Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)

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Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4) Page 14

by Renee, K.

  Checking the time, I see we have about ten minutes to get dressed. Rushing home, I put the truck in park, and grab everything and Axle. I can hear Coley blow drying her hair, so I take Axle into his room to get ready.

  Once I get us both dressed and ready, we go check on Coley.

  Walking into the bedroom, I get a glimpse of Coley and she literally takes my breath away. Never in my life have I seen a woman more beautiful than the one standing before me. She is mostly ready, but doesn’t have any shoes on. Axle starts to whine and reaches for her.

  Handing him over, I continue to stare at her. “What’s wrong Dom?” she asks quietly.

  Walking over to her, I pull them both into my arms, “Nothing baby, you’re just the sexiest bride ever.” She blushes and I can’t help my smile at her.

  Leaning into her, I whisper in her ear, “I can’t wait to get that dress off of you later.”

  Turning her head to look at me, she gets an evil grin on her face. “You’ll love what I’ve got on under this dress even better.” With that, she walks away from me leaving me speechless. Putting on her shoes, she grabs her bag, and then comes back to me.

  “We’re gonna be late babe,” her smile is innocent now and as much as I want to bend her over the bed, she’s right and I want to make this shit official.

  Grabbing Axle from her, I lead us out to the garage, and to the truck. Once I stick him in his seat, she walks to my side and wraps her arms around me. “You both look handsome.” Her lips barely graze my jaw and my dick twitches. I want her pussy so bad right now.

  Grabbing her ass, I give it a good squeeze, and kiss her lips.

  Walking her backwards, I open the door for her, and help her in the truck. “In a few hours, I will be taking you hard,” I kiss her once more and shut the door.

  Watching her as I walk around the truck, I see her squirming in her seat.

  Getting to the strip took longer than I had planned. My phone has been blowing up every five minutes with an impatient Brant. You would think that I was late for his fucking wedding. Pulling into the Mirage, I get to the kid parking cars, and hand him a twenty.

  “Thanks kid.” He looks up at me with a freaked out expression as he reads my cut.

  “Yeah no problem,” he mumbles as he gets in. Grabbing the car seat from Coley, I grab her hand and drag her with me to where Brant said they were waiting.

  Finding them at the bar was pretty easy, since no one came within a few feet of Brant. He had his cut on, and the girls were staring and inching closer. I could see the pissed off expression on Anslie’s face, so us getting here now is probably for the best.

  Anslie’s eyes meet mine and I can see the smile forming as she makes her way over to us. “Axle, she says grabbing for him. She pulls him out of his seat and I walk over to Brant with the empty car seat, leaving Coley and Anslie together.

  “Hey brother,” he says in greeting.

  “Why is my sister pissed?” I ask looking over at them.

  “Some bitch hit on me when we got here. Fuck, I thought getting her pregnant would mean lots of sex, not bitchy jealousy.” I can’t help but laugh at him.

  “Well, let’s get this show on the road before she starts to kill these bitches for trying to get close to either of us.” Before he can get up, some bitch comes strolling along and grabs his dick.

  I hear my sister say, “Oh fuck no.” Before Brant can even get free of the hand on his junk, Anslie comes marching up and grabs the girl by the hair. I try to grab her, but she dodges me, and pulls the bitch away from Brant. I look over at Coley and she has a smirk on her face.

  “You put your hands on my old man again and you’ll wish you never laid eyes on him,” she growls.

  The bitch goes to hit her, but Brant steps in between them. “Lay one hand on her and I’ll kill you.” The bitch shrinks back and almost trips over a barstool trying to get away.

  “Damn guys and you say I’m the one who always starts the problems,” I say with a smirk. Brant flips me off and grabs Anslie, pulling her closer to him. He whispers something in her ear and she smiles.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here before she starts a brawl,” Brant says with a smirk. He pulls her out of the bar and through the casino.

  Chapter Forty

  Walking through the casino, Dom grabs my hand, and follows Brant who is whispering in Anslie’s ear. I love watching them, they are like the perfect biker couple, and it makes me happy that I’m about to be part of their family.

  “What are you thinking about?” Dom asks wrapping his arm around me and pulling me and Axle closer.

  “Just thinking how cute they are together,” I say with a smile.

  “Please baby, they ain’t got anything on you and me,” he winks at me, and lowers his hand to my ass.

  We finally come to an open area that has a hot tropics theme. Smiling at Dom, I shake my head. “What?” he asks with a grin. “You make me hot. The package was hot tropics, I thought it matched,” he kisses me and then leads me inside. Anslie grabs Axle and walks over to Brant, who then takes him from her.

  “Hi, welcome to the Mirage! Are you the Davoli’s?” the girl at the front asks when we walk up.

  “Yeah,” Dom says looking around.

  “How many are in your party?” she asks with a huge smile.

  Dom cracks a smile and says, “Four plus a baby.” She nods and leads us to the front of the area.

  “You will walk this way my dear and you sir will be standing right here. Your party will be standing on either side of you both. Did you need anything else?” she asks. We shake our heads no, and she drags me to follow her.

  Walking around a corner, she shows me where she wants me to stand, and wait for the music to start. “Your family is beautiful,” she says with a smile.

  “Thank you,” I say with a big grin. She motions to someone who in turns hits a few buttons. Music starts to play, and I can’t believe that it’s my favorite song. Hearing the beginning lyrics to This Love by The Veronicas brings tears to my eyes. I have no idea how he knew about this song.

  While Dom was in prison, I listened to this song over and over again. It was like it was written for us. No matter where he is, I know that we are supposed to be together, and I will always fight for us.

  Wiping my tears, the girl motions for me to start walking down the aisle. Walking around the corner, I see Dom standing there with Axle and I can’t help the tears that fall. Right now, I am walking to my future, and I couldn’t be happier if I tried. Staring into Dom’s eyes, I can tell he’s just as happy as I am.

  When our hands touch, I get a tingle that runs through my entire body. We join hands and turn to face the minister. Looking over my shoulder at Anslie, I can see the tears in her eyes. “Love you,” she mouths.

  Smiling, I mouth back, “Love you too sis.” She smiles brightly and I turn back to the mister who is reading about joining us in holy matrimony.

  When it’s time to say our vows, Dom hands Axle off to Brant. He turns back to me and grabs both of my hands, interlacing our fingers together.

  “Before I met you I knew, I didn't want to have an ole’ lady. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were gonna fuck my simple life up, and I wouldn't change one minute. You took on the role of mother to my son when you didn't have to, and stood by my side when shit got bad. I promise to love you for the rest of our lives. You keep me grounded and love me no matter what. I’ll love you like my bike, like my club, and most of all, just like my family.”

  Tears are running down my face and I know my makeup is getting ruined. He gently wipes the tears from my eyes, and the minister tells me it’s my turn. So, I clear my throat and try to place in words how I feel about Dom.

  “I ran from a past of being told what to do and who to be with. You opened my eyes to a new and better love than I ever knew. I would do anything for you and Axle. Loving you comes easy to me, and even when you’re the biggest pain in the ass I know, I still know you’d do anything for me.”
I hear Brant snort and I can’t help but smile. “I can’t wait to see what our life together brings, and I am so ready for this ride with you.”

  The smile on his face is all the confirmation I need, to know that I’m making the right choice. The minister has us exchange rings, and then pronounces us man and wife. “You may kiss your bride,” he says as Dom dips me, and lays a kiss full of tongue on my mouth.

  Anslie and Brant whoop and holler causing Axle to cry. Dom finally pulls me up, and Axle is reaching for me. Grabbing him, I see the tears running down his little face. I wipe his tears, and kiss his cheeks. He starts to smile and Dom kisses his head too, pulling us into his arms.

  “Congratulations you guys!” Anslie says wrapping her arms around us. Brant joins in too, causing the minster to look at us funny. Once they release us, we make our way out of the wedding area. The girl from before comes and has us sign the marriage certificate that I didn’t know we had. Anslie and Brant both sign it before handing the paper back to the lady. She tells us she’ll take care of the rest, so we make our way back into the casino.

  Anslie hugs Dom and kisses his cheek, “Love you big brother.”

  Brant pulls me and Axle into a hug, “Welcome to the family.”

  They switch positions and both hug us. “I’m so glad you’re my sister now! I’ve always wanted one,” she says with a huge smile.

  “Thank you. I’m so glad to be part of your family.” She kisses my cheek before walking over to Brant, and wrapping her arms around his waist. Her little belly is cute on her, and I can only wish I look as good as her if I got pregnant.

  “We’re heading home so I can fuck your sister the rest of the night, since my mom has the boys. I’ll call you tomorrow Dom,” Brant says leading Anslie away.

  Dom just shakes his head and pulls me closer to him. We make our way out of the casino and to the valet.

  They pull the truck around, and I can’t wait to go home and celebrate our marriage, just the two of us. The last couple months have been crazy, but I wouldn’t change anything for this moment.


  Five Years Later

  The last few years have been crazy for the Wayward Saints and I am just glad that shit is finally starting to calm the fuck down. Tonight my father came to the house out of the blue and surprised the fuck out of me.

  Ever since my little sister was born, I knew he was thinking about stepping away from being the president, but Henley wouldn’t let him. I knew I liked her. She kept my old man on his toes.

  When he walked into my house, I knew something was up.

  “Hey kid. Where are my grandkids at?” he asks looking around the quiet house. Coley had taken the kids to the movies with Anslie, so they’d be gone for another hour. Hell, I’m pretty sure Henley went with them so he has to know.

  “What’s up Pops? It’s not like you to come over unannounced,” I state watching him. He runs his hands down his face and leaves his arms on his legs.

  “We need to talk about the club,” he pauses and looks me in the eyes. “Kid I’m damn tired and I want to be there to watch Gina grow up. I made a lot of mistakes with you boys and Anslie and I don’t want to do it again with her.”

  Nodding my head, I get it. Hell, my old man is gonna turn sixty, and running this club isn’t always easy. Shit we’ve had more problems lately than we’ve ever had in the history of the club.

  “What are you saying?” I ask. I want him to tell me what he wants me to do.

  “Dom, I think it’s time for me to step down and let you run the show. I know you’re gonna make a fucking great leader for us. I have all the faith in the world that you will keep this club running just like I have.”


  “Are you leaving permanently?” I ask.

  “Naw kid, just stepping down from President. I have a little girl who needs me and a mess of grandkids between you kids. I want to be able to spend some time with them.” I can tell how much this is killing him inside. This club has been his life since before I was born.

  “You sure?” I ask looking him in the eye.

  He nods his head.

  “I heard Nick was wanting to step back too. Is that what brought this on?” I’m curious because they’ve always run this club together.

  “Yeah he mentioned it. Kid we are just tired. We’re not leaving, just letting our boys pave the way for the younger guys. I see the way the men react to you. They are loyal to you and Brant. I know you’ll both do fine.”

  I watch him stand up and I know this is it. He grabs a knife from his jeans and cuts the patch off of his cut. I stand up and watch him. He pulls me in for a hug and pats me on the back.

  “Make me proud kid,” he says handing the patch to me, before he walks out my front door.

  Later that night

  Before going to bed, I walk into Axle’s room to make sure he turned off his light, and then make my way to Harley’s room. Standing in the door way, I can’t help but smile at my princess.

  The day Coley told me she was pregnant, I knew things were gonna get better. She is the spitting image of her mother, and I couldn't be happier. I walk in and tuck her in, before kissing her forehead. At two years old, she is hell on wheels, and will be probably tougher than Axle and Brant’s sons.

  Making my way to bed, I strip down, and climb in next to my wife. Curling my body around hers, I breathe in her scent, and relax.

  Her hand grips my wrist and I tuck her into my body more. “Mmm. Hi baby,” she whispers.

  “Hey sweetness,” I sigh.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks turning her head so she can look at me.

  Shaking my head, I sigh and bury my neck in her neck. “My old man stopped by earlier while you guys were gone,” I say.

  She looks at me for a minute before urging me to continue. “He turned the club over to me.” Her eyes widen and a smile appears on her face.

  “Congrats babe. I know how much it means to you. You’ll be an amazing president,” she says kissing me. “I have one hundred percent faith in you. I love you so much.”

  Kissing her deeply, I pull back and say, “I love you more. Thank you baby for everything and being the best wife and mother I could ever want for Axle and Harley.”

  The End

  (Well for now…)

  An Unedited Sneak Peek of

  Wayward Trouble

  Wayward Saints MC Series

  Book Five

  By K. Renee


  Three Weeks Ago


  I’ve been running for the last six months and I have no clue if or when he is going to find me. All I know is that I can’t make any mistakes. What he doesn’t know is that I’ve been hiding in plain sight for months and that might be my only advantage right now.

  With no other family to turn to, I have been just getting by – barely.

  I stay in different places every night and pray that no one finds me and turns me in for trespassing.

  Breaking into someone’s apartment was never part of my plan. I had been sitting in the parking lot, watching the people come and go for a few days and I never seen anyone come and go from this particular apartment. Maybe no one actually lives there? When it got dark, I made my way through the bushes and picked the lock.

  Walking in the room, I see that someone does in fact live here and seems to be very messy. Who am I to complain, I’m pretty much homeless. At last they have a place to call their own. Beer bottles litter the counter and there are dirty clothes everywhere.

  Checking the fridge, I don’t see any actual food, so I doubt that whoever rents this place will be here very often.

  I drop my bag on the floor and start to pick up some of the mess. I guess it’s the least I can do if I’m going to be squatting in their apartment while they are gone.

  Walking into the bathroom, I’m pretty sure I’m going to gag. The smell is awful and I have no idea how this person hasn’t gagged on the stench alone.

  What is
it about men that make them not know how to use the toilet without peeing on the seat or on the floor? So freaking gross.

  Searching the cabinets, I look for any cleaner I can find and get to work on cleaning up a bit to make this place somewhat not disgusting. Maybe that’s why this person is never here. Looking through the drawers and cabinets, I notice that there is not one thing that belongs to a woman. He must be a bachelor, a very messy one at that.

  That’s too bad. If he had a woman, then maybe he wouldn’t have such a dirty apartment. I just hope I can use this to my advantage. Maybe this means I’ll be able to come and go as I please. That would be a huge plus for me.

  Once I clean a majority of the apartment, I take out two trash bags of beer bottles and garbage and toss them into the big dumpster a few buildings over.

  I wonder if he will even notice that I cleaned the place for him when he finally comes home.

  I keep a few of the empty bottles to stack next to the door just in case he comes back and I’m here. I want to make sure I have a heads up that he’s coming into the apartment. Not that it would do much for me, I’m still breaking and entering and I have no idea who this person is or what he will do to me when he finds me in here. I guess it’s better than the alternative though.

  All I know is that I will never go back home and subject myself to Paxton ever again. He almost caught me once, but luckily I was able to get away before he could actually hurt me

  An Unedited Sneak Peek of

  Dirty Ink

  The Dirty Love Series

  Book One


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