The Flea Palace

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The Flea Palace Page 42

by Elif Shafak

Dede This word has two meanings in Turkish: grandfather and a senior religious person, usually in a tarikat

  Halva A traditional Turkish sweet made from nuts and honey

  Hidrellez Turkish festival symbolizing spring and new life, during which women write down their wishes on paper and tie them to red roses

  Hizma Decorative nose stud

  Houris of heaven The virgins in heaven

  Jinni/jinn An Islamic term meaning invisible spirit, mentioned in the Qur’an and believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth, influencing mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals

  Kader Fortune

  Katzenjammer Loud noise from various sources; from the German word, meaning anxiety or jitters following intoxication

  Lodos The famous wind in Istanbul that blows in from the sea and is said to cause dizziness

  Mezes A variety of small dishes served instead of a main course

  Ney A reed flute played especially in Mawlawi music

  Oleaster One of several shrubs of the genus Elaegnus with yellow flowers followed by olive-like fruits containing a powdery dust

  Rakι Turkish spirit of aniseed flavour

  Simit A pastry baked in the shape of a circle with a hole in the centre

  Tarikat Mystical sisterhoods / brotherhoods of Muslims that were historically separate from the mainstream

  Zurna A shrill Turkish pipe used to accompany drums

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  First published in Turkey as Bit Palas by Metis Yayinlari in 2002

  First published in Great Britain and in the USA by Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd in 2004

  Published in Penguin Books 2010

  Copyright © Elif Shafak, 2004, 2005

  This translation copyright © from the Turkish by Müge Göçek, 2004

  The moral right of the author and of the translator has been asserted

  All rights reserved

  ISBN: 978-0-14-196137-8

  * ‘Allah bas, baqiya hawas’ means ‘God is strength, the rest is folly’ and Ottoman cel sulus script is a historical Turkish script of the Ottoman Empire.

  * It is believed that the Trumpet of Israfil will be heard on the Day of Judgement.

  * Meryem means Mary in Turkish and ‘Meryem, Musa, Muhammet’ is a trilogy referring to the three monotheist religions (Mary, Moses and Muhammet are the names of the family members).

  * According to the Muslim faith, in order to create the universe Allah uttered ‘BE!’




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