Finngarick (Order of the Black Swan, D.I.T. Book 2)

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Finngarick (Order of the Black Swan, D.I.T. Book 2) Page 18

by Victoria Danann

  Torn felt a tear slide out of the eye closest to his pillow. At first he wasn’t sure what it was because he didn’t remember having ever cried even as a child. He put his fingers to the wetness and looked at them as if he wasn’t sure what he’d see.

  “The Lady Laiken said you’re special.” His eyes jerked back to Sheridan’s on hearing that. “She said you’re one of only three knights in the history of The Order who is no’ a second son. I do no’ really understand why that’s important, but she was convinced ‘tis a, em, big deal. So I know it must be.”

  Beginning with the father who acted like he’d wished his son had never been born, Finngarick had hardened his heart to everything put in his path. Shunning. Fighting for food. Literally. Vampire. The worst that Loti had to offer. Being a transient slayer, never in one place long enough to make a friend. But the beautiful feral archer lying a few feet across the room, staring at him like he had worth, completely undid him.

  He’d expected her to be ashamed of having been paired with someone with his reputation. But if his ears weren’t deceiving him, it sounded like she’d digested all he’d said and decided she was proud of him.

  He was trying to work out how he was going to stop himself from crossing the room when she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood in one fluid motion. Silently, on bare feet, she crossed the old wood plank floor and stood next to his bed. Torn rolled to his back and waited, breathlessly, to see what she’d do next.

  For what seemed like a long time she hesitated, as if she couldn’t remember why she was there. He reached out, took her hand, and pulled her down on top of him, capturing her lips in a kiss that sealed the mate bond, instantly filling both of them with a feeling of coming home for the first time. Their hearts overflowed with the warmth that accompanied knowing they were each half of a whole.

  He took her face between his hands and deepened the kiss. He felt the moment when she opened to him completely; body, heart, mind, and soul. He twisted and rolled them over so that he was on top before growling, “Sher. Mine.”

  As he dove in for another euphoric taste of her kisses, his right hand wandered down the side of her body and back up, cupping where the soft long-sleeved tee hid her breast. Just as she moaned encouragement and arched her back, there came a banging on the door.

  Finngarick pulled away from Sheridan and glared at the door with fire in his eyes.

  He shouted, “You’d better be comin’ to tell me we’re at war with fae again and under evacuation orders!”

  Sheridan nudged him aside and moved toward the door, straightening her clothes as she went. Finngarick sat up on the side of the bed. Fuming.

  She opened the door to find her sister and her sister’s new partner standing on the other side. Shivaun opened her mouth to say something, but then narrowed her eyes on her sister, taking in the heightened color in her cheeks and the half tucked state of her tee.

  Shivaun took a breath and said, “Since we did no’ have time to practice with bows, I thought we might go out now.” She looked around Sheridan to see Finngarick sitting on the side of the bed glaring at her. “If you’re no’ busy.”

  “No. We’re… em, I’m no’ busy. ‘Tis a good idea.” She nodded at Shivaun’s partner, Deck Tikkanen, who responded with a nod and a good-natured smile. Turning back to Torn, she said, “Want to come?”

  He smirked, thinking of at least a dozen ways he’d like to answer that question. “Oh, aye.” He nodded with one eyebrow raised. “I’d very much like to come.”

  With her back to her sister, Sher shot him a look that could kill. He just smiled as he stood and began ambling toward the door.

  “Deck,” he said in passing as he strolled into the hallway.

  “That was some match this morning,” Deck said as they began walking toward the stairs, ahead of the twins. “So how does it feel being able to say you put the legend on the mat?”

  “Like ‘tis no’ real.”

  Deck nodded.

  They chatted amiably, sitting on a grass bank, while watching their new partners demonstrate their skills with bows and arrows.

  “How’d you end up here?” Torn asked. “Weren’t you retired?”

  “Yeah. Don’t laugh. I was raising reindeer in Finland.” Torn had to fold his lips together to hold mirth back. “I know. I guess it’s funny, but reindeer are kind of cool.”

  “Sure.” Torn nodded agreeably. “Cool. Why’d you retire?”

  Deck shrugged, looking more somber. “Same reason as usual. Lost a partner to vampire. Didn’t have the taste for it after that.” Finngarick nodded. After a few minutes of silence, Deck said, “Why do you think they paired us with them?”

  “Who knows? I’m sure they have their reasons. They always do.” Torn glanced over at Deck. “Are you gettin’ along?”

  “Sure. But I pretty much get along with everybody.”

  “Well, there’s your reason right there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Finngarick chuckled. “I get the feelin’ Shivaun is no’ the sort to get along with everybody. She strikes me as the sort who’s ne’er shy about speakin’ her mind.”

  “Not shy. Sounds about right.”

  “’Tis what I’m goin’ to call her,” Torn said like he’d just made up his mind.

  “What? Shy?”

  “Aye. Sher and Shy.”

  “Good luck, brother. You’re gonna be the one to tell her. I’m an innocent bystander.”

  Standing next to each other on the field, Shivaun pulled her bowstring back and said, “You’re fuckin’ him?”

  “’Tis no’ the question. The question is whether or no’ I’m acceptin’ the mate bond with him. The answer is aye. I am.”

  Shivaun let her arrow fly. “Thought we made a pact.”

  “We did. When we were no taller than the bow you are bendin’. We’re made for matin’. Elflings have no understandin’ of that. Grownups do.” Sheridan stopped and turned to look at her sister’s profile. “There’s no point in bein’ mad about it. The instinct is stronger than childhood promises. You may find out someday.”

  Shivaun snorted. “Nothin’ is stronger than a vow. If you have character.”

  Sheridan chose not to be angry with her sister about the harsh words. She might someday learn for herself that nature put the urge to mate above every other impulse. At least for elves.

  “How am I supposed to respect a person who does no’ keep her word?” Without looking at Sheridan, Shivaun turned her back and walked away.

  Sheridan stood in shocked silence, watching her sister retreat, but when the full impact of what had just been said and done hit her, she sat down where she was, put her arms around her knees and buried her face so that no one would see or hear her uncontrollable sobs. Her sister had never spoken to her like that before. And she’d certainly never just walked away.

  Even with the overcast sky, she felt the shadow that fell over her.

  Finngarick sat down and pulled her into his side. She buried her face in his shoulder.

  “What happened?” he said. After she told him, he said, “Sher. Darlin’. She just does no’ understand.”

  “I know,” she nodded. “Does no’ make it any the less painful.”

  “I expect no’. What can I do to make it better?”

  She thought for a minute. “I like chocolate.”

  He laughed before giving her a squeeze. “I’ll get you all the chocolate grown in the Americas if ‘twill make you happy again.”

  “We need to leave some for others. Also, where will you get it? Remember when Rosie said no alcohol and no sugar this week?”

  “Ah, but I know somethin’ you do no’.”


  “Your mate has intimate knowledge of the ways of contraband.”

  She looked up. “You do?”

  “Aye.” He swiped at the wetness on her cheeks with his thumb. “Dry your eyes. The Prince of Chocolate is at your disposal.”

  “I do n
o’ want you to get into trouble.”

  Torn laughed. “Sher. There’s no’ a thing I would no’ do for you.”

  The Hawking twins came running across the field toward them with wolf dogs conflicted between wanting to protect the girls and wanting to race ahead. “They sent us to call you for dinner.”

  “What are we havin?” Torn said.

  They looked at each other. “Didn’t ask.”

  “What will happen if we do no’ come? Did you ask that?”

  They looked at each other and giggled. “No, but you’d be in trouble with our mum and you wouldn’t like it.”

  “I expect no’,” Torn said. “I guess we’d better go with you then.”

  The girls and the dogs ran back toward the abbey as he pulled Sheridan to her feet. “Do no’ worry, love. She’ll come ‘round.”

  Sheridan sighed deeply. “I hope so.” As they walked, she said, “It’s been quite a day. I learned I’m no’ as strong as I thought, came to grips with bein’ mated, was deserted by my sister, and propositioned. Who knew so much could happen in one revolution of the sun?”

  “What do you mean you were propositioned?”

  After telling Sheridan he was stepping away for a minute, he scanned the great room for Ram, but didn’t see him. Elora said to check upstairs. So he made his way to the Hawking suite on the third floor and pounded on the thick door. It creaked when Ram opened it.

  Finngarick didn’t wait to be asked in, but charged past Ram.

  “Come in,” Ram said sarcastically, noting that Torn appeared upset about something. “There a problem?”

  “Aye. There is a problem and his name is Helm.”

  “I see.” For a fleeting instant, Ram sympathized with what it must have been like to be his own father. “What’s he done now?”


  Ram looked confused. He set his book down, crossed his arms, and said, “First, I did no’ know you’re mated.”

  “Aye. ‘Tis, em, new.”

  “Well, congratulations.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Second, she’s here?” Torn nodded. “So, if I’m understandin’, Helm asked the O’Malleys, one of whom is your mate, to have him on for a go.” Torn nodded. “And your mate, which one is she?”


  “Sheridan,” Ram repeated. “Did she say yes?”

  “O’ course no’!” Torn exploded.

  “Then what’s the problem?” Ram asked calmly.

  It took a full minute for the Hawking logic and mischievous twinkle to fully register with Finngarick. Perhaps he’d lived too long in the human world. Once he grasped what Ram was saying, Torn began to laugh. “Do no’ tell his mother,” Rammel admonished. “The woman is highly emotional and no’ ready to admit her elflings are no’ babies. The news that her son has a workin’ set would probably set her hair on fire.”

  Torn grinned and nodded. “By the way.”


  “I know you let me, em, get the upper hand today.”

  “Why would ye think so?”

  Finngarick gave him a look that said, Come on. Knights do not bullshit each other. “Why did you do it?”

  Rammel sighed. “My wife is a romantic. She wants your mate to think you’re the cat’s pajamas. And she promised me a special treat.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  Torn chuckled. “Just between us… thank ye for puttin’ on a good show.”

  “Just between us, you’re welcome.”

  Throughout dinner and lecture, Finngarick and Sheridan exchanged a series of knowing looks indicating that they were agreed they’d be pushing the beds together after making their way to their room later.

  They said goodnight to the team across the hall and were barely inside their own room before Finngarick gripped the back of Sheridan’s thighs and lifted while planting her back against the door at the same time. Her gasp turned into a giggle that was never finished before his mouth covered hers in a kiss so desperate it seemed he needed it to live.

  She nipped at his bottom lip and moaned her approval when he dragged his teeth down her neck toward her collar bone. It was then she learned she could drive him mad by lightly blowing in his ear. His entire body shuddered while his chest rose and fell faster.

  He set her feet on the floor so that he could rip his shirt over his head. He tried to step back into her, but she put her palm firmly on his chest holding him where he was.

  “Stop!” she said.

  His brows came together. “Why?”

  “I want to see you.”

  As understanding dawned, Finngarick took a step back, letting her eyes drink in the expanse of peaches and cream skin along with the scars that proclaimed he was a veteran slayer. He pulled off his boots and let them fall to the floor with a thud. Socks followed quickly, which left him in jeans. As he pulled down the zipper that revealed more of his auburn-tinted happy trail, she sucked in a deep breath, almost dancing with anticipation and the desire to touch, lick, suck, bite, nuzzle, and kiss. She had no idea where that originated from. Certainly not experience.

  Her eyes went wide when he pushed his jeans to the floor and stepped away in the full glory of commando.

  “I…” she stammered, which pleased him no end. “I…”

  He began to prowl toward her slowly, loving the fact that she couldn’t decide whether she wanted to look at his face or his cock. Her eyes jumped back and forth.

  He angled his head to the side. “You what, Sher?” She stood still as a doe who’s afraid she’s been spotted by a predator. “Tell me.” He said it quietly, but the tone of seduction was unmistakable.

  “I’ve ne’er…”

  He realized what it was she wanted to say. “No boyfriends in the New Forest then.” She shook her head. “No worries. Your body knows what to do.”

  She wasn’t so sure of that, but for some reason she didn’t understand, she trusted him.

  When he was within reach he gingerly raised the hem of her tee. She lifted her arms and let him pull it away. He undressed her slowly, taking care with frequent kisses and touches to let her know it was intimacy and not just sex. By the time she was naked, she was so turned on she was vibrating almost visibly.

  He lifted her in his arms, walked to his bed, and took his time learning her body, inch by inch. Soon enough she was begging, using the word, “Please.” She wasn’t sure what she was asking for exactly. Only that she had a powerful need that only Finngarick could fill.

  “Touch me,” he said, letting his eyes drift down his own body.

  Tentatively she took him in hand, reveling in the velvety feel, and the way that touching him made him groan.

  “Harder,” he said.

  She squeezed a little harder and, giving into instinct, stroked him up and down. “Like this?”

  “Exactly like that,” he breathed.

  The first time he made love to his mate, he wanted it to be face-to-face so he could savor every emotion. As he adjusted himself on top of her, her legs formed a cradle for his body. He began to manipulate her nub, playfully, then skillfully. When her orgasm was imminent, he pushed into her, slow enough to give her body time to adjust, fast enough to get past the barrier without more than a slight sting.

  As they lay together, recovering breath, each sorting out the thoughts of lovers, which memories to keep, which memories to discard, which memories needed to be recreated again and again, Finngarick tried to put an adjective to his feelings. Satisfied. Euphoric. Complete. Most of all, for the first time in his life, he had a reason to look forward to the future.

  As he listened to her breathing begin to even out when she fell asleep, he held her closer. She was everything. And he was never going to let her go.

  As proclaimed, after three days Rosie began taking them on interdimensional gambits. It was a revelation. There were not enough words in the universe to prepare someone for how it felt.

  By the end
of the week they were learning how to move faster and faster, eyes and senses making adjustment to speeds beyond mortal imagination.

  They each had to also do a homing test. They were left in a different dimension and were expected to find a portal and navigate their way back using their compass.

  When word of what D.I.T. was up to began to spread through Black Swan, people started calling Rosie’s hunters The Wild Bunch.

  “The Wild Bunch?” Rosie said to Elora.

  “Yeah. They say running down demons off world is balls to the extreme.”

  Rosie laughed. “Yeah. I guess it is.”

  “If you’re not careful, all the vampire hunters will be jealous and want to work for you.”

  “That’s a bad thing?” Rosie asked.

  “Yes, Elora Rose. We need vampire hunters.”

  “Oh, sure. I see what you mean. Well, we’ll have to spread some gossip that the work is boring, the living conditions are brutal, and that I’m a mega-bitch to work for.”

  “Alright. I’ll get right on that.”

  “I think we’re ready.”

  “So Ram and I are going home then?”

  “Yes. But with the option to recall.”

  “Good luck with that. We’ll be taking off in the morning.”

  “Thanks for helping.”

  Elora gave Rosie a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Yes, duckling. You’re welcome.”

  CHAPTER Twelve Dublin

  Rosie’s hunters had been active for about a month. Long enough to develop a little confidence in their ability to leave Loti and return safely. While the Wild Bunch were busy perfecting their skills and expanding their knowledge of how to navigate the passes, the academics at Black Swan headquarters had been busy deciding how best to use their talents. In other words, where to begin?

  After weeks of debate, they had come to a grudging consensus that Dublin would be the best place to begin routing out undesirable aliens.

  Based on a historical pattern of disturbances originating in Dublin, Rosie went personally to investigate and see if she could locate an interdimensional stream portal that was acting as a hub or crossroads for traffic in and out of Loti. She was told to look in the area of Trinity College and Temple Bar.


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