Full Moon Dangers (Full Moon Werewolves Book 1)

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Full Moon Dangers (Full Moon Werewolves Book 1) Page 4

by Lia Violet

  They checked on the sleeping, exhausted Elise in the guest room at the top of the stairs before heading to the large master bedroom at the back of the house.

  Gary swept her into his arms before she could walk through the door, and kissed her as he moved towards the bed.

  As he set her on the large bed, Victoria could see open windows all along the walls, except where French doors led out to a balcony. Moonlight spilled in, and she could see Gary clearly as he pulled off his shirt.

  “This is more than sleeping together, isn’t it?” The details of her dreams were coming back to her.

  He paused, his hands on his jeans. “Yes. If mate sleep together and I bite you, we are together forever. But I wasn’t going to bite you tonight.”

  “You don’t want to?” She pulled off her sweater.

  His eyes seemed to change to a golden color as he tracked every inch of her body. “I can’t think of anything I want more.”

  She reached behind her to unhook her bra and he pounced, moving over her until she was on her back. He finished pulling the bra off of her with his teeth.

  Reaching between them for his pants, she kept stopping to kiss him. The desire was swirling around them as they undressed each other.

  “I want this.” she said into his ear. “I want you, forever.”

  His eyes met hers as he moved back. He was breathing hard. “There’s no going back when you mate with a werewolf, sweetheart. There’s no rush.”

  Her hand stroked his cheek. “I need you.”

  His finger traced the spot on her neck that she knew he’d have to bite. “Sweetheart, it’s been an emotional day.”

  She kissed him fiercely, putting both hands on his face. “I love you. We belong together.” Then she hesitated, pulling back. “Will I have to see the blood?”

  He snorted as he pushed her onto the bed, following with his mouth covering her nipple.

  She arched into him with a cry, enjoying the light scrape of teeth on her sensitive nipple. His mouth moved further down on her body. She gripped his hair. “If you do that I won’t last.”

  “Just a taste.” He took her thighs in his big hands, spreading them so he could lean in and breathe over her damp folds.

  “Gary. Gary,” she chanted, unable to move under his hold as he licked her bare, sensitive skin and drove her crazy.

  His hands moved to her breasts, pinching her nipples lightly as he licked around her clit. “You’re delicious,” he said, his voice coming out in a growl.

  She came suddenly, her legs shaking from the strength of it. “What are you doing to me?”

  She raked her nails over his abs as he reared up over her. “I’m barely in control, Tori. If we’re doing this, we do it now.”

  He helped her roll over and get on her still weak knees. They both cried out as he slid into her in one smooth push, holding himself inside her.

  “Tori, my love. You feel so incredible. So hot, wet, sexy. Mine.”

  She was losing track of his chanted compliments over the long, lovely moments as his rhythm was quickly pulling her into another orgasm. But she felt a flash of nerves as his lips coasted across her upper back to the side of her neck.

  “Ready, love?” He kept the deep thrusts going, and she could tell from the pace that he was close to his own orgasm.

  “Yes. Do it!”

  No sooner had she said the words then she felt his teeth bite hard into the place where her neck met her shoulder.

  Pleasure slammed into her, and she barely felt the pain. The drop of blood she saw drop onto the sheets beneath her didn’t faze her as she was lost in the powerful feelings this man evoked in her. Her hand came up to grip his hair, even as he was pulling his teeth from her skin, then his cock from her sated body.

  She felt him pick her up again, and carry them to the shower. “I don’t know if I can stand.”

  “Tub works for me.”

  Within a few minutes, they were sitting in a tub full of bubbles as she rested her back against Gary’s chest, safe in his arms.

  “How bad does it look?” She couldn’t look when he’d cleaned up the bite.

  She felt his lips kiss her near the bite. “I actually love it, as I know what it means. But it’s not bleeding, honey.”

  He reached in front of her to turn off the hot water, and she grabbed his arm. “What’s that?” A small paw mark that almost looked like a heart was on the inside of his wrist.

  “Where’s yours?” Suddenly he was helping her up, brushing bubbles off of her.

  “My what? Gary?’ She laughed as his fingers tickled her sides.

  “There.” He pointed to the side of her breast. She had a similar mark.

  She stepped over to the mirror to get a better look. “It’s the same as yours. What does it mean?”

  “Mating marks. Not everyone gets them, and it’s really unusual with humans. You’re stuck with me now.”

  Her eye caught on the E tattoo she and her cast mates got, down on her hip, before she looked at her mating mark again.

  “We each have two marks now,” he said, holding out his hand for her to rejoin him in the tub.

  She stepped back in, settling down back in his arms, at peace.

  One year later

  “I can’t believe Hunter married us.” Victoria looked down at the wedding band on her finger.

  “I can’t believe he cried while he married us.” Gary, her new husband, pulled her close in the back of his SUV.

  “It was an emotional night, with our premier party and all.” The buzz for Full Moon Dangers led to offers for a sequel even before the movie was released. Hunter, Aaron, Gary and Elise refused to sign unless Victoria wrote the script.

  The news of their impromptu marriage at the party after the screening had happy fans overshadowing the anti-shifter protestors outside the theater. Gary had gone public with his shifter status a few months before the premiere, and had to tighten up security some as haters tried to harass him.

  The movie was dedicated to Evan, and the interest in Elise had soared to the point where Gary moved her into his well-secured estate with Victoria. Detective Rex Rodriguez helped her with security for outside events, including the teaching she was doing for young actors and actresses at Victoria’s studio. Elise said she felt safer with him around.

  Victoria had gone to the mental health facility where Rosalind was held several times, and Rosalind seemed to have no memory of any of the painful events that led to her incarceration. As of yet, Elise had not gone to visit. Victoria felt like Evan would have wanted his mother cared for, and she thought someday Elise might want to connect with her again.

  “Where are we going?” She could tell they were headed out of town. “I thought we’d have the limo.

  “For someone who didn’t want to be in the acting life for a long time, you’ve become quite the princess.”

  She elbowed him, and he leaned in to bite her earlobe. She shivered, but pushed him away. “Come on. Where are we headed?”

  “A cabin near the forest preserve.”

  “Do I get to watch you run?” Victoria had found peace often in the last several crazy months of filming and interviews while watching her wolf run in the woods behind his home.

  “Of course. But we will have plenty of privacy.”

  She snuggled into him. “What if I wanted you to turn me?”

  He groaned. “We’ve been over this. It is very, very unlikely. It’s mostly a gene thing, though on occasion an attack with several bites can turn a human. Some shifter hospitals can help turn people who want it, but you may not ready and I’m totally okay with that. You could decide to never turn and I wouldn’t care. My sister isn’t a shifter, and she never wanted to turn.”

  Victoria had several conversations with Gary’s family about it. They were open about the shifting in the family history, and said they wished he’d always been open about it. But they also lived on a very remote ranch in Montana. Gary hired security for the ranch when his news came out
as a few haters tried to make trouble with vandalism and harassment, but the family said they didn’t care about that.

  “I might be ready.” She kissed him again, and they were distracted for several moments.

  “I don’t think I am, sweetheart, as much as I’d love sharing that aspect of my life with you. I’ve heard it can be a painful, long process for some humans, even in the hospital.”

  “Can I be turned if I’m pregnant?”

  Gary gripped her shoulders and looked in her eyes. “Are you?”

  She smiled. “I think so, I mean the three tests I took this morning were positive.”

  Her last words were cut off as he kissed her deeply, his hand roaming over her. When they came up for air, she was in his lap, the elaborate hairstyle Maddie did for the premiere hanging down unevenly around her face.

  They grinned at each other before he kissed her again. “We’re not even talking about turning again until after the baby.”

  “Will the baby be a wolf?”

  “I- I don’t know. Remember my sister isn’t.”

  “I want a wolf.”

  “Sweetheart, let’s get used to the idea of a baby first!” He laughed and glanced out the tinted windows. “We’re here.”

  Victoria peeked out at the giant, gated estate with several buildings. “This is the cabin?”

  “Sure. We can still be comfortable, can’t we?” Gary helped her out of the car then picked her up. He kissed her long enough that she forgot where she was.

  “That’s a good one, Gary. We got it.” The larger of the two guards handed Gary his phone.

  “You had him take pictures?” She watched the guys drive to a smaller home across the path.

  Gary laughed and continued carrying her up the steps to the main house. “I thought that would keep the media vultures happy and away for a few days. Open the door, would you?”

  She reached for the doorknob, and smiled as she was carried over the threshold. But he didn’t stop carrying her until they went up the stairs in the middle of the front hallway and into a large bedroom. He placed her on the soft quilt.

  She turned so he could unzip her dress. “Gary?”

  He was kissing each vertebrae in her neck and back as it was uncovered by the opening zipper. “Hmm?”

  “Hurry.” It came out in a low whisper, but she knew he’d heard it as the zipper was suddenly pulled all the way to the bottom, the sides falling off her shoulders.

  “Always in such a hurry.” He kissed the place where he’d bitten her the night they mated.

  “It’s not really our wedding night, right? I mean, that was the night we mated.”

  “That’s true, but we’ll still celebrate this anniversary, too.” He pulled her off the bed for a moment so he could slide her dress the rest of the way off.

  “You’re so romantic.” She’d been surprised to learn that about him. She’d lost track of how many times she’d received flowers or little notes and presents from him.

  “Every day is something to celebrate with you, Tori.”

  She leaned into him, holding him close. “Why are you still dressed?”

  It couldn’t have been more than five seconds before they were both naked and lying on the bed. He was holding his weight above her on his arms.

  “I wouldn’t mind having the werewolf speed; I’ll tell you that.”

  He reached down and ran his fingers over her soft folds. “You’re already wet.”

  “Pretty much since you said I do, I think.” She arched as his fingers danced over her clit. “Don’t tease me.”

  He started to line his cock up with her opening then pulled back. “Is this okay with my weight on you? Maybe you should be on top.”

  “Gary. It’s fine. Go back to where you were.”

  Humor lit his eyes, even as they turned golden with his desire. “Where was that again?” He rolled, taking her with him until she was on top. “I love watching you over me.”

  She braced her arms on his chest, moving to lower herself on his erect cock. She sighed as he filled her completely. But when she started to move, his hands gripped her hips, keeping her in place.

  His hand slid up to her neck, pulling him down to her mouth for a long, kiss. The tip of his tongue rubbed over the roof of her mouth, which he knew she loved.

  She moaned, and tried to move again.

  He sat up with her, which pulled her even further down on himself. “You feel so good, Tori. I could stay inside you forever.” His lips coasted down to her breasts.

  She arched into his mouth. “Ahhh, I’m so sensitive now.”

  He lifted off her breasts. “Should I stop?”

  One of her hands pulled him back to her breast. “Never.”

  His teasing stopped when she wrapped her legs around him, tightening her muscles. He growled as his hands moved her on him then, rocking their bodies together.

  Each movement rubbed her most sensitive places, and his mouth kept working her breasts. She couldn’t get close enough to him, couldn’t get enough of him as she lost herself in the intimacy.

  “Come for me now, Tori.” He pulled her up again, so his mouth was at her ear.

  She was only barely aware of his words even as she did as he commanded, crying out as her feelings crested in searing pleasure.

  His eyes watched her as she wound her arms around his neck, his hands still moving her on him. “So sweet. My Tori. Wife.” He closed his own eyes as he thrust up into her, finding his own release.

  After long moments where the only sound was their breathing, they collapsed into the sheets. Gary pulled Tori next to him as they lay on their sides, his hands stroking her back.

  “You okay?”

  “Why do I feel like you’ll be asking me that thousands of times over the next nine months?”

  He grinned. “Maybe. But are you?”

  She groaned. “Yes, Gary, I’m really fine. We’ll go to the doctor next week and you’ll see that everything is normal. I mean, even if I am carrying a shifter it will work the same, right?”

  He kissed her nose and eyebrows, before leaving a lingering kiss on her forehead. “As far as I know it will be the same. We can consult with shifter doctors too. There’s a really good hospital for shifters here.”

  “Really? That’s terrific.” So you can go film your superhero thing next month and it will all be fine.

  Gary had already thought about the security he’d be hiring for her while he was away, but he didn’t mention that. “Tori, if we have a boy, I want to name it Evan.”

  She kissed him and nothing was said after that for a long time.

  Elise finds her own werewolf in Full Moon Shimmer.

  About Lia Violet

  Lia Violet is the pseudonym for an author of a bestselling Amazon mystery series with recipes who enjoys heat in and out of the kitchen. She writes humorous, sexy stories with author Ginger Leone, especially ones with hot shifters. Enjoy book reviews from her and Ginger Leone at https://www.facebook.com/QuickieRomanceReviews/ or find her on Twitter @LiaVioletAuthor.


  Sign up for her newsletter here.

  Other Stories by Ginger Leone & Lia Violet

  Seasons of Three series

  Three Hearts

  Summer Heat

  Autumn Fever

  Winter Blaze

  The Seasons of Three Collection


  Cougartales (prequel to Hot Hearts Café series)

  Hot Hearts Café

  Sweet Hearts

  Shifted Hearts

  “Spooky Hearts” story in A Wicked Appetite collection

  Foolish Hearts

  Rockin’ Hearts

  “Delicious Hearts” story in Dangerous Curves Ahead collection

  Wolf Training

  Full Moon Werewolves

  Full Moon Dangers

  Full Moon Shimmer (November 2019)

  Full Moon Foretold (December 2019)

  Full Moon Everlasting (January




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