Oregon Destiny

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Oregon Destiny Page 11

by Rachel Wesson

  Chapter 42

  Although the worst of the climbing was over, they didn’t make much progress on a daily basis through the mountains. Becky thought of the days when they had covered fifteen or more miles. Now they were lucky to cover six. The weather was against them, it rained almost continuously for days. At night, the rain turned to sleet and sometimes snow.

  The real snows would come next month making people nervous. They’d all heard rumors that as much as 50 ft of snow could fall and wanted to be in their homes in Oregon by the time the snowfall started.

  There wasn’t enough fodder for the animals, and they couldn’t get the oxen to eat the leaves from the nearby trees no matter how hard they tried. The trail was strewn with bones of animals , at least they hoped they were. They didn’t want to think of the implications.

  Captain Jones did his best to keep everyone cheerful.

  “This area is called the Devil’s Backbone, you can see the ridges look like the bone in your back. We should be able to find some fish in the spring over there.”

  The boys gathered around Captain Jones begging him to show them how to catch the fish. Becky watched as he patiently showed them again and again how to watch the water.

  Almanzo screamed with pleasure when he caught his fish but his screams brought Johanna running.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Almanzo caught a fish. He’s really happy,” Becky reassured her.

  “Happy? He nearly frightened me to death,” Johanna protested trying to get her breath.

  “I don’t think he thought about that. He was trying to catch one for ages. Scott’s been so patient with them all.”

  “He’d make a good father, wouldn’t he?” Johanna said. Becky looked at her twin closely, although her sister’s eyes were on the water, she suspected Johanna was trying to play matchmaker.

  “You are trying to convince the wrong person, sister dear. It wasn’t my choice. He decided he didn’t want me.” Despite her best effort, Becky’s voice quivered with her unshed tears.

  “Really? If he doesn’t care for you, why is he making such an effort to look good in front of you?”

  “I don’t know, Jo, but I am fed up trying to work out what he wants. I have decided I am going back to Virgil.”


  “You heard me.”

  “But you can’t. Not after we came this far,” Johanna insisted.

  “I can and I am. There is no future in Oregon.”

  “But you will meet someone else. They say there are about ten men for every woman out there.”

  “I don’t want anyone else. He doesn’t want me. I am not going to sit around waiting for him to change his mind.” Becky sighed loudly. “As soon as I turn eighteen, I am going to find a group heading home.”

  “You can’t. You’ve seen the go-backers on the trail. They are totally demoralized and unhappy.”


  “Becky, don’t make sudden decisions. There is still time for Captain Jones to come to his senses. Whatever his reasons are for not courting you, when he clearly cares for you, you need to give him time to sort them out.”

  “Always the optimist, aren’t you? I’m sorry, Johanna, but I think any chance I had of happiness is gone.”

  Becky turned away from the look of sympathy in her twin’s eyes. She couldn’t bear to be sitting here watching him any longer. She headed back toward the camp. Her ma would have some chores for her to do. Anything to keep her busy and get him out of her thoughts.

  “There is a farm up ahead. The farmer is willing to sell us some vegetables and butter if you would like to stop.”

  “Like to stop? Are you crazy? How long has it been since we had fresh vegetables?” Mrs. Newland answered testily.

  “I take it that is a yes please do stop Captain Jones,” he said teasing.

  Mrs. Newland’s face lit up like a red beacon before she realized he was teasing. “Oh, you are mean to me, Captain Jones.”

  “Well, that just takes the biscuit. Here am I offering to provide luxuries such as corn and potatoes and you are accusing me of being nasty.”

  Mrs. Newland kissed him on the cheek making Becky giggle as Scott looked so uncomfortable.

  “You are the best wagon train leader around and don’t you forget it. Now come on, show us this farmer.”

  Scott went off with Mrs. Newland, and the other ladies followed him like ducklings after the mother duck.

  “Are you not going to see the farm?” Johanna asked her twin.

  “No. I will leave that pleasure to Ma.”

  “Becky, you know what you said about returning to Virgil? You weren’t really serious, were you?”

  “Yes, I was, Johanna.”

  “Is it truly over between you and Captain Jones?”

  “I don’t think it ever started. Not really,” Becky whispered, not able to hold her emotions back. “I don’t know how I will ever get over him, Jo. I love him so much.”

  “Come here to me.”

  Becky let Johanna take her in her arms and cuddle her like she did to Carrie and Julia. She didn’t know how she would bear her life without Scott in it. She waited in camp with Milly while the rest of the ladies hiked out to a farm Captain Jones had pointed out to them earlier.

  The ladies returned from the farm laden down with vegetables of every description and three fresh chickens plucked and ready for the fire. Becky watched as Scott set the chickens to roast over a large open fire. Her ma and the other ladies peeled and prepared the vegetables. There was a party atmosphere in the air. Even the children got involved, collecting some berries to serve as dessert. Although it was a simple meal, everyone complimented the cooks. She didn’t say anything. The chicken stuck in her throat and she didn’t touch the vegetables despite the butter Ma had added to the potatoes. She wasn’t hungry but she didn’t waste the food. After forcing down a couple of mouthfuls, she gave the rest of her plate to Stephen. He seemed to have hollow legs as he was always hungry.

  She went for a walk mindful to stay within sight of the others but desperate to get some time to herself. Scott wouldn’t come find her. She seemed to have become invisible in his eyes. It didn’t matter what she did, he never took her to task for driving too fast or too slow. He didn’t complement her or tell her off. It was as if she was dead to him.

  Chapter 43

  “That’s it?”

  Eva’s disappointment was shared by most of them judging by the looks on their faces. Oregon City was nothing like they expected.

  “It’s built in a canyon.”

  “Never mind that. Look how small it is. I thought it would be a lot bigger.” Johanna looked at the long narrow town lying in front of them.

  “It’s getting bigger all the time. But for now, it is best you ladies avoid it.”

  Captain Jones came over to stand beside them.


  “Would you listen to me if I just said because I told you to?”

  Becky colored before looking away. Why did she have to say anything?

  “Oregon is still relatively new. It will take a while before it catches up to the law and security you enjoyed in Virgil. I am not sure if we even have a sheriff at the moment. There are a lot of single men in town who haven’t seen a white woman, or should I say a decent white woman, in a very long time.”

  “Your message is clear, Captain Jones. I will not risk my wife’s or daughters’ safety. I suggest we camp some way outside the town.”

  “Thank you for your support, Mr. Thompson. We can leave a couple of men to guard the camp at all times. We can take it in turns to go into the town. You will all want to file claims or buy provisions, perhaps both.”

  “Isn’t it exciting? Our journey is almost over and we made it. All of us.” Eva smiled happily at David who held her hand. “I just wish Granny was here to see it too.”

  “Glad Mam isn’t here. She would have been totally unimpressed,” Pa’s disappointed tone made everyone smile but they didn’
t dare laugh. He looked far too cross to take that in good humor.

  “You may want to live with your parents for a while after you turn eighteen,” Rick whispered to Johanna.

  “Why would I do that? I thought you couldn’t wait to get married.”

  “I can't but your pa is right to be concerned. We have to file our claim, build a house and a barn as well as a thousand other chores before we will start earning. I want you to be comfortable.”

  “Don't start our life making decisions for me.”

  “I thought that was what husbands did.”

  “This is eighteen fifty-two now. I have a mind of my own. I don't care if I have to live in a wagon and a tent so long as we are together. As soon as my birthday comes, I want you in the church in front of a minister.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” he drew her closer before whispering in her ear, “I love it when you get so bossy. It's a side of you the others don't get to see too often. They think Becky is the only willful one in the family.”

  “I think they have lost that notion. I am not sure any of us are the same people we were when we first set out on this trip.”

  Rick's glance fell on the children. Julia Long was playing with Carrie, and Sarah. Almanzo couldn’t keep his eyes off Sarah. Their lives had certainly changed.

  “Don't worry about them. They will be fine too,” Johanna said.

  “Has Mrs. Long decided what she is going to do?” Rick asked. “David said she was considering a place beside his, but he thought she would be better off in town.”

  “Don’t think David expected the town to be like this one. That doesn’t matter now anyway.”

  “Why?” Rick looked bemused.

  “Were you not there when Mr. Bradley asked Mrs. Long to marry him? It was really sweet. He just blurted it out in front of people,” Johanna told him.

  “The poor man, he must have been nervous. What did Mrs. Long say? Yes, I guess.”

  “I think Mrs. Long was torn between giving security to her girls and having a new life, and being disrespectful to the memory of her husband,” Johanna replied. “It took a while but she said yes.”

  “I am sure her husband would want her to be happy. Life is for the living.”

  “I am so glad we got through. When I think of how close I came to losing you, that day on the river...” Johanna shuddered.

  “Well, don't think too badly of the river. It got me to see sense and talk to your pa. Nothing like a near-death experience for setting your priorities straight.”

  Johanna pushed him away from her pretending to be angry. “Are you trying to tell me you had to nearly die before you knew you loved me?”

  “No, darling. I knew that from the start.” He kissed her, brushing his lips with hers just like a feather. “Coming to Oregon and meeting you was our destiny.”

  “Do you believe that?”

  “What? In destiny?” Rick asked.

  “Yes, that your life is predetermined from the day you were born.”

  “Not really. I believe we all have choices and those decisions we make will shape our destiny. Why are you asking?”

  “I was thinking of Becky and Captain Jones. She said she is going back to Virgil as soon as she turns eighteen. She is going to live with Granny. I don’t know if she will bear it.”

  “She will, Jo. Your sister is a tough nut. And I wouldn’t give up on Captain Jones just yet. Maybe he needs a near-death experience to see the light too.”

  “Rick Hughes, that's a dreadful thing to say.”

  Becky saw her sister and fiancé laughing and kissing. They were so happy and she was glad for them, but she couldn’t help feeling a little envious. Her gaze drifted around the group. So many happy couples making plans for the future. Milly's baby would be born any day and Stan was fussing over his wife, driving her to distraction. Eva and David were still caught in the post honeymoon bliss, their eyes rarely losing sight of each other for long. Even Mrs. Long and Mr. Bradley had a happy ending. Why couldn’t it be like that for her and Scott? Darn that Mitchell guy to... She couldn’t finish that thought despite what the man had done. Where was he anyway? He hadn’t attacked them as expected on the wagon train. Paco and his men had shadowed them for miles but it was as if Mitchell had disappeared. Maybe he had run off, frightened Scott would come after him.

  She looked down at the town—her family’s new home. What job could she find there to help her get the money to go back to Virgil? Even if it was safe for her to go into Oregon City, what would she work at. Her sewing skills were enough to get by but she didn’t have the skills to open a dressmaking shop. Her cooking skills weren’t too good either. She could run a boarding house but she didn’t have the money to buy one. Anyway, her pa wouldn’t entertain that idea. A single woman didn’t entertain overnight, male guests. It was so hard being a woman. If she was a man, she could get a job with horses or other animals. She could become a sheriff. She liked the idea of bringing law and order to a town. But nobody had heard of a female sheriff. Just what was her destiny?

  Chapter 44

  They had set up camp some miles outside town. People were in a festive mood and the women had cooked up a feast. The men had found provisions in Oregon City while the boys had gone hunting so they had everything their hearts desired, everyone apart from her.

  Becky was fed up of the party. The people she had traveled with for months had reason to celebrate but what did she have? Feeling sorry for herself, she decided to go for a walk around the camp.

  She kept walking, not realizing she had gone further than she thought. She was about to turn back when she heard someone call her name. Looking around, she couldn’t see anyone. Thinking her mind was playing tricks on her, she turned to go back toward the wagons when she heard it again.

  She looked closer at a clump of trees in front of her. A man lay on the ground, and had been there for some time by the look of him. She rushed over without thinking.

  “Miss Thompson. You got to help me. I got to go get my boy.”

  “Mr. Price. You’re alive. Are you hurt? Wait here and I will go get help.”

  “No, stay. Please. I ain’t got long left.”

  “Don’t talk like that. Almanzo will be really happy to see you. I will just go—Ouch!” Becky’s hand was twisted behind her back just before a less-than-clean hand covered her mouth. The smell made her stomach roil.

  “Gentle now, miss. We don’t want anyone to get hurt, do we? Not yet anyway.” She pulled away from the sound of his voice in her ear. “Now don’t be so unfriendly. Been a long time since I held a woman this close. I aim to enjoy it.”

  Becky lashed out with her foot and gave him a good kick on the shins. It was worth the ache in her foot to hear him cry out.

  “Cut that out you little…”

  “Can’t handle a woman, Bill. You forgotten how? Want some lessons.”

  The evil voice made her skin crawl. Mitchell. The man from Fort Hall.

  “Yes, it’s me. You recognize me, don’t ya?” He leaned in closer to her. “Come for your gentleman friend I have. Me and him got business to clear up.”

  Becky bit through the hand covering her mouth and screamed for all she was worth before a clout from Mitchell knocked her senseless.

  “Gag her and tie her up with the others.”

  The others? Who else had they already caught?

  Becky fought like a wildcat but it was no use. She sensed the man holding her was enjoying her reaction so she stilled. She needed to conserve her energy and use her brain to get her out of this mess. They were after Scott. She had to warn him.

  She saw Price jump to his feet, nothing wrong with him that a bath wouldn’t clear up. She could have growled with frustration. He had tricked her and she’d fallen for it.

  They dragged her for a bit but when she kept tripping up on purpose, her captor lost patience and picked her up like a sack, hauling her over his shoulder. He carried her back into the woods before dumping her in the clearing. Looking around she saw t
wo men bound up tightly. Her eyes widened as she recognized Paco and Beaver. Paco looked at her and then looked away as if she was of no interest to him. Beaver didn’t look up at all. They were pretending not to know her. She didn’t know why but they had to have a reason. She was going to go along with their pretense.

  “You know our friends don’t you, Miss Thompson, or shall I call you Becky? I hear that’s what you prefer.”

  Becky threw her questioner a dirty look. She couldn’t say anything with the filthy gag in her mouth.

  He pulled it out but kept his fingers away from her teeth.

  “I asked you a question,” Mitchell said.

  “I don’t answer stupid questions.”

  She was rewarded with another slap.

  “I’ll have some fun teaching you some manners.” His leering eyes frightened her but she was not about to show him. She pretended indifference hoping he would lose patience and move away. Then she could go looking for her knife.

  As if he read her thoughts, he started to pat her down.

  “Got to be careful these days, don’t you? All sorts of people carrying weapons including innocent looking ladies like yourself.”

  She nearly cried when he found her knife. Taking it, he stole a kiss.

  “That’s just a taste of what’s in store for you.”

  “You touch me again and I will kill you,” she spat back at him.

  “Mitch, leave her alone. We got work to do.”

  “You’re just jealous, Bill. You can’t wait to get your hands on the twin sister. Or was it the elder one you wanted.”

  “Her twin is mine. He can have the married one. Johanna Thompson owes me some respect and I know just how to teach it to her,” Price called out.

  Becky rolled and vomited just over Mitchell’s shoes. He kicked her in disgust. She rolled away from him, not to protect herself but to save her energy. She was so angry she couldn’t see straight, never mind concentrate. How dare these men talk that way about her sisters. She caught Paco’s eye. He was trying to give her a message but she didn’t understand. Then he called out.


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