  I don’t ask. I assume he’s talking about when he left me.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I tell him, because everything is so much better when we are together. The world outside could be falling apart, and I wouldn’t care. As long as I have him, that’s all that matters.

  The future I envisioned only a few months ago has changed drastically. I never pictured Keegan to be a part of it. I gave up that hope years ago. Now my life and my best friend’s are forever changed because of these two brothers.

  “Me, too.” Keegan gives me another kiss on my head, and we fall asleep.

  When I wake in the morning, he’s gone. A note is left on my nightstand, telling me he has an early meeting and that he will talk to me later. At the bottom of the note, he signed it xoxo with a love you.

  I get out of bed with the note in hand and pull down my special memory box, opening it and sticking the note inside. I have always been sentimental. I want to be able to go through this box when I’m old and grey and remember the little moments in my life that made me happy.

  I look down at what I’m wearing and remember I fell asleep without changing into my pajamas. I make my way to the bathroom for a shower, but when I enter, Reese is bent over the toilet, puking her guts out. I run over to her and pull her hair back, noting her skin is a sickly shade of green.

  Once I’m sure she’s expelled the contents of her stomach, I guide her back to her room. Kaleb is gone, most likely due to the same meeting Keegan has.

  She crawls back in bed, and I pull the covers over her.

  “I’ll let Olivia know you are sick. Don’t worry about anything but resting, okay?”

  After she looks at me, nods, and shuts her eyes, I start to walk out of her room when she says, “It’s good being sick. That means everything is progressing as it should. Well, at least that’s what I read online.”

  Turning around, I shoot her a happy smile. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you this yesterday, but congratulations. I’m really happy for you and Kaleb.” Just because I’m not ready to have a family, it doesn’t mean I don’t realize she is. Besides, they will be amazing parents.

  “Aimee, please don’t say anything to anyone yet, especially Liam. Kaleb and I want to tell everyone together, you know, in a public place.”

  I nod. “I would never. If you’re worried about Liam, I can talk to him,” I offer.

  “I know you would, Aimee, but he’s my big brother, and I can handle him. This isn’t like before; it’s different. Kaleb is different.”

  Although I’m still a little worried about her, she’s right. She can handle him.

  I make my way back to the bathroom. The hot water instantly relaxes me and washes away yesterday’s stress.

  Washing my hair, I think of Keegan and how somber he was with me yesterday. I couldn’t tell if he was upset or not. I replay last night in my head. Maybe he’s shocked by Reese and Kaleb’s news? Maybe he realized what a mistake it would be for me to become pregnant? I mean, I could be, and if I am, I know we would be happy.

  With the rampant thoughts in my head starting to drive me a little mad, I end my shower and grab my fluffy, white towel, drying myself off. Then I continue my morning routine for work, grabbing some coffee to go. I check on Reese who is sleeping in her bed before I lock up and make my way to work, telling myself the whole way there to simply take things one day at a time.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I open the door to the quaint coffee shop, the smell of coffee and sugary baked goods invading my senses, making me instantly hungry. The Culture Espresso is a little café located in midtown Manhattan. The décor reminds me of Paris with its hanging chandeliers and lavender walls. There are beautiful paintings along the walls, and the atmosphere is pleasant.

  Looking around, I spot Mrs. James sitting at a small table. She hasn’t changed since the last time I saw her. Her shoulder length, strawberry-blonde hair and pale Irish skin makes her look youthful. She’s wearing a pair of black slacks with a turquoise blouse.

  As I’m walking over to meet her, she looks up and notices me, and a huge smile covers her face as she stands up to pull me into a hug.

  “Aimee, it’s so good to see you,” she says.

  “You, too, Mrs. James. You haven’t changed one bit.”

  She grabs my arm. “Please, call me Liz. Mrs. James makes me feel old.”

  I laugh, thinking that will take some getting used to.

  “Liz, it’s so good to see you.” It feels strange as soon as it leaves my mouth.

  “Please sit.” She stares at me, smiling for a long moment before speaking with her hand in mine. “Aimee, you have grown into such a beauty. You were always a beautiful girl, but now, as a grown woman, you are just lovely.”

  Her compliment makes me blush. That is the nicest thing someone other than Keegan has said in a long time, and it’s nice to hear.

  “Thank you,” I reply.

  “What do you want to drink? I love it here. I always try to come when I’m visiting my boys.”

  “I’ll just have an espresso.”

  Liz stands up and I watch her walk to the counter then place the order. She returns a few minutes later with two espressos and two croissants.

  She sits back down, smiling at me as she takes a sip of her coffee.

  “This is really good,” I comment after taking a sip. I don’t indulge in too much espresso, but this cup makes me want to drink it every day.

  “I know; it’s addictive. I would spend all day here, drinking it if it wasn’t going to make me wired.”

  We laugh, but I know exactly what she means. You have to drink these in moderation, or you will start having caffeine withdrawal.

  “I knew this day would come. I’m so relieved Keegan finally made his way back to you.”

  I look her in the eyes and see that she is, indeed, relieved and happy. I mean, how often do people walk back into each other’s lives? How lucky are we that we both ended up in the same city? I mean, it’s a huge city, but still, it’s a relief.

�You sound like my grandmother; she always said that, if it was meant to be, we would find the way back to one another.”

  She looks at me with concern at the mention of my grandmother. “Aimee, Keegan told me of your grandmother’s passing, and I’m so sorry. I know how close you two were.”

  Memories of my grandmother invade my heart, making me feel sad. She’s right; we were close.

  “Thank you. That means a lot. I miss her, but it was her time.” The truth is, there isn’t a day that I don’t at least think of her. She took care of my dad and me when we needed her the most. The love and the home she gave us were everything to me; as a result, I took her death really hard. Losing the second most important woman took a lot of time for me to heal.

  “How is your dad, other than still scaring the pants off Keegan?”

  Either Keegan or Kaleb must have told her about our trip back home.

  “Yes, it’s his job to keep Keegan in line. I am his only child.” I give her a wink. “My dad is doing well. He’s finally retired, but I worry about him. I don’t get to see him as often as I would like,” I confess.

  I do wish my dad lived closer. Although I tried to convince him to move to the city after my grandmother died, he said he could never live here, too many people. He enjoys his peaceful, suburban living.

  “I’m sure he misses you, too, sweetheart.”

  “How is Florida? Do you miss living up north?”

  “I miss the change of seasons, but I don’t miss the winters one bit. I also miss my boys terribly, but they are grown, living their own lives with, from what I hear, some very special women.”

  We continue to catch up, eating our croissants. We both order another coffee, and before you know it, we have been here for two hours.

  “So, Mr. James and the big five-o?”

  Liz laughs. “Better him than me.” She grabs her purse and produces an envelope and hands it over to me. “I went a little crazy. I figured you could choose whichever pictures you liked.”

  Opening the envelope, I see she isn’t kidding. There have to be a hundred pictures.

  The first one I pull out is their wedding photo, in which both of Keegan’s parents look at each other with so much love.


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