War of the Gods Complete Series Boxed Set

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War of the Gods Complete Series Boxed Set Page 10

by Meg Xuemei X

  “When it comes to spells and summoning,” Reysalor said, “he’s incomparable.”

  “That’s good to know. Tell me more about the four of you. Start with yourself, and don’t omit any of your weaknesses.”

  “My weakness now is you, Cass.”

  My heart fluttered, my stomach dipped.

  “We can talk after your shower. Over brunch.”

  I bristled. Brunch again. Did they still not realize I did not want my meals combined? After all that time of only eating once a day, I couldn’t shake the fear that I would have to go back to that.

  “And we’ll have lunch after the brunch,” he added on a laugh.

  “That’s the most sensible thing you’ve said,” I stated as I rolled off the bed and headed toward the bath chamber.

  Reysalor’s gaze trailed after me, heat licking up my thighs. I almost asked him to shift into his panther form. There was no pressure between the panther and me, but the sexual tension between the hot fae male and me lay heavy in the air.

  I jumped into the shower and washed myself as fast as possible. I was hungry. I hadn’t eaten since yesterday’s lunch, and Jezebel’s nasty spell had eaten a lot of my energy. It was still sapping my power, but at a much slower rate.

  I strode out of the bathroom and shrugged on a flowery dress. My tri-colored hair fell in curls down to my waist. I was sure Reysalor would appreciate my refreshed look and the faint scent of coconut on my skin from my new shampoo.

  A full feast occupying almost the entire round table in the sitting room caught my attention before I flicked a gaze at Reysalor. He’d showered. The dude was even quicker than me.

  My eyes roved over the muscled chest I’d used as a pillow for the entire night. He wore a gray T-shirt with black pattern, a pair of washed-out jeans, and white sports shoes. When I dream-visited the mortal realm, I saw human men wear the similar attire in casual settings.

  Reysalor must have traveled to the human realm a lot. Did he have a mortal lover? The possibility tasted sour and bilious on my tongue.

  I glared at him, his sexiness now irritating me, even as he stalked toward me with a teasing smile on his beautiful face.

  He lifted me and pressed me along his length, which was all hard muscle. I clasped my hands behind his neck.

  “Let me down, Reysalor,” I murmured. “It’s different between us now. You never should have shifted to this form!”

  “I’m still me,” he protested. “No matter what form I take.”

  He carried me to the table and set me down on a chair while the servant girls, Shan and Frances, put drinks before me.

  “Now you eat, Cass baby,” Reysalor said.

  My gaze darted between a few glasses, as I decided on my first drink.

  Frances brought a mug in front of me. “We made this herbal tea especially for you, Cass. It calms the nerves. I heard what happened last night.”

  News and gossip spread fast in the vampire court, even among the servants.

  Before I could take a sip, Reysalor took my glass and sniffed it.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “You’re excused,” Reysalor told Frances and Shan. “I’ll summon you when we’re done.”

  The girls moved toward the door. They were less scared of Reysalor when he wasn’t in his panther form. In fact, they stared doe-eyed at the fae and seemed to have little crushes on him.

  “Bye,” I said.

  They turned to smile at me before heading out. Through the half-opened door, I glimpsed a few guards outside as they stole a glance at me.

  The security was tight.

  As I devoured my food, Reysalor kept me entertained and informed, just as he’d promised.

  “So, you’re an Unseelie fae, heir to Sihde, the Spring Isles,” I said, looking at him from beneath my lashes as I sipped the rest of my tea.

  I was quite full, and my stomach was content, which was rare. And the tea made me mellow and sleepy.

  Reysalor arched an eyebrow at my comment, which only made him look sexier.

  “What does the fae realm look like?” I asked, willing my fluttering heart to calm.

  “Beautiful and dangerous beyond measure,” he said.

  “All beautiful things are dangerous, aren’t they?”

  He smiled lopsidedly. “Like you, Cass baby.”

  I smiled back predatorily, though I liked it that he thought me beautiful.

  “Maybe I should go live with you, Reys?” I asked. “I don’t like the vampire court.”

  I hated any place associated with Jezebel.

  “It would be my honor, Cass Saélihn,” he said softly, his eyes sparkling. “And I’ll do anything in my power to make you safe and happy in my realm.”

  I sat straighter on my chair. “Why don’t we leave now?” I whispered. “We can ditch all the vampires. We don’t need them.”

  But as I said those words, the mere idea of leaving Lorcan shot a sharp pain to my chest.

  It worried me. I despised vampires. Why did I feel so attached to the bloodsucker lord?

  I pressed a hand on my heart, hoping it would ease the ache.

  “Are you okay, Cass?” Reysalor asked, his blue eyes full of worry. “Has the pain started up again?” He was at my side before I could reply, stroking my arms.

  “It’s nothing,” I said. “I think I ate too much.”

  He laughed and flicked my nose. “Take it easy, will you?” His bedroom eyes flashed darkly. “I’ll never let you go hungry. You’ll always be taken care of.”

  “So, are we going to Sihde?” I asked in a low, uncertain voice.

  And again, pain rose at the prospect of leaving Lorcan behind.

  “We’re not ready to go to my fae realm yet, Cass,” he said on a sigh. “Lorcan and I have discussed this. It isn’t safe to move you to another realm just yet. The fewer people who know about you, the safer you are. We need to remove the binding spells on you, train you, and equip you in every possible way. Only then will you be ready for everything.” At my brooding look, he added, “The dark fae court is vicious, more wicked and manipulative than the vampire court. Even as princes, my brother and I have to constantly fend off all sorts of backstabbing. You’ll need to at least understand the basics of the fae court before I can take you there. I won’t throw you to the wolves.”

  “I’m the lethal knife you and Lorcan need to hone,” I said.

  Everything they’d done for me was but a means to an end, and here I was, warming up to him like a fool just because he’d held me all through the night.

  “Cass, you know it’s more than that,” he said, but he wasn’t denying that I was their weapon.

  I smiled. “I’m sure.” I snatched the red wine, my fingers tapping the stem of the tall glass before I drained the liquid.


  I formed a plan.

  Reysalor, the one I’d thought was sweet and caring, also wanted to use me. No matter how valuable I was to them, I would not allow them to treat me like a weapon. I knew that when Lorcan returned, he and Reysalor would focus on sharpening their knife—me—so I could be ready to kill the gods, or die trying.

  I’d toyed with the idea of using the vampire lord and the fae. I’d thought of taking off after Lorcan managed to remove this hex from me, but there was a possibility that he would add something to the counter spell to ensure that I stayed in his service.

  I couldn’t afford to underestimate how capable both Lorcan and Reysalor were.

  If I wanted to disappear, I had to do it now while Lorcan was away and before anyone could sabotage my freedom again. I had no money and no experience, but I was tough and cunning. I could adapt to my surroundings. I would survive. First, I needed to get out of vampire territory, then out of the immortal realm altogether.

  I’d spent most of my childhood dream-visiting the mortal realm and had knowledge of it. It’d be easier to disappear into the human world. Plus, the mortals fascinated me. They had such a short lifespan, but they burned fiercely during that blink
of time.

  When Frances returned to collect the dishes, I carted her to my bedroom. Reysalor tried to follow us, but I blocked him at the doorway.

  “What’s that about?” Reysalor asked suspiciously.

  “I need some female necessities. I don’t want you or any man to hear about it,” I said. “I’m a girl. I’m shy. I need my privacy.”

  Reysalor shrugged, and then blinked. “Is it the time of the month? I thought—”

  “Yeah, I’m a full-grown woman,” I hissed, folding my arms on my chest.

  He stared at me, as if trying to figure out another intriguing puzzle. I slammed the door shut in his handsome face.

  “Cass baby?” he called outside the door.

  I rolled my eyes.

  Frances covered her mouth to stop a giggle from escaping.

  “You’re so badass, Cass,” she whispered. “No one dares to talk that way to the High Lord and the fae prince, and you boss them around like they’re your servants.”

  I blinked. “I don’t order them around like they’re servants. I wouldn’t do that to anyone. I only ask them to bring me food when it’s time to eat. Hunger makes me cranky.”

  “They’ll kill anyone for the slightest offense,” Frances said. “But they treat you like the royalty you are. No one attacking the king is ever left alive, but they threw the king and queen into the dungeon for you.”

  I sneered. “I’m useful to them.”

  My words reminded me why I’d brought Frances here.

  “It’s more than that,” she whispered. “They look at you like you’re the most delicious dessert in the universe.”

  I smirked. “The panther might think I’m his next snack, and the vampire lord regards me as his midnight drink, as if that would happen.”

  Frances snickered.

  “Come,” I said. “We don’t have much time. Reysalor is very controlling. If we stay here any longer, he’ll blow the door down.”

  I locked the door, whisked the girl into the bathroom, and shut the second door.

  “Why all this secrecy?” she asked, but her eyes sparkled.

  I turned on the shower.

  Fae had superior hearing. But with the shower on and two closed doors, Reysalor couldn’t hear our whispers, even if he pressed his ear against the wall.

  “I like the sleeping tea very much, Frances,” I said. “Could you bring me more tomorrow at breakfast? I need it to be heavily dosed, at least twenty times stronger than what I had today.”

  “It’ll knock you out!”

  “That’s what I need. Reysalor is a sadist. He wants to turn me into a super soldier. Tomorrow, he plans to make me do a thousand sit-ups to start with.”

  “A thousand?” she cried.

  “Shush. As I said, he’s a sadist,” I said. “I’m still weak after the bitch queen’s attack. I need to knock myself out after breakfast, so he can’t make me train.”

  Frances nodded in sympathy, then leaned closer. “Why did your mother treat you so bad?”

  I stifled the cunning smile that wanted to stretch my lips. I’d judged the girl right. She thrived on gossip.

  “That’s a story for another day,” I said. “If we don’t get back to the sitting room soon, Reysalor will lose his shit. He’s a bad panther.”

  “He’s also a very handsome fae prince,” Frances said with a dreamy look.

  I squeezed her hand as I expected a friend might do. “Will you help me and bring that tea tomorrow?”

  She bit on her lip, as if contemplating her next words. “I have something better if you want. The vampires have a sleep elixir that’s even stronger. I know where to get it.”

  I gave her a thumbs-up. “This needs to stay between us. Not even Shan can know about it.”

  She nodded, pleased that I trusted only her.

  Reysalor banged the outside door. “Cass baby, you okay in there?”

  I rolled my eyes again. “See, I told you. We’ve only been in here for a minute or two. He’s insufferable. I must set him straight.”

  “I’ll take that kind of insufferable any day,” she said wistfully. “I like when a man dominates me.”

  “You’re helpless, girlfriend,” I said, and opened the bathroom door.

  She giggled.

  “Cass,” Reysalor asked outside the bedroom door. “Can you answer me? I need to know you’re all right.”

  I wrenched the door open and glared at him while Frances sent him an adoring glance before she left the room.


  The next morning after I had breakfast, Frances came back alone and brought a bottle of wine.

  “Sorry, Cass,” she said. “We forgot to serve you the wine, so I brought the whole bottle. This is one of their best.”

  That was our code.

  Reysalor slanted me a look. “Cass baby, I don’t like it that you drink every morning. It’s a bad habit.”

  “Says who?” I asked. “The mortals? You know I’m not one of them. You know alcohol has no effect on me. And I don’t take kindly to you scowling at me!”

  “I’m not scowling at you. I’m merely concerned. If you think alcohol has no effect on you, you’re in for a surprise once you try the fae brew.”

  I pursed my lips. “But you refuse to take me to the fae realm.”

  “We’ll live in Sihde as long as you want once the realm is safe,” Reysalor said.

  He and Lorcan would dangle that bait in front of me when they demanded I kill the gods in the near future—that much I was certain of.

  “Whatever,” I murmured as I picked up the glass of wine Frances had poured for me.

  “Wait,” Reysalor said. “I’ll taste it first.”

  I handed him the glass and nodded at Frances. “You can go. See you at lunch.”

  She gave me a knowing smile as she retreated.

  Reysalor took a sip of the wine from my glass.

  “It tastes strong,” he said, his brows creasing. “And it has an herbal aftertaste.”

  “It’s a fruit wine, genius,” I said, bluffing.

  I couldn’t chance him figuring out and ruining my plan, so I stood from my chair and strutted toward him, settling myself on his lap and grinding my ass into his crotch.


  He had held me in his sleep the whole night, and now he had an issue with this?

  I clasped my hands behind his neck. “Yes, Reys?”

  He immediately put down the glass, his hands wrapping around me. He didn’t have a problem with me straddling him, after all.

  “You okay, baby?” he asked uncertainly, but his arms remained wrapped around me.

  “Never better, Reys,” I said, batting my eyelashes at him. “I had a dream about you the other night. I also dreamed about the demigod Alaric.”

  “What was the dream about?” he asked, his body tensing beneath me.

  “Let me show you,” I whispered, and I crushed my lips to his.

  He became very still, but the pounding of his powerful heart was so loud I almost mistook it for my own racing heart.

  “…know what you’re doing, Cass?” he murmured against my lips

  I pulled my lips half an inch away from his, my body protesting at the sudden loss of contact. It wanted the fae male.

  I traced his bottom lip back and forth with my tongue, my breath growing shallower with every stroke. “I’m not a child, Reys,” I murmured, and placed my lips on his again.

  His skin heated under my touch, mirroring the heat that spread through my body. With a little coaxing, he kissed me back, moving us from gentle to hard, from uncertainty to fierce.

  His control slipped away.

  Reysalor wanted me. He’d wanted me the first time he’d laid his eyes upon me, even though I had looked like a filthy savage in the cage. I knew that instinctively.

  Right now, I was simply acting on my instincts.

  This was my first kiss, and it was much more pleasant than any kiss I’d ever imagined. His delicious warmth and that intoxicating
woodsy scent wrapped around me. All my thoughts left me, the world around me disappeared. The only thing that existed was him, and the feel of him against me.

  I kissed him raw, though I lacked skill in this department.

  Reysalor took over. The tip of his tongue swept over my lips, then urged me to part them. I opened my mouth on a gasp and thrust my tongue roughly to meet his. He guided me with patience, seduction, and fire, until I learned the dance.

  His tongue thrust deeper, mating mine with carnal fire.

  A jolt of pleasure hit my nerve ends, and heat rushed in my bloodstream.

  A low moan escaped my throat.

  Liquid fire pooled between my thighs, soaking my panties. His massive erection pricked beneath me.

  My breath came out in shallow pants as pure need for him took over my body. I rocked my hips against his arousal, my fingers twining in his hair. I wanted his cock inside me right now, more than anything in the world. Fiery lust coursed in my veins, and only he could cool it down before it consumed me.

  He tore his lips from mine.

  “No,” I whimpered. “Don’t stop.”

  This might be the last time I had a chance to have him. I wanted to keep his memory with me, even though his ultimate plan was for me to be his lethal weapon.

  “Cass baby,” he groaned. “We need to stop, or I won’t be able to stop.”

  “Don’t you want me?”

  “I want you more than anything in the world,” he said, his turquoise eyes turned pure, burning golden. “I’ve wanted to claim you and make you mine from the moment I set eyes on you. But I also have to honor my pact with the others—the four of us.”

  The dream of the four men sharing me flashed across my mind, but right now I didn’t care for any of them. All I wanted was Reysalor, and I wanted his cock buried inside me.

  “Just let me have a little taste, Reys. We won’t go further than that,” I murmured as my fingers worked the fly of his jeans and pulled out his cock. I looked down between our bodies, and gasped at how hard, silky, and beautiful it was.

  Heat burned in his golden eyes as he watched me stare fascinated at his massive erection. He pulled me closer and took my mouth.


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