Down & Dirty

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Down & Dirty Page 4

by Madison, Reese

  I took the card, “Do shoes count?” I teased.

  “Get whatever you want.” He sounded annoyed.

  “I thought you’d be happy.”

  “I don’t like my wife being ambushed by a whore when she comes to see me.” He put his arm around my shoulders and led me to the shade closer to Salina’s office.

  “I’ll talk to Salina and see what’s going on there. How long do you need to stay here today?”

  “We have a job in about and hour, shouldn’t take long. Don’t forget the riding clothes for the kids run this weekend.” He reminded me.

  “Like what?” I’ve been wearing, or carrying, jeans per Salina’s suggestion since he made me his old lady.

  “Ask the Harley dealer. Get a nice sexy leather jacket, make sure it’s black.” He slowly backed me to the wall.

  “What are you doing?” I put my hands on his waist.

  He moved my hair and ran the back of his hands down over the girls. “Getting a fix before I have to focus on work.”

  This made me laugh because he had a certain desperation in his eyes. “Right here in front of everyone?”

  “Absolutely.” He dove in and kissed me long and hard as his hands memorized my body.

  I whimpered when he grabbed my thighs to wrap my legs around him as he set my back against the wall to press his body to mine. By the time he let me go I was sure he was ready to take me right up against this wall.

  He unwrapped my legs and set me down as he stood upright. “That will do for now.”

  “I think I forgot my name.” I teased touching my lip absently.

  “Go talk to Salina. Wait.” He pulled a set of keys from his pocket. “Take this, leave the guys your truck.”

  “Why?” I took the keys because I caught the Mercedes key fob and got curious.

  “Because it’s safer than that piece of shit truck. The guys will fix it up for you to sell it, or part it out. You decide.”

  “Really? You’re giving me a car?”

  “Yes. I can’t have my wife breaking down on the side of the road, makes me look like a lousy old man.” He told me running his thumb over my jaw again.

  “Be careful when you go out.” I told him because he looks like he’s getting ready to leave.

  He kissed my cheek, “See you a bit.” He turned and walked towards the garage. Nice butt. That thought made me laugh. He really is gorgeous. I guess if I’m going to be kidnapped and made an old lady it might as well be by the biggest, sexiest man on the planet. He’s going to be a handful to live with, I guess I better get used to it.

  I turned and went into Salina’s office. “Hey.” I jingled the new keys. “Want to go shopping and get lunch in my new car?”

  “Hell yes.” She got up grabbing her purse. “What are we shopping for?”


  As we walked around the mall we talked about the problem with the girls, or whores if you can stomach that word. I prefer girls, she seems to agree.

  “So, they just show up randomly?”

  “Yeah. The last girl that tried to organize them took off with a prospect after getting knocked up.”

  “Geeze. I wonder if Joe would throw a fit if I stepped in and managed this. Getting ambushed like that in the parking lot is uncool. Besides, it’s not right for the guys to be accused of rape.” I complained.

  “Ask him. It would be nice to have that situation under control.” She picked up a stack of towels for the already overflowing cart. “I’m going to call prospects and have them come get some of this. There’s no way we’re getting it all in the car.”

  “Good idea. Is there a place to stash this stuff until I get the house keys?”

  “Yup.” She pulled her phone out and expertly instructed a prospect to do exactly that. I like her ability to sound firm yet coat it with enough sugar to make you want to do whatever she wants.

  Joe called me around dinner time as we wrapped up our spending spree at Crate & Barrel. “Hey.” I answered.

  “Where are you?” He asked in that demanding, annoyed tone he always has.

  “Finishing up at the kitchen store. What do you want for dinner?”

  “Food. Come to the clubhouse first.” He all but ordered. This is just Joe’s way. I don’t think he knows how to communicate without sounding like he’s barking orders.

  “Yes Dear. I have to anyway, Salina’s with me. Nice car by the way.”

  “Hurry up, I need my fix.” Meaning me.

  “You’re a nut.” I laughed.

  “You have no idea. Come straight here when you’re done, we’ll figure out food later.”

  “Okay, should be about half an hour at the most.”

  “Fine. Love you.” He hung up while I struggled for a response.

  I looked at my phone like it was looking back.

  Salina asked, “What?”

  “He keeps telling me he loves me and then not waiting for me to respond, not that I know how to.”

  “That’s probably why he doesn’t wait.” She laughed. “He really said that already?”

  “Yeah, almost right away. I’m not sure what to say. I’ve known him for five minutes.”

  “Slider and I haven’t seen him since he was eighteen and went into the service, that was nine years ago. He was a big time trouble maker back in the day. I think that’s why Slider and his dad all but forced him to go into the Marines.”

  “Really? Wow. Wait, that makes him twenty-seven.” I don’t know why I didn’t think to ask him before. He looks young in some ways, but mature in others. Like he’s seen a lot more than most people twice his age.

  She picked up bags now that I’ve signed the receipt. “There’s some big age differences between Bull’s kids. Shirley always threatens to divorce him for his indiscretions, but we all know better.”

  “How old is Slider?”

  “Fifty. Bull started young with Shirley. Joe and Slider have different mothers even though they were raised by Slider’s mother, Shirley. Bull liked to sleep with every woman who wiggled her butt in front of him, there’s a few illegitimate kids floating around. Joe’s mom died in childbirth so Bull asked Shirley to take him in.” She explained on the way to the car.

  “Dang. I bet she loved that.”

  “Actually she treated him like he was her own. I asked her about it once, she said it wasn’t the child’s fault his father couldn’t keep it in his pants. You would have never known Shirley wasn’t Joe’s mother, although I wonder sometimes if that’s not why Joe’s a little off.”

  We got in the car, “He knows, right?”

  “Oh yeah, there’s very few secrets in this family. The club is family in case you haven’t figured that out.” She pointed out.

  “Yeah, that’s pretty easy to see. I’m just wrapping my head around Joe’s mother dying in childbirth, it’s so sad.”

  “I can’t imagine how you feel being to abruptly brought into this life and his. I’m so used to it I can’t imagine being a civilian.” She laughed.

  “I should be freaking out, but all he has to do is look at me, or kiss me, and I melt like butter.”

  “Slider has that effect on me too.”

  “Then he leaves a trail of dirty clothes on the floor and I want to throw something at him.” I joked.

  She laughed, “No doubt.”

  We heard a song we both knew and cranked it up to sing like idiots on the way back to the club. I think I have a friend for life.

  I parked and Salina got out to get a prospect to unload our spoils. Three guys jumped up to oblige her.

  I laughed, “That’s amazing.”

  “Prospects are great, entertaining as hell sometimes too. They’re always trying to please to get into the club, so they’ll do anything, sometimes some really crazy shit.”

  “Nice. Are you a member?” I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me to ask before.

  “No, there’s not too many female members. I like to think of it as we’re too smart to be members. If you
wanted to be a member you’d have to find a sponsor and prospect for a year. Joe would never allow that, if for some reason he did, it would take a unanimous vote by the council, and Joe would block it any way he could I’m sure.” She explained while lighting a joint and sharing with me.

  “Hm. Speaking of the devils.” I saw Joe and Slider heading towards us from the garage.

  “I think we should talk to them about the girls. We need to resolve this soon.” She said as they approached.

  “Good idea.” I love to watch Joe walk. He’s got this powerful presence that says you’d be stupid to get in his way. Unless you’re me, then you better stay put. Joe’s stride is long enough there’s no way I’d get away.

  Slider put his arm around Salina’s shoulders and kissed her cheek, “Have fun baby?”

  “Yup.” They walked inside ahead of us.

  Joe cupped my face and kissed me to my toes for a good minute before pulling up and looking at me. “The real estate agent dropped off the keys.”

  “She was supposed to call me.” I complained.

  “I called her. It helps to get things done faster when you scare people.” He did the arm around the shoulders thing like Slider had done with Salina and I got a warm sense of being a part of this large family for the first time. Don’t ask me why such a simple gesture brought that on.

  Once inside a prospect brought Salina and I wine and the guys some beers. Most of the council members are hanging out, playing pool, and drinking.

  Salina took a sip of her wine and looked at Slider, “I think we should let Red get the girls organized. Have her find a replacement when it’s time, but somebody has to deal with this shit.”

  He looked at Joe, “It’s up to you Bro, she’s your old lady.”

  Joe looked at me, “You want to do this?”

  I shrugged, “Might as well.”

  “As long as it doesn’t interfere with what I expect of you.”

  “I’ll do my best.” I kept the dirty look I wanted to give him on the inside and sipped my wine instead.

  I think he saw the hint of annoyance on my face but ignored it. “What are you going to do?”

  “Call them in for a meeting tomorrow. Set some ground rules, make sure they have a doctor sign off on a clean bill of health, that kind of shit. I’ll probably have to write some stuff down later. Right now I’m tired from all this shopping.”

  “Finish your wine and we’ll go.” He hooked his finger under my shirt on my shoulder and pulled it towards him.

  I looked at him and saw that lust in his eyes he gets when he wants to kiss me. “Behave.” I whispered so only he could hear and pulled my shirt back up onto my shoulder.

  He made some kind of disagreeable noise in his throat before finishing his beer and waiting me out to finish my wine.

  Out of habit I started for my new car when we left a few minutes later.

  Joe caught my arm, “Leave it. You ride with me.”

  “Oh.” I guess it’s going to take some practice before I get used to this.

  He helped me on the back and rode us back to my apartment for probably the last time.

  Once inside I quickly kicked out of my shoes and flopped on the couch. “I’m used to being on my feet, but that was a lot of walking.”

  Joe came over and quickly scooped me up.

  “Hey! What are you doing?” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  He set me on the bed and removed his jacket and boots before crawling over me with those sex filled eyes.

  I took a handful of that beard. “Joe?”

  “What?” His hand is already under my shirt and heading up.

  “This is moving way too fast, not to mention I’m exhausted.”

  He sat up a little and pulled my shirt off over my head. “Good thing for you I’m not.”

  “Seriously Joe. I’ve known you less than a week.”

  He ran his fingertip just under the edge of the lace trim that’s my bra. “What do you want to know?” He settled onto his elbow next to me still tracing and enjoying the view.

  “I don’t know, Salina told me about your mom today. It’s not that though. I’m not one to jump in bed with a guy after knowing him for three days.”

  “I don’t remember you jumping.” He pointed out and started a fresh finger trail down my stomach.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Hm.” He slid down and started kissing my stomach.

  “You’re not listening are you?” I tugged his ponytail before taking it out.

  “I’m listening.” He unfastened my jeans.

  “What are you doing?” I pushed his hand away but he just went right for the zipper.

  “Wishing you’d hush up and relax.” He pushed the fabric aside, “Really Carly? Pink flowers?”

  “What?” I laughed a little.

  “You have on a black lace bra, and underwear with pink flowers.” He scolded.

  “So? I need to do laundry.” I defended myself.

  He sat up a little again and easily pulled both fabrics clean off.

  I crossed my legs, “Hey!!”

  He went to his knees, pushed my legs apart and pulled me by the hips to the edge of the bed. I thought he might work his way to the good stuff slowly, but I should have known better. He dove in with no mercy.

  “Hoa shit!!” I heard myself say as he found the first climax, then another, and another. I barely noticed when he reached up and tore my best bra right down the center and grabbed two handfuls.

  I felt my body give into him completely. For a split second I was embarrassed about being naked and making such noises. Then I forgot my shyness as his magic hands continued to work the stress of the day from my body and mind.

  When he finally slid up to hover over me I could barely breathe and the trembling was uncontrollable.

  He looked me in the eyes and ran that thumb over my cheek again. “You needed that.”

  I laughed, “Not that you gave me much choice.”

  “If I left it up to you you’d still be stressed out.” He argued.

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?” He asked confused.

  “Don’t you want to, you know, relax too?”

  “When you’re ready I’ll know. Until then I’m going to crawl all over you so you can’t help but give in.” He started tickling me.

  I laughed and grabbed his ears so he’d kiss me and stop tickling. It worked. I fell asleep soundly in his arms a little while later.


  The next morning he woke me with that beard tickling my neck.

  I swatted at him, “Dammit Joe.” He should just change his name from Joe to Dammit Joe.

  “Wake up beautiful.” He ordered. Since he followed it by calling me beautiful, I don’t mind.

  “No.” I tried to pull the covers over my head but he’d beat me to them and already had a firm grip. “Ugh. You’re an insufferable morning person!”

  “If you only knew.” He taunted kissing my shoulder.

  “Ha ha. Why do I have to get up?” I tried to roll onto my stomach and hide but he pulled me onto my back instead. He had been spooning me before that.

  He started kissing my throat and slowly drawing the blanket down to keep heading south.

  I grabbed his beard and pulled him to look at me, “Quit!”

  “Never.” He gently bit my chin. “Get up or I’m going to have you for breakfast.”

  “I can’t get up, you’re laying on me.” He had used his leg to keep me from escaping when he rolled me over.

  “I guess you’re stuck then.” He found a handful and woke up the girls. “Are you on birth control?”

  I blinked not sure if I was hearing him right. “What?”

  “You heard me.” His hand slid further south and stopped on my stomach.

  “No, I wasn’t planning on getting involved, and I don’t like unnecessary chemicals in my body.” I explained grateful he asked.

  “Do you want kids?” He’s moving th
at hand further down.

  “Maybe someday. Do you?”

  “Absolutely. If you don’t want to get knocked up in the next couple weeks you better get on something.” He warned me.

  “I don’t have health insurance.”

  “You don’t need it. We have a member who’s a doctor. He’ll hook you up.” He kissed my nose and touched me so I gasped a little. “You get five minutes then we have to go. I have a meeting.”

  “I need more than five minutes to get ready.”

  “That’s not what I meant you have five minutes for.” He closed in and kissed me while his magic fingers walked me right over twice.

  I was clinging to him when he lifted up, “Okay babe. Get dressed.”

  I touched his soft lower lip. “You are a very strange man.”

  “I’ve been called worse.” He rolled onto his back. “Run woman, before I forget you’re not ready to be knocked up.”

  I escaped for a shower and clean clothes. I caught myself in the mirror and had to take a double take. To anyone else I probably looked the same. To me, I look different. Like a woman who knew a secret, and that secret is the way Joe plays my body like his own personal guitar. He strums and tweaks until I make sounds I’ve never heard, and felt things I never knew existed.

  He’s making eggs again. “I guess I should start moving stuff to the new house huh?”

  “I’ll have prospects to do it. I want you at the club with me today, and tomorrow is the run.” He handed me a plate.

  “Thanks. What do I do all day at the club? Besides try to bring some order to the girls.” I added remembering the girls.

  “You’ll figure it out. Somehow all the old ladies seem to have shit to do, hell if I know what.”

  I laughed, “I’m sure Salina will fill me in.”

  Salina helped me round up the girls in the clubhouse at noon. She sat back and let me take the reigns because she knew I might need the backup if they questioned my authority, but didn’t want to be involved. Not that I have any authority. I’m still not sure if Joe is a council member or if Slider lets him sit in on meetings because he’s his brother.

  “Okay ladies.” I handed out the list of requirements Salina and I had drawn up and copied in her office a little while ago. “If you want to work here I need these things done as soon as possible. Make sure you send me a good picture when you text the number I put on the paper. I will be calling the doctor’s office you get the clean bill of health from, so don’t try anything sneaky.


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