Reaper Academy: A Dark Forbidden Romance

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Reaper Academy: A Dark Forbidden Romance Page 21

by Allison West

  "I'm Celeste," the blonde said, introducing herself. She pushed herself up off the ground, dusting off her black and red dress as she stood.

  "Leila." She introduced herself and held out her hand properly, shaking the woman's hand. She appeared to be a few years older than Leila but not as old as Leila's mother would have been, had she still been alive. "How is any of this possible?" Leila asked, reaching for the trunk with her hand as she stared up at the branches and leaves on the trees. Aside from the obvious fact it was winter at home, she knew it wasn't real. It felt real, though, looked and even smelled real.

  "Amazing, isn't it?" Celeste asked. She glanced from Luna to Leila. "I have many great powers. One being I can control my space in the Underworld completely." She closed her hands together and then opened them up to reveal a baby rabbit. Celeste bent down, letting it hop from her palm to the ground.

  Luna's eyes lit up, and without saying a word, she chased after the bunny, enthralled.

  Leila didn't know what to make of the situation. Celeste seemed nice, but for what reason? What did she want? Leila chewed her bottom lip raw. She had to ask. If she didn't, how would she ever return home? "Can you help me get back to my realm, on Earth? I'm a grim reaper. I belong with the living."

  Celeste smiled. "Yes, of course. You and the dark angel child, Luna. I have the knowledge of where the door between realms is located. I will grant you that, for a price."

  Leila's face fell. Of course, nothing came free. "What kind of deal? What do you want?" She glanced past Celeste and saw the bunny hopping madly away from Luna. The girl had been running in circles chasing the creature. Did it even exist, or was it a figment of their imaginations?

  "I will show you the way to the door. In exchange, upon your death, you will grant me your soul."

  "My soul? What does that mean?" Leila asked, confused. No part of it sounded good.

  "Your soul, it's mine. It means exactly as it sounds. I will own your soul."

  "What do you intend on doing with it?" Leila didn't like the plan at all, but what other choice did she have? She truly had been bargaining with a demon. She should have expected trouble when she met with a tranquil and beautiful setting in the Underworld.

  Chapter 49

  Weary and exhausted, Wynter stumbled off his horse, walked the animal into a nearby shed, and headed toward the building. He paused, momentarily catching his breath. The last time he'd been here had been with Emblyn. He'd been so caught up in the moment of what happened with Leila, he'd forgotten what he'd become and where the pain he'd endured had taken him.

  Back again. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and pushed his own selfish pain aside. He needed to save Leila. She was trapped in the Underworld and who knew how much time she had left. The trucidator had wanted her. For what purpose? Solely for revenge, or had the creature planned something worse for her? Not knowing drove Wynter toward madness. He pushed open the heavy door and walked with a brisk pace to the back stairwell.

  He moved swiftly, trying to ignore the wails and cries of the undead locked on the first floor. He slipped into the stairwell at the back of the building and high-tailed it to the top floor. A dark angel full of emotion didn't bode well, especially in an asylum filled with darkness, vengeance, and longing. His wings shot out hard and fast, causing him to cry out in agony. The pain rippled across his back, down his arms like pins pricking beneath his skin. His blood boiled in his veins as his heart pumped erratically.

  He walked the last few paces to the office and didn't bother to knock. He pushed open the slightly ajar door and stood over the empty chair at the desk. He pushed the papers aside, opened the drawer, and retrieved a blank scroll, parchment to be given to a new reaper. Placing the enchanted dagger on the corner of the table to keep the edge of the paper from curling, he retrieved the small vial of Mara's blood and lava rock from the desk drawer. His reaper friends had come through for him. Where were they now? Probably engaging in a reap of their own. He missed the life he had with Jasper, Violetta, Emblyn, and Leila. They had grown to become a family and to have that taken, it was the harshest of punishments.

  From the instructions Coralie had provided, he'd need to pulverize the lava rock, mix the ingredients together and that would aid in his travels to the underworld.

  He pulled a hammer from the second drawer and covered the rock with a handkerchief. Wynter didn't dare ask why there were tools situated in the desk. Had Coralie left them there, or the groundskeeper, knowing he was coming?

  Wynter slammed the head of the hammer against the rock, crushing it piece by piece. He pushed the large shards together, going again with the hammer until a powdered dust was all that remained of the lava rock. Leaving the powder on his handkerchief, Wynter grabbed the vial of Mara's blood and placed a drop in the center of the cloth, careful to fully saturate the crumbled lava ash. Wynter reached for the enchanted dagger and covered the tip of the blade with crimson blood and black lava. He shut his eyes and put two hands on the dagger, gripping it forcefully as a wind kicked up in the office.

  Swiftly, he retrieved the glowing blue vial, unscrewed the lid and downed half the contents. Then, he quickly screwed on the lid and pocketed the rest.

  A flash of red light and a warm draft of air billowing from beneath his feet cut off all thoughts as Wynter was sucked into the ground through the floors of the asylum and the layers of dirt into the Underworld.

  Wynter fell forcefully against the ground of the Underworld. He groaned in protest, unprepared for such a harsh a fall. He knew nothing of the realms of the worlds. Finding Leila would not prove easy. Wynter picked up the dagger that had fallen to the ground and placed it into his belt. Darkness and fire surrounded him. At the moment, he felt relief at being alone. He needed to find Leila. Hopefully, that would be the only encounter he'd have in the Underworld.

  He walked along a narrow path, trying to imagine where she would have gone. The path led in one direction with a solid wall of rock behind him. It seemed almost too easy. The lava bubbled and glided like a river beside the road. Wynter wiped his brow, sweating as the lava warmed him beyond comparison.

  His eyes scoured the scene, and he feared calling out to her. Another demon could easily disguise itself as her. He'd seen it happen before in the tunnel. Turning his attention to the packed red and brown dirt, he noticed two sets of footprints that looked fresh, untouched. Could one of them be Leila's? The larger prints certainly looked like a woman's in size. He'd never paid attention to how big her feet were. Why would he? Now, it seemed an important detail he had overlooked.

  He followed the trail until he reached a split path leading him further into rough terrain or onto a grassy field. "Which way did she go?" he said to himself, keeping his voice low. The trail of footprints stopped.

  Wynter stepped onto the grass and felt the Underworld around him change as he stared up at the blue sky. The sun warmed his skin, but it hadn't been nearly as hot as the path of lava he'd walked along just moments earlier.

  "Leila?" he reluctantly said, hoping to find her and no one else. The trail disappeared in the grass and the only place he could see was a small hill with a tree nestled at the top. Someone sat perched against the tree. His eyes squinted, getting a better look. Whoever sat on the hill wasn't alone.

  Wynter let his fingers graze the enchanted dagger. He felt it glow beneath his touch. Did it mean a demon was close by? What powers did the dagger possess other than as a weapon?

  Easily, he climbed the hill, never slowing. If it happened to be Leila, he would get her and find a way to return home. He didn't want to think what he'd do if it wasn't Leila. His strides grew wider as his pace increased, finding Leila not alone beside the tree. It had been the last thing he expected, her to befriend a dark angel child. "Oh dear," he said beneath his breath. Would the dagger allow the three of them to travel back to their realm? It had to work; he'd risked his life to save Leila's.

  "Wynter?" Leila's eyes widened, looking shocked to see Wynter in
the Underworld. "What are you doing here?" she asked, standing up.

  "Saving you," he said, stating the obvious. Why else would he be in the Underworld?

  "I don't need saving," Leila said and paused, seeming reluctant to finish explaining herself.

  "You don't?" Wynter laughed and shook his head at her. "Do you plan on just walking out of here?" If that were the case, wouldn't she be home by now?

  "I made a deal to get Luna and myself out of this realm and back home." She rested a hand on Luna's shoulder.

  "A deal?" Wynter asked, repeating Leila's words. Oh dear, what had she done? "What did it cost, Leila?" He knew no demon would just willingly grant passage to his world and only a few would have access or the ability to do so.

  "It doesn't matter," she said, glancing away. Had she been ashamed of her actions? Wynter didn't know what to make of the situation. "Please tell me you haven't signed in blood." If she had, there would be no escaping her bond.

  Leila slowly looked up at Wynter. She didn't answer him in words. Speaking wasn't necessary to know whatever she had offered had been accepted, and it now was too late.

  "Leila." His tone stern, he waited for her to answer. "You owe me the truth."

  Her eyes met Wynter's. "I offered my soul upon my death."

  He let out an enormous breath. He felt as though the air had been stolen from his chest for a moment. "Your soul. Upon your death." He let the information sink in. "You're a young reaper. There's still time, a way we can work around the deal." Would there be another way to break the contract? Blood had bound the pact between them. Leila had many years until her death. She had only been a grim reaper for a short while. They could seek the royal council's advice. None of this was her fault.

  "We return my way," Wynter said, insisting she follow his instructions. Leila didn't object. He hoped that by returning them to their realm and not using the demon's way of escape, perhaps the contract could be voided. He dragged the dagger from his belt and carefully pierced the tip of his finger, allowing a drop of his blood on the tip of the metal blade. "Take my hand and don't let go of the child's. We're going home."

  Leila nodded, but her eyes said everything she didn't. She looked frightened. The young girl holding Leila's hand shut her eyes. Wynter held tight to the dagger and Leila's hand. He felt the warmth of the dagger surge through his body and travel into his hand toward Leila.

  The realm around them shifted in color and clarity. Shimmering red and black flickered around them, like embers of a fire. Wynter felt the ground beneath him drop, along with his heart. A moment later, a bright light flashed in front of their eyes, tossing them out of the Underworld.

  Wynter didn't dare yet open his eyes, afraid of where they'd landed. It was hard and rough. He tasted dirt. Spitting out the remnants of whatever had entered between his lips, he slowly let his eyes flicker open.

  "We're home!" Leila's voice seeped into his head like words of honey. He'd never been so grateful to be lying on the ground outside the asylum.

  "Home sweet home," Wynter said and groaned as he stood. Every part of his body ached in agony. Reaching for Leila's hand, he helped her stand, watching as the dark angel child stood at her side.

  "I'm so sorry," Wynter apologized, throwing his arms around Leila's body, grasping her in his arms, grateful they were still alive.

  "For what?" Leila asked. "You weren't responsible for what happened. Please don't apologize again."

  "I want to go home," the child said.

  Sighing, Wynter knew what needed to be done. Untangling himself from Leila's embrace, his forehead rested against the grim reaper's. "I have to take her home."

  "I know." She nodded, running her fingers through his hair. "I can come with you?"

  It wasn't that easy. Although he wanted Leila to spend every waking hour with him, she had her job as a reaper to do and couldn't be living a day's journey away. "I wish you could." He hadn't yet told her of the arrangements with Juliana, how he was supposed to move in with them after their vacation was over. She would hate him for it, almost as much as he hated himself right now.

  "How long are you planning on staying at the refuge?" Leila's eyes narrowed. "Wynter?" She had been waiting for him to answer.

  "Juliana came to see me after you visited the royal council and had been suspended. She made it clear that I could accompany you to Stile, but when I returned, I would have to live at the refuge."

  "What?" Leila took a step back. Her skin had paled. "When were you planning on telling me?"

  "I thought we'd have a month together," Wynter said. He ran a hand through his hair, looking frustrated. "I never expected a trucidator to abduct you and drag you down to the Underworld halfway through our time together in Stile."

  Leila frowned. "I lost count of how long I've been gone, but it hasn't been a month, has it?"

  Wynter sighed. His eyes were glassy, and he looked defeated. "Close enough that by the time I deliver the child, I won't have enough time to travel back and forth. It's goodbye."

  "No!" Leila shouted. "I won't accept that. I'll come with you. You said I could do that."

  "I don't think Juliana would approve." Wynter took a step closer to Leila. "Besides, I have to agree with her. I put your life in danger. Even if you are a grim reaper and have a few more lives left, I could never forgive myself if you died and I was to blame."

  "This doesn't have to be the end," Wynter said. "Please, Leila, forgive me."

  Chapter 50

  Leila returned home from the asylum and stood outside the cottage staring at it.

  "Are you going to come in?" Violetta asked, opening the front door. She grinned and threw her arms open, embracing Leila. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

  "I'm glad to be back," Leila said, feeling her heart finally return to a steady rhythm. Relief washed over her. She tried not to think about the fact she'd promised her soul to a demon in the Underworld. She'd just have to find a way to stay alive.

  "Come inside, out of the cold." Violetta ushered Leila into the house and shut the door behind her. "Get warm. I've got news for you, and you're going to want to be seated for it."

  "News?" Leila raised an eyebrow, curious. "Is it about you and Jasper?" Leila had been excited to see Jasper's efforts had been rewarded. Violetta deserved to be happy, so long as she treated Jasper respectfully.

  "Hardly," Violetta said and frowned. "Go get warm!" She guided Leila before the fire and let her warm up. "How was it, the Underworld?" Violetta asked.

  "You knew about it?" Had Leila been the only undead to not know about the different realms?

  "Jasper and I helped Wynter travel to the Underworld," Violetta said.

  Why hadn't Wynter told her sooner? Though they hadn't spent much time together, with rushing out of the Underworld and then Wynter returning with the dark angel child to the refuge.

  "You're not going to ask?" Violetta laughed. "Come on! You are always pressing for info on Mara. We saw her."

  "What?" Leila jumped at the sound of her sister's name. "Why did you visit my sister?" How could seeing Mara have possibly helped Wynter rescue her? Her skin flushed and her stomach gurgled nervously. "What did you do, Vi?" She couldn't help but feel anxious at the mention of the young queen.

  Violetta sat down with Leila on the sofa. "Don't make it into a big deal."

  "If there's no reason to, then I won't." Leila grew anxious the longer Violetta dragged out answering the question.

  "Jasper and I may have stumbled into Casmerelda on purpose, stuck Mara with a dagger, and stolen a few drops of her blood."

  Leila's heart quickened as she stood up. "Please tell me you're joking, Vi." She paced the length of the living room. How would they ever move past what her two reaper friends had done? Certainly, they'd intended to help, but Mara had become queen. They needed to respect the throne. If not, their grim reaper lives would be in danger. Even if they could change bodies, what happened if they were detained and tortured? Would Mara go so far as to have them executed?<
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  "I'm not." Vi didn't seem that upset by her escapade. "Maybe I should tell you all the details."

  "You always play everything down," Leila said, insisting it had been a big deal.

  Violetta pursed her lips together. "What if I promise not to this time? I drew the dagger on the queen, and I know it sounds horrible, but I only nicked her skin and placed the drop of blood in a vial."

  Leila's stomach bubbled at the thought of her sister being momentarily frightened for her life. "You promise she's all right?"

  "Pissed as shit and cursing at us that if we're into witchcraft, she'll have us hanged, but otherwise it was no big deal."

  The young reaper snorted under her breath. What she'd done was a huge deal! "Her men didn't follow after you?"

  "Well, they certainly tried, but they got lost in the forest. They have no idea where we live. I promise you Queen Mara is unharmed, for the most part, and no one will have the slightest idea where to find us."

  Leila nodded slowly, processing the information. "You can't ever set foot in Casmerelda again. She'll hunt you down if she catches wind you're nearby."

  "I know." Violetta didn't seem bothered all that much by the news. Perhaps because she realized in time she would change reaper bodies anyhow. "That wasn't the big news I wanted to share with you."

  Leila paused on the floor and stared at the empty space on the sofa. She sat down beside her best friend. "What else happened?"

  Violetta turned to face Leila. Frowning, she seemed unsure of herself. "A visitor from the royal council came here a few days ago. I'm not sure about what, but they insisted a carriage would come for you at midnight two days after you returned home." Violetta reached for Leila's hand, resting it atop hers. "What happened at the royal council when you visited last time?"

  "Aside from being suspended from my duties and put on probation?" Leila's face dropped as she realized what that meant. She'd probably broken the rules at some point. She had made a deal with a demon for her soul when she died. That had to be against the rules; if not, it ought to be! Leila felt a shudder course through her body and she glanced at the window. The royal council had threatened to send her to Riley as a slave if she found herself in any more trouble. Leila was confident that her deal with the demon and encounter with the trucidator qualified. She closed her eyes, imagining the distant sound of the reaper carriage coming to take her to the council.


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