The Finder (Wolves of the Northwoods Book 1)

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The Finder (Wolves of the Northwoods Book 1) Page 9

by A J Manney

“You’re not going back there tonight,” he said.

  Emma looked up at him in surprise. “I have to,” she said.

  He shook his head. “No, Emma.”

  “No, you don’t understand. I have to. I’m watching a little girl tonight so her mom can work. She’s deaf. I have to be there so her mom can get to her job. I can’t bail on her,” Emma said.

  Garrett was already shaking his head no. Emma could see he was dead set against it. “You can’t tell me what to do. I have to go back there. Besides, I don’t have anywhere else to go anyway. If I don’t go there, I'll be out on the street.”

  An awful sound exploded from his mouth and Emma looked up at him. His eyes were swirling with emotion. They momentarily didn’t seem as dark as they usually were. “Promise me you won’t do that,” he said in a desperate voice.

  Emma laughed at him. “I’m not trying to sleep on the street. That's why I keep saying I have to stay where I am. You’re the one who keeps trying to get me to not go back.”

  Garrett closed his eyes for a moment. Emma noticed he often did that when he was stressed or upset about something. When he opened his eyes, she noticed his eyes were their normal color again. “You have to get back to work. We’ll talk about this after your shift is done.”

  “Okay,” Emma nodded. She needed to be agreeable so she could get back to work. “But I have to be back at Hope House by two fifteen to watch Olivia.”

  Garrett nodded, though he didn’t look happy about it. “We’ll figure something out. Come on. Helen’s going to think we kidnapped you.”

  Emma smiled and started walking next to him. “Garrett,” she said. He turned to look down at her. “Thank you for lunch. That was one of the best meals I’ve ever had, and that chocolate cake was to die for!”

  “You’re welcome,” he said.

  “What was my part of the bill?” she asked.

  “Emma,” he growled at her.

  “What? It wasn’t like it was a date or anything. I just want to take care of my meal,” she said.

  Garrett looked at her with an intense look. “I took care of it. You don’t owe me anything,” he said.

  “Well, thank you then for lunch,” Emma said.

  Garrett didn’t say anything as they walked down the street. She didn't notice until they were almost back to the shop that Max was behind them. She hadn’t heard or even seen him. Liam stood outside the shop, looking at his phone. When they approached, he glanced up. Emma was startled to see anger on his face. He was never angry. “What is it?” Garrett asked. He must have seen the look on Liam’s face as well. Liam handed the phone to Garrett without a word. Garrett swore when he saw it. Emma had no idea what was on the phone, but whatever it was, it obviously wasn’t good. Garrett handed the phone to Max. He let out an angry sound when he saw it too.

  “Go inside the shop, Emma,” Garrett said without looking at her. His eyes were on the street.

  “Oh, okay. Well thanks for lunch,” she said awkwardly. When not one of them even looked at her, she turned and slipped inside the coffee shop. Helen was serving a customer. Emma quickly grabbed an apron from the back and came out front again. “I’m so sorry I’m late. The guys took me to lunch,” Emma said.

  Helen waved her concerns aside. “It’s fine, Emma. It's not every day you get to go out with three incredibly good-looking men, am I right?” she asked with a gleam in her eye.

  Emma blushed. “Well, yeah, but it’s not like that.”

  “Sure, it’s not,” Helen said. Emma just smiled and got back to work. She knew it wasn’t really like that, no matter what Helen thought.

  Liam came into the shop a little while later and ordered a coffee. Then he sat at a table near the front of the store. Emma got back to work. The afternoon picked up a little bit. When it was time for her to clock out, she was surprised to see Liam still sitting there. He was doing something on his phone. “Liam, I didn’t know you were still here. What are you doing?”

  He smiled at her, but it wasn’t as light-hearted as it usually was. “I just can’t get enough of you, darling,” he drawled out. Emma shook her head and rolled her eyes. He was full of it. When she walked towards the door, Liam stopped her.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. Emma turned to him in surprise. He was on his feet now. “I’m done for the day.”

  “Oh,” he said. “I lost track of time.” Liam walked out ahead of her. When they got outside, Emma immediately noticed the two men standing near a Land Rover. Emma knew instantly they were with Liam. That was confirmed when he went over and started talking to them. Emma wondered what it was about the men in this town. They were all built huge and handsome. These guys were no different. Of course, none of them had anything on Garrett. He topped them all.

  “Emma, this is Kyle and Levi,” he said pointing to each of them.

  Kyle stepped forward with a grin. “Nice to meet you, Emma,” he said and shook her hand. Emma smiled at the man.

  Levi stuck his hand out and Emma placed hers in his. Instantly, a bright light flashed in front of her. She jerked back and yanked her hand from his. She saw him looking at her with a confused look on his face. Emma stepped back. “You okay, Emma?” Liam asked in concern.

  Emma nodded. She didn’t say anything. She was confused. That same thing had happened when she shook Liam’s hand, but she didn’t want to say that out loud. She didn’t understand what was going on. She had reacted to Liam and Levi, but not Garrett or Kyle. She hadn’t shaken Max’s hand yet; she would have to try that soon and see what happened.

  “Let’s get going,” Liam said. He ushered Emma into the back seat and closed the door. Levi climbed in behind the wheel, Kyle took the front passenger seat, and Liam slid into the back seat with her. Emma was quiet as Levi pulled away from the curb. They drove for a little bit and then turned.

  “Wait,” Emma said. “This isn’t the right way,” she said. The two men in the front seat ignored her. She turned to Liam. “Liam, I have to go Hope House,” she said.

  Liam turned and looked at her and shook his head. “Garrett’s orders,” he said as if that took care of everything.

  Emma sat there stunned for a moment. “Excuse me?” she said.

  Liam turned to look at her. “Emma, please.”

  “Don’t ‘Emma please’ me. I have to go back to the House. I don’t follow his orders. He's not my boss,” Emma said, getting angry now. Every minute that passed was going to put her later getting to Olivia. “Please,” she pleaded with Liam. “Somebody is waiting on me, so I can watch her daughter. I have to be there at two fifteen.”

  Liam looked at her compassionately. “I’m sorry, Emma. I can’t.” He turned and looked out the window.

  Emma just stared at him, furious. “Call him,” she said, ice in her veins. Liam looked at her for a moment before sighing and pulling out his phone. “Give it to me.” He pulled up Garrett’s number and pushed send before handing it to Emma.

  “Liam,” his deep voice sounded in her ear. Emma ignored the butterflies that took flight in her stomach.

  “It’s Emma,” she said, surprised her voice sounded calm when she was feeling anything but. Before he had a chance to say anything, she continued. “Your men are under the impression that they aren’t taking me back to Hope House,” she said.

  “That’s correct,” he said.

  “Garrett, you said we would figure something out. This is not figuring anything out,” Emma said.

  “Emma, I can’t let you go back there. I’m sorry,” he said.

  “No, please,” Emma was past caring that she was begging. “You don’t understand. Amy has to get this job. I promised her I would watch Olivia.”

  “I’m sure she can work something out,” Garrett interjected.

  “She can’t. Olivia’s deaf. She can’t just get dropped off somewhere. Please, Garrett, I have to go there. I have to keep my word to them.”

  It was silent on the phone for a minute, and Emma closed her eyes, begging him to understan
d. “I’m sorry,” he said one more time. “I can’t let you go back there.”

  Anger erupted inside Emma. “What do you mean you can’t let me go back there?” she said, practically yelling now. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that the guys had all flinched when she yelled but she was past caring. “You don’t own me. You can’t tell me what to do. This is kidnapping if I don’t want to go where you’re taking me. I will call the police if you don’t let me go,” Emma threatened.

  “Emma,” he said in a warning voice. She could tell he was getting angry. Let him! She didn’t care.

  “If you do this, I won’t forgive you,” she said, meaning every word she said. She would not be the cause of Amy not getting the job and letting them both be disappointed once again.

  “That’s a chance I’ll have to take,” he said. And with that, Emma was done. She tossed the phone at Liam. He caught it and put it up to his ear. She heard him say a few words, but she was past caring what it was. She was seething with anger. He had no idea what it was like trying to make it out there. She could picture the hurt on Amy and Olivia’s faces when she didn’t show up. She closed her eyes and put her head against the seat. She felt as the first tear traced itself down her cheek. Who would have thought she would be crying to go back to a homeless shelter? It wasn’t that; she just wanted to help Amy and Olivia. They were the only ones who had been kind to her.

  Emma gave herself a second to feel sorry for herself; then she dried her tears. She wasn’t a victim. She would never be a victim again. She had already run away from a powerful group of people. She could do it once again.

  Chapter 15

  She glanced at the clock. 2:05. If she could escape, she could get there in time, maybe. She didn’t exactly know where they were at the moment, but she would figure it out. She looked at the door and found it unlocked. It was an advantage she would use. She just had to figure out the best time to escape. It couldn’t be when they were stopped because they would be able to catch her too quickly, and it couldn’t be when they were going fast. She would have to time it just right.

  She glanced over at Liam. He was still on the phone, looking out the window. This was her chance. She knew Liam would pounce on her in an instant if he knew what she was doing. They stopped at a light. Emma saw they were going to turn right. She waited, hoping she could plan this just right. When they started moving, she waited until they slowed for the turn. When they were almost straight, Emma grabbed the handle and flung the door open. She heard angry shouts behind her, but she hit the ground running in the opposite direction. The good thing was their car was penned in. They would have to go forward before they could turn around. She heard Liam’s shout behind her and knew she was going to have to be smart to escape him; she had a feeling he was fast.

  Her feet pounded the pavement. Her stomach was screaming at her in protest, but she pushed those thoughts away. She darted into the first store she saw. With any luck, it would have a back door. It did. She weaved through the store and out the back door. She ran across the street and slipped right into another store. She stepped behind a shelf and watched out the window. She saw Liam run out from the shop and cross the street. He looked both ways, then started down the street. She waited two minutes before she slipped towards the front of the store. She looked out and didn’t see him. She ran down the street in the opposite direction and turned the corner. She crossed two more streets quickly, trying to put distance between her and Liam.

  She finally made it back to an area she recognized. It was going to be a long walk, but she could do it. She pushed herself to move quickly. Soon she was breathing heavy; not from the exertion, but from the pain she was in. She felt herself start sweating, even in the cold. Emma kept walking, ignoring the pain. Her stomach hurt, her feet hurt, she was tired and cold but at least she was getting close.

  “What do we have here?” she heard. She looked up and saw a guy closing in on her. She panicked and tried to go backwards but a second guy stepped in behind her.

  “Please let me pass,” she said in her bravest voice.

  They laughed. The guy in front of her stepped forward and stopped right in front of her. "I don't think so.”

  Emma was officially terrified. She knew she needed to get away from these guys and fast. The guy behind her grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. Emma’s fight or flight reflex kicked in, and she felt adrenaline flood her body. She had fought many a time, growing up the way she did. She slammed her head into the guy behind her and kneed the guy in front of her. Spinning, she took off running. She had no idea where she was running to. She just knew she had to get away.

  She heard shouts behind her and pushed herself to run faster. She turned the corner, thinking she had escaped them when one leaped out at her and tackled her to the ground. She screamed as she fell. Her head slammed into the ground, and black dots danced before her eyes. She fought to keep consciousness. She tried to fight the guy on top of her, but she was no match for him. Suddenly, the guy was gone. Somebody had plowed into him. Emma jumped to her feet, wobbled dizzily, and took off again.

  She heard angry shouts behind her, but she just ran. She ran around a corner and slammed into someone. Arms enclosed around her, and she jerked and tried to fight.

  “Emma, it’s me. It’s Liam. It’s okay. You’re safe.” Emma heard.

  She grabbed the front of his shirt. “You have to help me. These guys...” she gasped out.

  “It’s okay, Emma. You’re safe,” Liam said again. “Let’s get you to the car.” He put his arm around her shoulder and began leading her away.

  “Wait,” Emma said, stopping him. “I think someone is fighting them. We can’t leave them.”

  “It’s Kyle and Levi. They’re fine. Come on,” he said.

  “We need to help them,” she said panicky. She didn’t want them to get hurt on her behalf. What if the bad guys had knives or even guns? She tried to pull away from Liam.

  Liam tightened his hold on her. “Believe me. They’re fine. They can more than hold their own,” Liam said. He began to pull her along again.

  Emma was having a hard time keeping her focus. She was starting to get dizzy and seeing spots in her vision. She was going to open her mouth and tell Liam, but she couldn’t get the words out.

  The last thing she heard before the blackness claimed her was the sound of growls, almost like a dog fight, a savage one. She knew she was delirious; she fell into the waiting darkness.


  Emma slowly began to wake up. She felt disoriented and in pain. She lay still for a moment, trying to get her bearings. She finally opened her eyes and looked around the room. She didn’t recognize where she was. She panicked and sat up when she realized it was a hospital. She immediately regretted that action when her head began spinning.

  “Easy there, Emma,” a gentle voice said. Emma turned to see Madison, the woman who she had met at Hope House sitting next to her. Madison smiled at her. “I wish I would have known who you were back when I met you. I could have saved you and everybody else a whole heap of a lot of trouble,” she said. Emma had no idea what she meant, but she didn’t try to figure it out. She had too many other questions on her mind.

  “Where am I? What time is it?” Emma, feeling overwhelmed.

  “You’re in Hopewell Hospital,” Madison said calmly. “It’s a little after eight a.m.”

  “I’m late for work,” Emma said as she swung her legs over the side of the bed.

  Madison put a hand on her shoulder. “Garrett called Helen and told her what happened. She sent her concerns and said to take a few days off.”

  Before she could respond, the front door opened and a guy walked in. Emma recognized him immediately. It was Kyle. She wondered briefly why he was here. “Hey, beautiful,” he said and swept Madison into his arms.

  Emma looked away while they kissed. That explained why he was here. Madison turned towards her with a big smile. “Emma’s awake,” she said.

  “I see
that,” Kyle said with a smile.

  “Why am I here?” Emma asked, still really confused.

  Kyle and Madison exchanged glances. Kyle looked at her. “What’s the last thing you remember?” he asked.

  “I remember running from those guys. Then I remember the sound of fighting,” she paused trying to remember. “It was really weird. It sounded like a dog fight but much worse.” She shook her head. “I don’t really know. I obviously lost it. Liam said you and Levi were fighting them. Are you okay?” she asked.

  Kyle grinned. “We took care of them.” Emma wasn’t really sure why he was grinning. She figured it was a guy thing. Then he turned serious. “I’m sorry they hurt you. They’ll never hurt you again.” Emma didn’t ask any questions. She wasn’t sure she wanted the answers.

  Emma looked around the room, feeling kind of panicky. “I wish I hadn’t been brought here.” What she didn’t say out loud was that she didn’t have money for what she knew would be a hefty hospital bill.

  Madison reached out a hand to her shoulder. “You hit your head really hard, Emma. We had to get you checked out,” she said sympathetically. “Speaking of, how is your head? The doctor will want to check on you now that you’re awake. Kyle, can you go tell the nurses she’s awake?” He nodded and left the room.

  Emma reached up and felt the spot on the back of her head and winced. “It’s still tender, but I’ll live.” Emma stood to her feet, swaying for a second before she caught her balance. Madison moved in to steady her.

  “You shouldn’t probably get out of bed yet until the doctor clears you,” she said gently.

  “I can’t stay here any longer,” Emma said. “Where are my clothes?”

  “Emma,” Madison tried again. “Please just wait until the doctor gets here to check you.”

  “I can’t,” Emma said, panicked. “I can’t stay here any longer. I need to get out of here, and I need to get to work.”

  “Emma,” Madison tried one more time.

  “Please. I can’t afford to be here,” she finally said and closed her eyes in humiliation.


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