The Call of the Moon

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The Call of the Moon Page 2

by Kristy Breckenridge

  “Yeah you’re right.” She pulled it off hastily, before smoothing her hair down, and fixing her bangs. “Alright, let’s go.” With keys in hand, she closed and locked the car door. Fay did the same, but still had a nervous gutted feeling. She was not usually one who liked going out. It already took a lot out of her just to get out of bed and go to class, and it took three years of working at the coffee shop to finally feel at home. She had what was apparently called, social anxiety.

  Because it was already so late at night, there was no a long waiting line. In fact, there was nobody there waiting to enter the building. They were both immediately greeted with the outdoor bouncer. They presented identification, and it was a smooth process, before they were allowed to enter. The music could previously be heard outside, as if it were muffled, but once those doors opened, it was incredibly loud and ear shattering. “Woo! We are going to have so much fun!” Lily said loud enough so that Faye could hear her over the loud blaring music. “Let’s start off with a drink, shall we?” And there was really no saying no to that. Lily had already grabbed Faye’s hand and dragged her stumbling heeled self over to the bar.

  The place was….decent. It wasn’t a typical type of club that you would see in most movies. This place had a darker atmosphere, so Lily should feel right at home there. The walls were warm and wood. The floors were the exact same. The only colorful colors in the joint, were the flashing lights that flickered along with the beat of the music. You thought, at first glance inside, that the place was kind of small, but that was not the case. The main first floor was actually where the bar was located, but if you looked over the balcony, you could see all the dancers swinging, and jumping around all on the dance floor.

  It was like watching national geographic or something.

  “Two margarita’s.” Lily spoke aloud. Fay slid her bottom into one of the bar stools, and gave Lily the eye. Faye was not one to normally drink. In fact, there was probably only one time that she actually drank, and it was a Bud Light, and that alone made her feel like singing high on a mountain top. “Oh you are drinking tonight girl. Stop being a party pooper.”

  “I’m not being a party pooper. I just…don’t want to be irresponsible. Because whose obviously going to be doing the driving tonight?”

  “Just a couple of drinks. Geez, you sound like my mom.”

  “Yeah. A mom with a good head on her shoulders, it seems.” Ignoring anything else the girl might say back to her, Faye turned her gaze from the bartender mixing their drinks, and scanned the floor around her. People settled themselves at tables, and some people were just entering the place. There was plenty of laughter, and the obviousness of people enjoying themselves. All Faye could think was, why couldn’t she be like those people? Where she was absolutely comfortable in her own skin, and found these kinds of activities fun and hopeful? It was at that moment, that she wondered if there were any other people in that building who were feeling exactly how she felt.

  “Here.” Looking down, Faye had noticed Lily sliding a margarita on over to her direction. She was already picking hers up, situating the straw properly and guzzling it. It wasn’t a typical margarita. It was a slushy. Lily must have noticed that Faye wasn’t immediately taking a sip, because she said something. “Drink.” The girl demanded, and Faye did just that. Bringing the straw up to her lips, she took a small sip. Funny thing was, she loved it. She loved the flavor, because you could almost not taste the alcohol at all. “See? Told you. They are good.”

  More and more people entered the club. Who would have thought that this place really came alive so late at night?

  When they finished their margaritas, Faye was already being dragged to the dance floor. Truth be told, the margarita helped allow her to calm down a bit. To feel more at ease. She did not make much of a fuss when they headed down that stair case, and to the cluster of people along the dance floor. It was just then that Faye had realized just how many people there were there. Hundreds. There wasn’t really even a single spot that they could dance in without bumping into someone. “Where are we even going to dance?” Faye asked, and they stood in the middle section of the stairs.

  “Hmm…” Lily over looked the entire area for a moment, before quickly pointing out to the dance floor. “Over there by the tree! That’s a perfect spot. I’d rather not be in the middle of all that mess anyway.” She spoke, while giggling a bit. Once again, the girl took Faye’s hand and helped her down the flight of stairs and finally maneuvering around the heaps of people really getting a serious jiggy on the dance floor. It was once they finally got to their spot, that Faye wished she knew how to dance.

  And it was then, that the hilarious “Dance like no one’s watching” meme came to mind.


  “Reina’s gonna be so jealous when she finds out she couldn’t come.” Sam said aloud, as they entered the club.

  “Yeah but, it’s probably for the best.” Eric, one of Fenrir’s best friends spoke. They literally bit ankles together. “She might have a little too much fun here tonight.”

  Fenrir hissed at that, as he looked over his shoulder at Eric. “Don’t be talkin’ like that.” Fenrir’s menacing low voice actually made Eric back up with his hands in the air. Fenrir could be a little demeaning at times, because of his large frame, and frightful growl. It was why they had thought to make him Alpha. For one, Fenrir was good at taking charge, but he never really pondered the idea of being King of the pack.

  Sensing the tension between the two of them, Sam finally cleared his throat. “How about a beer? I could use one.” Sam was almost just as big as Fenrir, but not quite. His hair though, was jet black, and could almost pass as a mullet.

  “Me too.” Roy, who was more of the outcast of the group. He often dressed in some serious black, and his hair was much much longer. You could tell he was completely different than the rest of them. That was because Roy was much older than the rest of them, and had been around much much longer. In the world of wolves, that actually meant something.

  The group moved between the tables, and each of them ordered two beers per person. Knowing Roy - because he was such a beer drinker - he ordered three, and within thirty seconds already had one guzzled down.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask. How do you keep your figure?” Sam asked in an annoying way, with a tilt of his head. Often, the younger brother gave Sam hell for how much he drank. Roy simple rolled his eyes. It was sort of obvious, that Roy was not one who liked hanging around younger ones, even though Sam was just two years beneath Fenrir. But if you looked at Sam, you would never realize that he was a fierce killer, with those wide eyes and baby face.

  It was also obvious that Roy simply came for the booze. It was free for all of them, anyhow.

  One by one, the group moved themselves to the table, and it was then that a gorgeous blonde waitress came up to them. Fenrir had always had a delicious taste for blondes, which was why his fiance just so happened to be one. “Well hey there you good-lookin’ five. I thought I heard y'all in the back.” Missy was one of the waitresses in this joint - a full blooded wolf who was just as friendly as could be. Her arm came around Fenrir’s shoulder, and brought him in for a side hug. She had to bend down just to do that though. “And how’s the mate to be?” This one, she spoke incredibly low, just in case anybody might have heard around them.

  “Doin’ just fine, Missy. Thank you.” Fenrir faked a smile. Truth be told, he wasn’t all that fine. Even though he loved his fiance to death, there were still doubts. Roy was right in a way, Fenrir’s fiance loved getting herself into trouble, and was often a little too friendly towards people - men in general. He, however, didn’t like to acknowledge that, despite the fact that everybody knew.

  Hell…even his own Dad didn’t like the woman.

  “Well. You come by the house soon, now ya hear? I’m gonna cook you up a big meal the night before y’all’s weddin’.” She planted a big wet one right there on Fenrir’s cheek.

  By taking a look at M
issy, you would think that she was old enough to be Fenrir’s mother. Technically she was, but she was what they called the “floosy” of the pack.

  “We already have it planned to be there.” Eric interrupted. He flashed a big goofy grin. “So, Missy. When are you going to give me that dance you owed me?”

  Suddenly her face went grim, and she stood. Both of her hands upon her hips, and she looked like she was about to hurl. “I’m busy tonight, Eric. Maybe some other time.” With that said, she grabbed her menu and turned to head back for the bar.

  All was silent for just a short moment, and then suddenly, everybody except for Eric, started busting into a fit of chuckles. Roy was laughing the hardest, and he spoke in a very low tone. “Can I say, burn?” And then all the boys was roaring with the laughter once again.

  Eric though, looked a little defeated and sighed hopelessly. It was true. Eric absolutely adored Missy, despite the incredible age gap. “C’mon you guys. I recently bought her the necklace she wanted, and she in return, said she’d dance with me.”

  “Recently, as in…two months ago?” Roy spoke before taking a hearty swig of his beer. He then settled it rather roughly upon the table top. “Let’s face it. You’re never gonna get that dance.”

  “Say’s the man, we are not entirely sure if he’s gay or not.” Eric snapped back, with a glare. Picking up his own beer, he took a swig.

  “I’m definitely not gay.” Roy spoke in defense. “I just choose to not get tied down to bitches.”

  “Oh yeah?” Eric said, and finally stood up from his seat, peering down at Roy in a challenging way. “Then how come you’re here, on a Friday night, with men, than some hot little thing out there on the dance floor?”

  Roy suddenly stood up too, his height definitely over bearing Eric’s six foot frame. Fenrir was just a little bit taller than Roy, and Roy alone stood at six foot six. “You want me to prove I’m not gay, little man?”

  “Alright guys, I need to go take a piss.” Fenrir spoke aloud, and slid his chair out. The only ones who could really hear him, was probably his little brother, Sam. But even Sam was too interested on what was about to go down, but Fenrir ignored it all and came to a standing position. Without even a quick “be right back”, Fenrir escaped the confrontation, and headed for the steps that led to the dance floor. One thing his dad didn’t do well on this project, was having one set of bathrooms, and they just so happened to be down there.

  The dance music made all the people come to life. Some danced crazy…some danced….creepily? There were even some who had art in their dance. Occasionally, you’d see a man wondering about, trying to gain the attention of any female that would take him, only to quickly be turned down. It was kind of an amusing sight to see, for Fenrir.

  But it was one person that he noticed. This person made him stop dead in his tracks. He’d just walked around a few dancers to get to the back where all the bathrooms were located, only to feel his body come to a halt.

  There she stood. This woman was no blonde, but a firey red head, with a dress that seemed to hug her features just right. The legs….the bust. Her face. Everything was perfect. The girl was with a friend, obviously, and turned at that very moment. It was then, that both of their eyes touched one another, and when that happened, he felt a flick in his eyes. A flick he usually only got when he was seriously hungry, needed to shift, or felt an intimate need. This particular woman seemed to do all of those at the same time. He suddenly felt the insatiable hunger deep within him, that he had never felt before. His wolf suddenly wanted to break free, and go after this gorgeous female. His heart thudded and raced, but most importantly, her gaze never left him. It was at that very moment, that he realized what this was all about. It was a feeling that he had never felt before. It was a feeling he could have never dreamed to experience. It was something that he’d heard in stories. It was something that Eric had tried to explain to him before, but he just never…got it.

  But no…she couldn’t be. The girl was one hundred percent human. Wolves mated with wolves. Wolves did not mate with humans. Yet why was he so intrigued? Why did he feel this sudden pull to her?


  Faye stared at the man. She’d never seen him before, but then again she had never really seen much of anything because of how much of a recluse she was. And, did his eyes just shine? She could have swore she saw a golden shimmer, sudden glisten within his eyes before putting out, like a flame in a fireplace. And why was she staring at him!? Why was he staring at her? For some odd reason, and for a short moment there, she felt like she could not move. She felt still, and not by choice. Maybe it was for choice? She did not know. All she knew, was that she did not want to move, and she simply wanted to watch this beautiful man.

  And boy was he beautiful. Gorgeous! The man stood taller than any other man in this area. That was why she could see him so easily. He stood there, almost like a giant, in the midst of all these people. He almost seemed predatory-like, as he watched her. And for whatever reason, she didn’t feel…shy. She didn’t feel like running away, like she normally would.

  That feeling didn’t last long, because she knew why she must have been feeling like this. It MUST be this. The alcohol. It was surely taking it’s affect on her, and she didn’t want to be like her best friend - doing something incredibly stupid. Her eyes though, never did leave him, as she moved slowly along the dance floor, and through the floods of people. He watched him like a hawk. So beautiful. So…longing. He watched her as if she were something of interest, and it didn’t make sense.

  “Hey! Watch it you little freak!” That voice rang in her ear, and suddenly jerked her attention away from the man just maybe fifteen feet from her.

  Looking down, she’d noticed she must have ran right into a woman. While the mess of liquor was completely down Faye’s dress, she was the one apologizing while this woman was clearly being bent out of shape over nothing. But it was something and it completely distracted her from what had just happened.

  “I’m so sorry. I can get you another drink.”

  “Don’t bother. Just watch next time. Maybe get some glasses or something?” The girl slammed passed her, obviously irritable about losing her drink. But at least it didn’t spill on the woman.

  Quickly, Faye turned and rushed to the bathroom to collect herself. Heading straight for the sinks, she turned on the tap, grabbed a wad of paper towels, and applied water all over the affected areas along her dress. That drink really did a number on it, but luckily had no staining affects. It did, however, make her dress, that much more see through than it already was. It was already a very thin stretchy dress that left little to the imagination, it seemed.

  Grabbing a couple more paper towels, Faye pressed the dry ones right to her wet dress, before stepping out of the bathroom. It was then that her gaze lifted to look for the spot that the strange man had been watching her from. To her luck, he had disappeared. She shook her head. “Has to be the alcohol.” She muttered softly, but even so, she still stood there and searched the area.


  Fenrir had rushed up the stairs, passed his table, and made a bee-line out the double metal doors. He stood there in the parking lot, fists bunching, teeth clenching. Why now? Why suddenly did his mate have to cross paths with him?! Why now, that he was getting married, and about to hopefully live a happy life?!

  Suddenly, he heard the metal door squealing as it was opened. He could tell that it was his little brother. “Hey, Fenrir. You should see Roy about to-” Max suddenly stopped dead in his own tracks. “What the hell? Fenrir? There is a…weird smell on you.”

  The doors opened again. “He is mated.” Sam declared, answering the question many of them were wondering. “I could smell it on him when he came by the tables.” Sam rushed, big time, over to where Fenrir was standing. By the looks on Fenrir, Sam could tell and feel the situation he was going through. “Hey man, calm down. She’s your…mate. You should be happy, yeah?”

  “The fuck do I h
ave to be happy about, huh Sam?!” Fenrir’s eyes were completely golden now, as he looked over at his big brother.

  “Uhm. Well, the fact that you finally found your mate.” Same mentioned. “Oh and also the fact, that you wont have to be with Reina, whom you definitely know will end up cheating on you some day.”

  Suddenly, a fist was brought to Sam’s face, causing him to stumble backwards. He managed to catch himself from falling, and brought his hand up to his nose, where blood began collecting along his fingers. “How can I be happy, when my mate just so happens to be a human girl.”

  Sam raised a brow just then, completely forgetting the fact that his nose just got punched. “That’s…not even possible, Fenrir.”

  “Yeah? Then tell me why, the girl in there that made me feel the sudden things you felt, oh and that eye flicking thing? Why was she human? Why does a human do this to me?”

  “I have no idea.” Sam responded, and Fenrir began pacing back and forth along the pavement “She can’t be your mate. Our mates are chosen by fate, but only within our kind. Are you sure that you felt exactly how I felt?”


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