Iran: Empire of the Mind

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Iran: Empire of the Mind Page 38

by Michael Axworthy

  Bahrain 151, 290

  Bahram IV 59

  Bahram V (Bahram Gur) 60–61

  Bahram Chubin 66

  Bakhtiar, Shapur 257

  Bakhtiari 168, 212, 214, 218, 222

  Baku 181, 232

  Balkh 77, 87, 91, 107, 121

  Balkhi, Shahid 71, 89

  Baluchistan, Baluchis, xiv, 149, 151, 281

  Bam 172

  Bani-Sadr, Abol-Hasan 270

  El Baradei, Dr Mohamed 295

  Bardiya 17, 18

  Barmakids 81

  Basra 159, 160, 163, 168

  bast 205, 206, 210

  Bausani, Alessandro 54, 55, 78

  bazaar 51, 184, 200, 204–5, 206, 232

  bazaar guilds 7, 175, 206–8, 259

  Bazargan, Mehdi 258, 262, 267, 268, 269, 270

  bazgasht 230

  Bedouin 72

  Behbehani, Aqa Mohammad Baqer 174

  Behbehani, Ayatollah Abdollah 204, 206, 208, 212

  Beheshti, Ayatollah 271

  Behesht-e Zahra (cemetery) 266, 274

  Belgium 196, 203–5, 208

  Belisarius 66

  Bessus 29

  Beyt al-Hikma 83

  Bidel 116

  Bill, James A 253

  Bishapur 48, 49

  Bisitun 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 89

  Black Friday (8 September 1978) 262

  Bogomils 55

  Bokhara 87, 156

  Bolsheviks 218, 221, 266, 278

  Borujerdi, Ayatollah Hosein 245, 247, 250

  Boyce, Mary 299

  Bridge, battle of 76

  Britain 182–3, 189, 196–9, 215–16, 219–221, 232–3, 245, 283

  British Petroleum (BP) 245

  Browne, E.G. 139

  Buddhism 57, 106

  Bunyan, John 9

  bureaucracy 83, 144, 185, 209–10, 228

  Bush, President George W 288

  Bushire 182, 196

  Buyids 87

  Byzantines 66, 120, 129

  Cairo 110

  caliph (Khalifa), caliphate 76, 79, 83, 87, 128

  Callias (peace treaty) 26

  Callinicum 66

  Cambyses (Kambojiya) 17, 20

  Caracalla 44

  Cardaces 27

  Carlyle 166

  Carrhae 37, 39, 41, 44

  Carter, President 257, 260, 263, 271

  Caspian Sea 15, 34, 77, 152, 156, 183, 218, 221

  Cathars 55

  Caucasus 3, 44, 66, 173, 179, 181–5, 232

  chador xv, 194, 253

  Chaeronea 29

  Chaldiran 133

  chess 65

  China 39, 83, 84, 119

  Chionite Huns 59

  Christianity 9, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59–60, 125

  Churchill 235, 287

  Clinton, President 283

  Clive of India 165

  Constantine 58, 133

  Constantinople 68, 100

  Constitutional movement 207, 210, 217

  Corbulo 41

  Cossack Brigade 198, 203, 207–11, 217, 221, 225, 226

  Council of Guardians 269

  Crassus 37

  Croesus 1, 12

  Crone, Patricia 15,

  Ctesiphon 35, 43–4, 45, 65, 66, 68, 69, 76

  Curzon, Lord 219, 220, 221

  Cyaxares (Uaksatar) 5

  cynicism in (British) foreign policy 199

  Cyrus (Kurosh) 1, 11–17, 20, 26, 27, 59, 68, 256, 276; principles continued by Darius: 21–2

  daena 9, 78

  Daghestan 160, 161, 163, 166, 183

  Dahae 34,

  Damascus 68, 76, 79, 110

  Daneshvar, Simin 244

  Dara 66

  Dar al-Funun 195, 199

  D’Arcy, William Knox 204, 216, 231

  Dari, xvi,

  Darius I (Daryavaush) 18–25, 89

  Darius III 27, 28, 28 illus., 29, 31,

  Daryaee, Touraj vii-viii, 61

  Dasht-e Kavir (desert) 3

  Dasht-e Lut (desert) 3

  dehqans 49, 63, 64, 66, 80, 90

  Deioces (Daiaukku) 5,

  Delhi 97, 106, 119, 158–160, 167

  Demavand 4

  Democratic party 212; Kurdish (KDP), see

  Kurdish Democratic Party dervishes 97, 98

  din-e dawlat 259, 276 Dio Cassius 44

  diwan 63, 81

  drauga (druj) 10

  Dunsterville, General 218, 220

  East India Company, English 135, 180, 182

  Ebadi, Shirin 291, 297–8

  Ebtehaj, Abol-Hassan 245

  Edessa 48, 67

  education 203–4, 228, 252, 281–2,

  Egypt 17, 24, 26, 29, 31, 33, 56, 180, 201, 232, 294

  Elagabalus 31

  Elam 2, 21, 23

  Emami, Saeed 283

  Erekle II of Georgia 167

  erfan 138, 249, 250

  Esma‘il, Shah 131–3

  Esma‘il II, Shah 142

  Ettela’at (newspaper) 261, 270

  Eumenes of Cardia 31

  Euphrates 43, 58, 123

  Euripedes 38

  Evin Prison 267, 270

  Ezra 10, 26

  Fao peninsula 273, 274

  Farazdaq 266

  Farrokhzad, Forugh 230

  Fars, xv, xvi, 44, 45, 227

  Fath Ali Shah 178–82, 185–7, 189

  Fatima 75, 79, 124

  Fatimids 128,

  Feda’i 255, 272

  Ferdowsi 39, 63–4, 72, 89–90, 107, 118, 141, 256

  Ferozabad 45, 49, 81

  fiqh 258

  fire-temples 32, 51

  Fitzgerald, Edward 93–4

  Foruhar, Dariush 257–8, 283

  Foruhar, Parvaneh 283

  France, the French 180–2, 215, 232, 256

  fravashi 9, 36 Freedom Movement 258, 262, 267, 270, 272

  Gabinius 37

  Ganja 181, 183

  Ganji, Akbar 291

  Gathas 6,

  Gaumata 17–18

  Genghis Khan 103, 118

  Georgia 47, 130, 134–5, 150, 167, 173, 181, 182

  Germany 211, 215, 217–8, 232–4, 236

  gharbzadegi 244 Al-Ghazali 97–8

  Ghazan Khan 117

  Ghaznavids 87, 89, 91

  Ghilzai Afghans 150–1, 167

  ghuluww 129, 142

  Gibbon, Edward 54, 65, Gilan 135, 156, 212, 217, 218, 222

  Gnosticism 52, 54, 56

  Gobineau 299, Goethe 115

  Golestan, Treaty 183

  Golhak 206

  Golnabad 151

  Gondeshapur 51, 84

  Gorbachev, Mikhail 275

  Gotarzes 35

  Granicus 29

  Greece, xv, 25, 29, 41–2, 51

  Griboyedov 184–5, 186

  Gaugamela 29, 30

  Gunpowder Empires 141

  Gutians 2, 13

  hadith 85, 96, 109, 127, 174, 194

  Hadrian 43; Hadrian’s Wall 42

  Ha’eri, Shaykh Abdolkarim 249

  Hafez 90, 106, 111, 113–16

  Hajj 74, 107, 151

  Hajji Firuz Tepe 2,

  Hajji Mirza Aqasi 191

  Al-Hallaj 96

  Hamadan (Ecbatana) 4, 10, 11, 17, 25, 36, 108, 152, 190, 217

  Hamas 290, 293

  Hashemi-Rafsanjani, Akbar 274, 289

  Hatra 43

  Hecht, Anthony 48

  Hedayat, Sadeq 229–30

  Hephtalite Huns 61–2, 65

  Heraclius 68–9

  Herat 104, 121, 149, 153, 155, 167, 191, 196, 199

  Hercules 18,

  Herodotus 1, 5, 10, 14–15, 17, 19, 26, 27, 28

  Hezbollah 268, 270, 271, 278

  Hezekiah 12–13

  Hidden Emam 128–9, 208, 210, 258–9, 266

  Hijra 74

  Hindu Kush mountains 5, 35

  HMS Dreadnought 215 Hodgson, Marshall G 141

  hojjatoleslam 175, 277 Holocaust 235, 293–4

muz, straits of 135

  Hormuzd (brother of Shapur II) 58

  Hormuzd IV 66

  Hormuzdgan 45

  Hosein 79, 123–4, 126

  Hosein, Shah Sultan 147, 149, 151, 152

  Hoveyda, Amir Abbas 258, 268

  Hulagu 105

  Hyrcania 34

  ijtihad 85, 174

  Il-Khans 105–106, 117

  India, xvi, 31, 51, 106, 119, 135, 138–9, 144, 159, 160, 180, 181–2, 191, 199

  Indus (river) 12, 159

  Indo-Europeans xiv, 1, 3, 25

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 295

  Iran/Contra 274, 277

  Iran/Iraq War 272–274, 278–9

  Iran zamin 2, 78, 132, 139

  Al-Iraqi, Fakhroddin (Iraqi) 106, 108

  iqta 120

  Irbil (Arbela, Hewler) 29, 44

  Ironside, General 220–2, 223

  Isaiah 13, Isfahan 45, 118, 132, 134, 136, 144, 150–2, 154, 155–6, 168, 168, 171, 204, 212, 218, 254; School of: 138

  Islam 9, 71–4, 75, 76, 78–80, 82, 85, 97, 175, 177, 201–2, 256, 260, 275

  Islamic Republic Party (IRP) 269

  Ismailis 105, 128

  Israel 10, 245, 274, 284–5; and Ahmadinejad 293–4; and Iran’s nuclear programme 296; establishment of 294; recognition

  of 288

  Istakhr 45

  iwan 65

  jadidi 190

  Ja‘far Al-Sadiq 127–8

  Ja‘farian, Rasul 304n.

  Jalal Al-Din (Khwarezmshah) 104, 107

  Jalal Al-e Ahmad 243–4, 250

  Jami 116

  Jangali 216illus. 217, 218, 220, 222

  Japan 204, 234

  Jerusalem 13, 14, 26, 68, 74

  Jesuits 127–8,

  Jesus 5, 52, 55, 74, 111, 128, 132

  Jews 14, 26, 36, 41, 59, 68, 73, 157, 202–3, 208, 257, 283–5; migration to Israel 284;

  persecution of 10, 42, 57, 61, 104, 133, 140, 144–5, 190, 212–13, 233; and Mohammad 74;

  see also Israel, Holocaust

  jizya 77, 78

  Jones, Sir Harford 182

  Jordan 292

  Jovian 59

  Judaea 12

  Judaism 9, 10–11, 42, 52, 74, 190; see also Jews, Israel

  Julian 58–9

  Julius Caesar 37, 39

  Junayd 97

  Junayd, Shaykh 130

  Juvayni 105, 117

  Ka’ba 75

  Kabul 158, 159, 167

  Kadivar, Mohsen 278

  Kalat-e Naderi 167

  Kandahar 141, 149, 150, 151–2, 156, 158, 167, 191

  Karbala 79, 124, 126, 175, 176, 178, 260, 272, 274

  Karen 36

  Karim Khan Zand 168, 170–1, 258

  Karnal 158

  Kashan 2, 77, 195

  Kashani, Ayatollah Abol-Ghasem 242, 245, 250

  Kasravi, Ahmad 238–9, 240

  Katouzian, Homa 46, 291

  Kavad I 61–4

  Kavad II 69

  Kay Kavus 72, 90, 147

  Kennedy, President 247

  Kerdir 56–7

  Kerman 45, 151, 172, 218

  Kermani, Mirza Reza 202–3

  Kermanshah 17, 212, 217

  Khadija 75

  Ibn Khaldun 76, 85, 119–20

  Khamenei, Ali (President, later Supreme

  Leader) 274, 277–8, 279, 286, 289

  Khamseh confederation 218,

  kharabat 95, 108

  Kharg Island 191

  Kharijites 79, 80, 126

  Khatami, Seyyed Mohammad 282–3, 285–6, 287–8, 293

  Khazars 68, 69

  Khiva 198

  Khomein 248, 249

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah 110, 247–251, 256, 258–9, 260, 261–3, 265–9, 270, 271–2, 274–7

  Khorasan 77, 80, 82, 83, 86, 87, 97, 101, 103–5, 106, 130, 151, 153, 167–8, 173, 195, 229

  Khorasani, Mohammad Kazem 211

  Khordad 7,

  Khorramites 15, 86, 129

  Khorramshahr 273

  Khosraw I (Khosraw Anushirvan) 33, 62, 63, 64–6

  Khosraw II (Khosraw Parvez) 66–9

  Khuzestan, xv, 2, 58, 84, 216, 218, 240, 273

  Khwarezm 103, 166

  Kiarostami, Abbas 297

  Kirkuk 156, 159, 163

  kofr 98, 99

  Komiteh 267, 270

  Konya 107

  Kuchek Khan 216–17, 222

  Kufa, Kufans 80, 123, 124, 126

  Kuh-e Nur (diamond) 167

  Kurds, Kurdistan xiv, 4, 29, 86, 135, 237;

  Nationalism/seperatism 267–8, 272, 273

  Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) 272

  Kushans 49

  kvarrah 60

  Macedon 24, 25, 26, 27–9, 31–2

  Machiavelli 93, 150

  Macrinus 44

  Magi 10, 14, 17, 32, 41, 53, 56

  Mahmud Ghilzai 151, 152

  Majles 207–8, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214–15, 217, 220, 223, 224, 226, 228, 229, 236, 240, 241, 245, 247, 248, 255, 269, 284, 286, 290, 291

  Majlesi, Mohammad Baqer 144–5, 148–9

  Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 297

  Makhmalbaf, Samira 297

  Malcolm, Sir John 172, 179, 180, 182, 199

  Malkom Khan 199–200

  Mandaeans 53

  Mani/Manichaeism 51–6, 61, 78

  Mannaeans 2

  Al-Ma’mun 83, 84, 85

  Al-Mansur 81, 83

  Marathon 24

  Marduk 13–14, 26

  marja-e taqlid 175, 245, 247, 268, 277

  Mark Antony 39–40, 41

  Maryam Begum 144, 148, 149, 151

  Mashhad 132, 137, 153, 168, 190, 212, 216, 232, 260, 261, 263

  mashruteh 207–13

  Massagetae 15

  Maurice 66, 67

  mawali 78

  Mawlana see Rumi

  Mazanderan 3, 143, 168, 170–1, 192

  Mazdaeans, Mazdaism 7–11, 17, 19–20, 31–2, 36, 41, 43, 45, 52, 56–7, 77

  Mazdak, Mazdakites, Mazdakism 15, 62, 64

  mazhab 85, 86

  Mecca 68, 72–3, 74, 75, 79, 96, 125, 151

  Medes, Media, xvi, 4–5, 10, 21, 26

  Medina 68, 73–4, 125

  Mehran 36, 66

  Military Revolution 162, 141

  Merv 77, 80, 103–4

  Mesopotamia, 2, 11, 23, 33, 35, 37, 43, 45, 47, 51, 52, 58, 69, 76

  Millspaugh, Arthur 227, 237

  Ministry of Infor mation and Security (MOIS) 270, 283–4, 293

  Mir-Hosseini, Ziba 281

  Labienus 39, 40

  Lahore 106

  land reform 246–7, 251

  Latin 1, 6, 7, 85

  Lebanese Hezbollah 272, 278, 290, 293

  Leonidas 26

  Lermontov 181

  Lewisohn, Leonard vii, 147n, 302n, 303n

  Lezges 160, 161, 184

  Lors 222, 249

  Lotf Ali Khan Zand 171–3

  Lydia 12,

  Lucullus 37

  luti 140

  Mir Veis 150–1

  Mirza Hosein Khan 197–8

  Misikoe 48

  Mithra/Mithras, Mithraism 7, 42–3

  Mithradates I 35

  Mithradates II 35

  Mobad 51

  Modarres, Seyyed Hasan 228–9, 270

  Moghan plain 157, 173

  Moghuls 121, 141

  Mohammad 5, 54, 68–9, 72–5, 96, 125–6

  Mohammad Ali Shah 210, 212

  Mohammad Ghuri 106

  Mohammad Hasan Khan Qajar 163, 168

  Mohammad Reza Shah 234, 236, 244–6, 259

  Mohammad Shah 189, 191, 192

  Mohammad, Sultan (Khwarezmshah) 103, 104

  Moharram, xiv, 176, 205, 246, 262

  Moin, Baqer vii, 309

  Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO) 255

  mojtahed 174, 175, 200, 205, 210, 211, 220, 249, 258–9, 266, 276

  Molla Sadra 138, 249

  monafeqin 271
r />   Mongols 18, 101–6, 117, 118, 119, 129, 142

  Montazeri, Hosein-Ali, Ayatollah 259, 277–8

  Moses 5, 10

  Mossadeq, Mohammad 228–9, 239–43

  mostazefin 268, 279, 280

  Mosul 5, 12, 159

  Motahhari, Morteza 268

  Mottahedeh, Roy 255

  Mozaffar od-Din Shah 203, 207

  Mu’awiya 79, 126

  Multan 106

  Mu’tazilis 85, 97, 174

  Mycale 26,

  Nabonidus 14,

  Nader Shah 18, 153, 156–67, 168, 173, 175, 177, 181, 186, 187, 223–4, 234, 279

  nafs 98

  najes 140 Nahavand 76

  Najaf 175, 178, 210, 211, 223, 248, 249, 258, 273, 291

  Najmabadi, Afsaneh 309n.

  Nakhichevan 183

  Napoleon 162, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185

  Naqsh-e Rostam 45, 46illus., 48–9, 57

  Narseh 57

  Naser-e Khosraw 91

  Naser od-Din Shah 189, 192, 196, 197, 199, 201illus., 202

  Naser od-Din Tusi (astrologer/astronomer,

  poet, polymath) xiii, 105

  Nasser (President of Egypt) 243

  Nassiri, General 267

  Nasrollah (son of Nader Shah) 165

  Natanz 295

  National Front 239–40, 241, 245, 247, 257–8, 259, 262, 266–7

  Naus, Joseph 203–4

  Navvab Safavi 238

  Neanderthals 18, Nebuchadnezzar 10, Nehemiah 26

  neo-Platonism 53, 64–5, 109, 138

  Nero 41

  Nestorians 59–60

  Nietzsche 11, 56, 303

  Nineveh 5, 69

  Nisa 36

  Nishapur 49, 99, 101, 104, 248

  Nisibis 44, 48, 66

  Nizam ol-Mulk (Hasan Tusi) 93

  Nizami Ganjavi 98–99 nomads 3–4, 8, 44, 51, 61, 73, 105, 118–20, 161–2, 169, 185, 193

  Noruz (Persian New Year) 8illus., 21, 178, 230, 285

  Northern Alliance 288

  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) 294–5

  Nuqtavi Sufis 137

  Nuri, Mirza Agha Khan 196

  Nuri, Nateq 282

  Nuri, Shaykh Fazlollah 210–12

  Odenathus 56

  oil xv, 204, 216, 218, 227, 231, 232, 236–243, 244–5, 252, 273, 280

  Oljeitu 106

  Omar (Caliph) 112

  Omar Khayyam 93–96, 116, 147

  Ordibehesht 7

  Ormuzd 45–6

  Orodes 37, 38–9

  Ottomans 129, 133–4, 137, 141, 152, 155–6, 163, 165, 207, 217–18; see also Young Ottomans

  Oxyartes 31

  Pacorus 39–40

  Pahlavi (language) 51, 72

  Pahlavi dynasty 223, 226–38

  Pakistan, xvi, 129, 275, 295

  Palestine 23, 43, 68, 76, 219, 234, 235, 293–4

  Palmyra 56

  Panahi, Jafar 297

  Papak (father of Ardashir) 45

  Papak (9th century rebel) 86

  paradaida 17,

  parakandeh shahi 36

  Paris, Peace of (1857) 196

  Parker, Geoffrey 162

  Parni 34

  Parthia, Parthians xvi, 4, 34–41, 43–5, 47, 49

  Pasargadae xv, 15, 20, 256

  Pasdaran (Sepah-e Pasdaran) see Revolutionary

  Guard Corps Pelagius, Pelagianism 55, 56, 301

  Pelopponesian Wars 26 people of the Book 77, 133, 140, 144, 284


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