Down & Dirty

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Down & Dirty Page 7

by Madison, Reese

  She shrugged, “Someday I’m going to take over and run things for you. You don’t seem like the Madam type.”

  I laughed, “You’ll be good at it. Thanks. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  I walked over to the garage and found Joe literally pounding the hell out of the guy. I flinched as he punched. Joe could kill a rhino with that punch.

  “Okay babe!” I knew better than to get too close.

  He stopped and looked at me, “What are you doing in here?”

  “I want to make sure we get the baby before you kill him.”

  He stepped back and looked at Goat. “Call Slider. Find Tiny. I want this muther fucker’s tat.”

  Goat nodded and left.

  “You want his what?” I asked picking up his bloodied hand. I’m not sure if it’s his blood, or from the piece of meat now slumped in a chair.

  “His tattoo. I’m taking his cut. No cut, no tat.” He held my jaw with his clean hand and looked me in the eyes, “If you ever go after somebody like that without getting me first I’m going to put a fucking leash on you.”

  “Sorry, that was stupid, but I lost it when she told me how old she was.”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t understand, I said don’t do it again.” He firmly told me.

  I nodded, “Okay, sorry.”

  He kissed me quickly before standing upright again as three large bikers walked in with Goat.

  The one wearing the President badge surveyed the area. “What’s going on Joe?”

  “Your boy here has been raping a thirteen year old girl. Knocked her up and beats her. I want his cut and his tat.”

  “That girl he brought today?” The man asked looking at the damage Joe had done to his guy.

  “Yes. She’s in Salina’s office. My wife talked to her earlier tonight. I saw the bruises on her torso.”

  “She has two broken ribs and a lot of tearing, if you know what I mean. There’s also a large knot on her head I won’t go into detail about, but let’s say she didn’t get it falling down stairs.” I chimed in.

  “She has a kid with him?”

  “Yes. We sent some people to get it.” Joe told him.

  The man known as Tiny got in the hamburger’s face. “This true? You fuckin’ kids and wearing my colors?”

  The bloody mess nodded once. Tiny looked over at the two men who followed him in. “Take the cut, see that the tat is removed properly and drop him at the hospital across town.” He looked at Joe, “With his rap sheet he won’t be back. Sorry brother. This shouldn’t have gone down on your turf.”

  Joe took the mans hand, “As long as it’s taken care of.”

  “It will be. We okay?”

  “You bet. Just keep a better eye on your shit. If Slider hears about something like this again he’ll replace you.”

  “I will.” He looked back at the soon to be ex-member, “You want to do it? Or you want my guys to do it?”

  “I’ll do it. It’s my wife who found out, and my territory.”

  “He’s all yours. What about the girl?” Tiny looked at me.

  “She stays with me.” I insisted.

  He nodded. “Let me know if there’s anything else I can do.”

  “There is. You can get a donation together to help her get her life together.” I don’t know where that came from, but it seemed natural to ask.

  “Done.” He waved for his guys and left.

  I looked at Joe. “Wait until we have the kid in case he lied.”

  “No problem. Go get me a beer while we wait.”

  “Will do. Thank you, for standing by me, and up for her.”

  “This shit doesn’t happen in our club, not under my watch. Slider is going to hit the roof.”

  “He’s on his way back. When I called and told him I could hear Salina yelling at him to stay put.” Goat said sharpening a large knife. He handed it to Gunner, “Want the honors brother?”

  Gunner smiled wickedly and took the knife, “Fuck yeah.”

  I left to go get that beer. I’m afraid to ask what they plan to do with the knife. After getting Joe his beer and checking on Michelle I went to wait by the gate with a joint for the baby.

  When they arrived I had Doc check out the little one before hand delivering him to his young mother. She confirmed it was him so I went back to the garage to give Joe the okay.

  Slider walked in right as I was about to leave. “Hey Red. I hear you been busy.”

  “Just saving young girls from rape and beatings. All in a days work.” I hugged Salina.

  “Goat, give me the rundown then let’s get this over with.” Slider ordered.

  I took Salina’s hand, “I don’t want to see this.”

  She went with me happily, “No, you don’t. He’ll only scream for a few minutes before passing out from the pain. The knife is better, the last guy got his burned off and the garage stunk for a month.”

  “Oh gross.”

  “Where’s the girl?”

  “In your office. What should I do with her?”

  “Good question. Let’s go talk to her.”

  We found Stacy telling Michelle some funny story that seemed to have the girl more relaxed.

  Salina motioned for Stacy to stay seated when she stood up as we walked in. “Don’t get up.” She looked at Michelle gently lifting her chin, “How old are you honey?”

  “I think thirteen or fourteen. I’m not sure.”

  “You been with him all your life?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, you’re with us now. Nobody will hurt you again.” Salina went on to introduce herself and asked to hold the baby.

  I went over to where Stacy had booze and stole a sip, “You know anybody that can donate some kid stuff for tonight?”

  “Yup. My sister has a shitload of kids. Bitch breeds like a rabbit. I’ll take her there tonight, it’ll be easier since it’s so late. I called her a little while ago. She’s getting ready for us now.”

  I took a longer look at Stacy, “You really are going to be a good Madam. I’m going to start handing things over to you from here on in. Okay?”

  She held her hand out for me to shake, “Deal.”

  “Deal.” From that night on Stacy became the third musketeer. Salina, Stacy, and I will go through a lot of shit in years to come, but together, we come through it closer, and better for it.


  The next morning I picked up Michelle from Stacy’s sister because Stacy was waiting for a delivery at the club.

  The baby slept in the back seat with Michelle. I’m borrowing an infant car seat from one of the members. I guess I better take this girl shopping. I looked in the mirror, “How you doing?”

  She looked out the window. “Scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “Everything. Before I was afraid of him, now I don’t even know what to be afraid of, I just am.” She admitted.

  “Try to breathe. I won’t let anything happen to you, neither will Salina. Slider will make sure you get what you need to get your life together. Salina and I will be here for you. You’re not alone. Sorry to dump you on a stranger last night.”

  “That’s okay, it took my mind off everything. That woman has a lot of kids.”

  I laughed, “So I saw. Did you get any sleep??”

  She smiled, “No, but I wouldn’t have anyway, so it worked out. I told her I could babysit for cheap since I got nothing else.”

  “That’s a good idea. We’ll figure it all out, don’t be afraid sweetheart, nobody here is going to hurt you.” I tried to assure her.

  She wiped a tear away. “Thanks. If my son is safe that’s all I need.” She looked down at him.

  “What’s his name?”

  “I don’t know, I just call him monkey.”

  “That can be his club name, but he should have a proper name.” I winked at her in the mirror.

  She sat back like she was thinking. “What’s your husband’s name?”


  “Too plain. I
want him to be different.” She decided.

  “I always thought Shale was a cool name.” I said absently. There’s no way this girl is going to let somebody else name her baby. I wouldn’t. Maybe I’m selfish. It’s probably Joe rubbing off on me.

  “Hmm. I like that. Let me think about it.”

  I parked the fancy Mercedes and helped her out of the back seat. “We’ll start out in the clubhouse. There’s an apartment in the back with a bathroom you can set up camp in for now. I don’t think we’re expecting guests anytime soon.”

  “Thanks. I wonder if I can wait tables here.”

  “Since I own it, we’ll see. You’re a little young, but I think I can figure something out.” I opened the door so she could carry the baby inside.

  “Holy shit.” She said before my eyes could adjust.

  “Oh my God. Wow. These people work fast.” There’s a mountain of baby stuff in the middle of the dance floor. I think they donated everything this kid will need until he’s like five years old. Dang.

  “Is this for me?” She asked sitting in a chair.

  I saw a huge card and held it out for her, “It has your name on it.”

  “You open it.” She showed me shaking hands.

  “Okay. Breathe.” I said opening the card. It was a two foot card welcoming a baby boy into the world. I showed it to her and read what Salina had written along the bottom:

  Michelle and baby,

  Welcome to Exiles. We take care of our own. All of this is yours. Make the most of a fresh start.

  Love, Salina and the club.

  She finally took the card, held it to her heart, and cried.

  When she calmed down enough I pulled her up and hugged her. “I knew they’d help you out, but this even surprises me.” I laughed.

  She laughed at the end of her cry just as Salina and an older lady walked in.

  Salina clapped her hands once and said, “Damn!! Now that’s what I call generosity! I asked for donations, and they always come through, but damn!”

  I hugged Salina, “Thank you, this is awesome.”

  I looked at the other lady, “Hi, I’m Carly.” I held my hand out for her to shake.

  She held her hands up, “Sorry, my arthritis is so bad if I shake your hand I’ll be in pain the rest of the day.”

  “How about a hug then?”

  “Sounds good. I’m Jeannie. Nice to meet you Carly.” We hugged.

  “You too.”

  Salina pulled a couple chairs out and motioned for us to sit, “Here’s the deal. Jeannie’s husband lost a leg to diabetes, and her arthritis is making it too difficult to help him out like she used to. She agreed to let Michelle move in, in exchange for help around the house.”

  Michelle looked at me, “Really?”

  “Don’t look at me.” I nodded to Jeannie.

  Jeannie took Michelle’s hand gently. “I was a college professor until my hands gave out. I’ll catch you up on your education. If you don’t make it to public school for a proper graduation I’ll make sure you get the home school equivalent. Okay honey?”

  Michelle picked up her baby and hugged him because he started fussing. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t need to say anything, except that you’re good with this.”

  She nodded. “I can’t believe you’re all being so nice to me.”

  “This is how it’s supposed to be Michelle.” Salina told her. “What happened to you never should have happened. Tiny should have seen what was going on, but he missed it. Tiny is under Slider’s command, we take care of our business and our family.” Salina looked at me, “How did Tiny miss this?”

  I shrugged.

  Michelle said, “He kept me hidden in his house, nobody knew about me until this run. I guess he thought I looked old enough now to pass as his old lady.”

  I sighed, “Well, it’s over now. Let’s round up some prospects and get you settled in at Jeannie and Bill’s.”

  Jeannie offered to take the fussy baby and Michelle gladly obliged. “I think I can hold a bottle, but diaper changing might be out. Your room needs to be cleaned up too, but that’s what prospects are for.” She looked at Salina, “Thank you Sal. I was really worried about how I was going to take care of Bill.”

  “Come on, let’s go play Martha Stewart and get this girl’s new life started.” So we did. It took up most of the day, but we had a blast. Stacy joined us for a few hours before I gave her the chore of setting up a database on her laptop to track the girls schedules and money.

  Salina and I had driven separately in case one our old men called us off for some reason or another, so I went straight home to shower and catch a nap before Joe got home.

  I laughed when I opened the garage and his bike was already inside. I looked at the clock on the dash of the Mercedes and realized why, it’s after six. Whoops.

  I went inside and found him in the kitchen looking in the fridge. “Hey baby. Hungry?”

  “Fucking starving.” He complained.

  I hopped on my toes and kissed him. “Go sit, I’ll fix you something.” I’m really too tired to cook, but I should fix him something. It’s not that he’s expecting me to, but I feel like I owe him for standing by me during the whole Michelle thing.

  “Why are you so late? And where’s your phone? I called you twice.” He smacked me on the butt and went to sit at the kitchen bar.

  “It was a busy day getting Michelle moved in. I think they can take it from here.”

  “Let me guess, you still haven’t dealt with this birth control you’re insisting on?” He is grouchy.

  “Shit, no. I keep getting distracted by other stuff.” I found the sausage and put it in a bowl to start meatballs for pasta.

  “Take care of it tomorrow.” He ordered.

  “I’ll try. I meant to do it today.”

  “Don’t try, do it.” His tone is not getting nicer.

  I stopped and looked at him, “Give me a break will you? I’m a little busy doing shit I have no idea how to handle. It’s been a crazy week and I don’t need you giving me hell on top of it.”

  “Come here.” He waved me over standing up.

  I sighed and braced myself for his temper as I walked around to him. I looked up, “What?”

  He put one of his large fingers under my chin and lowered, “Go see Doc tomorrow or I’m going to be pissed. I’m leaving in the morning for a job up in Seattle. I’ll be gone about five days. If you’re not on it when I get back I’m turning you over my knee.” He threatened.

  “Okay, calm down. It’s not like I’m doing this on purpose.” I sunk my fingers into his hair and pulled him in for a much better hello kiss.

  His stomach growled making me laugh so I pulled back. “Let me feed you so I can take a bubble bath. I’m dead on my feet after today.”

  He smacked my butt again, he does this playfully, it doesn’t hurt. “Hurry up. I plan to get you naked and on that bed as soon as you’re done.”

  “If I don’t fall asleep first.” I laughed finding some wine to cook by.

  “I’ll wake you up.” He’s lost the grumpy tone now.

  “No doubt. How was your day? I didn’t see you with all my drama.”

  “Nothing unusual, except Gunner’s panic when he got the results of a DNA test from a chick he was accused of knocking up.”

  “Oh yeah? I didn’t know they could do DNA tests before a baby was born.”

  “I don’t know anything about it, except he was damn happy when it came up no where close to his kid.”

  “What happened to the girl?”

  “He showed her the gate and told her to have a nice life.”

  I laughed, “Sounds like Gunner. That man has more trouble with women.”

  We ate together at the kitchen bar chatting like what I can only assume couples do. It was oddly domestic. I looked around and realized I still have a lot of unpacking to do here. Great. After I see Doc tomorrow I’ll focus on that while Joe is out of town.

; “Are you going to call me while you’re gone?” I asked when he pulled my shirt off over my head as he backed me to the bedroom.

  “I am.” He assured me.

  “Good. It’s gonna be weird being here without you.”

  “Speaking of weird, I want a favor before I go.”

  “When are you leaving exactly?”

  “First thing in the morning, you can sleep in for once.”

  “What’s the favor?” I helped him finish undressing me and tugged his shirt to take it off. He’s too tall for me to get it over his head.

  He happily obliged tossing it aside. He fluffed the girls, “I want these,” he unfastened his belt, “around this.”

  “That doesn’t sound weird.”

  “It could be a little messy by the time I’m done.”

  “I think I’ll live.” I laid back on the bed and watched as this big beautiful man kicked out of his jeans and crawled over me. He kissed me until I was lost in him. Then he kissed me in the place that makes me grip covers for dear life.

  As I recovered he slid up and put my hands where he wanted so he could fulfill his fantasy. I watched his face as he watched himself between the girls. I like how much he’s enjoying my body. He doesn’t just want to selfishly ‘get off’, he wants to please, to linger, to wallow, for his pleasure as much as mine.

  When he got close I knew to brace for his release. Let’s just say being shot in the face has a whole new meaning. Being the nice guy he is he jumped up and brought me a couple towels, one wet and one dry.

  “Sorry baby, but thank you. I’ve been wanting to do that.”

  I laughed cleaning up. “Don’t apologize. If you’re happy, I’m happy. Besides, your face was priceless.” I teased and curled up against him. Once again I draped my leg over his was out cold in seconds. He’s like a big strong safe pillow.

  The next morning he kissed me long and hard before I watched him ride off for five days. First thing I did was go see Doc like he insisted.

  I was afraid we’d have to wait for the pill to kick in before we could take this to the next level, but Doc has some kind of shot that takes effect in forty eight hours. He told me what it was, but I forget. All I know is I need a fresh shot every three months and if my period disappears, not to be surprised. God bless Doc.

  I spent the next five days getting the house in order. Salina came by to help and drink wine when she could. She’s a busy girl keeping Slider’s books. We talked a lot about what to do with the bar while the prospects scrubbed and cleaned it.


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