The Blood and Light Series (Six Books Boxed Set)

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The Blood and Light Series (Six Books Boxed Set) Page 13

by Rue Volley

  I held the dew out to him, he reached for it and for a moment our fingers touched, I felt a slight vibration moving up my arm. My eyes started to get big. I remembered the woods; I didn't want a repeat of that night, ever again. He looked at me kinda strange. I passed him and went to the couch flipping the television on. He stood in the kitchen for a moment, and then followed me, sitting down too close, I moved over; just put some space in between us. He was staring straight ahead, and then I guess he was compelled to break the silence.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked me.

  I kept my focus straight ahead, less eye contact the better.

  “No… no.” (I started flipping through channels) “I'm… just trying to find something to watch.”

  “Okay.” he said, as he cleared his throat.

  He turned his body towards me, I noticed, I wanted to turn too, but I didn't.

  “Listen, is this… you know, you being distant... does it have to do with lit class today?”

  I set down the flipper, Kai’s affectionate word for the remote. I looked down at my hands.

  “Oh, no that...? No,” I said.

  “I want to believe that, but we went from hot to cold and that's the only thing I can think of that could be the reason.”

  I looked at him… mistake, the whole hearing his voice and not seeing his face was working and now I got to look into his beautiful blue eyes, too blue.

  “No Johnathan, I just thought maybe we could just sit and watch T.V., ya know?”

  He tilted his head down, his eyes still fixed on me, a smile started to pull the corner of his mouth up on one side. Then he said…

  “I had a dream... really vivid. I fell asleep this afternoon. I never nap, but I was glad I did.”

  He couldn't possibly have had the same dream I had, could he?

  “A dream?” I asked.

  “Yes, it was about us… ya know we were together in a field...”

  “What?” My heart rate started to move towards jogging mode.

  He took my hand in his, the vibration was low, no intensity so I let him keep it. Any changes and I will go ninja… swear to god.

  “We ended up in your bed,” he whispered.

  I pulled my hand out of his and got up and walked over to the window. Maybe Sam will be here soon to cause a much needed interruption. I wanted to tell him I had the same dream, but I remembered the ripples in the water, I just wanted things to stay the same.

  “Rue?” he said.

  I looked back and he had risen up off the couch. The look on his face a mixture of confusion and concern maybe hurt. I think this was not the reaction he wanted from me. I just stood there, hoping the next words out of my mouth would be magic.

  “You a…you want any pizza?” I said.

  Wow... slick Rue. That was awesome.

  He ran his hand through his hair.

  “Ummm, pizz...? Yea I'm really not hungry right now… but thanks?”

  He looked around for a moment.

  “Ummm, not to sound sexist or anything but I'm kinda feeling like the girl here,” he said.

  “Well I'm hungry, some was left over, cold pizza is the best.”

  I am the biggest turd on the planet... I suck.

  “Okay, ummm, listen Rue I'm gonna go.” He stood up.

  He started to move towards the door.

  I reached out to him, wanting to throw him on the floor and repeat my dream, but I just couldn't.

  “You don't have to leave Johnathan,” I said.

  He turned to me.

  “Listen I get it, stuff… ya know, this moved really fast and obviously I feel different than you do. It's cool,” he said as he looked away from me.

  “I... I, just want to slow down a bit, I can't...” I stuttered.

  Johnathan had put it out on the table and I stuck a fork in it... I just knew it.

  “I gotta go,” he said.

  He opened the door and left. I stood at the window, knowing that my opportunity was slipping away and I could not bring myself to stop it. I felt a vibration in the kitchen when he touched me and without me knowing how to combat it, I just could not take the chance. I cared too much for him and what I just did sucked more than anything had ever sucked in the history of sucking, for sure. I wallowed until he pulled away and then I decided I was going out. I know, I said I wouldn't but...

  I had been walking down Hideaway Dr. for five minutes when it hit me. I wanted to go to Rolling River. I knew they said my mom wasn't there but I wanted to see for myself. I really wanted to see mom, I missed her so much, I just couldn't stand it. I had been trying to push down the feelings, but now that I had probably messed up the perfect relationship, (minus the him ‘trying to kill me stuff’.) I needed to talk to my mom. Even though I knew she wasn't ‘there’, I figured it wouldn't be any different than the last year and 5 days. Even if I just sat there rattling off stuff, she would hopefully fake hear me and maybe I would feel better somehow. I know, not gonna happen but I don't play with dolls, this is my make believe.

  I walked for another fifteen minutes until I realized I was standing on the outer gate of R & R. I hadn't noticed that the sky had gone from blue to gray. I guess I didn't care. When I stood there staring at that huge ominous building I felt something strange, creeping in. I shook it off and started up the lane, hell-bent on going in. The closer I got the more drained I felt. My legs started to ache and I heard my stomach growl. Maybe cold pizza would have been a good idea after all. My head started getting fuzzy, like I was dealing with a cold and my ears had a slight ringing in them. Maybe I am getting sick. I was sure a super-hot bath, followed by a freezing cold shower, couldn't be the healthiest thing to do to yourself.

  I had almost made it to front doors, when I thought I heard a whisper. I turned around, then side to side. Where did that come from? I must be getting sick or maybe I'm just upset. My heart rate had shot up but still, I walked in. It looked abandoned. The place was so big that a hundred people could be working and you'd still think no one was there. I went to the front desk, nobody. Now that was weird. The whole time we had come here to visit, someone always manned it.


  I waited for a moment, I was sure one of the revolving nurses would come around the corner cheerful as ever.

  I waited…

  “Hello...?” I called out.

  Again, nothing.

  I swear I heard whispering again. It seemed to be coming from down the hallway so I followed it thinking maybe the staff were congregated a break. The voices got louder so I rounded the corner and… no one. Weird. My hands started to tingle, I looked down and a small white glow had started to form in my palms. For some reason, it gave me a panicky feeling and I reached up and realized I was sweating a lot. I wiped it off my forehead and swiped my hand on my jeans. I jumped, the elevator door had dinged, someone was getting on or off, didn't care, I needed to find somebody. I ran back to the elevator and the doors were just sitting wide open. No one was there. I decided to get on. I pressed three; my finger left a heated smudge on the button.

  The elevator took way too long and when it opened I hesitated. I started to move and a pain hit my stomach, it growled. I was starving. I should have eaten. I almost had hit the nausea part of the equation, when you've waited too long to eat and you just feel sick. There's nothing worse in my opinion, except the throwing up itself. I stepped out of the elevator and looked to the right. I knew 314 was only a few doors down on the left. As I started to walk, I noticed every door was closed. My feet started to feel really heavy and the ringing in my ears was getting more intense. I had to lean against the wall for a moment because I felt like I was going to be sick right there. I held my stomach and put my hand over my mouth, it passed. I looked up and realized I could hear music playing… it was old. I knew enough music to know that it wasn't anything I’d ever listened to, but I felt as if I had heard it before somewhere. I moved cautiously, still holding my stomach. I should have turned around but I kept gett
ing pulled forward. I stopped in front of room 314; it was the only door open.

  The music was coming from inside the room. There was barely any light and the curtains were drawn. I tried to focus on the bed and I swear I could see someone in it. The form moved a little and I jumped back. Then I heard her voice.

  “Rue...? Honey is that you?”

  I froze.


  “Rue? I've missed you.”

  “Mom, What… is that you?”

  I was straining my eyes to try to see. I had jumped back almost to the wall, but I started to move forward one slow step at a time.

  “Rue, come here.”

  I felt a strong pull in her direction; I kept inching forward, until I made it right to edge of the doorway.

  “Mom...? Sam said you weren't here.”

  “Honey… come in.”

  I went to step over the line into the room and I heard my name screamed out.

  “RUE… STOP!”

  It happened so; fast I didn't even realize that I was on the floor, until I hit it hard on my side. It knocked the air out of me. I looked up and Josh had his arms wrapped around me. He had a wild look on his face.

  “SAM! DO IT NOW!” he screamed.

  Josh had rolled us together and I was positioned behind him pressed against the wall. He pulled chalk out of his pocket and started scribbling symbols all around us, in a half moon and started chanting. I listened closer, it sounded like Latin.

  Sam was at the doorway, she dropped down and started to chalk into the floor and up the sides of the doorway, and she too was speaking Latin the whole time. Josh looked back at me, maybe he was mad, but he was stern.

  “You don't move from this circle... you hear me Rue?”

  I nodded, more in shock than anything.

  Josh jumped up and went to Sam, helping her complete the symbols around the door. I could see a light coming from the room and wind seemed to be rolling out of it.

  “Stand your ground Samantha!” he yelled out.

  They both held their arms out in front of them and the symbols they had drawn started to glow, they did too. Light started flashing from the room and Sam grabbed her head, she screamed out to Josh.

  “Hold!” Josh yelled at her.

  Suddenly the entire hallway was engulfed in light. I shielded my eyes from its burn. It was as bright as the sun. Josh and Sam started to get pushed backward.


  Josh had looked to her and she flew backwards slamming against the wall behind her so hard, I swear I heard plaster cracking. Josh turned to look at her for only a quick second, and then turned back to the doorway.

  Just as sudden as everything started, everything started to go into slow motion, Josh's hair was whipping around his head and it looked as he was under water. Then a figure appeared in the doorway right in front of him.

  Josh kept chanting Latin and I saw the form come into focus. Josh screamed out.


  I saw him too, but he started to fade almost as if he materialized just to torment Josh.

  The wind started to slow down and the light started to fade. Josh dropped to the floor still whispering his Latin over and over again. He looked up towards the doorway, then turned to Sam who seemed to be completely still. He scrambled to her, calling out her name. I felt as if I couldn't move... I was frozen.

  Josh pulled her up onto his lap, her head flopped around like she was... dead. Oh god no, she couldn't be.


  Josh was in a complete panic…

  “Samantha! Please stay with me!”

  “Oh my God Josh is she...?”

  Josh shot a look at me that could have killed. He looked back to her.

  “Sam, listen to me, you have to feed now, I can't save you if you don't.”

  Blood had started to come from the corner of her mouth. Josh pulled out a blade and cut it into the palm of his hand, blood and light mixed together from it.

  He raised it to her mouth and pressed it against her lips.

  “Feed Sam, I won't, I can't do this without you,” he muttered.

  Her eyes fluttered and I could see her neck and face start to shimmer, she moved her mouth under his palm. He sucked in his breath.

  “Please...” he whispered.

  She moved slowly at first, but then her hand reached up and pressed against his hand, I could see her knuckles becoming white from the pressure she had on it.

  Josh started to moan a little but he allowed it to go on. His head started to nod downward. I jumped up and with everything I had I pushed him away from her.

  He fell to his side. I looked back at Sam. Her eyes were glowing blue and she looked as if I was next on her menu. She looked to Josh…

  “Oh god,” she whispered.

  She reached for him and he started to move. He groaned, as he pulled himself up on his knees.

  Josh looked at her.

  “Wow, you were hungry!” he said.

  Samantha started to smile...

  “It's been awhile,” she whispered.

  He laughed, “Yea I could see that.”

  I stood up and looked at them both.

  “What the hell?” I said.

  Sam looked at me...

  “You”... she pointed a finger at me, “are supposed to be at home.”

  Sam pulled herself off of the floor. I really expected for her to take a swing at me or blast me with light or something. She turned to Josh and put her hand out, he grabbed it and she heaved him up.

  “That was an ass save,” he said to her.

  She just started to laugh.

  “Yep, it was,” she muttered.

  Josh grinned.

  “Just want to make sure it's established before we leave.”

  She looked at him.

  “I'm not going to dispute it,” Sam said.

  They both started laughing.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here,” Josh said.

  Samantha grabbed my hand and we ran for the elevator.

  Kai was behind the wheel, it was Sam's car, so I knew he must have been thrilled when she told him to get in the driver’s seat. We ran towards it, Sam was holding an arm around Josh, because he was holding his side. We piled in. I got in the front and they got in the back. I turned around to look at both of them; they only looked at me for a moment.

  Josh looked at Sam.

  “It's my kidney I think,” he said.

  “Okay let me find it.” Sam said to him.

  Josh pulled up his shirt up and his whole side was blackened. He kinda hissed when he shifted to pull it up.

  “Okay Josh, sit still.”

  Sam started to run her hand along his side, not touching his skin but barely holding her hand above it.

  “Okay… I found it,” she said as she looked at him.

  She traced her finger over his side. A glowing symbol started to form; she closed her eyes and started to speak Latin. She held her hand over his side, right along his ribs and her hand started to glow. Josh sucked in his breath.

  “Jeezus Sam,” he hissed.

  “Sorry I'm trying, hold on,” Sam said as she kept her eyes closed.

  She continued her Latin and Josh began to relax.

  “There... you’re good,” she said.

  “Thanks Sam.”

  She put a hand up to his face and cupped the side of it.

  “Thank you Josh, really.”

  “It's all good sis.”

  I turned back around in my seat, feeling like I had just almost killed them both.

  We pulled back up to the house and we all got out not saying a word. Josh and Sam headed for the door.

  “What the hell happened in there, Rue?” Kai said.

  I just looked at him.

  “I messed up Kai, big time. I just wanted to see Mom so bad.”

  Kai looked at me; I guess the look on my face didn't warrant any sarcasm.

  “Did you see her Rue?” he asked.

  “I… I thought I did but it wasn't real, she wasn't there Kai.”

  “What did you see?”

  I wanted to say, but for now I thought it would be best not to.

  “No one, I saw no one Kai.”


  There have been a few times I've felt like a tool. Today was my biggest tool day ever. I had hurt the one boy I cared about. Maybe I even loved him, I didn't know. I got all emotional and ended up putting the only two people in the world who gave a damn about my family, in serious danger. I knew Sam didn't feed on other people, even though Josh was a protector just like us, I am sure she would have never considered doing it, if she wasn't about to die. God, I couldn't even begin to start to apologize to either one of them. I just couldn't. The look on Josh’s face in that hallway, the way he looked at me, I was sure he hated me now and maybe Sam did too. I hoped they wouldn't leave us here to fend for ourselves. I didn't think they would, but I couldn't be sure. I kept thinking about my mom and dad. Sam knew where my dad was, she claimed he was safe, supposed to make me feel better I guess. My mom though, was missing in action and after seeing the last place she had been, I couldn't even begin to guess... then I remembered Caine in the doorway. Oh god, he has my mom. I started to cry, just sobbed really, the kind of cry that takes your breath away. I leaned down and put my head between my knees, I felt a panic attack coming on.


  I looked up and Josh was standing in my doorway.

  I leaned up and ran my sleeve across my face, still sucking in a little air.

  Josh came in and sat down next to me, on my bed.

  I just kept my eyes down, truth was, I didn't want to look at him.

  “Listen Rue, what happened today, well... it's not your fault.”

  I blew out some air, “Yeah, right.”

  He reached over to me and placed his hand on my hand.

  “You were drawn there. We should have kept you with us, I knew it.”

  “Drawn there?” I asked.

  “Yea, you were. You would have gone there one way or the other, no one could change it, just delay it.”

  “Why... why would I get drawn there?”

  “It was just saturated with energy, bad stuff you know?”

  “From my mom?”


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