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by Shameek Speight


  - A Novel Written by -

  Shameek A. Speight

  Copyright © 2012 by Shameek A. Speight

  Published by True Glory Publications LLC


  First Edition

  Email: [email protected]

  Follow on Twitter: Bless_45

  Facebook: Shameek A. Speight

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organization, establishments, locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.

  Cover design/Graphics:

  Editor: Shawnna Robinson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying recording or by information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission from the publisher and writer.

  Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


  I dedicate this book to my sister’s Audrina aka ‘Nina’ and Fatima aka ‘Timababy’. Thank you for believing in my dreams and always being there for me, I love you both. I also dedicate this book to all the women that have brothers. Never doubt your brothers love for you, he will do anything For the Love of His Sisters.


  It has only been the power of God, my lord and savior Jesus Christ that I have been able to persevere through many of the trials I’ve been dealt in my life. I thank him for giving me the strength to move on.

  To my family, my beloved sisters, thank you for believing in me. To my mother, I love you very much. To my aunt, I love you. To my daughter, Niomi, I do all this for you Princess. To Shawnna Robinson, you been my right hand pushing me along the way and I love you for it, thank you so much. To all the men and women who are locked up, hold your head up and keep your faith there will be a brighter day. To my niggas in the hood, I told you I could sell books. To Antonio Inch Thomas, thank you for teaching me all about the book game. To all the fans, thank you for all your support. To my Facebook Group, Team True Glory, you’re the best, I love every one of you we’re more than a team we’re a family.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Also by Shameek Speight

  Coming In 2013

  Important Note to Readers

  Previous editions of the For the Love of My Sisters series included the first few chapters of this Part 2 at the end of Part 1. To improve the story for my readers, I decided in January, 2013 to move the last few chapters of Part 1 to the opening portion of Part 2.

  If Chapter 1 is familiar to you, you likely read the earlier edition, in which case you may want to skim or skip ahead slightly.

  - Shameek

  Chapter 1

  Muscles jumps out of his sleep with sweat covering his body, the same nightmare he had as a child replays over and over in his head. He closed his eyes and could still see it clearly. It was more like he was reliving his past. He could see his mother’s face twisted and moaning with pleasure, while screaming the man’s name that was pounding her from the back, ‘Jon-Jon, yes Jon-Jon, fuck me!’ then the dream would fast forward to his father laying in the hospital bed covered in bed sores, dying from Aids, ‘Get him Shawn, get the man who done this to our family.’

  Muscles reopen his eyes, but his father’s voice still echoed in his head. He looked to see his arms wrapped around Luscious’ thick redbone body, wearing nothing but black panties with the matching bra. From the corner of his eyes he could see the bandage on her thigh that Nina wrapped around it after stitching up her wound.

  Luscious sensed that Muscles was up, she began to wiggle closer to his body, “Mmmm, boy the way you’re holding me, I was thinking you wanted some of this,” she said while playfully arching her butt on his crotch.

  “Girl your ass is crazy, you know I have a woman and my ass just didn’t want to sleep on the floor last night.” he replied while getting up and putting on his shirt.

  Luscious looked at his strong arms flex as he puts on his clothes. “I bet if you lay here a little longer your ass would forget you had a woman,” Luscious responded while licking her lips.

  “You’re right, that’s why I’m getting up,” Muscles said with a smile on his face.

  “Muscles my leg hurts.”

  “Alright, there’s some pain killers Nina left on the dresser, I’ll get them.”

  “Nigga fuck some damn pain killers, get me some weed, that’s my damn pain killer,” “Hahahaha,” the two of them bust out laughing.

  “Girl you’re crazy,” Muscles walks over to his dresser and opens the drawer to see half an ounce of purple haze and a chrome nine millimeter gun, sitting there on top of the clothes. His mind raced back to the night all this started as he looks at the weed and gun he got from his first jux.

  “Muscles where’s the weed?” Luscious moans, breaking him out of his daze.

  He grabs the Ziploc bag full of weed and two Dutch’s, then passed them to her, “Here mami.”

  Muscles walks out the bedroom then looks back at Luscious licking a Dutch and cracking it open. “Yo meet me in the living room when you’re done, if your sexy ass can move.”

  “Shut up Muscles, I can walk, but not until I get my high on,” she said with a smile on her face, while breaking up the weed in the Dutch.

  Muscles walks pass his sister’s old room to see Nina and Velvet getting up with the radio on. Velvet slept in Sasha’s old bed while Nina slept in her old bed. Muscles felt it was best they all stayed the night, the streets were too hot. Muscles walked into the living room and weed smoke hit him in the face.

  “Yo, my back hurts from sleeping on this damn couch,” Homicide said while inhaling smoke from the blunt he was smoking.

  “Yo, have you heard from Bones yet?” Muscles asked while sitting down next to him.

  “Naw, I’m telling you, that fool done went Rambo and did something to his workers. I could see it in his eyes, he took the loss of his cousin pretty hard,” Homicide responded.

  Just then Luscious limps in the living room wearing a red sweat suit Nina gave her. She plops down on the couch in between Homicide and Muscles with her lit blunt in between her lips. “Yo Muscles, this haze is good as fuck, how long has this been sitting in there?”

  “About three months,” Muscles replied.

  Muscles looked at Luscious red eyes and knew that she was high and this was the best time to tell her. “Luscious, I don’t know how to tell you this, so I’m just going to come straight out and say it, Peaches was killed last night doing the jux.”

Luscious yelled.

  “She was killed with Cory; they said she got shot at the front door before she even got in, from what the workers told me last night.”

  “I don’t believe this; she was my girl, she was only nineteen Muscles. I think those two workers set her up, I’m going to kill them when I see them,” she said while crying hysterically.

  Muscles opened his arms and wrapped them around her, pulling her close, “I’m sorry Luscious. I know she was close to you, she was like a little sister to me.”

  “Does Velvet know?”

  “Yes she knows, no one wanted to tell you last night because you were hurt and the drugs Nina gave you had you out of it,” Muscles replied.

  Nina came running in the living room, “Turn on the TV to the news, it’s all over the radio!” Nina yelled while looking for the remote in between the couch seats. She finds it and pulls it out.

  Velvet enters the room with a look of fear on her face as Nina hits the button and the TV came to life.

  “This is breaking news, this is breaking news,” a Chinese lady from the Channel 11 News kept repeating and began to talk. “Around ten o’clock, at the same time, three high profile robberies took place leaving a body count of close to 90. There’s no other word to call these robberies, but the Queens Massacre. A tractor trailer was jacked and robbed on the North Conduit Highway, the robbers gunned down the driver and five more men with Uzi’s were also gunned down as well. As of now we don’t know if they took something or if they were protecting what was inside the tractor trailer. The same tractor trailer was later found in Springfield, abandoned wide open with about 90 pounds of marijuana. With no sight of the, would be robbers, the police are still looking for suspects. Around the same time in the Lefrak City Complex, there were six home invasions, two apartments in three buildings, leaving more than twenty four people dead. Among them was a 12 year old girl.”

  Luscious closed her eyes as she flashed back to the scene where the girl shot at her and then she emptied a clip into her not knowing it was a child she was shooting at. Luscious snaps back to reality and listens as the Chinese lady reporter speaks.

  “Also among the dead, a sixteen year old boy and a nineteen year old girl with a bullet found in her neck. There was also an unclosed amount of money found in one of the apartments. The next one was the worse, we have footage of the next robbery, and we have information that the F.B.I. was watching a warehouse in Queens for a notorious drug ring known as the Junkyard Crew, known to run the weed trade in Queens. The F.B.I. was watching when four black vans pulled up and looked as if they went to buy drugs, but instead robbed the place. Once the F.B.I. realized what was going on the assumed robbers were already in the vans. There was a high speed chase leaving F.B.I. agents and two N.Y.P.D. cops dead and two of the robbers trapped on a road block where they hopped out the van with their guns drawn and cops and the F.B.I. took them down; they were dead at the scene. N.Y.P.D. and the F.B.I. followed the three vans to a house in Far Rockaway, Queens, where the robbers used machine guns to kill more than twenty police officers and F.B.I. agents and injured five. The suspects were finally gunned down by the SWAT team. Now ladies and gentlemen; I’m about to show you what only Channel 11 News has. While the F.B.I. agents and N.Y.P.D. were in the house collecting evidence the house exploded, killing over 35 people and injuring 15,” the reporter talks while on the TV screen behind her you could see the house exploding. They replayed it over and over then showed bodies on the floor burning and others crying. The whole scene looked like something you’d see in the war in Iraq.

  The reporter begins to speak again, “The fire department said the explosion was caused by C-4 bombs that were set off somehow. In other breaking news the three Tahoe’s that were seen speeding away from the Lefrak City Complex’s after the six home invasions, were found by the Holiday Inn, in South Ozone, Queens on fire with four dead bodies in the trucks badly burned. It looked like the cause of death was gunshot wounds, but it is unclear at this time. The police are searching for a suspect they seen around the scene at the time of the fire, he was last seen running and jumping fences in backyards. If you have any information, please call 1-800-crime-stoppers. Your calls will be kept confidential.

  Muscles and everyone else stood there starring at the TV in shock and fearing for their life and freedom. Muscles grabbed the remote from Nina and changed the channel but the story was being broadcast on every channel.

  “I guess you don’t have to kill Bone’s workers, because he already did that,” Homicide said while looking at Luscious.

  “I can’t believe this shit is happening, I never meant for anyone to get hurt, I didn’t know it would go this far, I just wanted to take better care of my sisters. Now look, there are more dead bodies in the history of Queens all because of me,” Muscles said while burying his face into the palms of his hands trying to fight the tears back.

  Chapter 2

  “Muscles what are we going to do?” Luscious asks the question that was on everybody’s mind, feeling the fear in the room.

  “Yea Muscles, what are you going to do?”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you, did anyone see you all? Is there anyway the police or the Feds can trace this back to you?” Nina asked, praying the answer was no, and she wouldn’t lose her brother.

  Muscles looked up from the palms of his hands, “No one seen our faces, we always wore masks and gloves. I don’t think they can trace Cory and Peaches to us, I say we fall back, I’m done. We won’t even sell the weed that Lil Homicide and the other’s grabbed. We have more than enough money saved. After we count this money in the barrel, we’ll split it and go our separate ways, get low for a while, because shit already hit the fan. Luscious, why didn’t Essence show up last night for the jux?”

  “I don’t know, but that bitch been acting funny lately. I know she’s not getting a cut of this money that I got shot for and Cory and Peaches lost their lives for,” Luscious replied.

  “No not this time, there was too much work and too many people that got hurt and killed, for her not to put in any work and still get paid. She still hasn’t told us any information on Bulltec, that’s your girl so you handle her, but we still have weed in the streets. When the money comes back she can get her cut and it will be the last one, because we’re out!” Muscles stated, while in deep thought wondering how things got so bad.

  “Yea, I have money and I'm making a good income, but at what cost; my soul and our people’s lives, even children, little girls like my sisters.” Flashes of the 12 year old girl shot up by the mp5 ran through his head, then flashes of Peaches being shot in the forehead and her lifeless body falling to the ground. ‘All in the name of money, your lives are lost,’ Muscles thought to his self as an unhopeful feeling washed over him. ‘God forgive me,’ he whispers.

  “Muscles can they trace that house back to you in Bayswater?” Nina asked, she couldn’t shake the feeling of being concerned and couldn’t see her life without her brother. She knew she could lose him behind this. She couldn’t and wouldn’t see it happening.

  Nina’s voice snaps Muscles out his deep thought as her words ran through his mind. The house in Bayswater wasn’t in my name I made sure of that, “Oh shit!” Muscles yelled and jumped up from the couch, “Nina give me your keys to your truck I have to go.”

  From the look on his face Nina knew she asked the right question about the house, she took off running into her bedroom and came back with the keys to her truck.

  “Everybody stay here, I’ll be right back. Let me know if you hear from Bones,” Muscles said as he quickly rushed out the front door and ran down the stairs, out the building.

  He looked both ways then crossed the street to where Nina’s truck was parked; with the keys already in his hand he hit the alarm button. Unlocking the door Muscles hops in and puts it in the ignition starting it up and took off. He made a left turn and drove down the side blocks, until he was in front of the Baisley Park Projects. He looks out the dri
ver side window of the truck and watched the line of fiends early in the morning copping their drugs. In no time he spotted who he was looking for. He hops out the truck and walks toward the building where two young hustlers were serving the fiends.

  “S.B., shit I need to holler at you son!”

  “Alright Muscles, hold on. Yo you take care of the customers while I go holler at my man,” S.B. said to his boy that was next to him and walks away towards Muscles.

  “Damn Muscles, I haven't seen you for a minute now,” S.B. said while giving him a dap and half a hug.

  “Shit the last time I seen you, you were still working at the Pepsi warehouse in Brooklyn.”

  “Yea those motherfuckers fired me, but I’m good, I have a new job so I’m straight, but I need a favor from you?” Muscles knew what he was about to ask S.B. for and he’d keep it between them. S.B may only be eighteen, but he had kids by three different baby moms.

  A few months ago S.B. was up hustling crack for somebody else early in the morning. He knew Muscles worked a regular job, with all the mouths S.B. had to feed and the twenty dollars he made off each ten dimes he sold, it was barely enough money to feed himself so he asked Muscles to hook him up with a job. Muscles didn’t know the young man, but he seen that look of a man who needed to take care of his family, so Muscles talked to his boss and got S.B. a job at the Pepsi warehouse loading trucks with him. They became good friends, but after having the job for a month, he got fired for coming in late one time. S.B. took his last paycheck and bought dope with it and has been doing his own thing ever since, making twenty one thousand a day.

  “Yo S.B., I need some dope.”

  "What! Muscles don’t tell me your using this shit now!”

  “Naw, it’s not for me man.”

  “You know how many times I heard that shit, motherfucker’s be like I’m copping this for my man, and a week later they’re just like fuck it, I need a bundle for eighty dollars, man hook me up so I don’t be sick.”

  “Listen S.B., I don’t have time for this shit, your my man and I’m telling you the shit isn’t for me, so are you going to hook me up or what?”


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