Elder Bonds

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Elder Bonds Page 21

by Lexi C. Foss

Stas winced. I just decided not to think about that.

  But it existed at every turn, glance, and touch, all tainted by their new reality.

  Issac sighed. “I hate it too, love.” His words only further confirmed their bond. He knew exactly where her thoughts had gone and why without her ever having to say a word. That level of understanding almost hurt, the intensity of it singeing her being for eternity, marking her forever as belonging to the one man who could never truly have her.

  So they continued this charade of a relationship because their hearts refused to let go. No, it went deeper than that. Her soul connected to his on some inexplicable level, fusing them together even in the most dire of circumstances.

  Yet, she knew this wasn’t maintainable. Not forever. Not when Issac still needed to feed.

  No more.

  Forget. Just for one night.

  She slid her palms to his lower back and lifted her gaze to his, determined.

  “I don’t want to think anymore,” she said softly. “I want to pretend everything is normal, or as normal as it can be with Balthazar playing host in a hotel party.” Her passive attempt at a joke seemed to ease some of the tension between them, but not all of it.

  Issac’s full mouth tilted upward. “Seventeen themed floors. I suggest we avoid a few of them based on what I’m seeing.”

  This subject she could explore. It even sparked a note of curiosity, something she so badly needed right now. “Do I want to know?”

  He shook his head, amusement radiating from him. “No. You really don’t. Though, I wouldn’t mind you joining the water volleyball game outside.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Why doesn’t that sound as innocent as it should?”

  “Because you’re learning that nothing where Balthazar is concerned could possibly be as modest as it sounds.”

  “Truth,” Jayson agreed as he exited with an arm around a blushing Lizzie. He wore a pair of green board shorts and flip-flops. No shirt.

  “Are you supposed to be a beachboy?” Stas asked incredulously as she moved to Issac’s side. “Or is that your version of a merman?”

  “I’m a more appealing version of the male character from that cartoon mermaid movie.” He grinned. “But I can go nude and pretend to be a merman who washed up on the beach, if you think that’s more appropriate.”

  Lizzie turned impossibly redder. “Maybe later.”

  “Definitely later.” He kissed her temple. “We’ll go make a quick appearance to appease the host, then head back up here.”

  That turned Liz from blushing bride to perplexed fiancée as her brow crinkled. She faced her husband-to-be and put a hand on her hip. “It’s our party, Jayson.” Softly spoken but underlined with meaning. The poor guy didn’t stand a chance.

  “Which is why we can leave whenever we want.”

  “No. It’s why we have to attend the whole time.” Lizzie gave him a look that begged him to argue, and his smile faded.

  Smart man, Stas thought. She’d been the recipient of that expression a few times in her past and knew better than to say anything.

  But Jayson, of course, didn’t. “Seriously?”

  “Seriously.” Lizzie folded her arms and somehow managed to affect the perfect mom pose. How appropriate. “It’s rude to leave a party early when it’s being held in our honor.”

  “Balthazar is going to be too busy to notice, nor will he care.”

  “That’s not the point,” she chastised. “He’s gone through a lot of effort to put all this together, and we should support him.”

  Jayson gaped at her. “This is B we’re talking about, right?”

  She merely stared at him, waiting.

  He rubbed his jaw, his shrewd gaze heating as he glanced over her—no doubt weighing the benefits of appeasing her. Or perhaps deciding what would happen if he marched her back into the bedroom right now.

  Lizzie held his gaze without flinching, but another flush crept its way up her neck. His open appraisal seemed to be having the impact he desired, because his dimples flashed in response.

  To think, Stas hadn’t approved of this relationship only a month ago. But these two clearly adored each other. Perhaps a little too much.

  “Alik is requesting your ETA,” Issac said, his expression artfully blank. “Shall I respond with an image of the current time, or shall I add a few minutes to it? I would imagine it’s rude to keep the guests waiting, but I’ll leave that judgment up to Elizabeth.”

  The latter was said with a touch of humor that only Stas seemed to hear. Her lips threatened to curve. The urge only worsened as Lizzie turned a shade of purple.

  “Oh! You’re right. We need to go, Jay. Right now.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him toward the door. He met Issac’s gaze on their way and shook his head.

  “Jackass,” he muttered.

  Issac affected a guiltless expression and tone. “I’m merely the messenger.”

  “Right.” Jayson didn’t get a chance to add to that as Lizzie yanked him through the threshold.

  “We’ll meet you down there!” she called, not bothering to wait for confirmation.

  Stas laughed as the door closed.

  Issac blinked innocently down at her. “Something amusing, love?”

  “Alik didn’t ask about them at all, did he?”

  He shrugged noncommittally. “Jayson’s imagination had started to wander, and he needed a nudge to steer him back to the proper course.”

  “Like reminding the guest of honor that she was late to her own party?” Stas smiled at her wicked demon. “That was cruel.”

  “I prefer brilliant.” He dipped his head to brush his mouth softly over hers. “Shall we follow or head over to our suite?”

  “Our suite?” she repeated. “You sound rather sure of yourself.”

  “We both know you’ll end up in my bed by the end of the night, Aya.” He kissed her again, this time with a little more force. His sapphire eyes glimmered with arousal as he pulled back. “I’ve been without you beneath me for far too long.”

  She swallowed. Me too. But sex complicated things between them, inspired lusts that couldn’t be ignored. If he lost control with her, she’d never forgive herself. Losing him wasn’t an option.

  What if he fed first? she wondered. From what she knew, he hadn’t bitten anyone since her turning. And he’d once told her he required blood weekly.

  He had to be hungry.

  Maybe he could find someone to satisfy his thirst, then they could sate their physical needs together afterward.

  Issac nuzzled her nose, her cheek, and her neck. “I miss you, Aya,” he breathed against her ear, showering goose bumps down her neck. “Let’s go enjoy the party and pretend things are normal—just as you said—and see where it goes?”

  God, how could she refuse him when he spoke to her in that voice? The one underlined with desire and command, with just a hint of a plea.

  Stas melted on the spot, her body giving in before her mind could interfere. Risks be damned.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  Except she knew it wouldn’t be okay at all, or normal. Because even now, in this moment of intimacy, he held her as if she could break at any given moment. Not because he was afraid to hurt her, but because of his fear that she could hurt him.

  But if he wanted to try, she’d try. Because that was all they had left—devotion.

  “Always,” Issac murmured against her neck. “You know that, Aya.”

  “Always,” she repeated.



  Torture. That’s how Issac described Astasiya’s dress. He wanted to peel it off with his teeth, but instead he stood quietly beside her in the reception area of the hotel.

  Two hours, he promised himself. That’s how long they needed to attend this party without anyone causing a fuss at their absence.

  Then, Issac would figure out how to make this work with Astasiya. Because the chaste behavior could not continue. Her blood was the issue, not her mout
h, or her body or hands. So long as he didn’t bite her, they would be fine. It wasn’t as if he possessed an aversion to control. He just had to be a little gentler than usual.

  “Remind me why we came down here,” Astasiya whispered as she took in the haunted interior of the lobby.

  Cobwebs adorned various fixtures, faint lights cast a ghostly appeal over the plush carpet, and splatters of fake blood decorated the walls. Balthazar had certainly gone all out, as he always did in these circumstances.

  “For the experience,” Issac replied, amused.

  They were waiting for the elevator to arrive that would take them to the true start of the party on the second floor. The lobby was just for show, and also shrouded in discreet security. Issac normally didn’t play along with Balthazar’s theatrics, but Astasiya had never attended one of his infamous events. Best to give her the full tour.

  “Okay, but why?” she asked softly.

  He stepped behind her to wrap his arms around her waist and hug her back to his chest. “Nervous, love?”

  “No.” Her shiver betrayed the lie. “I just don’t understand why we’re down here.”

  “You’ve never experienced a Balthazar production,” he murmured against her ear. “You require a proper introduction.”

  “You don’t even like him,” she pointed out. “And this isn’t really your scene, Mr. Billionaire Gala Extraordinaire.”

  He chuckled. “Perhaps not, but I’m willing to make exceptions.” This occasion being one of them. “You wanted normal. I’m giving you normal.”

  “In a haunted lobby, waiting for a spooky-as-fuck elevator?” She snorted. “Yeah, that’s normal.”

  “You almost sound scared, Aya.” He nuzzled her neck. “Don’t fret, darling. I’ll protect you.”

  “That makes me feel better,” she deadpanned as the elevator dinged. Her spine stiffened as it opened to reveal a person dressed in all black. Jeremy. One of Jayson’s Guardians. They were probably all in attendance with the purpose of protecting Elizabeth and her unborn child, on Jayson’s orders.

  Issac nudged his goddess forward when she didn’t move. “Come on, love. Let’s play the game.”

  “Something is seriously wrong with all of you,” she muttered, her feet moving. She turned upon entering, and he backed her up into the wall, his hands on her hips.

  “You can face off against Osiris, and yet, it’s a haunted hotel that scares you?” He chuckled at her piqued expression. “How charming.”

  “The difference is having a reason to stand up to my fears versus purposely putting myself in a situation where the aim is to make me scream.”

  He ran one hand up her side as the elevator began to move. “Would you prefer a different situation that results in screaming?”

  A lovely shade of pink caressed her cheeks. She licked her lips. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  “Is that a challenge, love?” Because he had every intention of fulfilling that promise tonight. No more of this tiptoeing around each other. I will find a way for this to work.

  The door dinged before she could reply.

  “Proceed at your own risk,” Jeremy advised, his pun unoriginal. None of the Hydraians approved of this relationship between Issac and Astasiya.

  “I shall,” Issac replied, catching the other man’s hazel gaze. Despite his status of Guardian, he was the first to look away. Jeremy’s affinity for manipulating the earth was impressive, but Issac’s visual talents were renowned. His age and status helped as well.

  “Enjoy your evening, Jeremy,” he murmured, placing his hand against Astasiya’s back to escort her out of the elevator.

  “You as well,” the Hydraian replied, his tone holding a hint of defeat.

  Astasiya shook her head as the doors closed. “You know they’re just worried about you.”

  He snorted. “No, Aya, they are concerned that their newest asset has ties to the Ichorian community.” He gazed sideways at her. “A war brews on the horizon, love. Everyone, including me, can feel it.”

  “I agree, but they know you’re on their side, Issac. You’ve more than proven your allegiance.”

  “Yes, it is not my loyalty they question so much as my influence.”

  She frowned. “Over what?”

  “You, darling.” He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. “They worry about your reaction should something happen to me.”

  Her shoulders tensed. “Issac—”

  “Shh, it’s a moot concern, love. I fancy being among the living and intend to remain here. With you.” His lips brushed her temple. “Now, you wanted an evening of normalcy. I suggest we follow that sign and see where we end up.”

  Her focus shifted to the wall. “You mean the one that says ‘Enter If You Dare’ in blood?”

  “That would be it,” he replied, grinning. “Unless you’re too afraid?”

  “It’s not about fear but about purpose,” she growled. “I’m not scared, just not all that eager to have things jump out at me.”

  “That’s half the fun, love.”

  “I can’t believe you actually want to go through a haunted, uh, whatever you call this. Floor, I guess.”

  His lips threatened to curve at her skepticism. Because she was right. He normally would have no interest in such an activity, but Astasiya had changed him on an irrevocable level. She encouraged him to live in a way he never appreciated previously. Including venturing into a maze of horrors.

  “The seven floors of hell,” he corrected. “And actually, I’m quite intrigued. I rather enjoy hearing you scream.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “You may take that back soon.”

  He fondled a piece of her blonde hair hanging loosely against her breast. “No, I don’t think I will.” Issac gave the strand a tug. “Are you finished stalling, or do you require more time?”

  “I’m not stalling.”

  “Whatever you say, love.” He purposely laced his tone with doubt, knowing it would force her into action.

  The fire lighting her gorgeous eyes confirmed that it worked. “Fine.” She wove her fingers through his and started in the direction of the festivities. “Osiris is a real threat, but sure, let’s go scare ourselves for fun.”

  He chuckled. “That’s the spirit, love.”

  “Who are you and what did you do with my Issac Wakefield?” The note of confusion in her voice was belied by the mirth dancing in her gaze.

  “Right here.” He squeezed her hand just as a chainsaw revved and appeared out of nowhere in front of them. Astasiya leapt backward with a yelp while Issac chuckled. He may have seen that coming.

  “Shit!” Astasiya was not nearly as amused, her free hand covering her heart.

  “We’ve not even entered yet, and already you’re screaming.” This would be quite fun indeed, especially if she continued to clutch him in the way she did now.

  The lights flickered overhead.

  Time for the initial show, Issac thought as darkness swept over the hallway. The sound of a clock chiming rung overhead, another chainsaw revving ahead.


  “I believe the goal is to find our way to the next level.” From what he could see, this activity spanned the first three floors. “Lead the way, love.”

  “You’re the one with an aptitude for vision,” she muttered.

  “That would be cheating.”

  “Like that has ever stopped you before.”

  He smirked. “Are you stalling again?”

  “You’re enjoying this far too much.” She started forward cautiously, her hand holding his in a death grip. “And where are all the other people?”

  “Scattered throughout the hotel, preparing for the humans to arrive.”

  She stopped. “What?” He sensed her gaze seeking his out in the dark, but he couldn’t see her. How he longed to find a way to undo that rune at the base of her spine and manipulate her sight just once. Especially in her dreams. “Issac, what do you mean about the humans?”

; Right. Explanation. “Do you think Balthazar organized all of this just for the Hydraians?” He paused. Her silence indicated she required more. “The primary purpose is to celebrate Jayson and Elizabeth’s pending nuptials; however, Balthazar does not throw parties in this elaborate of a manner just for the immortals. He’s invited the public—for a fee, of course. Afterward, he’ll anonymously donate the proceeds to a charity in need.” Giving back to the community was one of the Elders’ ways of maintaining positive relationships with humanity. Osiris could learn a few things from them.

  “Okay, then where are all the other Hydraians? Jacque brought, like, everyone over.”

  Not everyone. At least a hundred were left behind to guard Hydria. “Several are going through the haunted floors—which you would know if you stopped delaying the inevitable—and others are upstairs celebrating in the main rooms.”

  “While we’re here in a dark hallway listening to a clock chime incessantly.”

  “Because you stopped moving,” he added. “Indeed.”

  “Okay, I’m not afraid, Issac.” She started walking again. “I just think this entire—”

  The sound of an engine turning over came from the side, paired with headlights, causing Astasiya to jump several feet forward on a shriek. Eerie music soon followed as a dusting of stars illuminated the hallway overhead, bathing them in subtle light.

  “Not cool,” she grumbled.

  “You were saying?” he asked casually.

  “That I’m going to pay you back somehow for all of this? Yes.” She kept moving, this time faster, and masterfully ignored a few props that leapt out at her along the way.

  Until they stepped onto a moving floor.

  She fell backward, and he caught her with ease, smiling. “Having trouble?”

  “How? How have they added these effects everywhere?!”

  “Welcome to life as an immortal, love,” he whispered into her ear. “Now keep moving.” He nudged her onto the shifting surface instead and helped her navigate through the awkward tunnel to the stairwell. Faint red light illuminated their path upward, and they came face-to-face with a pair of twin clowns.

  “Cute,” Astasiya muttered before wandering past them.


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