What's a Ghoul to Do? : Fangly, My Dear series

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What's a Ghoul to Do? : Fangly, My Dear series Page 10

by Mardi Ballou

  Antoine wants it all. His way—and his woman.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Byte Marks

  Just a few moments in Antoine Thierry’s company helped Dominique understand the phrase hypnotic vampiric gazes. It took an effort to tear her eyes away, especially since she wanted to keep looking at him, no matter what games he was playing to rivet her attention.

  “How long will you be in San Francisco?” His words flowed into her and took up residence in her most intimate core. This was nuts. All he’d asked was a simple social question.

  “My original plan was to stay a week, but I’m flexible.”

  His eyes glittered, and she winced at the possible erotic images flexible could evoke. Great. Why did she tell him that? It was as if she were saying, “Hey, guy, I’m available.” She wasn’t. After her break-up with Mark, she’d decided it would be a long, long time until she put her heart on the line again for any man. If ever. Logic told her Antoine Thierry was a heartbreaker. She sensed he could damage her in ways that would make Mark’s abandonment look like a romp at the beach.

  “I’m glad to hear that. A week isn’t nearly long enough to sample all we have to offer.” He looked toward Lilith, who nodded in confirmation.

  Time to nip this in the bud. “Though I’m between businesses right now, I still have obligations that might require me to cut short my vacation.”

  He had the most amazing, expressive eyes. “San Francisco is known to charm visitors into changing all sorts of plans.”

  He took her hand and rubbed one finger along the lines and flesh of her palm. The simple motion, perfectly acceptable in and invisible to mixed company, felt downright erotic. Dominique figured she should pull away, but she didn’t know how to do that without looking ungracious, so she let him continue and struggled to hold on to her senses. She swallowed hard. “I’m sure Lilith has made lots of plans for us.”

  “I would consider it a great privilege if you would allow me to give you a special tour of the city tonight. I guarantee I will show you a San Francisco few tourists ever get to visit.” He continued stroking her palm and part of Dominique wanted to agree to anything he was offering.

  But then reason returned. She was Lilith’s guest, for crying out loud. Antoine’s invitation had not included her best friend—the same best friend who’d just been crying on her shoulder about her lack of a social life. How crummy would Dominique have to be to abandon Lilith on her first night in the city?

  She managed to extricate her hand. He seemed to sense the instant she started to withdraw. “That’s very kind and generous, Mr. Thierry.”

  “Antoine,” he murmured again.

  “But you see, I’ve just arrived. In my part of the world, it’s late. I’m sure jet lag is going to strike with a vengeance any minute.” There. She’d managed to come up with a polite and plausible excuse without using Lilith as a shield.

  “Of course the invitation includes Lilith,” he said smoothly.

  Now he mentioned that. It was okay. She could still claim jet lag. For the rest, Dominique sensed something dangerous about Antoine Thierry. She wasn’t scared of him as a vampire. But as a man, he threatened her hard-won equilibrium. After the recent disaster with Mark, she valued staying well-balanced. “If Lilith wants to go with you, that’s fine. I expect after this drink, I’ll be ready to call it a night.”

  Lilith laughed and shook her head. “No offense, Antoine, but I can see you any time. Dominique and I have a lot to catch up on. But I will take a rain check on that tour. I bet you could show me things most natives haven’t seen either.”

  “Any time.” Antoine, looking the height of elegant nonchalance, nodded. “I look forward to spending more time with both of you. Welcome to my club. I hope you will be my guests here often. And now if you’ll excuse me—“ In moments he’d vanished into the dense crowd.

  “Are you really tired?” Lilith had drunk about half her virgin Bloody Mary.

  Dominique had to stifle a yawn. “Yeah, much more than I thought I’d be. I’m ready to call it a night.”

  They finished their drinks and made their way through the room, now much more crowded than earlier. They returned to Lilith’s car, which she’d managed to park a mere three blocks away.

  Enroute back to Lilith’s, her friend said, “Antoine seems quite taken with you.”

  “He struck me as a major player. I imagine he pulls that same Don Juan act with lots of women.” Dominique squirmed.

  “He hasn’t pulled it with me, but I agree. He likes the ladies, and it’s usually reciprocal. That said, I think he appeared genuinely taken with you. So what did you think? Would you go out with him?” Lilith chuckled.

  Dominique knew her friend would not let her change the subject without getting an answer. In fact, if she tried to put Lilith off, the stubborn Taurus would dig in and insist on a response. “Please. Like I don’t have enough complications in my life. The last thing I need is to get involved with another player.”

  “Oh. You never told me that about Mark.”

  “I wanted to spare you. Anyway, as I’m not into bicoastal relationships, it’s a moot point. I live in Boston, Antoine’s in San Francisco.”

  “I’m not asking if you’re interested in a lifetime commitment. Just about going out with him while you’re here. Heck, you could have a fling. He strikes me as the perfect guy to have an intense but meaningless affair with.”

  Dominique shook her head. “I meant what I said. I’m on an extended hiatus from any kind of social life. I’m not about to change my mind for Antoine Thierry.”

  “I think my lady protesteth too much.”

  Dominique was about to protest some more when Lilith pointed out there was no need. “I won’t bug you any more about him. But have you ever been out with a vampire?”

  “No,” Dominique admitted. “You haven’t either, have you?”

  “Oh, yes,” Lilith said.

  “How come I didn’t know about that? Since when do you hold out?”

  “It must have been while you were tied up in one of your business deals. Unfortunately, the whole thing didn’t last long—just like all my relationships. But you know what? It’s true what they say. They are the most amazing lovers.”

  Of everything Dominique didn’t need to hear tonight, Lilith’s comment topped the charts. “You’ve been with lovers from enough groups to make a judgment like that?”

  “Almost,” Lilith said. “Pretty much everyone I want to date except shifters.”

  “It doesn’t sound like your social life is as sorry a mess as you were saying earlier.”

  Lilith snorted. “Any statements I make are based on my excellent memory, not recent experience.”

  They’d arrived back at Lilith’s place. Dominique found her friend’s situation intriguing enough to stir thought processes. Besides, concentrating on problem solving would occupy her mind. She needed to keep from focusing too much attention on Antoine Thierry and imagining herself between the sheets with that sexy vampire.

  Some love can last a lifetime—their love was destined to last longer.

  Hunter’s Edge

  © 2008 Shiloh Walker

  Angel’s first words to Kel were I’m going to marry you. She was seven at the time. He was eight. And he didn’t laugh when she spoke the words. Best friends as children, lovers as young adults, they had an unexplainable bond. Their future looked set. Until the night they were attacked by a creature that couldn’t exist.

  Angel survived the attack—barely. But Kel didn’t. Or at least, nobody thought he did. His body was never found and Angel’s life would never be the same.

  The attack might not have killed Kel’s body, but it sure as hell killed his heart. Twelve years later, there’s one part of his former life that he can’t move past. Angel. He can’t let her go, but he can’t have her either. She doesn’t even realize he is still alive.

  But when a threat surfaces, Kel’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect Angel. Even if it
drives them both to the edge of insanity and back.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Hunter’s Edge

  Do something.

  Closing his hands into fists, he muttered, “I can do this.” Hell, all he’d wanted do for twelve years was hold her again. No reason he couldn’t manage it now, right? He settled down on the couch, sitting behind her. She was sitting sideways on it, with her legs drawn up to her chest, huddled in on herself. Nestling up behind her, he slid his arms around her waist and tucked her against him.

  She was cold. Too cold. Nuzzling her neck, he whispered, “Come on, Angel. Snap out of it.”

  The rapid, irregular beat of her heart was clear to him as if he’d had a stethoscope pressed to her chest. Sliding one hand down her arm, he closed his fingers down on her wrist. The thready beat had him swearing. Scooping her into his arms, he strode through the house, searching for her bedroom. The dog followed along behind him and when Kel laid her down on the bed, the dog jumped up as well and stretched his length out against her side.

  Kel let the dog be. As cool as Angel’s body was, she needed heat from somewhere and she wouldn’t get it from him. There was a fat quilt folded down at the end of the bed and he tossed it over Angel. As the dog wiggled up to poke his nose out from under the blanket, Kel lay down on the other side of her and wrapped his arms around her.

  Snap out of it, he thought. If she didn’t soon, he was going to have to get her to a hospital. Most of the Hunters received crash courses on emergency first aid and as far as he could tell, she was in shock. She hadn’t been physically hurt—

  No. You just pretty much ripped her heart out. Kel didn’t mind feeling guilt. Sometimes it was the only thing he did feel. But the weight of this was too damn heavy, crushing him. Easing her over onto her side, he curled his body around hers and pushed up onto his elbow, staring her profile.

  “Do you remember that summer you broke your arm…”

  He talked. Seemed like he talked for hours. He might have given it up after the first few minutes, but her body no longer felt so cool against his and her heart rate slowed down, taking on a more regular rhythm. By the time he got to their last summer, she had a faint blush of color to her cheeks and her gaze would flick his way for a minute, then just bounce away.

  “That night you moved out of your mom’s place…remember that?”

  Her lids lowered over her eyes, shutting him out. Pressing on her shoulder, he guided her onto her back. A soft breath shuddered out of her, but other than that, she made no response. Kel took her hand and twined their fingers. His voice was harsh as he muttered, “I remember it.”

  Damn, did he remember. You need to find something else to talk about, man. Fast.

  But before he could wrest his attention to something other than that first night they’d made love, her lids lifted, revealing heated, hungry eyes.

  “I remember.” She laid her hand on his cheek. “Are memories all I’m ever going to have of you, Kel?”


  She shook her head. “Never mind. That’s answer enough.” She started to wiggle away, but the dog’s weight kept her from moving away too fast. He brushed a hand over her shoulder but she jerked away. “Move it, Rufus.” At the sound of her curt voice, the dog shoved his mammoth weight upright and leaped off the bed.

  Kel watched as she headed toward the door, the rational voice of common sense telling him to let her go. Disappear from her life. She’d be better for it.

  He didn’t remember leaving the bed. He didn’t remember crossing the room, or barring the doorway. He didn’t even remember reaching for her, but he must have, because she was pressed up against him, his hands gripping her upper arms. She had her palms pressed against his chest, keeping him at bay. He held back but it took a measure of control he wasn’t sure he had.

  “Go ahead, Kel. Disappear. I know that’s what you want.” She stared at him, her blue gaze icy and cold. She tried to twist away from him but he wouldn’t let go—couldn’t seem to manage it.

  “You think that’s what I want?” he rasped, dipping his head and pressing a kiss to her neck, just below her ear. Her scent was strong there, warm, soft and female and he wanted to lose himself in it. The rapid beat of her heart was a siren’s song and he could almost imagine how she’d taste, could imagine pressing his mouth to her neck, his teeth piercing her silken skin…

  Instead of doing it, though, he lifted his head and stared down at her. “Can you really believe, even for a minute, that I’d wouldn’t do anything to have you back in my life?”

  His words had little effect—if anything, her gaze became more aloof. She flashed him a hard-edged smile. “Doesn’t look that way from where I’m standing. Let me go, Kel. Despite what your nudist friend thinks, I’ll be fine.”

  “Nudist… Toronto.” Narrowing his eyes, he studied her face. “You heard him.”

  “Yeah, Kel. I heard him—sort of. I took a mental trip but that doesn’t mean I’ve completely taken leave of my senses.”

  I only wish I had…maybe life would be easier that way. Insanity sounds a lot easier. That or just plain dead.

  Angel never spoke the words aloud. But those words echoed between them. She paled and jerked against his hold as his eyes flew wide. He snarled and wrapped an arm around her waist, locking her against him as she struggled. “Damn it, Kel, let go of me.”

  “Not going to happen, babe,” he growled. Reaching up, he fisted a hand in her hair and jerked her head back, forcing her to meet his eyes. “You don’t think like that, Angel. You hear me?”

  A sneer curled her lip. How such a derisive expression could be so damned appealing, Kel would never know.

  “You can’t tell me how to think, babe.” Her voice was deliberately scathing, deliberately insulting.

  His control stretched tight, he tried to let her go. He needed to do just that—get some distance between them before need, love, lust and fear got the better of him.

  But his body wasn’t listening to his head’s commands and instead of letting her go, he shifted, turned, pressed her back against the door. Leaning into her, he slid one hand up and rested it over her neck. His thumb lay in the hollow of her neck, feeling the silken softness of her skin, the warmth of life rushing just below.

  “I said, don’t,” he muttered as he dipped his head and pressed his mouth to hers.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

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  Red Hots!


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