Sun & Shyne: Growing Pains

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Sun & Shyne: Growing Pains Page 14

by Sa'id Salaam

  “Sho’ nuff!” Officer Rice agreed quickly. He gave her a deep kiss, despite his semen being in her mouth, and departed.

  Mary heard her mother marching down the hall and knew she was headed her way. She turned the water up higher hoping to get off before she made it to her, but it wasn’t to be.

  “Come on up outta there! I need to get to my hot water bottle,” Lady demanded while knocking on the door with her open palm.

  “Okay!” Mary huffed and climbed out of the tub. She was near tears when she reached her lonely bed. Something had to give and quickly.

  Chapter 9

  “Hey Lady, Mary. Heeeey Billy!” the server greeted as the family was seated in The Rib Shack. Word was really getting around about the boy’s penis prowess, which is why she batted her eyes flirtatiously.

  “Hey Carlita. Is err’thang okay?” Lady asked frowning up curiously at her greeting. Mary echoed, her facial expression saying that she wondered the same.

  “Just great!” Carlita cheered while poking her chest out towards Billy, who sat staring off out the window.

  “O…kay. Anyway, give us three plates of burnt ends with all the fixin’!” Lady ordered in excitement.

  “Y’all must be celebrating?” Carlita asked while still trying to catch the boy’s eye.

  “It’s my brother’s birthday,” Mary tossed in proudly.

  “Sho’ nuff! I’ma hafta fix him up somethin’ special! Somethin’ good and hot!’ she said finally catching his eye. “Um, Mary, why I ain’t seent your gals in her in a bit? They alright?”

  The query sounded sincere but Carlita was really just being nosey. Anytime anyone breaks their routine there was a reason for it and she hoped that their reason was juicy. The best and most recent gossip was found at Thelma’s beauty parlor, but the waitress’s large wig collection kept her from frequenting the joint.

  “They fine,” Mary replied, although she’d been wondering the same thing. Once the other girls started eating dick they gave up on eating the BBQ tour of Memphis. Shawna was already losing weight from her change in diet.

  “That’s good!” the waitress said happily even though she wasn’t disappointed. She put on a great display of shaking her ass as she departed to fill their order.

  Lady twisted her lips as she watched her son watch the waitress’s large ass shifting under her tight dress. “Guess you is becomin’ a man,” Lady admitted. In truth she was the last to notice that her son was filling out and sprouting facial hair to go along with his deepening voice, which he softened whenever he spoke to his mama.

  “Yessum Ma’am. Got a job and err’ythang,” Billy said lifting his chin proudly. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small roll of money. The lone ten atop all the ones made it look like more than it was.

  “Where you get all that from?” Mary exclaimed. She planned on checking her stash under the floorboard as soon as they got home.

  “From the pool hall. I wash cars, shine shoes, run errands…”

  “What kinda errands? And fo’ who?” Lady demanded, cutting her son off. Billy may have just discovered the pool hall but Lady was very familiar with it and the type that frequented it.

  “Fo’ Sammy! I be goin’ to The Rib Shack, to fetch soda pops, shine…”

  “Oh, okay. I was finna say!” Lady said fanning herself in relief. The last time she was in there some pimp had sweet talked her out of her clothes and into her bed and left a baby behind. “Well, you can pay fo’ the meal then big timer. You can start payin’ a lil’ rent too!”

  All banter came to an abrupt end when the food came out. Carlita had let another button loose on her dress so that Billy could see some titty when she served him.

  “Ooh! Excuse me,” Lady giggled as she ripped one at the end of the meal. Her children joined in on her flatulence. It was a party after all. Besides, a family that smashes together passes gas together.

  “Happy Birthday to you…Happy Birthday to you…” the waitress sang as she did the wedding march toward their table. In her hands was a thick slice of red velvet cake with a single candle flaming on top.

  Lady and Mary joined in and sang the song until the end. Carlita had now removed her bra and undid yet another button. One of her titties swung free as she leaned over to put the cake in front of Billy.

  “Chile, please!” Lady huffed at the thirsty display before she turned to her son. “Go on, William, make a wish.”

  Billy furrowed his brow as he contemplated on what to wish for. He was quite fond of pussy but was getting plenty so he shook that idea from his thoughts. He also liked money, weed, and wine but pounding pussy paid for those. His mind flashed to Leroy and the power he possessed. Settled on a desire, Billy nodded his head. He then leaned forward and blew out the candle.

  Billy paid for his own birthday meal and tipped Carlita. Now he was eager to hit the streets so that he could make a few runs to replenish what he’d spent. The playful tone of his family’s conversation changed in an instant once they reach their house.

  “Well, I gotta go to work,” Billy announced as his mom and sister ascended the stairs to their porch together.

  “You finna wash cars all gussied up?” Lady frowned her face into a question mark.

  “Huh? I mean…Ma’am?” Billy said scrambling for a lie.

  “Go on ‘head now fo’ you lie to me,” Lady said waving her hand. “Don’t be out there doing nothin’ you ain’t got no business doin’!”

  “No ma’am!” he vowed truthfully. He was going to see Shonda’s mom to lay some pipe and she liked for him to dress up. Laying pipe was his business which made his statement true. He had a smug smile on his face as he headed up the block.

  “You wanna play some Tonk?” Mary asked her mother hopefully. The girl was eager to do anything other than her usual nothing.

  “Chile, you gon’ have to play by yo’self! Mama finna have company,” Lady huffed and headed to her room to get ready.

  “Okay,” Mary mumbled dejectedly. With nothing else to do she went and got on her back in the tub to let the water trickle down and lick her vagina until she came.

  Chapter 10

  Billy made his rounds around town much like a rooster does in a hen house. After putting the dick to Shonda’s mama he went into Shonda’s room and broke her off too. He then took a smoke break at the pool hall to smoke a couple of sticks with Byron. They also polished off a bottle of wine before Billy was off to see Bernice and lastly Shawna.

  Leroy allowed the boy to run around selling dick even though he had bigger plans for him. Byron was eager but it was clear that Billy was the leader. Dollar Bill was a natural born leader. An absolutely perfect prerequisite for pimpin’.

  He made it home shortly before night turned back into day. He was dead tired from sexing so he pulled his clothes off and fell face first on the bed. It was nice and quiet when he went to sleep but the shit hit the fan when he awoke.

  “Don’t make no damn sense!” Lady huffed as she went around the house gathering clothes so she could do the weekly laundry.

  Mary had panties and bras in the front room while Billy had socks and shirts under the sofa. The bathroom hamper was nearly empty since her kid’s clothes were everywhere but in it. She went into Billy’s room and saw him laid out on his back with his mouth wide open. His morning erection peeked out of the top of his drawers, so she tossed his sheet on him to cover it.

  “This can help do the laundry,” Lady said when his pants jiggled. She dug her hand in his pocket and pulled out the contents. The bills went on his dresser, the coins went in her pocket, and the sticks of reefer froze her in her place. “William Cash!”

  “Huh? What? Wait!” he shouted, trying to fend off the attack from his mother, who’d dove on his bed and got on his ass.

  “Boy…I…know…you…ain’t…got…no…dope…in…my…house!” she said in between blows.

  “Wait! Hol’ up, Mama! I can explain!” he tried to explain, while getting whooped with his own belt.
He grabbed it but stopped short of snatching it away from his mama.

  “Explain then! Cuz I wanna know why you got this shit in my house!” she demanded sticking the sticks in his face. He reached for them too but Lady pulled them away and put them in her bra.

  “What’s going on, Mama?” Mary asked wiping the sleep from her eyes as she came to see what the commotion was about. She felt her large panties getting wet as her eyes locked on the lump in her brother’s drawers.

  “This nigga don’ brought drugs in my house! Get dressed, you goin’ to see Pastor Paul!”

  “Wait Mama, I just found it on my way home and picked it up. Just throw it away. We ain’t gotta go to Pastor’s house!” Billy pleaded as he ran behind his mother. He had to run to keep up with her long angry strides as she marched him across town.

  “Mm hm,” she huffed and kept right on marching.

  “Come on, Mama! I swear fo’ God I won’t’ smoke or drank no mo’! Just don’t take me to Pastor Paul’s!” Billy pleaded.

  “Drank! Oh, so you been drankin’ too?” Lady exclaimed and went into the next gear.

  Dollar Bill could only shake his head at telling on himself. He decided to keep quiet for the rest of the trek across town. The generous tithes from the poor congregation meant that Pastor and Mrs. Paul didn’t live in the hood. Billy frowned in confusion at the big houses with the manicured lawns. Not one, but two shiny Cadillacs sat in front of the preacher’s stately house. Lady was still bitching as they walked up the walkway. The front door was pulled open before they reached it.

  “How can I help you?” Mrs. Paul asked, indignant by the intrusion. Although Pastor Paul preached that his door was always open that didn’t mean to come to his house.

  “We need to talk to Pastor! I don’ found a stick of reefer in this boy pants!” Lady said producing the evidence.

  “What’s going on out here?” Pastor asked as he came up the hallway. His wife stepped aside so he could handle the situation.

  “I found dope in his pocket!” Lady raised her right hand as if she was testifying.

  “Drive Miss Lady home. I got him,” Pastor said stepping aside so Billy could enter. Billy lowered his head and did just that.

  Pastor led him through the well-appointed house until they reached the den. All Billy saw was plush carpet, wood paneling, and a huge floor model T.V.

  “Boys this is William Cash. Y’all say hello,” Pastor ordered to the three boys present. They all were slightly older than him and all were slightly feminine.

  “Hey William,” two of the three quickly greeted before turning back to the western on the T.V. The other batted his long lashes, rolled his eyes, and pursed his thick lips together.

  “You too, Earl,” Pastor prodded.

  “Hey!” the boy uttered real sassy, like sissies do. Billy suddenly remembered him from being a member of the church’s choir. None of the congregation knew it but the boy wore nothing but a pair of panties under his choir robe. That’s why his mama had taken him to see Pastor Paul. She’d come home one day and found some strange man with his dick way down her son’s throat.

  “Hey,” Billy said stoically and then took a seat on the other side of the room.

  “You’re now a part of my Junior Pastor Team. I’ma teach you how to preach, pastor, and spread the gospel. You gon’ get some new clothes, shoes, keep a haircut, and keep a few dollars in yo’ pocket. One day you’ll be head of yo’ own flock and have a nice house, car, and whatever else it is you want,” Pastor Paul explained. Billy was ready to dismiss it until he heard the part about the shiny new Cadillac.

  “Oh, but we got rules! Tell ‘em rule number one, Earl!”

  “Whatever go on in Junior Pastor Team stays in Junior Pastor Team,” Earl said, moving his neck like a girl.

  “Say it back!” the preacher preached.

  “Whatever happens in Junior Pastor Team stays in Junior Pastor Team,” Billy repeated.


  “So…what you gon’ do with the um…reefer?” Mrs. Paul finally asked as she drove Lady home. Lady gave her the once over before replying.

  “I’ma smoke this shit!” she finally shot back. The First Lady replied with a wide smile and pushed the car lighter in. They were both red eyed and giggly by the time they reached Lady’s rundown house. The preacher’s wife stared straight ahead so not to be reminded where she’d come from. –People always tell other people not to forget where they came from. Those people need to shut the fuck up. If you came from poverty and hardship who wants to reminisce on that shit!

  “See you Sunday,” The First Lady said as a goodbye and pulled off.

  “Mary!” Lady called out when she walked into the empty front room. A second later Mary came out of the bathroom wet from her date with the faucet. “Chile, you don’ bathed again?”

  “Mama, it’s hot and I’m just tryna stay clean,” Mary replied on wobbly knees. “I’m just tryna stay clean.”

  “Mm hm,” Lady murmured skeptically. “Anyway, you wanna play some Tonk?”

  Mary did and so they did. Lady was up a few dollars when Billy finally made it home. He was already mourning the loss of his weed and money so a day with Pastor and his crew only made him want a drink.

  “Well, what he say?” Lady asked when he walked in.

  “Um…I’m on the Junior Pastor Team,” he said with all the enthusiasm of someone who’d just received a cancer diagnosis. He stopped and twisted his lips ruefully wondering if he hadn’t said too much. He definitely wasn’t saying nothing about the T-bone steak and baked potatoes Pastor had fed them.

  “My baby gon’ be a preacher!” Lady shouted, like she did when in church. She then jumped up and raised her hands in joy, just like she did at church.

  “I guess,” he shrugged. He didn’t know about all that but he was interested in all the perks. Learning to drive, dress, and talk proper were all skills he could use in the streets. Now that’s where he really wanted to be.

  “Well, mama got company coming so…” Lady said excusing herself.

  “I’m finna go holla at Byron,” Billy said and made his escape.

  “Guess I’ll take a bath,” Mary said in defeat.




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