Until the Stars Fall From the Sky

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Until the Stars Fall From the Sky Page 17

by Mary Crawford

  “Nice boxers,” comments Kiera as she takes in my pale blue boxers complete with an elaborate monogram.

  I feel my face flush hot with humiliation. “Umm, thanks, I guess. My mom got them when I went away to school. She thought they would help me sort my laundry. She didn’t know it would be the source of endless teasing,” I explain, as I climb back into bed.

  Well, I think it’s cute,” Kiera insists, “Your mama wanted to make sure your undies got back to their rightful owner during the confusing morning after in the big bad frat house.”

  I shudder at the thought and Kiera giggles. “I’m not sure I want my mom to think that hard about my love life,” I reply.

  Kiera puts her finger over my lips as she quietly and firmly says, “I’m sure your mom is a nice woman and all, but can we talk about her another time? It’s my turn to be the explorer.”

  Chapter 20: Kiera

  As I nervously run the red tie between my fingers, I decide to leave the blindfold off because I want to see his eyes. I read about stuff like this in books, I just never in a million years thought that I’d ever actually be doing it. I ponder the scene in front of me and I wonder where to begin. Jeff is as overwhelming as encountering an endless buffet of all my favorites at a five star restaurant. I choose to start by satisfying my curiosity and trace the script on his ribs with my fingertip. As I trace the quote, a sense of peace settles over me. I really have chosen a kindred spirit.You must be the change you want to see in the world. I glance up at him, with an appreciative smile, “Gandhi?” I guess.

  He nods.

  “I approve. What’s this one?” I ask, pointing to his upper bicep where he has a symbol that looks like a Chinese character.

  Jeff’s expression turns sad as he explains, “It’s a kanji to symbolize strength. I got it to show my sister she had the strength to come back from the brink of death and fight for Gabriel.”

  “Oh wow, that’s amazing, you are such a good guy to be so supportive,” I praise, meaning every word.

  Jeff looks uncomfortable as he disagrees, “Well, I’m not sure I’d go that far; I don’t want you thinking I’m a good guy or any —

  I laugh at his obvious discomfort. “Relax, PC. I think the good guys are the sexiest kind, remember?” I kiss his kanji. “Number please?” I prompt, impatiently.

  “It’s nice; I’m giving it a lucky seven,” Jeff responds pleasantly, raising his arms and crossing his hands behind his head casually.

  Oh, no this is way too easy on him. Time to ratchet up the heat. I moved across his body, stealthily flicked my tongue out, and lightly licked his nipple. It instantly hardens. I gently sucked. He groans and shifts his hips on the bed. “Going up, in so many senses of the word…easily a fifteen,” he groans burying his fingers in my hair.

  “Hmm, how about this?” I ask, kissing the hollow of his neck right bellow his Adam’s apple. I can feel his pulse beat fast and strong; the scent of his cologne is enticing. I can feel him catch his breath as his heart rate increases. “Definitely worthy of a ten,” he announces as he releases the breath he’s been holding. I playfully run my teeth along the tendon in Jeff’s neck, “Okay, make that a 15,” he croaks.

  I move up to his earlobe and begin sucking on it. It is so soft, which is such a contrast to the rest of Jeff which is all angles and strength. This must be a hot button for him because his hips arch up into mine and his fingers almost reflexively tunnel through my hair. “Obviously, this one hit me hard. It’s a 20.”

  Suddenly, a sense of awe overtakes me. It’s thrilling and scary at the same time to be able to have this much control over such a large Adonis with just my lips and fingertips. Impulsively, I kiss the end of his nose and the cleft of his chin.

  “Pip, you may need some help with target practice because that’s only a two point five,” Jeff reproaches, chuckling.

  “No, smart asterisk! My kisses landed exactly where they were intended, thank you very much. Is this better?” I ask, landing a well placed kiss on his lips. I focus on being as thorough as possible. I start lightly kissing his lips, increasing the pressure with each kiss until he moans and knots his fingers in my hair. I up the ante by running my tongue across his bottom lip and seeking entry into the hot recesses of his mouth. He groans harshly, but opens to allow the contact as our tongues begin a sensual dance. Our hips instinctively follow the rhythm set by our mouths. My own breath is coming in shallow pants and it feels like my nerves are super charged.

  After several moments, Jeff breaks away as he groans, “Geez Pip, you ought to register those lips as a dangerous weapon because you are without a doubt the best kisser I know. That’s easily a 55 or 60.”

  “Really?” I ask incredulously, “I don’t really have much experience and the guy that took me to senior prom told me that I kissed like a dead fish. I was afraid to try much after that.”

  “That guy was a tool and an idiot,” Jeff hisses.

  “Thank you. You make me feel like I’m beautiful and sexy.” I scoot down his body and kiss his left nipple. He gasps quietly at the sudden contact. I move further down and stroke my fingers down the line of hair bisecting his chest and abdomen. I watch as his muscles contract and quiver.

  Jeff grabs my hands and stills their progress. “Pip, babe — you are so amazing, but if we don’t stop here, I won’t be able to. I don’t want you to regret anything later.”

  I flash him a tight smile. “Always a Boy Scout,” I tease. “PC, I’m the daughter of a single truck driver. My dad had a lot of guy friends. There isn’t a lot about male bodily functions I wasn’t taught graphically and often from multiple sources. I know what’s going to happen and — subject to our safety precautions — I’m totally on board.”

  Jeff looks a little stunned as he says, “One of the things they teach you in law school is to sit down and shut up if you’re ahead. So, by all means, carry on.”

  “Jeff, now the ball’s in your court. How far do you want to take this game?” I ask.

  Jeff holds up his finger to tell me to wait. He leaves the room for a moment and returns with a small jade colored pouch. “These weren’t exactly the circumstances under which I envisioned presenting this to you, but I think the situation calls for them. I’ve been carrying it around since the day I was a jerk-wad, trying to figure out how to make it right,” he explains as he pulls a string of pearls from the silk bag.

  They are simply stunning with a small butterfly clasp inlaid with jade. I gasp as he holds them up to put them around my neck. “Oh Jeff, they are spectacular!” I breathe reverently. But, I don’t understand what this has to do with what we were doing?” I flush as I consider our activities and our state of dress.

  “I want you to know that I’m totally serious about being with you forever So, I’m giving you this in lieu of a promise ring until after the bar exam when I can afford a proper engagement ring. This necklace belonged to my great grandma. According to family folklore, my great grandfather got it for her on a training mission in North Africa. “Kiera, would you consider being my wife?”

  I look around the bedroom strewn with our clothes. Wow, this was the last thing I expected after the crazy day I had today. Nonetheless, I didn’t ever want to imagine life without Jeff in it and I don’t have to now. I feel like I need to check in one more time. So, I ask bluntly. “Are you sure? Life with me can be infuriating and sad and sometimes feel futile. Are you up to the challenge for the long hall?”

  Jeff interlaces our fingers and declares, “I’m in if you are. I love you Pip. I want all parts of our life together — the easy, the hard, the pretty and the ugly — all of it.”

  It’s what I needed to hear, an acknowledgment that he sees and understands all the parts of me and loves me anyway. A broad smile crosses my face, and I feel myself relax as I move my hair out of the way so that he can latch the necklace. “Yes, Jeffery Whitaker, I’d love to accept your great-grandma’s necklace — because I love you too.”

  Jeff lays back on the bed an
d pulls me down beside him. He brushes soft kisses across my temple. “Kiera, why the tears?” he asks, as he studies my face with concern.

  I squeeze his hand. “Only happy tears, PC. All of my life, I feared this would never happen for me because of my injury. As my college friends all got married, it seemed even less likely. I had all but given up. Then I went pedal boating and caught you. It’s a miracle.” I answer softly. I roll over and kiss him tenderly. “I can’t believe you’re really mine. I wonder what my dad’s goin — “

  At that moment, my phone rang with the shrill ring tone assigned to my supervisor echoing through the speakers ominously. I snatch it off the nightstand as quickly as I could roll over. As I listen to Joan, I look at the clock and blanch. Jeff looks down at me with concern, his hand massaging the knots from my shoulders with gentle circles. “What?” I practically screeched into the phone, sounding anything but calm and professional, “The girls were gone for less than 14 hours.” I listen some more; feeling more defeated with each detail. I know that, at the end of the day, I’m going to have to crush Mindy one more time. “Yes, ma’am. I can be there in a little over an hour,” I reply, my heart heavy. Some days my job sucks moose-balls. Today is one of them.

  I hang up the phone and turn to Jeff. “Don’t read too much into this, but how quickly can you get your identification together and rustle up some nice clothes?” I ask, looking at my watch.

  “Pip! Are you trying to steal my thunder?” Jeff admonishes, his eyes wide with shock.

  “No. I told you not to jump to conclusions. Joan told me to prepare. So, since you’re directly involved, I’m going to assume she meant bringing you up to date. Mindy’s dad was paroled today. When the sheriff’s office went to go serve restraining orders on Mom and Grandma, they were gone. Even the drapes were missing and the cable box returned for the security deposit. There was a piece of paper on the counter with the message from the hospital, so they knew the girls were in danger, but they still left them.

  “Bastards!” Jeff spit out viciously and for once I didn’t correct him. I have similar views, but for professional reasons, I can’t voice them.

  “I need to know about the other stuff because I need to put you on my foster care application. I’ve been asked to take the girls in a crisis situation since her former foster family is no longer interested in her since she is now in a sibling group,” I explain, as I begin shedding my clothes to get into the shower.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me! Who does that?” Jeff thunders, the outrage obvious in his voice.

  “Nope,” I answer, wearily, “They said it didn’t fit their ‘grand life plan’.”

  “Well, welcome to real life. Where life never goes according to the ‘grand life plan’. Can I just say thank God for that? If my life had gone according to plan, I would have never met you or those two kids.” Jeff replies, a scowl on his face, but as he continues he starts to grin. “As fate would have it — all of it — my I.D., including a criminal background check that’s less than a week old is in my briefcase in my truck because I had to take it to Human Resources at the Prosecutor’s Office. I keep a spare suit in my truck in case I have to appear in court.

  “Shut up! Don’t mess with me. There’s too much at stake,” I scold, starting to tremble from the adrenaline.

  Jeff walks over and kneels in front of my chair. “Pip, babe,” he says his voice rough with emotion, “I know what’s at stake. I’ve already been through this once with Gabriel. I had to get emergency guardianship. They did a home study and the whole nine yards. If I could pass it at 19. I’m sure I can pass it now. I’m not bailing on you and I’m sure as hell not bailing on those girls.”

  Tears stream down my face as I reach out to hug him, forgetting my semi-naked state as I hoarsely whisper, “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m going to say a few extra prayer’s of thanks for my blessings tonight, okay?”

  “Okay, Pip, but I think that you’re my blessing too.” Jeff answers, softly kissing me, “You need to go hop in the shower. I’ll go change downstairs.”

  Chapter 21: Jeff

  As I finish knotting my tie, I transfer my wallet to my suit pants, stopping to check for gas money. Justice Gardner’s card catches my attention. Well, he did say to call if I ever need anything. I suppose this would qualify. I carefully dial his number on my phone while mentally rehearsing his first name so that I don’t flub it. The minute I hear his deep voice answer, my vocal chords freeze for a second. I clear my throat and try again, “Good Evening, sir, um William, this is Jeff Whitaker, Kiera’s fiancé.”

  “Ooh, Good on you boy! You move fast. I knew I saw something between you guys,” he congratulates.

  “Well, your Honor, I haven’t had a chance to formally ask her Dad yet, so if we could just keep this between us for now, that would be great,” I ask as respectfully as possible.

  “Understood son,” William replies quickly. “However, once he sees how happy Kiera is with you, Denny’s going to be an easy sell. What can I do for you, young man? I’m glad you called. I’ve offered to help several folks over the years, you’d be surprised how few folks actually have the initiative to follow through. Your attitude is going to take you far in our field.”

  “Thank you so much, William. I appreciate that you were willing to reach out to me. Your faith in me is humbling. Sir, I’m treading on delicate ethical lines here, so I’m trying to be very careful. Yet, at the same time, I need to take some proactive steps to protect Kiera,” I reply cautiously.

  “I’ll let you know if you come close to something that would get you in trouble with the Oregon State Bar,” he replies,” I used to sit on the Board of Bar Examiners.”

  “I appreciate it sir, but first let me tell you that she’s not in trouble. She’s just facing some unusual stresses at work and I’d be better equipped to help her if I had a paying position. However, by the time my lifeguarding commitment was fulfilled, all the paid positions were filled. I called to ask you if you are aware of any openings.”

  “How time sensitive is this situation son?” William queries, concern evident in his voice.

  I chuckle dryly as I respond honestly, “Well, your Honor — “

  “I told you to call me William,” he chides sternly. “Kiera means the world to me and that practically makes us family.”

  I am flustered that I forgot. Old habits die hard. I’m not used to this new personal relationship with someone that I’ve admired from afar. “Of course, sir” I respond, wanting to smack myself over my own stupidity, “William, the truth of the matter is that it is developing as we speak. In all honesty, it would have been helpful for me to have this job last week.”

  “Life come up to bite you in the butt, did it? Kiera certainly has had more than her share. Let me think on it for a minute and make some calls. I’ll get back to you in a few minutes if that’s agreeable.”

  “Thank you si — William. Your act of kindness might change more lives than you know.”

  “Not a problem, son,” he says with a laugh. “I believe you are a lot like me and like to face issues head on. You need to stay on your toes with your girl. Even after all of these years I still don’t know what’s coming with Isobel. It’s part of what makes life interesting. I’ll let you go now; I’ve got some calls to make.”

  After the phone went dead in my hand, I stare at it for a minute unable to comprehend that I had just received girlfriend advice from a Former Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court as if he was a nosy relative at Christmas. When exactly did my life enter a parallel universe? I remember; it was the day I discovered my own personal Pippi Longstocking in a tie-dyed bikini and decided I had to know more about her. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.

  As I head back to the bedroom, Kiera meets me in the hallway. She is trying to balance a thick accordion file on her lap as she leafs through the paper work. “French-Toast,-Soufflé-Eating Mushroom-Throwing-Butterflies!” she mutters in a tone that’s not eve
n almost under her breath. She looks more like a lawyer than I do in her sharp navy suit and crisp white blouse.

  I reach over and catch the file as it slides off of her lap as I ask, “Pip, take a deep breath. What’s going on?” I duck into the bathroom, grab her hairbrush, and find her tray of barrettes. I push her over to the kitchen table and drop everything there. I begin brushing her hair out and placing it in a simple chignon to match the clean lines of her suit.

  When I finish, she looks at me, her mouth agape as she gently touches her hair. “Seriously, PC, how do you do that?” she compliments. “I had my hair like this for my prom and it took that poor lady an hour and a half to do it.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “It’s like tying shoes for me, I don’t even think about it. My hands just do it.” I just don’t see what the big deal is, I’ve been braiding hair forever; it’s not like it’s rocket science or anything, so I change the subject. “What has you so upset that you are using multiple cuss words, babe?”

  “Oh, I can’t find the stupid notarized copy of my passport. I know it’s in there because they used my foster care file as a training file in a class for the foster home study folks and I renewed my license then,” Kiera responds in a frustrated tone.

  “Why don’t you go find your shoes, Pip?” I suggest. “I’ll look for your missing paper work. After all, organizing files is a large part of what I do as a law clerk and I’m pretty efficient.”

  “That sounds like an amazing idea,” Kiera responds looking calmer. “I’ll just go finish putting myself together.”

  I place a gentle kiss on her temple. “I don’t know, Pip. You look pretty put together to me; I’m digging the Pippi Longstocking meets Ann Taylor look. It’s unexpectedly H-O-T,” I confess.

  Kiera chortles with laughter as she says, “I’m sorry, I know you meant that as a complement. But, I’m still trying to get past the fact that you know about Ann Taylor”


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