Distortion (Somnia Online Book 5)

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Distortion (Somnia Online Book 5) Page 38

by K. T. Hanna

  Level Forty-Five (45)


  Cast: Area of Effect

  Type: Debuff

  Duration: Instant cast, 45 second duration, 45 second recast

  Effect: This spell will strip down the target’s magical resistance by 100% of the caster’s level. Note: Doing this will increase your aggro from the targets you hit. Reducing aggro beforehand is recommended. Unless you’re trying to die. Then go ahead.


  Cast: Area of Effect

  Type: Debuff

  Duration: 45 seconds, recast 120 seconds

  Effect: This spell will lower the threat level of a group of NPCs. Much like the earlier Soothe spell, this will only last for a brief time, and only work if you are out of sight before the spell wears off. Any type of attack will nix this effect. Can be fun if you’re being held prisoner and want a chance to run for it.


  Cast: Area of Effect

  Type: Debuff

  Duration: Instant, 60 second recast

  Effect: This spell allows you to remove a beneficial buff from a group of enemies within a limited area of effect. The caster of the buff will receive backlash from this spell and may hyper focus on you for removing it. Be warned.

  Esoteric Fix

  Cast: Area of Effect

  Type: Cure

  Duration: Instant, 60 second recast

  Effect: If more than half your group is affected by the same magical debuff or effect, then this is the best way to cure them of it. This group debuff Cure does have a limited radius, like all AoE spells. Please make sure your group members are within casting distance.

  Druidic Hybrid Abilities

  Earth Shielding

  Cast: Passive

  Type: Reinforcement

  Duration: Always active

  Effect: Due to the psionicist’s unique nature, earth shielding will reinforce any of your psionicist based skills such as thought shielding, thought projection, and thought sensing, making them more robust and upping your mental defenses. Any other skills gained through the psionicist’s branch will also be effected by this, including any kinetic skills.

  Reinforce Self

  Cast: Passive

  Type: Reinforcement

  Duration: Always active

  Effect: Similar to earth shielding which effects your skills, this ability allows your body to take more damage, upping your innate armor class by your level times two — effectively making cloth armor reflect the protection curboiled leather might grant you.

  Reinforce Intelligence

  Cast: Passive

  Type: Nature’s awareness

  Duration: Always active

  Effect: Nature is all seeing and all encompassing. This ability allows you to take on some of that wisdom and intelligence, and apply it to yourself. It increases both of those statistics by the enchanter’s level, giving rise to a larger mana pool, and slightly heightened damage.

  Earth Pull

  Cast: Instant—three-minute recast

  Type: Buff

  Duration: thirty seconds

  Effect: This allows any buff that is chosen to triple in potency for a thirty second duration. It’s activated first, followed by the buff. Make sure you time it properly. Can only be cast on one person at a time, and does not include group buffs. No refunds.

  Binding Shield

  Cast: Instant—five minute recast

  Type: Linked Buff

  Duration: Fifteen seconds

  Effect: You can offer an earth shield to two allies (including yourself if you’re going to be selfish and all). This shield will share the damage between the two allies, metering out damage proportionally. Use wisely. Don’t try this at home.

  Nature’s Gift

  Cast: Passive

  Type: Awareness

  Duration: Permanent

  Effect: You have become acutely aware of your surroundings. Of the life in everything, in the trees, in the forest, in each and every being you encounter. This lends you a connection to nature. Don’t dismiss it lightly.

  Sinuous Abilities

  Sinuous: This is the more offensive avenue to take. From hypnotic suggestion, through to invoked visions, this path veers toward complete mind infestation of the enchanter’s opponents. This is only available to psionicists.

  Hypnotic Suggestion

  Cast: Instant—5 minute recast

  Type: Offensive

  Duration: twenty seconds

  Effect: Your target will perform whatever task you suggest to them, as if it had been suggested by themselves, or their leader. Once this objective has been achieved, or else the spell wears off, the target will spend five seconds in rampant confusion. Should you not be in aggro range, the target will then forget you. Probably not good to use on allies - it’s not been tested on them.

  Feedback Loop

  Cast: Instant—5-minute recast

  Type: Offensive

  Duration: 15 seconds or 50% of caster’s level, whichever is greater.

  Effect: Must be used in conjunction with the psionic MA thought sensing, and thought projection. Pluck any type of memory out of the head of your opponent and create a feedback loop in their mind. They’ll be stuck in this loop and not attack anyone for the duration. Damage ticks at caster’s level x 2 every tic (3 seconds). Best not to use on a friend when they piss you off.

  Basic Visions

  Cast: Instant—3-minute recast

  Type: Offensive

  Duration: 20 seconds, or 75% of the caster’s level, whichever is greater.

  Effect: You may create and insert a vision for the target to experience—its best to have some of these pre-prepared. This will cause them damage (caster’s level x 2 per tick), and distraction for the duration of the spell depending on what type of vision you’ve given them.

  Level Thirty (30)

  Possession I

  Cast: Instant - 5 minute recast

  Type: Offensive

  Duration: 20 seconds

  Effect: Force your way into the mind of your target and assume control for up to twenty seconds. Make sure the target is debuffed for maximum duration. Don’t even contemplate being in the target when it dies. It’s a very bad idea.

  Sudden Drop

  Cast: Instant - 10 minute recast

  Type: Offensive Debuff

  Duration: 20 seconds

  Effect: A forced debuff wave that overrides the enemy’s natural defenses and convinces them that all their stats have dropped by an amount equivalent to the caster’s level. Lasts for 25 seconds. Cannot be resisted.

  Level Thirty-Five (35)

  Cast: Mana Block

  Type: Specific Mana aimed stun

  Duration: 6 seconds, recast 45 seconds

  Effect: This is, effectively, a stun which blocks the use of mana of an opponent. It will also interrupt any current ability being cast when it hits. For its duration the target will be unable to utilize any of their mana based skills for six seconds. Be cautious with timing this spell as it has a forty-five second recast and if you cast it at the wrong time, you might just kill everyone.

  Mana Theft

  Cast: Instant - 5 minute recast

  Type: Offensive

  Duration: Not applicable

  Effect: This ability allows the enchanter to steal mana from their opponent. It will not only steal a large chunk of mana from the opponent, but will also inflict in damage the same amount stolen during the Mana theft. When used in conjunction with mana-drain, this can debilitate the target and keep the group in mana when juggled well.


  Cast: Instant - 5 minute recast

  Type: Offensive

  Duration: lasts twenty seconds

  Effect: T
his ability allows the enchanter to apply a DoT to the target where it will drain the mana and share it out toward the group. The DoT is one of both physical damage and mana loss. While it ticks slowly, the damage can backlash if it is prematurely cleansed off your target, even if its by the target themselves. Be aware that nothing that drains mana in a violent way is a good thing, but sometimes there are necessary evils.

  Level Forty (40)


  Cast: Enemies

  Type: Debuff

  Duration: 12 seconds (maximum four seconds if cast on a boss)

  Recast: 5 minutes

  Effect: Envelops the opponents brain in a cloud of confusion. This allows their spells to misfire, hitting their allies, and usually avoiding their enemies completely. Effect severely diminished when used on boss mobs.

  Thought Leech

  Cast: Enemies (or friends if you’re really nosy)

  Type: thought transfer

  Duration: immediate

  Recast: 4 minutes

  Effect: Allows the Psionicist to know the order of the next three abilities or spells the target is going to cast. Can effectively render the attacks useless if countered in time. Can also be totally useless if used incorrectly. Good luck!

  Level Forty (40)

  Hypnotic Charm

  Cast: Others

  Type: Mind Control

  Duration: Minimum duration is half the caster’s level in seconds, maximum is two times the caster’s level in seconds.

  Effect: This spell is a hybrid of Charm and Hypnotic Suggestion. It is specifically designed to briefly control an enemy character. Be wary of the time limits. It is recommended you navigate away before the earliest possible break in control.


  Feedback Loop Sinuous Ability =Feedback Loop - Reckoning

  Cast: Instant - 120 minute recast

  Type: Offensive - Maximum four targets

  Duration: Half the level of the caster in minutes

  MA Cost: 150 MA for the entire duration

  Warning: This is a spell that you will need to consider the ramifications of deeply before casting. Overuse could result in permanent scars to your psyche. It will also heavily impact your current MA availability.

  Effect: Must be used in conjunction with the psionic MA Thought Sensing, and Thought Projection. Pluck any type of memory out of the head of an attacker, foe, or friend and create a feedback loop in your target(s) mind(s). They will be stuck in this loop and not attack anyone for the duration.

  Effect Warning: Note that this is a cycle of torment and will render the target useless for its entire duration. Use with caution.

  Mana Drain = Mana Drain - Unabridged

  Cast: Instant - 20 minute recast

  Type: Offensive - Maximum fifteen targets

  Duration: Half the level of the caster in seconds

  MA Cost: 150 MA for the entire duration

  Warning: You must consider the ramifications of this spell before casting it. Overuse may result in permanent scars to your psyche. It heavily impacts MA availability. This is meant as a pinch hitter. Use only in emergencies.

  Effect: Must be used in conjunction with the psionic MA Thought Sensing and Thought Projection. This spell analyzes the targets in the area of effect and siphons their mana, or mana type of energy. If that energy is used to sustain the target, this spell will effectively kill, or close to kill them. The energy will be transferred to you and your group or raid, replenishing current mana levels.

  Effect Warning: When replenishing your comrades’ mana pool, the transfer will demand damage be taken as recompense. You cannot avoid this side effect. Everything is a matter of give and take. Be warned.

  Basic Vision spell = Mind Healing.

  Cast: Instant - 5 minute recast

  Type: Restorative

  Duration: 20 seconds, or 75% of the caster’s level, whichever is greater.

  Effect: You may create and insert a vision for the target to experience—it’s best to have some of these pre-prepared. This will not cause any damage but instead assist in soothing a tormented mind. Use with caution and be aware that people who could benefit from this skill might be closer than you realize.

  I have a lot of people to thank, who in at least some way encouraged me to write in general, or else to write this book specifically.

  Love of my life, Trevor, and my little Kami. It’s his fault I found the genre, and her fault I never give up on writing.

  I wouldn’t be here without the following friends:

  Jami Nord & Owen Littman

  Heather Cashman


  Heather Gilbert

  M. Andrew Patterson


  Amanda W.

  Quinton Shyn



  Dawn Chapman

  Alexis Keane

  Bonnie Price

  Nick Kuhns

  Richard Hummel

  Stephen Morse

  Felissa Ely

  Anthea Sharp

  Andrea Parseneau

  Cait Greer

  M Evan Matyas

  Ian Mitchell

  To those readers on RR whose help and readership has been invaluable:

  Thank you all for reading and so much for the amazing feedback! I know I’ve probably forgotten someone. If you read this on RR in its early stages and conmented or reviewed, please know it means the world to me.

  Endless Paving



  Cyan Snake









  Thank you all so much for your support!

  Ma & Pa




  Kylie B



  Jonathan C

  Amanda W

  John C


  Violet R

  Janis N





  Stuart G

  Jamie N

  Viktor L

  Ryan C

  J.S. Grulke






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