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Elemental Page 5

by Serena Pettus

  Nicolas’ determined voice came through next, “Then we had better do everything we can to ensure that these ladies know that the Mondragon brothers will do anything in their power to keep them.”

  Both women stood, stunned and speechless, next to the intercom box. Both brothers wanted them…forever.

  Slowly, Mandy felt a smile turn up her lips. She watched as Anna’s did the same.

  “He still wants me!” Anna cheered. “Even after everything in our pasts, he still wants to be with me.”

  Mandy was equally stunned by the fact that Nicolas wanted her. “Nicolas wants to be with me, even though I have this weird gift.” She looked up at Anna, both of them smiling widely now. “They really do want us.”

  The sound of pounding footsteps over the intercom had the girls looking at each other in confusion, until they heard the footfalls transfer to the stairs and then the hall. The door flew open and they both squeaked and flushed with guilt at being caught eavesdropping.

  The brothers just stood in the doorway, grinning, eyes twinkling. “The intercom was accidentally set up for two-way,” Nicolas announced.

  Two-way? So they could hear what she and Anna were saying?

  Feeling her face heat even more, Mandy nervously bit her lower lip, as Anna shifted on her feet.

  “Entirely my fault,” Jonathan added, “I meant to set it so we would hear the two of you when you woke up. I guess you awoke while we were outside checking the grounds and bringing in the bags. Though I have to admit, I liked what I heard.”

  “I did as well,” Anna replied boldly. “So, you don’t find my relation to the man who killed your family as a problem?”

  “Not in the least. You proved to me that you’re nothing like him the minute you risked your own health to save Mandy.” Jonathan moved to Anna’s side and took her hand gently in his own. “What do you say? Can we give this a shot? Stay here with me and let’s get to know one another.”

  “I would like that,” Anna beamed.

  Nicolas was still watching her when Mandy chanced a glance his way. Their eyes met and he smiled. “Did you honestly think I wouldn’t want to be with you?” Nicolas asked.

  Old insecurities were hard to ignore and her eyes welled up with tears. No one had ever wanted her. Her parents obviously had no feelings for her. Even her foster parents hadn’t really wanted her. This man though, claimed to want her after having just met her. Did she dare to believe this could all be true?

  Perhaps this wasn’t happening at all. That was it, she was still unconscious, merely dreaming. Yeah, that explained things.

  It sure was a nice dream though…

  “Mandy?” Nicolas was standing before her now, looking concerned. “Are you alright?”

  “I don’t want to wake up,” she whispered.


  “This is a dream, it has to be, but I don’t want to wake up. Is it so wrong to hope that I’ve lapsed into a coma?” Nicolas and Jonathan burst into peals of laughter. “I don’t see what’s so funny.”

  A hard pinch on her arm had her scowling at Jonathan. “That hurt! Why on earth did you pinch me?”

  “To prove to you that you are not dreaming, nor are you in a coma. This is all real, sweetie,” Jonathan gave a sweep of his arm to encompass the entire room. “I told you my brother would love you.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we just met after all.” She didn’t want to scare him away that was for sure. Not that she had to worry much about that. He seemed perfectly content to stay very close to her, if his arm around her shoulders were any indication. She flashed back to the way he had kept her on his lap earlier as well.

  Hmmm…I could get used to this.

  Starved for affection most of her life, Mandy relished the feel of his arm around her and snuggled into his side.

  “Well, we have the rest of your vacation to get to know one another, so let’s start over dinner, shall we? Garrett should have dinner ready by now, so let’s head down.” Nicolas offered her his arm, in a truly old-fashioned, but totally gentlemanly way, and escorted her down to the dining room, with Jonathan with Anna following. He must have noticed she was cold, since he ushered her into the study where her bags had been placed and then waited outside while she slid into a pair of jeans.

  The dining room was magnificent. A dark stone floor, high ceilings with great wood beams, and enormous windows that were frosted from the cold all added to the enchantment of the castle. Two candelabras were lit and placed on the long table, giving their dinner a romantic glow.

  Roast beef, potatoes, peas, and fresh baked bread were awaiting them along with four glasses of wine. The aroma of the food was enough to have Mandy closing her eyes on a deep inhalation. She hadn’t had a big home-cooked meal in ages.

  “This looks wonderful,” Anna gushed as she took the seat which Jonathan held for her.

  “Yes, it does,” Mandy agreed. “I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a big home-cooked dinner and actually ate at the table.”

  “Where else would you eat?” Nicolas inquired with a charming grin as he helped her to her chair.

  “Growing up, I usually ate alone in my room. My foster parents weren’t really big on family time. They claimed it was so they didn’t get attached to the kids they fostered, but I know it was because they were a little afraid of me. When I was younger, I had a hard time controlling things if I got overly emotional,” she explained. “It worked out for the best though. It made me stronger in the long run. Nobody to rely on but myself, you know?”

  “You can rely on me,” Nicolas offered and Mandy smiled.

  “Thank you,” she wouldn’t deny the fact that his offer only endeared him to her even more, but she was still the new kid on the block, so-to-speak, so she’d just play things by ear for now.

  Dinner went well. Everyone exchanged childhood stories though Mandy kept hers short so as not to depress the mood. Listening to the others tell tales of pranks played on siblings—though Mandy could tell that Anna was careful not to bring up any past memories pertaining to her evil brother—and holiday antics with family only made her realize how much she’d missed out on in life.

  Nicolas must have picked up on her mood and asked, “Mandy, would you be opposed to having a big Christmas here at the castle? I have a large tree in the library and we can have a big dinner, carols, and the whole nine yards.”

  “That sounds nice.” The only problem was she had no gifts for any of them. “Would it be possible to go into the village to shop before then? I’d like to pick up a few things and look around a bit.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea!” Anna said, clapping her hands in excitement. “We can go shopping for the guys together. I’ll need to pick up a few things to wear as well,” she added.

  Indeed, her pale blue gown was beautiful, but hardly what one would wear at this time of year. “Can I ask why you were out in the woods dressed like that? And won’t you need to let someone know where you are? I’m sure your father is worried about you.”

  “Sure,” Anna shrugged. “I’ll summon one of the messengers to me while we are in town and let my father know that I am staying with my new friend Mandy for a little while. Time passes differently for us, since we’re immortal, so my being gone for several weeks would hardly worry them. I’ve been known to wander in the mountains for months, just enjoying the seasons. The Fey are creatures of nature. We thrive in the forests and woodlands because it’s less populated and therefore less polluted. The cold and heat don’t really affect us as it does humans. We can regulate our body temperatures to accommodate any climate, so you see, I can dress however I like, though it is easier to blend with the humans if I am properly attired for the season.”

  “So the fact that it’s freezing outside doesn’t faze you at all?” Mandy couldn’t believe it. The temperature was barely in the teens out there!

  “Not at all, in fact, if I had been more attuned to the weather and my surroundings then I may never have ventur
ed this far. We don’t like to risk being seen by humans when we are in our natural state. It’s safer to dress as humans do to avoid drawing attention to ourselves.”

  Jonathan rested his elbows on the table and regarded Anna for a moment. “What were you doing this far from the fairy mounds?”

  “I was actually about five miles away from home when I came across a hunter. He must have thought me to be a ghost or spirit or some such nonsense, because he merely stared at me before hurrying on his way,” she explained. “Not long after that I came upon the wolf. I knew he was there, but I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn’t realize he was stalking me.”

  “What did you do?” Mandy asked.

  “I ran.”

  “Well, that’s obvious,” Jonathan grinned down at her as he teased.

  “I ran all over. It was almost like he was herding me in the direction he wanted. I couldn’t double back to the fairy mounds no matter how hard I tried. I saw the top of Mondragon Castle through the trees and raced here, figuring that he would retreat rather than come to the castle, but he proved me wrong.” Anna turned to Mandy. “I really am sorry I led him to you. I honestly didn’t know anyone would be outside, let alone a human.”

  “Technically I wasn’t supposed to be outside,” Mandy replied sheepishly. “Jonathan warned me about going out after dark, but I guess now I can understand why.”

  Nicolas cleared his throat and shared a look with Jonathan before he spoke. “You ladies should know there have been several werewolf attacks recently. All of these attacks involve women, and one of those ladies barely survived her ordeal, while the others are traumatized mentally over the whole thing.”

  “That’s what Nicolas and I were discussing in the study just after Mandy and I arrived,” Jonathan interjected. “He was filling me in on the latest developments. It seems the villagers are setting out numerous traps and organizing a night watch.”

  “So, why is this werewolf attacking women?” Mandy asked, clearly puzzled by everything.

  “When a werewolf matures, it searches out its mate. That person is their other half, who completes them and keeps them balanced,” Nicolas took her hand in his and threaded their fingers together. “You see,” he continued, gesturing to their joined hands, “when they are together, everything fits into place. Their beasts are under control and content within the mate’s presence. But if one of them is taken away,” he pulled their hands apart, “then they can go mad trying to find that completion again. If a mate dies, then the wolf either dies with them, or goes insane. We fear the latter is the case here.”

  “So this guy is attacking these women because he wants to find another mate?” She could hardly contain her shocked expression. “Then why is he hurting them?”

  Nicolas raked his hand through his midnight hair and Mandy found herself distracted. Would his hair feel as soft as it looked if she ran it through her own fingers? Ashamed of herself and her wayward thoughts, she quickly gave her head a little shake, feeling herself sway a bit as the wine went to her head.

  “Are you all right?” Nicolas asked, his gaze searching her face. “Is the conversation upsetting you?”

  “No, it’s not that, I just never drink, so I think it’s going to my head a bit.” Mandy felt her cheeks flush as Nicolas grinned. “So, why is he hurting them?” she prompted, desperate to get things back on track, lest she embarrass herself.

  “I believe that, when they show no interest in him, he simply loses control. It ends up being just another failed attempt to find inner peace and he lashes out.” Nicolas was watching her now, like he was gauging her reaction. “Do you believe in soul mates, Mandy?”

  “I do, actually. It was the only dream I had growing up. The dream that there was one man out there who could accept me for who and what I am with no fear to hang over our heads, a man who would embrace our children, should they inherit any abilities of their own and not shun them as different.”

  “And if I said that man was me?” he placed his hand over hers where it rested on the table. “Would you be willing to give us a chance?”

  “I think I can do that. After all, you’ve seen me in action and you didn’t boot me out the front door, so that’s a good sign,” she teased. Another thought, though, made her hesitate. “Jonathan, will this be awkward for you?”

  Nicolas bristled, “Why the hell would it be awkward for him?”

  “Chill out, Nic, she wasn’t insinuating that anything was going on between us,” Jonathan huffed, rolling his eyes at his brother’s obvious jealousy. “Mandy, dear, I’m the one who told you my brother would love you, so why would I find this awkward? I’m a man, sweetheart, we enjoy being right.”

  Now it was Mandy’s turn to roll her eyes, and she was pleased to see Anna join her. “These two are going to be a handful,” Mandy announced.

  “No doubt,” Anna agreed, giving Jonathan a sappy smile, “But I think they’ll be worth it.”

  Chapter Six

  Almost an hour later, Mandy let loose a jaw-splitting yawn and Nicolas’ eyes warmed. “Let’s get you to bed, princess.”

  At his little endearment, she giggled. “I’m not the princess, she is,” she replied, pointing vaguely in Anna’s direction, before promptly passing out in his arms.

  Jonathan snickered and Anna looked worried.

  “She wasn’t kidding when she said she doesn’t drink, Nicolas. When you combine the jet lag, and everything else together with the three glasses of wine she’s had, it’s a wonder she remained upright this long.”

  Lifting her slender frame into his arms, Nicolas couldn’t say he minded a bit. Holding her felt right, so right, in fact, he decided to keep on holding her as she slept. Sure, she might be furious with him in the morning, but he was willing to risk it.

  He took the stairs to the second floor slowly, not wanting to disturb her in any way. She looked so peaceful with her head resting on his shoulder.

  Settling her on the bed, he quickly, yet gently, removed her slippers and covered her with the blankets before building a fire. Once he had the flames roaring in the fireplace, he removed his shirt and jeans, draping them over a chair, and crawled into the bed beside her, clad in nothing but his boxers.

  Unable to resist having his hands on her in some way, Nicolas smoothed her fiery curls back from her cheek, enabling him to see her profile in the firelight. As he grazed the backs of his fingers over her cheek, he smiled. She was so perfect.

  She was stunningly beautiful, with bewitching green eyes that could trap you in their glow, and her full pink lips were just begging to be kissed. Her lush curves were hidden by the clothes she wore, but not enough to completely hide their presence, and he loved that she’d stayed in his flannel shirt, only adding a pair of her jeans and some slippers to keep her feet warm.

  Murmuring in her sleep, Mandy turned into him and curled up against his side, and he wondered if her subconscious mind recognized him as her soul mate. Just the feel of her slender body pressed up against his was enough to leave him feeling all soft and warm in his chest…but hot and hard in his shorts. It would no doubt be a very long night.

  While sending up a silent prayer that she didn’t wake, Nicolas ordered his wayward dick to behave. There was no doubt in his mind that she would be mortified to find him sporting wood while lying next to her while she was unconscious. For crying out loud, he’d not known the woman a full twenty-four hours yet, so there was no way he’d be attempting to seduce her…yet.

  Oh, Nicolas fully intended to seduce Mandy, but he wanted her to feel cherished and loved, not as if she was a quick weekend tryst. No, Mandy was a woman to be savored, one that needed to be loved slowly and thoroughly. He wasn’t sure how she would even feel about becoming intimate with him given the fact she was still a virgin, but he would do everything in his power to gently coax her into a more intimate relationship, and hopefully into being his, forever.

  A virgin, yeah, that little tidbit of information still had him reeling every time he lo
oked at her incredible body. The woman was built for sex. She seduced him with every graceful movement of her body and was completely ignorant of the power she already held over him.

  Thank God!

  For now, he would just take things slowly. Get to know her better, and allow her to grow acquainted with him. He would bring about a slow seduction, with nothing but his touch that would have her craving him as much as he craved her. Or so he hoped.

  His plan in place, Nicolas again traced the satiny soft skin of her cheek, down to her throat, before leaning in to place a light kiss to her lips. Much to his delight, she sighed faintly in her sleep and snuggled her trim little body even closer to his.

  Nicolas continued to stare at his beautiful mate, until he finally allowed himself to drift off to sleep with Mandy held closely to his side and a satisfied smile on his face. Tomorrow his seduction would begin, and he was very much looking forward to it.

  * * * *

  Mandy awoke warm and comfortable. She’d slept well, and felt great, despite the rhythmic thumping sound in her ear. Feeling herself being lulled by the soothing beat, she began to sit up until a strong arm tightened around her shoulder and held her in place.

  Eyes flying open, Mandy took in the sight of Nicolas still sleeping next to her, the strange thumping having been his heart as she’d been using his chest as her own personal pillow.

  His bare chest!

  Dear Lord, had she thrown herself at the man last night? The though sent a furious blush to her cheeks.

  A quick check revealed she still had all of her clothing on, while a quick peek under the blankets revealed that he was clad only in a pair of light blue boxers. Those boxers gave way to an impressive pair of muscular thighs and calves. Bringing her eyes back up, Mandy allowed herself to just enjoy the sight of the gorgeous man before her.

  Nicolas Mondragon and his brother may have been identical in looks, but she was finding it easier to note the differences between them with every passing minute.


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