Fight 4 Us (Book 1): The Beginning

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Fight 4 Us (Book 1): The Beginning Page 10

by Grenda, Brian

  "You be careful out there. If you need a place to stay, or need anything, remember where we are located," says Kim.

  Lauren and Kim have one last hug. Phil jumps into his SUV and starts up the engine. Lauren gets in the passenger side of our SUV. I get in the SUV and start up the engine. We are on our way to Orlando. As we back out of the driveway, we wave goodbye to Kim and her family one last time.

  I tell Phil through the radio, "It's about 50 miles from Lakeland to Orlando. You get in front and keep clearing out any road blockages or debris as I'm sure we will run into some when we get closer to Orlando."

  "Roger that," replies Phil.

  Phil passes me on the right-hand side. We both drive back onto the entrance ramp to I-4 East and head towards Orlando. I can’t help but wonder what Orlando is going to be like. It’s usually a traffic nightmare with tons of tourists in minivans on a regular non-apocalyptic, non-zombie day. I picture the roads ahead to be very congested and packed due to the usual volume of people and vehicles in Orlando.

  One way or another, we will for sure know what is in store for us in the next 45 minutes or so, when we finally reach the magical city of Orlando.



  As we get closer to Orlando, the highway becomes way more congested and blocked with cars, trucks, and minivans. Phil must clear the highway numerous times, but I think he really enjoys clearing the cars out with that SUV of his. The I-4 Highway is usually a busy highway with a lot of traffic and tourists. As we continue down the highway, we continually see abandoned cars and minivans that have remains of bodies in them. It's a sad sight to see, and warns us that we are most likely going to a crowded area full of zombies, people, and chaos.

  “Remember that vacation we had here in Orlando a couple years ago?” asks Lauren.

  I look at Lauren and say, “You have to be more specific than that sweetie. We have been to Orlando or right outside of Orlando like a hundred times.”

  “You know the one I’m talking about. The one that we didn’t leave the hotel room very much,” says Lauren with a big smile on her face.

  “I remember, it was a pretty nice hotel. I think it was that four-star resort with the three pools. Free movie rentals, and huge king sized bed,” I reply with a smile on my face.

  “I’m glad that we are safe. I feel a sense of safety and security with you Ryan. Like we can do anything together,” says Lauren.

  I reply, “We can do anything and will do everything possible to make it. We just have to fight for us.”

  As we drive down the highway, we pass that hotel that Lauren was talking about. Lauren and I both share found memories of Orlando vacations. We have been together for many years now and have a ton of great memories. Hopefully, we can still make some good memories going forward. I doubt this trip to Orlando will be the best trip ever, but I am thankful that Lauren is here with me.

  "Take exit 75A," I say to Phil over the radio.

  Phil gets over into the right lane and takes exit 75A. We get off the highway and turn right at the first light. We pass a sign on the highway exit that stands out to me for some reason. The sign reads:

  Welcome to Orlando

  Normally I would just drive by the sign, and it wouldn’t mean anything to me, but for some reason I saw the sign, and I got a sense of happiness. Like we were doing the right thing by being in Orlando and checking in on Nicole.

  The streets are very crowded with cars, trucks, and emergency vehicles.

  I call Phil over the radio, "Phil we need to take this road straight for about three miles. Can you please clear it out for us?"

  "No problem, I'll clear a path for us," says Phil.

  Phil speeds off and makes a path for us to follow behind. We stay back to watch for anything and let the debris that Phil is making clear out first. As Phil is driving down the road, we see a group of about 12 people looting a convenient store.

  Lauren has a look of concern on her face and says, "People are savages and creating chaos now. I wonder if it’s better to be alone, or in a big group in the world now."

  We see more and more people join the group at the store, but as they make more and more noise, they are attracting more and more zombies. Soon the outside of the store is becoming over taken by zombies. The store and street are getting dangerous now.

  We take one last look at the convenient store chaos and drive down the path that Phil has made for us. We come up to where Phil is and roll down the windows.

  I say, "We need to make a left on 94th Street and that will take us to Nicole's development. It is gated. I forget the passcode, but hopefully the gate will open for us."

  "If not I think I can get us in," says Phil as he winks at me.

  We turn down 94th Street and come up to Nicole's gated development. Winter Palm Estates the sign reads. We come up to the security gate to see a zombie security guard that is trapped in his security booth. The gate security code won't work, but the gate is partially open. I drive up to the front gate and see that the gate should open if I push it open with the SUV. I don't want to break the gate, as it is needed for security. I slowly drive forward and push the gate open with my SUV’s front push guard. The front gate opens fully now, and I am able to drive through. Phil follows suit with his SUV. We park the SUVs in two parking spaces directly in front of the neighborhood clubhouse. Phil and I then walk back over to the front gate and try to close it. It won’t close all the way shut, nor will it stay locked. Anyone or anything can come into this neighborhood through the front gate.

  I say, "We have to try and close this better, but we can't lock it closed as we might have to leave again."

  Phil and I try to close the gate the best that we can. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to secure the gate, Phil and I decide to give up on locking the front gate for now. We walk back to our vehicles and plan to drive down to Nicole’s house.

  Before we get into the SUVs I say to Phil, "I'll lead the drive to Nicole's house."

  We get into our SUVs, back out of the parking spots, and drive through the neighborhood. Nicole’s neighborhood is a very nice, new construction, very expensive group of homes. It’s a big neighborhood that has about one hundred homes in it. As we are driving down the street, I notice that the homes aren’t showing any signs of problems or danger. The neighborhood seems to be fine from zombies or looters so far.

  We pull up to Nicole’s house at 1394 Erial Road. The house looks to be in good shape, as well as the houses next to her home. We park the vehicles in the street in front of Nicole's house. I tell Lauren to stay in the SUV just to be safe. I put on the bulletproof vest and grab my handgun. Phil gets out of his SUV and looks around the neighborhood. He has his shotgun ready to go.

  I turn to Lauren and say, “Wait in here. Phil and I will make sure it’s safe first.”

  Lauren replies, “Okay. I will keep an eye out for anything.”

  I exit my vehicle and walk over to Phil who is standing on the sidewalk in front of Nicole’s house. We do a quick check of the surrounding area around Nicole's house and walk towards the front door. We knock on the front door, but don't hear anything.

  I knock on the door again and say, "Nicole, it's Ryan and Phil."

  I hear someone move the blinds by the front window followed by movement inside the house. Then suddenly, Phil and I hear someone unlocking several locks at the front door.

  The red front door opens.

  "Oh my goodness, I'm so happy to see you guys," shouts Nicole.

  Nicole gives me a big hug and then hugs Phil. Lauren comes out of the SUV, runs to the front door, and gives Nicole a hug also.

  "C'mon in guys," says Nicole.

  We all go inside Nicole's house. Nicole closes the front door and proceeds to lock the front door with several different locks behind us.

  I ask Nicole, "Are you alone here?"

  "Yeah, Derrick has been gone for about two days now. Maybe three days. I don't know. He went to Orlando Studios wi
th his family, and haven’t come back yet. I have lost track of time with all this. I didn't go with him because I'm on bed rest and the last place I want to be is walking around a crowded theme park," says Nicole.

  Nicole sits down at a kitchen table chair and clearly is shaken up about her husband not being home. She looks great and is carrying the baby weight very well. It’s great to see Nicole, as Lauren and I haven’t seen her and Derrick for several years now.

  I ask, "Are you sure he went to Orlando Studios?”

  "Yeah, he was taking his family to see the new Space Wars area. Since we work for Orlando Studios, they could do the behind the scenes rides and he had this big tour set up," replies Nicole.

  Phil says, “Then that is where we need to go. We have to see if he is alive."

  Lauren says, “What? That is crazy. That is a terrible idea."

  I agree with Lauren, but I know that Phil will go with or without me. Phil will need my help while trying to find Derrick, and I feel obligated to go with him. I see that Phil has already made his mind up about going, so I decide to go with Phil. I pull Lauren aside while Phil and Nicole talk in the kitchen.

  I say to Lauren, "I know that this is not a good idea, but Phil is going to go with or without me. I can't let Phil go alone. We will be careful. Trust me on that. I need you to stay here with Nicole. Make sure she is ok and keep her calm. We don't need her going into labor now."

  Lauren replies, "I don’t' like this idea at all, but I will keep Nicole calm and help her."

  I reply, "Thank you, I'll see if I can grab you one of those big furry character backpacks."

  I kiss Lauren and try to reassure her that we will be ok. I find Phil and Nicole in the kitchen and tell them, "We need to crash for the night. It will be too dangerous to go into the theme park in the dark. We will go first thing in the morning, when we have the daylight to see better. I know it sucks waiting one more night, but we need to do it right and safely."

  Nicole and Phil look at me and nod in agreement.

  I make eye contact with Nicole and see that something isn’t right. Nicole immediately screams in pain and grabs her stomach. She is breathing quickly. Lauren runs over to her and holds her hand.

  "Oh my goodness Nicole, are you ok?" asks Phil.

  Nicole turns towards Lauren and says, “They are just contractions. I have been having them on and off, since Derrick hasn't been home.”

  Lauren squeezes her hand and tells Nicole to breathe and try to relax. After about 5 minutes or so, Nicole is calmed down and the contractions pass.

  "Thank goodness no baby today," says Nicole.

  Lauren and I look at each other with happiness as we are glad that we don't have to deal with a baby or delivering a baby today. Nicole is okay now and everything has calmed down, but I still feel a little on edge like the baby might just fall out of Nicole any second now.

  Nicole even makes a joke to calm everything down, “Not today people, the baby is stuck at the airport with a flight delay.”

  We all laugh and are glad that Nicole is safe and the pregnancy seems to going okay. Nicole gets up from the kitchen chair and shows Lauren, Phil, and I where we will be sleeping in her house.

  "You two can stay in this bedroom, and Phil you can stay in this spare bedroom," says Nicole as we walk down the hallway.

  Nicole is clearly showing that she is pregnant and must be about 32-33 weeks along. She seems to be calm about the state of the world and that her husband is missing. I’m not sure if Nicole is hiding how nervous she is about Derrick or she is coping with it well. I guess it doesn’t matter but I know the stress of all this can’t be good for Nicole and the baby.

  I ask Nicole, “Are you sure you are okay now? The baby isn’t coming this minute?”

  Nicole laughs and says, “Yeah Ryan. I’m okay. No baby right now, but I will let you know if things change.”

  I reply, “Good. Phil and I are going to get our stuff out of the vehicles.”

  Phil and I walk towards the front door and see that it’s locked with 3 different locks. Phil and I look at the front door locks and laugh.

  I jokingly say, “This must have been Derrick. That guy is way too nervous all the time.”

  I unlock the front door and we exit the house. Phil and I walk to the vehicles to get our belongings and supplies. As I’m walking towards the vehicles. I notice Phil is smiling.

  I turn to Phil and ask, “Everything okay with you buddy?”

  Phil replies, “Yeah. Life is good right now. I’m glad we made it here and Nicole is safe.”

  Phil opens the trunk to his SUV, I take notice of how quiet the neighborhood is. It’s like no one is living in the neighborhood anymore. Usually you hear the neighbor’s car, kids running around, or noise of some kind. I’m a little taken back by the lack of people around in such a big neighborhood.

  As Phil and I are unloading our belongings from our vehicles, Lauren and Nicole are sitting at the kitchen table and talking. Lauren has known Nicole for about 5 years now and the girls have always gotten along with each other very well. Almost like they were long lost sisters.

  Lauren asks, "So, how have you really been holding up Nicole?"

  Nicole replies, “Well, my back is killing me. I can barely walk, and my husband is missing. So, I'm doing great."

  The girls share a good laugh and hug.

  Lauren says, "I'm really glad that you are ok though. Don’t worry, both Ryan and Phil will find Derrick."

  Phil and I are bringing are belongings from the vehicles into the house. As Phil walks into the kitchen, he looks at his cell phone and checks to see if he has service or any messages.

  I ask Phil, “Is your cell phone working?”

  Phil replies, “No service still. I don’t think the cell towers are working. I was hoping to get another message from Matt or Shaun by now.”

  "Have you heard from Matt?" asks Nicole as she overhears us talking about our cell phones.

  I reply, "Phil and I saw him about a week ago, now. We were in Tennessee for a guy’s trip. Shaun, Matt, Phil, and myself. Shit got crazy when were there, and we all parted ways. Phil and I came here to Florida. Shaun and Matt went back home to North Carolina. Matt told us that you were pregnant and that he wanted us to check up on you. Matt and Shaun promised that they would check on the families back home in North Carolina, and that we would check on you here in Florida."

  Nicole replies, “I haven’t seen Matt for about a year now. I hope that he is ok, as well as our family in North Carolina.”

  I reply, “Matt and Shaun will make it. Don’t worry. You will definitely see your brother again.”

  Phil comes back in the house with the last of our supplies and belongings. We take our bags and place them in our bedrooms. Lauren meets me in our bedroom to help me unpack our stuff. Phil goes into his bedroom and drops his bags on the floor. Phil never likes to unpack his bags as he always wants to be ready in case we need to leave in a hurry.

  Phil exits his bedroom, walks towards Nicole at the kitchen table and says, "Nicole, this neighborhood and your house are very nice."

  "Thank you, Derrick and I moved here about four years ago. Since we both got pay increases at Orlando Studios, we could afford a nice house in a nice neighborhood like this," says Nicole.

  Lauren and I finish unpacking our belongings in the bedroom. Lauren goes into the bathroom and cleans herself before bed. I see Nicole and Phil talking at the kitchen table and decide to join them.

  I sit down at the kitchen table and ask Nicole, "Before we go to sleep tonight, can you tell Phil and I everything that we need to know about Derrick, his family, and the theme parks? Anything that will be helpful for us."

  Nicole replies, “Derrick and his two brothers went to Orlando Studios to go to Space Wars. Space Wars is the new attraction that was added recently. Since we work for the theme park, Derrick could get some perks to show his brothers. The new Space Wars attraction is very busy and was probably very crowded. It doesn’t help that
the attraction is in the very back of the park. They might have gotten trapped, stuck, or something worse.”

  I ask, "Can we get back into were the employees park or close to the Space Wars exhibit through employee entrances? Do you have a keycard or something we can use? I want to avoid the main park as much as possible."

  Nicole replies, "I have a keycard that you can use. The power should still be working as they have backup generators that can last several weeks. I will write down directions on how to get into the park as the employees do. Derrick’s car should be parked in spot 225 in the employee parking garage. Orlando Studio employees all have assigned parking.

  His car is a green four door Grand Spirit. The employee entrance will take you under the park. Derrick's office is underneath the park and is marked with his name on the door. Space Wars is a new exhibit and they didn’t connect the employee underground entrances yet. You can only enter the park at the beginning or the very center of the theme park as an employee."

  Nicole writes down the directions and a couple notes for us to remember. She told us a lot of information, and it was better that she wrote it down, so that we didn’t forget anything.

  I say, "Sounds like a good plan and thank you for the information Nicole. I'm going to check on Lauren and go to bed, see you guys tomorrow. Phil come wake me up in the morning if you are up before me."

  Phil replies, "Will do. I'll keep the directions that Nicole wrote for us. See you in the morning."

  As Nicole is writing the directions down on the paper, Phil looks at her and wants to talk to her. He isn't sure how to go about talking to her though. He watches her write down the directions, and wants to talk to Nicole about their past.

  "Nicole?" asks Phil.

  "Yeah, Phil?" asks Nicole.

  Phil freezes on what to say next. He is scared for how Nicole will reply to his questions about their past. He doesn’t want to make it awkward, since they will be living together for the next couple days and that she is married to Derrick.

  "I.... I.... I am going to find Derrick and bring him back. You are probably worried, but trust me. I will do everything I can to bring him back with us," says Phil with a nervous tone in his voice.


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