BROKEN ROAD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella)

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BROKEN ROAD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella) Page 5

by Casey, London

  “What message is that?” Jake asked.

  “Don’t fuck with us. We’ll keep rebuilding. The deal is over, Jake. That’s why I think they’re pushing at us. We did everything and then some. So they wipe us out. Make us scramble.”

  “You send guys to other towns?”

  “Yeah,” Apollo said. “Lost a few guys that way. Just trying to pick up cash. You know…” Apollo rubbed his chin. “… I could give the cartel some intel on other MC’s. I could sell the fucking whole lot of them out. I know guys in Coast Road MC are using the water to move drugs. Those thugs in Eight Under and like roaches. Then the top dog of it all… Back Down Devil MC. You ever hear of them?”

  “I’ve heard of a lot,” Jake said.

  “Yeah, well, last I heard, they’re in trouble. Local PD is coming at them hard. Some old deals are crumbling. Fuck, we could sweep in and knock them back.”

  “So what’s stopping you?” Jake asked.

  “Right now? You.”


  “We need the cash,” Apollo said.

  “No pressure, huh?” Jake said. He ordered another drink.

  Apollo stood up. “I’ll make it simple.” He put a hand to Jake’s shoulder. “You’re either to live or die. If you die in the snake pit, there’s nothing. We won’t take your body. We’ll leave you there to become bones. If you make it out with a loss on your back, just put a bullet in your head, because either me or Kami will do it. If you win and we win the cash…” Apollo grinned.

  He never finished his sentence. He walked away, the shadow of darkness down the hallway from the bar eating him up.

  When Jake turned, Kami stood a foot away.

  “Christ,” Jake said. “You trying to pinch me?”

  “I need a favor,” Kami said.


  “How much have you had to drink?”

  “A little.”

  “You good to ride?”

  “I’m always good to ride, Kami. What’s wrong?”

  “I got into a fight with Keira. Said some shit I shouldn’t have. This cartel thing…”

  “What happened?” Jake asked.

  Easy, man. Don’t look so eager.

  “Just some bullshit,” Kami said. “Can you go check on her? Make sure she got home okay?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Jake said. “Was kind of hoping to talk about things though.”

  “You talked to Apollo?”


  “Then you already know everything you’re supposed to know,” Kami said. “So you can either get drunk and fuck some chick, or you can do me a favor.”

  Jake looked around the bar as though he was considering what to do. Inside, he was already on a motorcycle, flying through the streets, trying to find Keira.

  “I don’t have a ride,” Jake said. “I hitched and walked here, remember?”

  “I’ve got you covered, brother,” Kami said.

  Brother. A sign of respect.

  Kami presented Jake with a set of keys. “Third from the left right outside the bar,” Kami said. “Full tank. Part of my collection. She’s yours for now.”

  Jake and Kami bumped fists. “Thanks, Kami. Hey, this cartel stuff… this is serious. Why did you guys vote it in?”

  “Cash,” Kami said. “Dumb cash. We had a rough stretch with some of the locals coming down on us. Some political shit happened and it restructured the jurisdictions for three counties. That put eyes and heat on us. So we thought we’d have cash and protection. They just wanted a path for distribution.”

  “And you guys fought back,” Jake said.

  “Is there any other way to do it?” Kami asked with a grin. “You fucking live to die, brother. And then you die to live. We aren’t running out of town. I’ll die right here.”

  Jake nodded. He was starting to respect Rusted Devil more and more now. They had made a couple bad decisions but it didn’t seem they were out there trying to hurt anyone. They weren’t expanding into other territories. They weren’t leading the cartel from club to club, destroying everyone. They were in trouble and unsure what to do.

  Right then and there Jake knew he could have went to the spot where he buried his leather cut and leave a note for Back Down Devil MC. Tell them that if anything Rusted Devil MC needed support to keep the cartel back. If that happened, Jake knew the ending. Miller would call him back to the clubhouse and they’d wait for the cartel to finish off Rusted Devil MC. Then the cartel would have whatever distribution channel they wanted and they’d stay away. Or Miller would give the go to attack Rusted Devil MC and patch over as Back Down Devil MC to hold the line against the cartel.

  Either way, it put Keira in danger.

  That’s all Jake thought about as he rode the dark and quiet streets, following the directions Kami had given him. He wanted to know more about Keira and he wanted her to get the hell out of town. Hell, maybe even go to the Back Down Devil MC clubhouse for protection.

  Are you serious?

  It needed to stop. The thoughts needed to stop for good. Keira was beautiful and the only reason she was stuck in Jake’s head was because he hadn’t fucked her. There was one easy way to fix all of it.

  Jake throttled the motorcycle and sped up. He gritted his teeth.

  The new plan for tonight?

  Get to Keira’s apartment and finish what had been started earlier in the day.


  Keira remembered everything Kami had ever told her and everything she had seen.

  Always do what you’re told. Chances are, they’re more afraid of the situation than you are.

  This guy wasn’t afraid.

  This guy was big and mean.

  The first thing he did was slap Keira right across the face. That sent her flying into the kitchen counter. She caught herself from falling. The guy was then behind her, a hand around her stomach, pulling her close.

  That’s when Kami’s words came back to her.

  That’s the least of what they’ll do.

  So, yeah, they weren’t going to torture Keira like they would a man. They would touch her, go after her, use her body for whatever they wanted.

  But the guy didn’t do anything else like that.

  He turned, threw Keira at the table, and then commanded her to sit.

  “What do you know?” the man asked.

  “About what?” Keira asked.

  “About everything,” the man said. The gun was pointed at her. “Tell me everything you know or I will kill you.”

  “Then just fucking kill me,” Keira said. “I dare you. Shoot me right now. You asshole.”

  The guy laughed. “You’re going to tell me. Or I’m going to get it out of you. Trust me, you don’t want that.” He stepped toward Keira. He put a foot up on the chair. He thrust himself at her face. “Unless you do want it. We can play first and talk later.”

  “Fuck off,” Keira said.

  “Let’s play then…”

  Keira felt her heart jump. She waited for a chance to try something, anything. Yeah, it was going against what Kami had taught her, but this guy was obviously a pro.

  He’s from the cartel.

  “I don’t know a thing,” Keira said. “You blew us up, remember? You attacked us. So now what do you want?”

  The guy chuckled. “So you know why I’m here. You know who I am. You know a lot more than you give off by your appearance. I like that about you, Keira.”

  Shit. He knows my name.

  Then the guy made a mistake. He turned just a little and Keira went for her move. She lifted her leg and kicked at the guy’s knee. It was a good shot and it dropped the guy down a little. He definitely hadn’t expected the kick. Keira jumped up and tried to go for the guy’s face.

  Why not the gun?

  The thought came a split second too late.

  Yeah, she had scratched the guy’s face, but he was the one with the gun still. He easily drove his shoulder forward and hit Keira in the jaw. That sent her back to the chair. As the c
hair rocked, the gun was pointed at her. Keira purposely threw herself back, falling out of the chair to dodge the bullet in case the guy pulled the trigger.

  He didn’t pull the trigger though. He simply just stood over her, staring down.

  “Now you’ve pissed me off,” he said. “So I have no more reason to talk to you, Keira. I’m going to make the next few hours a living nightmare for you. You’ll wish you were dead… and then you’ll get your wish.”

  Keira tried to kick again but the guy was ready. He stomped down on her knee with his black boot, sending a jolt of pain from her neck up to her back.

  The guy then touched between his legs. Keira felt her stomach rise up into her throat.

  A second later, her apartment door opened. The guy turned to see who it was. Keira propped herself up on her elbows to do the same.

  It was Jake.


  Jake opened the door and couldn’t believe his eyes. He had about two seconds to assess the situation. A man standing over Keira. That’s all he had and all he could process. Maybe the guy was there for a reason. Maybe Keira was getting a little fun at home without anyone knowing.

  But it wasn’t going to work for Jake. He charged forward and saw the guy turn with a gun in his hand. Jake had no choice but to throw his keys at the guy. A hard throw sent the keys into the guy’s face. The guy dropped the gun and luckily it didn’t go off.

  Jake wanted to tackle the guy, but if he did that, the guy would have landed right on top of Keira. So Jake hugged the guy and then threw him back with a suplex that sent the guy through the air. He hit the floor with a thud and rolled.

  “Are you okay?” Jake asked Keira.

  “No,” she whispered. “Just get him out of here.”

  That much Jake could do. He turned and hurried to the guy. He dropped down and started to punch the guy. Over and over, keeping him subdued. Jake then lifted the guy and sat him against the wall.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Jake asked.

  “Fuck you,” the guy said. “You think you’re tough? You’re the new guy, huh? I’ve seen you…”

  Jake threw his head forward, smashing it off the guy’s mouth. That brought on an explosion of blood.

  He knows me? He’s got to go.

  Jake stood and took the guy with him. He dragged the guy out of the apartment and put him against the brick wall.

  “Don’t ever come here again,” Jake said. “Whatever war you’re trying to start, win, finish, whatever, it’s done. It’s fucking done.”

  “You’re not with them,” the guy said, blood leaking from his mouth. “I know you from…”

  Jake turned and threw the guy over the railing. The drop was only five feet. The guy scrambled to his feet and hurried to his vehicle. A typical black car, sleek and silent, blending perfectly into the night. The car started and sped away with the squeal of the tires. Jake grabbed the railing and gritted his teeth.

  Too close…

  This cartel shit was getting way too close. They were coming after Rusted Devil MC hard. Taking Keira was a smart move. If they got her, that would break Kami down. Take out the VP like that and it would leave all the pressure on the President. Not to mention Kami breathing down Apollo’s neck to get Keira back. It would split the MC into pieces, leaving Kami off to forge his own group while Apollo struggled to keep the focus straight. All the while the cartel would be plotting their final stand.

  None of it was supposed to matter to Jake though. As long as this bullshit did not involve Back Down Devil MC, it didn’t fucking matter.

  It doesn’t fucking matter.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Jake whispered.

  He turned and went into the apartment. A decision had to be made once and for all now. He had to separate himself from Keira and keep the bullshit with Rusted Devil MC as nothing but bullshit.

  When he saw Keira still on the floor, he sighed. Crouching, he put a hand out and she quickly grabbed it.

  “Is he gone?”

  “He’s gone.”

  “He was from the cartel.”

  “I know,” Jake said.

  “They’re coming for me.”

  Jake nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Why the hell are you here?”

  “Kami wanted me to check on you.”

  “Thank you for doing that,” Keira said. “I know you were… busy…”


  “Busy with that woman.”

  “Ah, fuck, babe, don’t do that to me. That was nothing. Never was going to be anything. Are you okay?”

  Keira shook her head. “He was going to hurt me. In a lot of ways.”


  “Can you stay here for a little while?”

  “I can do that,” Jake said.

  Keira sat completely up and pushed herself against the cabinet. Jake realized he was still holding her hand and he quickly let her hand go. He then sat down on his ass, facing her.

  “You’re safe now,” Jake said.

  “You should have killed him,” Keira said.

  “Let him go back and tell them what happened. If he went missing, they’d attack.”

  “Oh. Right.”

  Easy, Jake. Don’t give away how much you know about this shit.

  “Keira, I know the answer… but are you really okay?”

  “Yes,” she said. “He tossed me around a little.”

  “I can see that,” Jake said. He leaned forward and touched her face where it was red and swollen. “I should have killed him.”

  “It burns a little.”

  “You’ll be fine,” Jake said.

  He caught himself leaning in even more. He tried to argue with his mind, but his body demanded something else. Shit, even his heart demanded it. Jake let his hand slip from Keira’s face to the back of her head. Next thing he knew he was gently pulling her forward and kissing her. Their lips touched, flirted, and then it was wild.

  But Jake quickly pulled back.

  Meeting eyes with Keira was nothing but the worst kind of temptation. He brought his lips up a little and gently kissed her face. Right where that asshole had hit her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered so softly.

  She dripped with real innocence, real life pain, and worst of all - fear. She was truly afraid. Jake didn’t need to ask her story to know it. She was alone. She wanted to run. She had nowhere to go. So she stuck around with her stepbrother and the MC.

  Jake brought his lips back to Keira’s. He couldn’t tell her the truth of who he was, but he could help her in other ways. Take away her worry and fear and pain for a little while. And hell, in return, he’d to get to relieve some of his own stress.

  They kissed again.

  Jake kept control, unable to get enough of Keira. She didn’t make matters any easier when she threw her hands around his neck and clawed at him, pulling him closer, wanting more. Jake put his hands to her lower back and started to stand, lifting Keira with ease. He turned, sitting her on the kitchen table, still kissing her. His hands grabbed the bottom of her shirt, wanting more. Wanting to touch, taste, devour all he could before either she died or he did. There was no good ending to the story, and that end could come at any second.

  Jake had a hand up Keira’s shirt but he moved it around to her back. His other hand grabbed the top of her jeans and he lifted her again.

  Now he was on the move.

  Right to the bedroom, where they fucking belonged.

  The apartment was small enough for Jake to navigate without breaking the wild kiss he and Keira were sharing. He found the bedroom door wide open and took Keira right to the bed. As he lowered her down, the kiss broke. She pulled at his neck, bringing her mouth back to his. His body touched hers; they were both on the bed.

  That’s when reality hit Jake hard. He made tight fists and put them to the bed. As he lifted himself up, the regret was instant. He looked at Keira’s lips, red from kissing him so hard.

  He wanted it again. So fucking bad.
r />   “We shouldn’t,” he whispered. “Not like this, babe.”

  “Not like what?” Keira asked.

  “Just… this.” Jake got to his feet and tried to catch his breath. “You should get some sleep. I’m going to check out the apartment and make sure everything is clear. I need Kami’s cell number so I can contact him.”

  Keira sat up. She grabbed at Jake’s wrist. “Don’t leave, Jake. Please.”

  “Babe, they’ll…”

  “What? They have nothing. You weren’t there. You don’t get it, Jake. How bad this is. I don’t want to say too much and scare you away. This isn’t just some motorcycle club bullshit. The explosion took a lot of the guys. Okay? The rest are at the bar, drunk. You want them to get on their motorcycles and try to ride here?”

  Jake gritted his teeth.

  She’s right.

  “I’ll stay,” Jake said.

  “Right next to me.”


  “Please. I can’t be alone.”

  Jake saw the pain in her face. He reluctantly gave a nod. “Just get in bed, okay?”

  Jake had to get out of the room. He shut the door behind him. There was no point in checking anything, really. There were three windows in the apartment, two were locked, the one in the kitchen didn’t lock, but it was shut. The door had a deadbolt and chain.

  Jake felt naked without a gun, with no real way to protect himself or Keira. All he had were his senses and his fists. Not that either could compete with a weapon, but what choice did he have?

  Sitting alone for a little bit, Jake sat on the counter and thought about things. There was no real right or wrong here with Rusted Devil MC. The truth was that he needed to go dig up his cut and get back to Frelen. He could steal a car and be back there in no time. Give Miller and Gaige all the intel and then move on with life. Or he could try and convince Keira to come with him. But that would mean telling her who he was and run the risk of not only chasing her away but having her tell Kami and Apollo.

  As Jake pushed from the counter he knew he had to make a decision soon.

  If he didn’t take off from Rusted Devil MC, then he’d have to face the snake pit.


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