My Name Is Desire: The Bad Baker Boys: Mark's Story

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My Name Is Desire: The Bad Baker Boys: Mark's Story Page 2

by Tonya Brooks

“And to be out of that miserable talking car,” Josie agreed.

  “Where's Trey, Aunt Harley?” Kylie asked anxiously.

  “He's at his grandma's but I'm expecting them soon,” she informed the girl with a knowing smile. Kylie and Jed had always been inseparable and she knew the child was excited about seeing her son again. “We should have just enough time to get you settled in before he gets here.”

  “Okay,” Kylie said in obvious disappointment that she'd have to wait even longer to see him.

  “You ladies need some help with the luggage?” a smoky masculine voice asked and all eyes turned to see an incredibly handsome man walking toward them.

  “Matthew, come meet the rest of my family,” Harley invited with an adoring smile.

  “Dear lord,” Desi breathed in awe as she realized this gorgeous man was her best friend’s husband.

  Her first thought was that Harley must have been insane to leave him. Short, spiky black hair emphasized the most handsome face she'd ever seen and his irises were so black that he didn't appear to have pupils. The black polo shirt and jeans did nothing to disguise the fact that his muscular body could have been carved of solid rock. There was nothing pretty about his rugged good looks though. No, this was a man's man and he was absolutely breathtaking right down to the diamond stud in his earlobe.

  Josie was thinking the same thing and she whispered, “You must have been crazy to let him get away, Harley.”

  Kylie just smiled happily because there was no mistaking who he was since he looked just like her best friend, but a lot older. “You're Trey's dad.”

  “And you're Kylie,” he smiled warmly down at the pretty young girl with auburn hair and huge green eyes. “Jed talks about you all the time.” Matt Baker had heard a great deal about the girl over the years and was pleased to finally meet his son’s best friend.

  “He does?” she asked with a pleased smile.

  “But he didn't tell me how pretty you are,” Matt grinned back at her and the child blushed shyly at the compliment. At twelve, a pretty girl was the last thing that interested his son, but Matt knew that would change. Jed would soon discover that his best friend was going to be absolutely stunning when she was older.

  “Matthew, this is Josie and Desi,” Harley introduced him to her friends proudly.

  “Josie, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” he flashed his most devastating smile as he shook hands with her. “Thank you for taking such good care of my wife and son all these years.”

  “The pleasure was all mine,” the older woman smiled back at him. Oh, he was a charming devil alright. It was no wonder Harley was head over heels in love with him.

  “I can see where Kylie gets her looks from,” Matt said with that bad boy smile as he shook the younger woman’s hand. “Desi, you're even lovelier than Harley led me to believe.” She was a beautiful woman alright, Matt acknowledged with the trained eye of a reformed ladies man. His brothers were gonna be all over the petite redhead when they met her.

  “So are you,” she said without thinking as she stared up at him and then recovered enough to add, “What I mean is, Jed looks exactly like you.”

  “I told you he was a replica of his father,” Harley said in amusement at her friend’s reaction to her husband. She hadn't told her former housemates just how handsome Matthew was because some things just had to be seen to be believed.

  Matt placed his hand over his wife’s flat abdomen where their second child was growing and said, “This one is going to look like her mother.”

  “It's a girl?” Kylie asked in excitement.

  “She will be if her father has his way,” Harley agreed. “Matthew is determined that we're having a daughter this time.”

  He wrapped both arms around her waist and kissed her temple lovingly. “I have everything that a man could possibly want, except a daughter.”

  “That's so cool,” the girl said in awe that he really wanted a daughter. If Trey's dad liked girls, maybe the rest of his family would too. That would play a big role in her mom's decision, if she decided to marry one of them. Kylie's hopes were growing by the minute.

  “Alright, let’s get the luggage so we can get you settled in,” their hostess suggested. The ladies sorted out the bags and left them in Matt's capable hands as they went inside the massive entrance hall that the family used as a living room. The room was seventy feet wide with a fifteen foot high ceiling and boasted a floating horseshoe grand staircase that left them speechless. “She's a grand old place, isn't she?”

  “It's amazing,” Desi agreed as she stared at her surroundings in awe and realized the floors were made of Carrera marble.

  “It's spotless. Who cleans it?” Josie asked as she looked it over with a trained eye.

  If there was one thing that the older woman knew, it was how to take care of a home. When Harley had left Matt and moved to Florida twelve years ago, she had rented a room from her since she was Claire Abbott’s cousin. Josie’s husband had been killed in an industrial accident and since the widow had never been anything but a wife and mother, finding a job with any sort of real income had been a difficult task.

  She had jumped at the idea of opening her home to Harley and knew that she had found a way to support herself as well. She turned the rambling Victorian home into a bed and breakfast and had been amazed at the number of people who preferred a B&B to a hotel and was more than pleased at the repeat business when satisfied guests returned time and time again. Her home was listed as one of the top ten B&B's and she gave credit to Harley's eye for detail for making it a warm and inviting place to stay. Since she was twenty years older than Harley, she had been like a second mother to her and to her other full time guest, Desi.

  “I do,” Jedidiah Baker said as he entered the room with a smile and was pleased that someone appreciated all the effort he took to keep this place in immaculate condition.

  “You do a wonderful job,” the older woman said as she turned to face him and her jaw dropped in surprise. Good Lord, did the whole family look alike? This man had to be Matt's father and Jed's grandfather because he looked exactly like his son, except for the silver in his hair, and was still an exceptionally handsome man.

  “Thank you, dear lady,” he said with the charming smile that his son had inherited and extended his hand to her. “I'm Jed Baker.”

  “Josie Benton,” she said a bit breathlessly as she shook his hand.

  “It's a pleasure to meet you, Josie,” Jedidiah assured her. “Harley gal has told me a lot about you.”

  “She speaks highly of you as well,” she assured him. “But she failed to mention how handsome the Baker men are.”

  Harley stared at her incredulously because Josie actually seemed to be flirting with Jedidiah. Not that she could blame her. Jedidiah Baker was still a handsome man, but in all the years that she had known Josie, she'd never seen her show any interest in a man. Harley bit back a smile because her mother would have a fit if she knew that she had some competition.

  Matt wasn't a bit surprised that the woman was flirting with his father since it happened all the time. He smiled as he mounted the stairs laden down with luggage because it seemed the old man hadn't lost his touch with the ladies, even though he didn't care to use it, and hadn't since his wife had died.

  “And you must be Desi,” the older man said as he shook her hand. “You're just as lovely as Harley said you were.” She was a beautiful woman alright. The boys were gonna be after her like white on rice, he thought in amusement.

  “Thank you, Mr. Baker,” she smiled politely and tried to hide her shock at the sight of Josie flirting with a man. Mind you he was a ridiculously handsome man, but Josie was a confirmed widow and liked it that way.

  “Call me Jed,” he offered and then smiled down at her daughter. “Hello, Kylie. I know little Jed will be glad you're here. He's talked about you nonstop since he found out you were coming.”

  “Trey says you're the best grandpa in the world,” she informed the old
er man cheerfully.

  “Trey?” Jedidiah questioned in confusion.

  “His full name is Matthew Jedidiah Baker III and three is pronounced tres in Spanish, so I call him Trey,” the girl explained her pet name for his grandson. “You're one, uno, his dad is two, dos, and Jed is three, tres.”

  Jedidiah laughed and nodded his understanding. “You're as smart as you are pretty.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Baker,” she said and smiled shyly because it seemed Trey's grandpa liked girls, too. This just kept getting better and Kylie was so excited she could barely wait to tell Trey.

  “Harley gal, take these ladies upstairs and get them settled in,” he instructed his daughter-in-law. “I imagine they need to rest a bit after that trip.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Josie agreed.

  “Right this way,” Harley said as she led them up the stairs and down the hallway to their bedrooms in the west wing. She stopped in the center of the hall and gestured to a doorway on the left. “Desi, I put you and Kylie in here since it has twin beds and Josie, you're one door down in my old room.”

  “Where's Trey's room?” Kylie asked curiously.

  “Right across from yours,” Harley said as she pointed to the door on the right. “Matthew and I are across the hall from Josie.”

  “This is nice,” the older woman said as she stepped inside her room and saw her suitcase sitting atop the four poster bed. “It doesn't have your touch yet, Harley.”

  “None of the house does,” Desi said from her room as she discovered the luggage was already waiting for them.

  “Give me time, ladies,” Harley laughed. “I'll work on the house after the wedding.” She was anxious to practice her design skills on the place, but not crazy enough to take on such a massive task and plan a wedding at the same time.

  “You mean after the honeymoon,” Desi said with a grin.

  “Actually we're taking a vacation with Jed after the honeymoon,” she told them. “I have no idea where we're going yet. Matthew is handling all the details so I can concentrate on the wedding.”

  “You didn't tell us the man was drop dead gorgeous,” Desi chided.

  “All of the brothers are,” Harley assured her seriously and saw the look of disbelief.

  “I don't believe it,” her friend denied. “Men like that are few and far between.”

  She just laughed at her. “The bad Baker boys are too handsome for words. You'll see when you meet them.”

  “If they got their looks from their father, I don't doubt it,” Josie informed them both. Jedidiah Baker was a fine looking man indeed.

  Harley and Josie exchanged a knowing smile. “You three get settled in and come down when you're ready. Dinner's at six.”

  “Do we dress for dinner?” the younger woman asked. In a house like this she could easily imagine people milling about in formal attire before they sat down to a seven course meal.

  “Unless you want to be molested,” Harley said and laughed at her shocked expression. She could just imagine how the ever lusty Baker men would react to a naked woman at the table. “No, we're very casual. What you're wearing is fine.”

  “Alright. Kylie, let's get unpacked.”

  Harley went back downstairs and found Matthew waiting for her outside in the hammock. They spent a lot of time just lying there holding each other and it was her favorite place to be. He pulled her on top of him for a soul stealing kiss that left her weak kneed as usual and she laid her head on his shoulder contentedly. “Two more days,” she sighed.

  He smiled in satisfaction and kissed her temple. Matt didn't mind waiting two more days to make her his wife. He'd already waited a lifetime. After a twelve year separation, Harley had breezed back into his life a couple of months ago to inform him that they were still married and demand he give her a divorce so she could marry the new man in her life. Matt had been shocked, to say the least. When he had flatly refused to set her free, they had a very public argument which resulted in the whole town finding out that they were still married.

  Their son had been thrilled and so had Matt. There was nothing that he wanted more than to have his wife and son back, and he had done everything in his power to make Harley realize that they were meant to be together. He’d had a hell of a battle on his hands, but Harley finally admitted that she just couldn’t live without him anymore. More in love now than ever, the couple had decided to reconcile and Harley had received the shock of her life when she informed her fiancé of the decision.

  The man had lied about their annulment not being legal to get her to face her ex-husband again in the hopes that she would gain some closure and not bring any old baggage into their relationship. Seeing that his plan had backfired, he had admitted the truth which just complicated things even more. Gossip ran rampant in Lakeside and the town would have a field day with this latest development. In order to prevent that from happening, Matt suggested they get married again on their anniversary and just let everyone think they were renewing their vows for a new beginning.

  There wouldn't be any gossip, he'd have his family back and no one would be the wiser. Harley loved the romantic idea and readily agreed after he promised they would live at home with the Baker family. So, the happy couple was looking forward to the upcoming ceremony and knew their marriage would work this time, because a love like theirs just didn't end.


  Kylie grew bored with the unpacking and went downstairs to explore the house. No sooner than she reached the first floor, the front door opened and a handsome man with a goatee walked inside. He was dressed very casually in jeans, tennis shoes and a T-shirt with the name of a rock band on it. Since the family resemblance was unmistakable, even though he had blue eyes, she knew this had to be one of Trey's uncles and a possible candidate for her mother to marry. “Hello,” she greeted politely.

  “Hi, there, Cutie,” John Baker smiled at the girl and wondered who she was. She was a pretty little thing with long red hair and big green eyes. “Who're you?”

  “I'm Kylie. What's your name?” she asked curiously.


  So, this was Uncle John. Trey had told her that this uncle was a musician with his own band. Her mom loved to sing so that was a good start. She wasn't sure how she'd feel about the earring, though. “How old are you?”

  Amused by the question, John replied, “I'm twenty-seven.”

  Kylie sighed in resignation. Her mom didn't like younger men, she knew from experience. “You're too young.”

  Even more amused at that and wondering what he was too young for, he asked, “How old are you?”

  She placed her hands on her hips and informed him indignantly, “A gentleman never asks a lady her age.”

  John forced himself not to laugh because she was so serious and apologized in amusement. “I beg your pardon, Kylie. Can you forgive me for being so rude?”

  The apology redeemed him nicely, but he was still too young, darn it. “You're forgiven,” she said with a smile and walked away.

  Kylie explored the ground floor of the house and was impressed with how big it was. The first floor had a library, two sitting rooms, one for the ladies and one for the men she assumed from the way they were decorated and a huge dining room with the biggest table she'd ever seen. She was a little surprised that every room had its own fireplace with fancy looking marble mantles and wondered why Trey had never mentioned his dad lived in a mansion.

  Making her way back to the entrance hall, Kylie was about to go into the kitchen when the front door opened and another handsome man with blue eyes walked in. This one was dressed very nicely in a suit and tie, and carried a briefcase. Wondering which one of the uncles he was, she changed directions and met him in between the staircases with a smile. “Hello.”

  “Hi, there,” he smiled back at her. The baggy shorts and football jersey looked like something his nephew would wear and Luke Baker was amused to see such a pretty young girl dressed like a tomboy. “And who might you be?”
/>   “I'm Kylie.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Kylie,” he said as he extended his hand to shake hers. “I'm Luke.”

  This one had nice manners, and that was good. Her mom was big on manners. She knew that Uncle Luke was a lawyer, but she wasn't sure if her mom would consider that a good point or not. Aunt Harley had been engaged to a lawyer and when she'd broken up with him, Kylie had overheard her mom say she was better off without the lying ambulance chaser. “How old are you?”

  “I'm twenty-nine,” he answered in amusement.

  The same age as her mom. That was good. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  “I don't,” he denied with a grin and saw her nod in satisfaction. “Is that a good thing?”

  “It is,” the child assured him merrily. “You might do, so stick around.”

  “Okay,” he agreed with a laugh and headed into the kitchen wondering what he'd do for.

  No sooner than he had left the room, the front door opened and another handsome man came in. This one was a combination of the other two since he was wearing a dress shirt with blue jeans so he wasn't too casual or too dressy. He looked just like Trey's dad, except his eyes were brown. This had to be Uncle Mark. Kylie knew he used to be a professional football player and that was good because her mom liked football, but he owned a bar now and she knew her mom wouldn't like that at all.

  “Hello. You must be Uncle Mark.”

  “Well, hello, pretty lady,” he smiled back at her and knew this had to be his nephews best friend. “I'll bet your name is Kylie.”

  Her green eyes grew even larger. “How'd you know my name?” she asked in surprise.

  Mark Baker had spent a lot of time with his nephew over the years and he'd heard more about his little friend than he cared to recall. From the way Jed talked, the pair was practically inseparable and did everything together. “Because Jed told me his best friend was a redhead and since you have beautiful red hair, you have to be her,” he replied with a charming smile that worked on females regardless of their age.

  Kylie was no exception and her smile brightened even more at the compliment. Uncle Mark thought her hair was pretty. That was really good, because if he liked hers, he'd like her moms, too. “How old are you?”


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