Endless Fantasy Online

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Endless Fantasy Online Page 16

by Devin Auspland

  Ringo thrashed the tiny goblin around a bit before releasing the body from her maw and turning back to Luke, tail wagging. Stunned a bit by the sudden display of ferocity from his cute companion, his tongue tripped over its next words. “Uhhh… good job, I guess…”

  He activated nature’s regrowth on himself to stop the bleeding and shot another round of arrows at various targets around the battlefield. This pattern continued as Luke and his party, along with other guild mates, took on waves and waves of low level goblins.

  The city guards had some success in their efforts to corral the ogre away from the more populated sections of the city. They seemed to surround it on three sides and used their halberds to nudge it in a direction. They weren’t doing any damage to the ogre but were minimizing the collateral damage it could cause.

  Without warning, two more ogres pushed through the hole in the wall that the first had created. They were swinging their clubs around wildly, sending several guards and goblins flying with each swing. It appeared they weren’t concerned about their little green buddies.

  A blur of white raced across the battlefield, zigzagging through the many engagements that were underway. Each time it passed by an encounter, the goblins would fall to the ground. The bodies were riddled with several small, needle-like holes, only noticeable because of the white smoke rising from them. It was only when the blur came to a stop, directly under one of the ogres, that Luke recognized it.

  Captain Holtz was hunched beneath one of the hulking beasts, his long thin rapier drawn behind him. “Let the gods of light and fire empower me, so I may strike my foe down. Holy Fire!” The captain was shouting to the heavens and at the end of his speech, his rapier ignited in white flames. The ogre swung wide with its tree trunk club but the captain didn’t make a move to dodge or block. Instead, the captain slashed the trunk in two. Each end of the trunk where his blade struck erupted in flames that quickly began to engulf the makeshift club.

  The ogre tossed his half of the trunk to the ground and raised both fists above his head. He swung downward with more speed than Luke thought possible. Everyone in the area now stood watching, transfixed.

  The captain raised his blade in a line above his head as the ogre’s fists crashed into him. The sheer force of the blow caused the ground to crack and break apart, sending a cloud of smoke around the site of impact. Luke wasn’t sure how anyone could survive blocking that blow, especially with such a thin blade. Thinking quickly, he pulled an arrow and took aim at the massive enemy.

  Before he could release the arrow, he saw the creature's arms being forced back upward as the smoke was clearing. The captain had taken the full force of the attack and was now pushing against the colossal strength of his enemy.

  “You are strong, but my resolve is stronger! Gods of light and fire, I beseech you!” The white flames around his blade started to concentrate on the blade's tip. “Fifty strikes of flame!” He grunted as he sent one final push upward, causing the ogre to fall backwards. As the ogre fell, the captain placed one arm behind his back and leaped forward. His sword arm moved so quickly that the surrounding air began to heat, causing the sight of it to become blurry.

  After a few moments, the captain jumped backward and sheathed his weapon. The ogre stood still for what felt like an eternity but in reality it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds. When the ogre took a hesitant step forward, dozens of small holes began appearing in its chest. The pinholes each had tiny white flames pouring out of them as blood spurted to the ground. The ogre fell forward with a loud crash, cracking the cobblestone as it landed.

  The guards shouted in accomplishment and praise at their captain’s display of strength. Without warning, the captain had at least two dozen small holes appear on his body, blood dripping from them. They appeared to be the same as the wounds he inflicted to the ogre but with the absence of flames. He let out a grunt of pain as he fell to one knee, clutching his chest.

  At the sight of their fallen friend, the ogres ignored the guards attempting to corral them and started heading directly for the captain. The captain tried to stand but fell back to a knee when a new round of pain wracked his body. Luke started to rush toward him but was blocked by several goblins, the break in the battle coming to an abrupt end.

  “Luke, I need a heal!” shouted Nanoc as he was fending off a handful of goblins solo. Luke cursed that he couldn’t get to the captain and sent a heal at Nanoc before releasing several arrows and joining his party back in battle.

  When the ogres reached the captain, they looked at each other and laughed. They pulled back their clubs and began to swing. Thick vines shot out of the ground, gripping one of the ogre’s clubs and rooting him in place. The other ogre’s club swung at the captain, but before it could connect a large gorilla intercepted the blow and pulled the trunk from the ogre's grip, tossing it across the battlefield.

  “I think you’ve gotten weaker Rupert. I don’t remember you struggling with a single ogre before,” said a small woman with frizzy green hair. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a few flasks and leisurely tossed them one-handed at the raging ogre attempting to bust out of his constraints. When the bottles collided with the ogre, they shattered and their contents spilled across its body. Green, blue, and red liquid coated various parts of the creature as they began to melt, freeze, and ignite after a moment of exposure to the air.

  The ogre screamed in pain as the short woman pointed a walking staff at it. The staff began to glow blue as a baseball-sized globe of water appeared at the tip of the outreached staff. It shot out with incredible speed and collided with the head of the ogre. The ogre’s eyes rolled back into its head and its body went limp.

  The other ogre wasn’t idle during this time and tried to strike the out-of-place gorilla, but the gorilla easily dodged the blow. On the back of the gorilla was a figure completely wrapped in bandages with a loose-fitting t-shirt and shorts over the top. She, only determinable by certain bulges in her wrappings, launched off the gorilla, heading for a collision course with the ogre in front of her.

  She and the gorilla began to glow green as she reeled back her fist. The ogre grinned as the woman approached threateningly. The grin was literally punched off his face. When the woman’s fist connected, the ogre's head spun around and they could hear a very audible snap and pop. The ogre's head was now facing its back, and the lower jaw where her fist connected had shattered and been reduced to gore. She landed with an impressive backflip on the ground next to the captain and the short woman.

  At the death of the ogres the goblins began to shout in frustration and retreat. If that wasn’t signal enough of their victory, someone in the distance shouted, “we won!” Everyone either joined in the uproar of cheering or fell over from exhaustion. Luke took this opportunity to collapse to the ground and read system messages.

  Area Event Complete! Goblin Raid! You and your guild have successfully stopped the Goblin Raid. Your guild has been rewarded 100 reputation with the Phoenix Kingdom. You have been awarded 1,500 exp.

  Skill up: Nature’s Regrowth, Beginner 6.

  Skill up: Inspect, Beginner 2.

  Skill up: Water Shot, Beginner 4.

  Skill up: Short Bow, Beginner 9.

  Skill up: Beast Mastery, Beginner 4.

  Simple Goblin Warrior x17 defeated. 510 party participation exp gained.

  Goblin Scout x4 defeated. 100 party participation exp gained.

  Luke was lying on the ground, panting heavily but smiling from all the gains and the victory. Ringo interrupted his view of the stars when she began to lick his cheek. “Ok buddy, ok.” Luke started patting and petting her. “I’m ok bud.”

  “You look older.” A familiar sounded voice said.

  Luke shot up to a sitting position and saw that Rose was indeed the one speaking with him. His eyes got slightly watery seeing the woman he grew so fond of alive and well.

  “Rose?” She nodded. “I’m so glad you're alive, but where have you been? Wait, did you ki
ll that ogre? What were those potions you used? Have you been back to the shop? Oh no, have you seen your workshop? You’ve seen the workshop haven’t you? You're going to hurt me, aren’t you?” Luke started rambling, speaking faster and faster to the point where Rose had to slap him out of it.

  “Luke! Calm down, you're going too fast for me to follow. I will explain everything after we get back to my shop… wait, what do you mean have I seen what you did to my workshop?” She raised a single eyebrow questionably.

  “Um. I did nothing to your shop.” His voice raised several octaves toward the end of his response. Ringo barked, bringing the attention back to her.

  “Who’s this little fella?” She asked.

  “Long story, I guess.” He responded as his party came walking up.

  “It looks like you have some things to finish up with your guild? I have to speak with Rupert for a bit, but I will meet you back at the shop as soon as I’m done.” As soon as Rose finished speaking, she walked toward the recovering guard captain. Luke noticed that she was now putting weight on the staff as she walked off.

  “You know that crazy bad-ass plant lady?” Backstab asked.

  “Did you see those potions? They melted, burned, and froze all at the same time. What the hell was that?” Nanoc added.

  Luke shook his head before speaking. “It's a long story, but she's the one who owns the local Alchemy shop I’m staying at. I had no idea she was a bad-ass though.”

  Penny helped Luke to his feet, and the group headed for the Guild Hall.



  Luke followed his party back to the guild hall. Opening the door, the group was assaulted with a wall of noise. People were cheering and shouting about their night full of battle. The city guard had dropped off celebratory casks of ale that were partially to blame.

  Luke’s party began looking for mugs but he stopped them, getting evil glares in return. He quickly promised that it was only temporary while he explained the information he found out about earlier that day from Edmund. Looking around, he found Shrapnel and told him that he really needed to share some important information with the guild. After some groans, Shrapnel put his mug back on the table and ushered Luke and his party to a room in the back.

  The door opened to a meeting hall, with a large oval table in the center and chairs lined up on each side. After taking their seats, Shrapnel shut the door but it only marginally dulled the party waiting for them outside.

  “This better be good,” Backstab stated in annoyance as he twirled a dagger between his fingers.

  “It is. What I’m about to tell you is extremely important for your character progression and future in the game.” Luke tried to stress the importance of his words before he began talking.

  The group gave Luke their full attention as he recalled everything Edmund told him about class choices and specialization. He stressed that the choice they make at level ten was their last chance to really determine what they wanted to do. The group was suffering from information overload as they began contemplating their own class decisions internally.

  “So level three and then ten are the big choices and everything beyond that is unique and custom for individual players based on their earlier decisions and playstyle?” Penny restated Luke’s words not expecting him to answer the open-ended question, but he did.

  “Yes. It seems like the game creators wanted everyone to have a unique experience. It also seems like you will keep learning spells and skills past level ten but not if they aren’t related to your specialization choice,” he answered.

  “But doesn’t that sound limiting? I was hoping I could do everything,” Shrapnel said with confusion and concern.

  “Maybe. But it also sounds kinda fun and unique.” The group looked at Backstab, wanting him to continue his train of thought. “Think about it. This game is like a lot of other online RPGs. You pick a role and you're stuck with it. The way you’re explaining it, Luke, is that we pick a role but depending on how we play that role, the game will reward us with unique skills, abilities and classes that enhance our unique style of playing. I’m a rogue. In most online games, that's all I would be, and I would be just like every other rogue. In Endless Fantasy Online, it seems like I start out as a rogue but could end up being a one-of-a-kind stealthy backstabber class.”

  They all contemplated what Backstab was saying and eventually agreed that the system sounded fun.

  “Regardless of our thoughts on the matter, this is important information that needs to be shared. Thank you Luke.” Shrapnel extended his hand and Luke accepted the handshake. “I’ll make sure people are aware and post it in the message board. We have a lot of people at level eight or nine, including myself, that really need to think about our next choice.” The others nodded in agreement as they all appeared to be lost in thought.

  Luke excused himself from the remainder of the festivities at the behest of his party members. He wanted to stay, but he wanted to speak with Rose more.

  Heading through the streets, he was amazed at what the mages of the city were capable of. The damaged walls were already being restored with magic. Several robed figures were glowing with a variety of colors as stone flew threw the air and arranged itself. Additional mages and guards were creating and laying mortar as fire mages heated it up and air mages cooled it. The same treatment was happening with the ruined buildings. Mages were creating timbers as builders quickly put them in place and attached them.

  I wonder why those mages aren’t helping during the raids. I should ask Captain Holtz the next time I see him, Luke thought as he walked casually toward Rose’s shop, with Ringo following closely by his side. When he arrived outside the alchemy shop, the candlelight was visible through the windows and he could see someone’s shadow moving around inside. Mustering up the courage, he turned the door handle and went inside. Rose was in her office tossing items out of crates, clearly in search of something. “Rose?” Luke uttered nervously.

  The gnome woman looked up from her current task and when she noticed it was Luke, she put on a warm smile. She met Luke at the counter as she climbed up the small staircase that was built into the back. “Come closer, let me get a good look at you.” Rose pulled her trademark goggles over her eyes and they began to glow. “Hmm… I see… You went with Ranger. Ahh, and your nature’s regrowth spell is coming along nicely.” She paused for several moments in between sentences and Luke pumped out his chest. “And you’re almost at intermediate levels with two skills. You seem to be growing just fine.” She moved her goggles back to the top of her head before continuing. “I see you have a lot of unused skill points and attribute points. Why haven’t you spent those?”

  “I wanted to save them for when I decided what to specialize in. Enough of me. Where have you been!” Luke brushed off her questioning, in an attempt to get answers.

  Rose turned away from Luke. “I’ve only been gone a couple of days, a week at most. Can’t a girl go on vacation?” Peeking back, she saw that her answer wasn’t going to satisfy him, so she huffed in disappointment before continuing. “I’m sorry. I left during an… inopportune time and I really appreciate you taking care of my plants while I was away.” She paused, hoping that would be enough but Luke crossed his arms and nodded his head for her to continue. “Ok, Ok. I was on a mission for the King.”

  “The King? You know the King?” Luke uncrossed his arms, letting go of some of his anger over her sudden disappearance.

  “The King and I were once part of the same party.” Luke’s eyes went wide at this latest revelation. “I was older than him and assigned as his healer and support mage. The previous King, King Henry’s father, assigned me to his party. He thought my potion making and healing magic would ensure his son would survive.” Her eyes went distant, and she had a playful expression on her face. “He didn’t need my help though. Henry was an animal in combat. The King wanted me there to keep him alive but Henry was the one who kept the four of us alive. Those were some
of the best times of my long life. After the previous King passed, Henry gave me this shop and asked that I stay in the city incase he needed me.”

  Rose pulled a crumbled sketch from her pocket and began to unfold it. She handed the sketch over and Luke examined it. The sketch featured a party of four adventurers laughing as they stood in the foreground with a massive monster lying dead in the background. Luke instantly recognized Rose in the photo, although she appeared a bit younger and sported the look of an adventurer with armor and weapons strung about her. He also recognized the King standing alongside her. He was much younger looking and didn’t have the big beard that Luke associated with him.

  Luke didn’t recognize the short archer. He thought it was probably another gnome — or a halfling, if those existed in this world. What surprised him most was the fourth member of their party, their mage.

  “Is that… Shadow Incarnate!” He dropped the sketch on the counter and Rose picked it up.

  “We didn’t call him that at the time. He adopted that silly name later in life, along with an insatiable thirst for power.” She began to get choked up and her voice became hoarse from holding back tears. “We were all so close before Shadow Incarnate did something that could never be forgiven. We were forced to turn on him. The rest of us fought hard and ultimately stopped him.” Her voice turned to one of anger and regret. “And that should have been the end of it! We defeated him and then Henry was supposed to kill him but he took mercy and banished him to the far reaches of the world.”

  “That clearly didn’t work,” Luke added.

  Rose chuckled and her voice returned to normal. “The King came to me a few weeks ago and asked for my help. There were rumors of a dark uprising headed for the Phoenix Kingdom and he was concerned that it was his past finally coming back to bite him. He knew Shadow Incarnate would never reveal himself unless the royal family was gone, so he faked his death and the kidnapping of his wife and daughter. It worked like a charm and when most of the king's men were out of the city in fake pursuit, he invaded. You know how that ended.” Rose looked at Luke for confirmation and he nodded. “Even when Henry came to me asking for my help, I never thought it could be him. I expected a lich lord or new necromancer, but never Shadow Incarnate. When I saw him approaching the city, I lost it. I gathered what I needed and waited for the King to confront him. When he fled, I took pursuit and have been following him ever since.”


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