Knights Templar (Sean)

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Knights Templar (Sean) Page 3

by Ruby Harrison

  Jen parked her car outside and walked in the bar. Inside there were a few regulars bellied up to the wooden bar, one of them with his hat pulled down over his eyes. None of them were the person she was her to meet, that much was sure. Most of them looked like they might have a heart attack if their pulse rose high enough, and that meant they probably weren’t in the business of protection. Jen ordered a mixed drink from the bar and headed to the back of the bar to take a seat at a big oak table.

  She made a mental note not to have too many drinks, but before she knew it she was ordering her third, then her fourth. The bartender didn’t say anything about her drinking alone; everyone else at the bar at that point was drinking alone as well. Trying to slow down a little bit Jen ordered a water and sat at the bar so she could watch television. This entertained her for about ten minutes and then she realized there was a reason she had stopped watching television years ago. Just when she thought she was going to die of boredom someone sat down by her at the bar.

  “Jen! How are you? It’s been forever!” a voice said that sounded strangely familiar.

  She turned hesitantly to see who was talking to her, afraid it would be some creepy loser that she’d had to turn away at the school, or some guy who wouldn’t get the point that she wasn’t looking to fuck random men.

  “Oh my God, Seth! How are you?” Jen asked. “Look at you! You are all tatted up now; even on your neck and your hands! Holy shit? How have you been?”

  “Good, good,” Seth said, signaling the bartender for a drink. “I’m apprenticing to be a tattoo artist at Sacred Diamond, underneath Mike Diamond. Thus the tattoos. It’s pretty awesome. I get to hang out with my friends all day and learn stuff.”

  Jen laughed, swiveling in her chair to face Seth with a smile on her face. Seth’s laugh was infectious, the kind of laugh that made you want to laugh with him. Jen couldn’t help but eye the tattoos that were exposed on his forearms, hands and neck. Some of them were intricate works of art with stippling and pepper shading inside complex geometric patterns, while others were of roses, reapers, bombs, flowers, portraits of ladies, ships angels and what appeared to be the head of a bulldog wearing a helmet with the words “MARINE CORPS” tattooed underneath it.

  Seth’s neck tattoos turned Jen on the most, a scarab beetle running across the laurels on a donkey’s jaw on one side of his neck, a flower over his throat and she couldn’t see the side of his neck facing away from her; nor did she really feel the need to see the other side of his neck with all that was visible.

  “Are you still doing MMA stuff? I heard you had a streak of knock outs going last year,” Jen asked.

  “Well, yes and no,” Seth answered. “I still train balls to the wall, but I don’t fight professionally as much anymore…

  Seth looked like he was going to say something else but a drunk fell into him from behind. Seth used his quick reflexes to save his drink and keep from getting knocked off his bar stool. The drunk apologized profusely, patting Seth on his well rounded shoulder muscles, assuring him that it would never happen again and this was the sorriest the drunk had ever been in his entire life.

  “It’s ok, pal,” Seth said. “No harm no foul.”

  The drunk mumbled something that Jen couldn’t make out before throwing his hands over his mouth and running into the bathroom.

  “Wow,” Seth said. “A little early on a week night to be that fucked up, don’t you think?”

  Jen laughed before replying.

  “Well, I mean, I’m in a place to judge right now, but there is a reason I’m drinking water.”

  “I got ya, I got ya,” Seth said. “Well how about I buy us a shot and a beer? How does that sound? We can slam the shot and sip on the beer for a little bit. Sound like a deal?”

  Jen thought about it for a second. She hardly ever got drunk and tonight seemed like a good a night as any. Glancing at the clock she realized that the person she was supposed to be meeting had most likely stood her up. She figured she would call the number tomorrow and see what the deal was. Although there was a part of her that wanted to think that the flyer was a hoax or maybe a cop, there was another part of her that figured maybe the guy on the phone stood people up once to see how serious they were—if the person stood up never called back then how much help could they really need?

  “Sure, sounds like a deal,” Jen said.

  Seth got them a shot of some top shelf whiskey and then ordered both of them a beer. They retreated to the table at the back of the bar she had been sitting at before for privacy’s sake. Before they knew it the bar was closing down and they had to go. Seth seemed to be a little drunk, but nowhere near as drunk as Jen felt. Things were kind of starting to slip around the edges, like the world around her wanted to spin hard and fast. Jen winced at a pain in her stomach and immediately regretted closing her eyes.

  “Are you all right?” Seth asked.

  Jen thought his voice sounded familiar from somewhere besides knowing him from around, but she couldn’t quite place where.

  “I, uh, well,” Jen said. “Embarrassingly enough I need a ride home.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that, since I’ve been drinking,” Seth said, and then seeing the disappointment on her face rushed to clarify. “What I’m saying is that I don’t know about me giving you a ride to your place but I can for sure give you a ride to mine since it’s just a few blocks away. And by give you a ride I mean walk with you.”

  “That sounds amazing,” Jen said, flashing him a million watt smile.

  They filed out of the bar with the rest of the patrons, a few of which were stumbling so bad Jen wondered how the bartender could have accidently over served them by such a great amount. Before they headed to Seth’s place they both bummed smokes off of smokers, lit up, and headed down the street towards Seth’s.

  “God,” Jen said. “Smoking is so gross. I have no idea why I like it so much after I’ve been drinking.

  “I’m the same way,” Seth said. “There are some times where I just really need a smoke. After drinking for sure, sometimes after I eat and after really good sex. I don’t buy packs anymore and I hate begging them, so I only end up smoking maybe two or three a week.”

  “That much sex, huh?” Jen said with a giggle.

  “What?” Seth said with a laugh. “Naw, not sex usually. I mean sometimes I get laid sure, but not as much as you think, evidently. Weird that your mind jumps to sex.”

  Jen glanced over at Seth walking by her on the sidewalk to see if she’d gone too far he met her eyes with a playful smirk instead of a scowl.

  “My mind didn’t jump to sex,” Jen said playfully. “You brought it up.”

  “It always comes up, doesn’t it?” Seth said.

  “If by ‘it’ you mean your dick then I wouldn’t know,” Jen said.

  They both laughed and looked each other up and down as if seeing each other for the first time. Seth was a hottie as far as Jen was concerned. He had brown hair slicked back up top but faded on the sides. Most of the body she could see—and she was sure the rest she couldn’t—was covered in tattoos. Seth had brown eyes and an easy smile, but that wasn’t what Jen found particularly attractive about him. It was his laugh and how he seemed very genuine in nature.

  Jen hadn’t felt once that she had to impress him the entire night. To Jen this was way more important than having rock hard abs or a big dick, although she already knew through the grapevine that Seth had both of those things. Maybe Seth had stopped sleeping with a bunch of people, but Jen knew from stories she’d been told by a few of the college girls that were her students that Seth was quite the cocksman. It didn’t weird Jen out at all that she knew some of the women Seth had slept with, that they were her students. She figured life was too short to get weirdly uptight about things like that. Seth and her were both adults an—

  Seth’s voice broke into her thoughts.

  “Hey! Earth to Jen,” Seth said as he tugged on Jen’s arm.

  Jen blushed a deep shade
of red and covered her face with her hands in embarrassment as she laughed.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I was thinking about something and I couldn’t hear you.”

  “You were thinking about something and you couldn’t hear me?” Seth said incredulously. “Wow, I wonder what you were thinking about so intensely that it blocked out all hearing in the world around you. Hmmmmm, could it be that you can’t get your mind out of the gutter long enough to listen?”

  “Oh my God,” Jen said playfully. “Aren’t you Mr. Holier-than-thou once you’ve got a few drinks in you? For your information I was thinking about sex but not in the way that you are thinking. I wasn’t thinking about the nitty-gritty details, I was just thinking about sex theory and philosophy, you could say.”

  “I could say, but I wouldn’t,” Seth said. “So can we head up to my place and get out of the street? My place is right this way.”

  Taking her by the hand Seth led her off the street and out of the brassy glow of street lights and up the steps to a small house. After fumbling with the keys for a second Seth got the door open and held it for Jen before closing and locking it behind them. Seth flipped the lights on.

  “Welcome to my humble abode,” Seth said. “I know it isn’t much, but it’s where I lay my head and what I call home. There is the bathroom right there. There is the door to the cellar—yes, I have a cellar, and this place was built a long ass time ago. The kitchen is over there. There is the couch with a bunch of blankets and stuff…and I think that’s it.”

  Jen looked at him with a small smile on her face and then surveyed the house. It was a nice house, and it was tidy. There was a single, small couch set opposite of a large television. Through the living room there was a kitchen, and opposite of the entrance to the kitchen there was another door that she assumed led to Seth’s room.

  The house was nice, even if it was very small; the smallness wasn’t something that Jen considered to be a negative necessarily. If it would have been cluttered with trash and other things like most bachelor pads then it would have repulsed her, but as it stood with the potted plants, stained glass artwork hanging from the ceiling and music softly playing in the background, it kind of turned her on.

  “So where is your room?” Jen asked.

  Seth let out a laugh.

  “Why does it matter where my room is?” Seth asked. “Are you going to go through my underwear drawer and look for naughty magazines?”

  “No, silly,” Jen said. “Where else am I going to sleep?”

  Seth’s jaw dropped for a minute.

  “Well, I uh, I mean, I know what you are saying but, I, uh,” Seth said.

  “Is that English?” Jen said. “Because I almost wonder if you are trying to speak Korean.”

  They both laughed at this before Seth continued.

  “No, you big meany, I guess I just didn’t think you were interested at all,” he said.

  “Who says I’m interested?” Jen said. “Maybe I just want to sleep, you know? Sleeping is much healthier for people who sleep together. It has something to do with body heat, or something. I don’t know.”

  “Well I kno—” Jake started, but didn’t get to finish.

  Jen walked over and in one deft move slid her hand down his pants and grabbed his half hard dick, giving it a few good squeezes before pulling Seth close to her, and then pulling down on his dick so that he bent at the knees until his face was level with hers.

  “Why don’t you go make us both a drink, a strong drink,” Jen said. “I’m a lot more fun in bed when I’m nice and drunk.”

  “You aren’t drunk right now?” Seth said with a laugh. “I mean, I’ll make them, no problem. Especially if you want them. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to drink or anything. I also don’t want you to wake up like what happened, you know what I mean? And, to be honest, you are for sure drunk right now.”

  Jen released his quickly hardening dick and snaked her hand around it to his balls, cupping them gently, but pinning one of his balls between her thumb and her palm and gently applying pressure.

  “Thanks, dad,” Jen said with a wicked smile on her face. “I never knew that I was drunk. Now will you go make me a drink? You don’t have to make yourself one. Just make mind and if you don’t want one then just fuck off. Ok?”

  Seth smiled big and got a look on his face like he was about to give a smartass answer when he felt the tip of Jen’s nail move just a little bit closer toward her palm, pinching his ball in the process.

  “Hey, now!” Seth said. “Hey now, let’s just calm down with the nuts in the vice thing, I’m going to make the drink as soon as you let go of my naughty parts.”

  For a second Jen wondered if she should let go of his balls or make him strip naked and fuck him on the floor right then and there, but she really did want to have one more drink before she got in bed with a someone who was more or less a complete stranger. Finally she did and a look of relief washed over Seth’s face.

  “You better fucking move it, Mr.” Jen said with lust in her eyes.

  “I’m moving, I’m moving,” Seth said with a big smile on his face.

  Seth hightailed it into the kitchen and Jen heard a bunch of things being knocked around as he searched for a couple of suitable glasses and whatever he was going to make the drink out of. Jen realized she hadn’t specified any certain kind of drink but figured that Seth would be ok with as much time as she was sure he spent at the bar. Bartending was one of those things that, if you watched enough, you could learn some things from and making decent drinks was one of those things. Instead of standing around and waiting, Jen quietly let herself into Seth’s room.

  The room was pitch black so she couldn’t see anything besides being able to make out the shape of the bed, a dresser and a mirror. Jen padded over to the bed and lay down, and then quickly stripped out of her little black dress, bra, panties and heels. Jen couldn’t wait to see Seth naked, and slipped her hand down to her pussy. Her hips started to rock back and forth as she tickled her clit and slid a finger up and down her slit, and then in and out of her pussy.

  “Hey! Where did you go….” Seth said, his voice trailing off as he flipped the light to his room on and found Jen on his bed playing with her pussy.

  Jen sat up, completely unabashed of her nakedness, and reached her hand out to him.

  “Let’s fuck,” she said.

  Jen watched with a smile as Seth put the drinks down on his dresser and started stripping out of his clothes like they were on fire.

  “Wait, wait, wait,” Jen said. “What if I want to undress you?”

  Seth stopped pulling his shirt off as it was half-way over his head, covering his face.

  “What?” Seth said, coming out muffled and sounding like schut?

  Jen let out a soft laugh before answering.

  “Just follow my voice over to the bed,” Jen said. “Stay just how you are, with your arms in your shirt tangled over your head and all.”

  Jen couldn’t help find Seth part adorable part babe as he struggled to find his way over to the bed with his arms flopping around above his head caught in the weird head wrap his shirt had become. His body was covered with ripped muscles stretched across his frame by thick sinew. Tattoos criss-crossed his torso, some of them demonic angels with bat wings, while his back and ass was covered in a Malaysian style tattoo of a boar’s head vomiting flies covering his ass and some of his lower back, the flies traveling up his back into the center of an enormous rosette sun.

  As Seth turned back to face her Jen’s eyes drifted to the deep V at his waistline that disappeared into his pants and couldn’t help but wonder what she’d find at the sharp part of the letter. After about a dozen seconds of stumbled walking Seth finally made it the half dozen feet over to the bed where Jen was waiting with a huge smile on her face. As soon as Seth was in arm’s reach Jen ran her hands up and down his body, paying special attention to his rippling abs, solid back and chiseled pecs.

  “How do y
ou like it, baby?” Jen asked in a sultry voice. “Is there anything special you like or is anything good?”

  “Ummmmm, could I take my head out of this snare?” Seth asked.

  “Not yet,” Jen said. “I like that you can’t use your arms just yet.”

  Jen traced patterns with her nails from Seth’s nipples down to his belt buckle, and when she got his belt she had it undone within a split second. A few moments more and his pants were unzipped, unbuttoned, and around his ankles. His cock stood at attention inside his boxers, its veiled head jutting up toward Jen’s face.

  Jen couldn’t wait any longer to see how hung Seth was, so she took the waist band of his boxers and tried to pull them out, away and down from him so it wouldn’t catch on his dick. It didn’t work though, and instead of clearing his cock it snagged it by the head and pulled it down with the band. When Jen realized what was happening she instantly pulled the band away from the head of Seth’s cock, making his member snap back up and bounce off her chin.

  “I’m sorry,” Seth said. “Did I just hit you in the face with my dick?”

  “Don’t worry about it baby,” Jen said. “Sometimes it’s good to catch some wood to the face.”

  Jen grabbed Seth with both hands, using one to hold the purple bulb of his head up and the other to trace the veins in this throbbing cock with her fingernails. Seth’s back arched as she bent forward and gently blew air on the head of his dick. Jen was an expert at telling the exact measurements of how hung a man was, but she knew his dick was more than average length and she couldn’t close a fist around it. She pumped her fist up and down his dick, then spit on the shaft to lubricate his cock.

  “Does that feel good?” Jen asked. “Do you like it when I spit on your dick?”

  “Fuck yeah, baby,” Seth said. “I love the way you play with my dick. It feels so fucking good. Fuck yeah, don’t stop.”

  “Oh, I didn’t plan to,” Jen said.

  Jen pumped his dick some more, going slow at first but then building up to a crescendo as fast as she could. With her other hand she reached forward and gently kneaded Seth’s balls at the same time. Jen shortened her hands stroke to end just before it reached the head of his dick and started sucking on it. At first it was just suction while she pumped his dick and kneaded his balls; then she traced the tip of his dick with her tongue; and after that she swirled her tongue around his dickhead, first clockwise then counter-clockwise.


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