Capture (Restless Motorcycle Club Romance)

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Capture (Restless Motorcycle Club Romance) Page 1

by Julia Marie

  Copyright © 2015 Julia Marie

  All Rights Reserved

  Edited By: Jennifer Forbes

  Cover By: Kelsey Cotter

  Formatting By: Elle Conroy

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is unintended.

  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only. All sexually active characters depicted are 18 years of age or older. Contains sexual situations and explicit language.

  Book #1 – Blackmail

  Book #2 – Discovery

  Book #3 – Getaway

  Book #4 – Capture

  Book #5 – Justice – Coming Soon!

  Sign up for my newsletter and receive release day notices here, as well as invitations to receive advance review copies!

  Danger gives chase...

  Jackie Maguire had been saved from a bullet in the head by the sexy and dangerous marine-turned-biker Shane Hamilton. Now on the run from all those who want her dead, Jackie's warned by Shane that she may be killed if she leaves the safe house.

  Shane can't help the powerful feelings that Jackie inspires, but he has the feeling they are going to get him in trouble someday soon. When that day comes, who is he going to put first - himself or the woman he’s grown to love?

  My mind finally caught up to what my eyes had already seen. I floored the gas to get to the end of the aisle and cut off a Dodge minivan as I tried to project Jackie’s direction and figure out the best place to intercept her.

  My time in the marines tracking down people who ran from justice aided me as I picked an aisle and sped down, keeping track of the few glimpses I got of Jackie as she raced away from the agents hot on her trail.

  I got ahead of her, and pulled up. My heart broke as I saw how little distance now separated her from her pursuers. Despite running for her life, she was just not as fit as a field agent and she was running out of stamina far before they. If I had driven up the previous aisle, she would have gotten to my bike perfectly on time.

  “Jackie! Run to me!”

  The rustling of the covers woke me, and I flung my arm out to cover Shane’s body before he could escape.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, still half asleep but knowing that I didn’t want him to go.

  He rolled back over and wrapped me in his strong arms. “I need to get going. It’s important that my routine doesn’t look any different from the outside than usual. I’m already going to have far too much suspicion on me after what happened last night.”

  I had almost forgotten.

  The trip to the FBI, the accusations and double-dealings, the shootings and near misses and death. The sex. Yesterday had been the longest day of my life, and I felt as though I’d aged years in the space of a mere twenty-four hours.

  I reached up to hold his arms tight around me. He was all I could count on, and if I lost him then I would have no one left to turn to. “Do you really have to go?”

  He leaned down and his manly scent surrounded me as his lips claimed mine for his own. The kiss deepened of its own accord, our bodies hungry for each other in a way that I had never experienced before. No matter what else was going on, I was able to close my eyes and let the gentle play of his tongue take me far away from all of the problems that reared their head out in the real world.

  The kiss broke as he pulled away. I could see from the look on his face that he was about to say those words again, but I didn’t want to let him. I pulled him back down to me and rolled, straddling him as I took control of the course of events.

  We were still as naked as when we went to sleep, and I could feel his manhood start to stir underneath me, the stiffening desire touching me and pleasing me as I ground against it.

  At first reluctant, Shane’s hips started to move, thrusting gently up into me, giving both of us more of that sweet friction. My arousal moistened his shaft, and I gasped as he started to slide through my folds more freely.

  It was safe to give him his lips back; he wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Oh, Shane,” I moaned from atop him as I rode. He pulled my chest down against him and latched his hot mouth onto the side of my neck, overwhelming me with his presence and the sheer magnitude of his desire.

  His strong hands cupped my ass and started to pull me up, lifting my body and pulling it towards his mouth until my knees rested on either side of his head. The contact of his talented tongue in between my thighs was an unbelievable contrast to the hardness of his cock from a moment before.

  “Oh god,” I said, as I leaned forward and rested my hands against the headboard. “That feels so fucking good, hun!”

  I couldn’t help but grind my hips a little, assisting Shane in finding my most sensitive spots, guiding him as he learned my body even better than before. Soon he had me convulsing, struggling to stay upright as his tongue lashed an intense orgasm from my body.

  There was only so much I could stand before I spilled off to the side to get away from his tongue, my clit turned too sensitive to be able to handle any more direct stimulation. My legs continued to quaver as I lay there, shuddering.

  “Wow,” I said, staring up at the palely lit ceiling.

  Shane rolled over to get on top of me, trapping me in between his strong arms and smiling affectionately down at me. “I’m glad you enjoyed that.”

  His manhood was pressed against me once more, my folds even slicker than before from the combination of my juices and his saliva. It felt so right, so incredible. I wanted him inside of me, filling me, owning me.

  I didn’t have to ask. We looked into each other’s eyes as a shift in his hips drew him against my entrance. My fingers dug into his back as he slowly began to split me open, parting my flesh and stretching my nerves into a whole other kind of pleasure.

  The moment he bottomed out we both gave identical breathy moans, which turned into conspiratorial grins.

  “That feels way too good,” I said. “It’s not fair that I can’t have you inside of me all the time.”

  “There’s not a lot we can do about that,” Shane said. “We still have to find some time to eat, drink, and go about our lives.”

  I gasped as he clenched his muscles and forced a bit more blood into his cock, making it swell inside of me and stretch me just that much further. “Oh! If you keep doing that, then I’m never going to let you go!”

  He grinned. “You know, that doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world.”

  He said no more with his lips, but he didn’t need to as his hips communicated for him. Long, luxurious thrusts slid our bodies against each other, earning the maximum sensation for the longest period of time. It felt like he went on forever.

  Another climax was approaching fast, and I ushered him on with everything I had, pulling at his body with my hands as a wrapped my legs around him and welcomed him into my core.

  He pushed faster and faster, building up to an intense pace that threatened to make me lose all sense of reality. Just as I started to peak, Shane slammed into me a few more times and we locked eyes as I felt him start to shoot deep within.

  Our breaths came in big, shuddering gasps as he collapsed on top of me, still careful not to let all of his weight rest on my body.

  “Good morning,” I said. “That is going to be my new favorite way to wake up.”

  “I think I could get used to that,” he said in reply.

  It took another half an hour of convincing before I was able to extricate myself from Jackie’s tender embrace and head back to the clubhouse through the hidden underground passage. It was made much harder by the fact that I didn’t want to go at all.

  There was something about
that woman, and I just couldn’t resist her at all. Never before had I been involved with someone and willing to give up everything for them.

  If I’m not more careful about it, I may very well end up far worse for wear because of it.

  It was tough to go about my morning as though I didn’t know there were half a dozen agents out in the street and the neighborhood set up to keep an eye on me. Every time I passed in front of a window the intensity of their regard may as well have been a fire warming my skin. It’s a good thing that Jackie isn’t here, that would have been the worst-case scenario for both of us.

  When I left to get lunch there were a few signs that something was off. A couple shiny new black SUVs were completely out of place in the warehouse district.

  Smooth, guys. The situation itself was laughable. A target aware of the undercover agents watching him, who were in turn cognizant of their poor cover. As silly as it was, however, there were likely another handful of agents who were much more cleverly hidden, using the obvious men as a distraction.

  There wasn’t anything I could do about it. I had practically dared McCrown to sic as many men on me as possible. And so he had. They still hadn’t prevented me from going out and saving Jackie the night before, and if they’d had any idea I had been gone then I wouldn’t have made it within five miles of the clubhouse.

  There was a car I didn’t recognize in the parking lot when I got back from a hasty fast food lunch. Visitors weren’t exactly unheard of, but they weren’t common. It could be one of the groups with stakes in the information Jackie had given to the FBI.

  I dropped into a crouch and slowly made my way upstairs, eyes scanning the reception area and hallway as I went. Could it be possible that the double agent is here, coming to finish me? It was really only a matter of time before he tried; as long as I was alive there was the possibility that I would unmask him, and then his subterfuge at the FBI would be over.

  The heavy wooden door to my office swung on silent hinges at a touch. There was a figure waiting in my chair.

  I relaxed and stood up. “McCrown. You’ve made yourself at home.”

  The short man was reclined, feet up on my desk, facing towards the door.

  “Well I had to wait for a little while, I figured you’d get back from lunch a long time ago.”

  It was a lie, of course. He would be directly wired into the agents outside, and he’d know the second I left the restaurant, any traffic lights I hit on the way here, and the moment that my car’s engine turned off in the parking lot outside.

  I decided to ignore the statement. “To what do I owe the pleasure? What could have possibly happened overnight that you felt the need to come and see me? You obviously know that I never left here last night.” It wasn’t uncommon enough of a circumstance that it would have raised suspicion on its own.

  Of course, there is a lot more to last night then that, and we both know it.

  The look he gave me was shrewd, and calculating. I remained impassive, unwilling to give him any shred of information that he didn’t already have. If he was going to try and pin Jackie’s disappearance from the FBI’s safe house on me, I wasn’t going to do anything to help him.

  That didn’t mean I’d be able to resist prodding him a little.

  “You’d said that Jackie was in danger when I questioned you yesterday,” McCrown said. “What kind of danger did you mean?”

  So you’re going to beat around the bush, are you?

  “I think it’s pretty clear,” I said. “You’ve escalated her from just working a job here at our legitimate shipping business to spying on a motorcycle club. I know that she’s blameless, but I can’t tell the other leaders of the club that without revealing some things that neither of us really want them to know.”

  McCrown raised his eyebrows. “You expect me to believe that you aren’t a fully-fledged criminal now, Hamilton? If that’s your explanation, then you may as well admit right now that Jackie disappeared because of you.”

  “Disappeared? You fucking lost her?” I knew the revelation was coming, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to feign true surprise. Instead I used anger as my crutch, and let loose some of the feelings I’d kept pent in during my meeting with McCrown the day before. “What the fuck did I say to you, McCrown? I told you the woman was going to be in serious danger, and you let something happen to her that same day?”

  The FBI agent was caught off guard. “We didn’t lose her. Someone killed our man and took her. Whether she’s alive or dead right now I don’t know, but there’s no trace of her at the safe house.”

  “And because you lot are so utterly incompetent, you had to turn to the one man who warned you that she was in danger instead of figuring out who actually might have good cause to want her dead, is that right?” Loathing and contempt dripped from my voice, and I only hoped that McCrown wasn’t too dull to recognize it.

  Then again, if McCrown isn’t just too stupid to realize how little sense his line of reasoning makes, then there is only one other possible explanation. Maybe he’s the plant put into the FBI by the enemy.

  It was a sobering thought. McCrown had a lot of influence inside the agency, and it would explain why my star had dropped so rapidly there and why everyone had been so ready to distrust me.

  “Jesus, Shane. It’s not like I hauled you downtown this time, alright? I know you were heree last night and that you didn’t contact anyone. I came out to your office since there was a big development in the case.”

  “Yeah, well thank you but get out, I have work to do.” I steamed, waiting to see if he would actually go or whether I’d pushed him just far enough that he would take me into custody out of spite.

  After a tense few moments, McCrown got heavily to his feet and walked past me out the door, not saying another word.

  Boredom was my enemy.

  There was nothing but danger out there for me, so said Shane. Nowhere I could go and find more safety than I already had in the safe house. The way he looked at it, even stepping out the front door could get me killed.

  I had to make do within the four walls of the small building, with very little to do. I couldn’t use my cell phone or the internet, since Shane insisted that the government would be watching all of my different accounts and the second that they saw any action on them, agents would be swarming both of us.

  It was hard to realize exactly how much I depended on the internet until it was no longer there. No email, no Facebook. No Google. Hell, not even trashy gossip websites. I couldn’t use my Kindle app, or even read Wikipedia in case I forgot and logged in to anything.

  Shane brought home a couple of books every day for me to read, but I was getting sick of staring at a page for ten to twelve hours every day.

  The only thing that broke up the monotony and lent me some sanity was seeing Shane every night. We had progressed past the point where all we did was have sex, although it was unavoidable that we would jump each other’s bones as soon as we saw each other. After the first bout, however, we talked.

  I learned more about Shane and his upbringing. Stories of his time in the marines. He learned more about my parents and the comparatively mild childhood I’d led halfway across the country. It struck me just how full a life he had led; how many different parts of the human condition he had witnessed and lived.

  He was an endless treasure trove of wonder. A Hollywood scriptwriter should have written down his life story for a series of blockbusters. I sat enthralled as he told tales of his time over in the Middle East, captivated as he spoke of some of the close calls he had, and some of the good times with friends he had made.

  The conversations we had drew us closer together, but it only made the time apart seem that much more desolate and the passage of time more glacial while I waited for him to come home each day.

  After a week of solitude, I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Fuck this,” I announced to the perpetually empty house. “I need some fresh air.”

  I knew th
at there was a car in the garage, just waiting to be driven. Shane drove his motorcycle from the clubhouse when he went out during the day; the car was only for when he needed to do something under the radar without alerting the FBI agents that he was out, avoiding the inevitable tail.

  It felt good, pulling out onto the street. The sun was shining, and I opened the sunroof to allow the warm breeze and the sunlight into the cabin.

  Hell yeah!

  The bright natural light and fresh air worked to raise my mood better and faster than anything except for Shane, but even he couldn’t lift my spirits the same way being outside in the happy sunshine was able to. I flipped on the radio and smiled as Katy Perry flooded the cabin through the premium sound system.

  You hear my voice, you hear that sound

  Like thunder, gonna shake the ground


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