death camps
Einsatzgruppen (paramilitary death squads)
Mein Kampf (Hitler) and
“ordinary men” as executioners
Nazi soldiers, repulsed by
Nuremberg trials
propaganda and
Holyoak, Keith
Homily of the Gospel (Gregory the Great)
Homo erectus
meat in diet
Homo ergaster
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo sapiens
and cooperative hunting
See also Paleolithic period
Homo sapiens sapiens
Hornshøj-Møller, Stig
Höss, Rudolf
human behavior
biological explanations of
human kind module
“Human Rights, Rationality, and Sentimentality” (Rorty)
biology, having a fixed meaning in
culture and
Plato’s definition of
and cruelty
and dehumanization
killing, ambivalence about
Neanderthals and humans, split between
violent aggression against outsiders, disposition for
and war
See also Homo sapiens
Hume, David
on greed
on humans conceiving all things like themselves
moral theory
and property rights
Hussein, Saddam
as a “monster”
Hutto, Charles
Huxley, Aldous
Huxley, Julian
Ibn Butlan
Ibn Khaldun
Ibn Munqidh, Usama
Ibn Sina (aka Avicenna)
Iliad (Homer)
Innocent III, Pope
Instruction of Ani (Egyptian text)
Iraqi war
Fallujah as “a huge rat’s nest”
as hunting expedition
and war porn
and PTSD
Irish people
considered a race
Isaac, Benjamin H.
and the kinship of milk (rida’a)
American invective against
Jews as subhuman creatures
and natural slavery
racism in
slavery in
slaves considered livestock
and Arabs
Italian people
considered a race
Jacoby, Karl
James I
James, William
James River massacre
Jamestown colony
Japan: Know Your Enemy (propaganda film)
dehumanization of
Nanjing, atrocities committed in
sense of superiority
Japanese macaque monkeys
Jefferson, Thomas
racist remarks of
Jewish male menstruation
myth of
dehumanization of
ghetto life
and Muslims
Nazi medical experiments on
Nazis and
passion plays, portrayal in
and the Star of David
wealth confiscated by the Nazis
See also anti-Semitism; Holocaust; Israelis
Jívaro people
Jones, Ernest
Jordan, Winthrop
Journey to the Ants (Hölldobler/Wilson)
Judges, book of
Jünger, Ernst
demand for
as a moral issue
Kafka, Franz
Kangura (“Awaken!”) magazine
Kant, Immanuel
and the distinction between means and ends
Karpinski, Janis
Katsuichi, Honda
Keen, Sam
Keil, Frank C.
Kelman, Herbert C.
Kerrey, Bob
Ketcham, William D.
Khan Younis refugee camp
Khmer Rouge (Communist Party of Kampuchea)
Kiernan, Ben
Killers of the Dream (Smith)
King Lear (Shakespeare)
King Philip’s War
Koonz, Claudia
and slavery
Korean conflict
ratio of weapon fire increase
Kraft durch Freude (Strength through Joy)
Kripke, Saul
Kristallnacht pogrom
Kuhn, Steven L.
Soviet Union’s genocide of
Kuper, Leo
Lady Philosophy (fictional character)
evolution of
information revolution
and the spread of culture
See also thought
Las Casas, Bartolomé de
Las Casas, Pedro de
Lawrence, Sir William
Leatherneck magazine
LeMay, Curtis
LeMoncheck, Linda
Leopold II of Belgium
Levi, Primo
Leviathan (biblical monster)
Lex Aquilia statute
Li-Ping Luo
Liber Monstrorum de Diversis Generibus (The Book of Monsters of Various Kinds)
Limbaugh, Rush
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles
Litvinoff, Emanuel
Litz, Brett T.
Locke, John
Germans touring
Goebbels filming in
Jews murdered in
London Company
Lorenz, Konrad
Lovejoy, Arthur O.
Lussu, Emilio
MacArthur, R. S.
McCauley, Clark
MacCurdy, John T.
McDonough, Giles
McEwan, Ian
MacKinnon, Catherine
MacNair, Rachel
Maguen, Shira
Malamud, Bernard
“Man’s Place in the Animal World” (Twain)
Manchester, William
manticore (monster)
Mao Zedong
and the Cultural Revolution
as a monster
Marshall, Samuel Lyman Atwood (“SLAM”)
material world as an illusion
Mather, Cotton
Mein Kampf (Hitler)
Melpa of Papua New Guinea
mourning ceremonies
Men Against Fire (Marshall)
mentally handicapped people
Merrick, John (the “Elephant Man”)
implying others are nonhuman
monster gods in
Metamorphosis, The (Kafka)
Mexican immigrants
dehumanization of
Middle Ages
hell, perception of
monsters, belief in
passion plays, portrayal of Jews in
Middle Passage (transatlantic slave trade)
Milgram, Stanley
Mill, John Stuart
Miller, Geoffrey
Mills, Charles W.
Milosevic, Slobodan
Mithen, Steven
Mladic, Ratko
modal intuitions
Modern Warfare 2 (computer game)
Mohegan Indians
Mommsen, Theodor
and the Middle Ages
mythology, as theme in
in religious mythology
Stone Age images of
Montesinos, Antonio
moral disengagement
Moroccans, dehumanization of
Morton, Samuel George
Moshman, David
Most Dangerous Animal: Human Nature and the Origins of War, The (Smith)
Mr. Oreo thought experiment
Mulinare, J.
Mundurucú of Brazil
and headhunting
Museum of Natural History (NYC)
Ota Benga at
Muslim terrorists
American invective against
Argentine Jewish Mutual Aid Association, bombing of
mental health of
Muslim Turks
and the Armenian genocide
Darfur genocide
ethnic cleansing and sexual sadism
and Jews
Spain, conversion of and expulsion from
Srebrenica, slaughter of Bosnian Muslims at
Musolff, Andreas
My Lai massacre
Myers, Richard
on Fallujah as “a huge rat’s nest”
Nagasaki, nuclear bombing of
Nanjing (China)
Japanese atrocities committed in
Nanjing Massacre: A Japanese Journalist Confronts Japan’s National Shame, The (Katsuichi)
Narragansett Indians
Native Americans (in the Caribbean)
atrocities against, protests over
carnage committed by the Spanish
colonization and
death from disease
dehumanization of
dogs trained to massacre
enslavement of
enslavement of others
genocidal hostility toward
as homunculi
non-Adamic lineage of
population, drastic fall in
Native Americans (in North America)
colonialism and
enslavement of
ethnocentrism of
and the great chain of being
non-Adamic lineage of
and scalping
sociopolitical changes and
natural kinds, the concept of
natural philosophers
Natural History (Pliny the Elder)
Natural History of Peace, A (Sapolsky)
and African-American blood transfusions
anti-Jewish propaganda
and blood purity
and Jews
Kristallnacht pogrom
Mein Kampf (Hitler) and
paranoia of
prisoners, medical experiments on
Soviet Union’s guerilla war against
and the Star of David
and the wealth confiscated from murdered Jews
See also Holocaust
Nazi Conscience, The (Koonz)
Neanderthals and humans
split between
Negative Ethnicity: From Bias to Genocide (Wamwere)
Negro a Beast, The (Carroll)
New Zealand
indigenous people, hunting for sport
New Guineans
growing up exposed to bloodshed
New Chemical Light, The (Sendivogius)
New York Times, The
New York Tribune
New Yorker, The, magazine
Newman, George E.
Newman, William R.
Newton, Isaac
Ngarambe, Elie
Nixon, Richard
“No, sexual violence is not ‘cultural’” (Shannon)
nonhuman xenophobia
Nuremberg trials
of doctors
following orders as justification
war criminals, mental health of
Nyirarugira, Esperance
O’Malley, King
O’Shaughnessy, Nicholas Jackson
of women
Olmsted, Frederick Law
Omaar, Rakiya
On Aggression (Lorenz)
On Human Nature (Wilson)
“Oration on the Dignity of Man” (Pico della Mirandola)
Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (Browning)
Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life, The (Parkman)
Orwell, George
Othello (Shakespeare)
outgroup bias
Owen, Wilfred
Paleolithic period
markers of ethnic affiliation
trade, evidence of
Palestinian nursery rhyme
See also Arabs; Israelis
Parkman, Francis
Patterson, Orlando
Paul III, Pope
Paul and slavery
“Peaceful Primates” (Sapolsky)
Penn, Derek
People’s Republic of China
Cultural Revolution
the Great Leap Forward
Pequot Indian village, massacre at
Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress (MacNair)
Peterson, Dale
physically handicapped people
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni
Pliny the Elder
Pol Pot
and the Cambodian genocide
as a “madman”
Politics and Propaganda (O’Shaughnessy)
Pope, Alexander
Povinelli, Daniel
Powhatan Indians
“Prenuclear-Age Leaders and the Nuclear Arms Race” (Frank)
Primitive War (Turney-High)
Principia (Newton)
professional sports
as slavery
Promethean Ambitions: Alchemy and the Quest to Perfect Nature (Newman)
dehumanization as primary function of
and genocide
and the Holocaust
pseudo, definition of
biologists and
dehumanization as a feature of
origin of
psychological essentialism
Psychology of War, The (MacCurdy)
public executions
Pulleyblank, E. G.
Purchas, Samuel
Putnam, Hilary
Pyle, Ernie
Qadaffi, Muammar el-
Quakers and slavery
Quammen, David
bodily fluids, essences of distributed through
children and
essential differences
folk-biological concepts
pseudospecies, origin of
puzzle of
races to species
and skin color
social constructionism and
sociopolitical changes and
racial essences
blood, distributed through
breast milk, distributed through
DNA and
mystical explanations of
anthropology and
blood libel (ritual slaughter of Christian children)
Jewish male menstruation, myth of
monogenecists and
moral disengagement and
non-Adamic lineage
polygenecists and
in the United States
radioactive decay
Ramsey, William M.
Rao, Aparna
r /> rape
“traditional” feature of Congolese culture
Raudsepp, Maaris
Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakarīyā al-
real essence
Red Flag
Red Guard (China)
and the Cultural Revolution
Resid, Mehmed
Retamar, Fernández
Rieff, David
Ripley, William Z.
Roma (Gypsies)
Nazi medical experiments on
monsters, belief in
racism in
slaves considered livestock
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
Roots of Nazi Psychology, The (Gonen)
Rorty, Richard
Roscoe, Paul
Russell, Bertrand
Less Than Human Page 37