The Call of the Moon

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The Call of the Moon Page 4

by Kristy Breckenridge

  Faye rolled her eyes. “Well, now I can finally find some time for myself.” Going over to the cash register, she clocked in by using her four code digit. This allowed her to finally get some work done.

  “You always find time for yourself. Your big book shelf gave you away.” Okay, so even Faye couldn’t stop laughing at that. “And maybe now you can start thinking about finding yourself a date.”

  A date…

  “No.” Faye shook her head, not wanting to look over her shoulder at her friend. Turning, she put on a fresh pot of coffee. There was no doubt, that Faye was blushing incredibly beet red by that. Because there was only one person she could think of when it came to that. And it was that gorgeous mysterious man. “I need to focus on figuring out where I’m going to start my career.”

  And then she regretted saying that. That had to have been the worst news Lily had heard, because she’d made it more than known quite a few times.

  “I’m sorry.” Faye looked over at her. Truth be told, Lily didn’t want Faye to leave this job. Maybe she didn’t have to. “I work nights here. Maybe it can still happen. I just…I don’t want to feel burned out.” Faye let out a huge sigh, now putting her hands on her hips. “It’ll be a while before that happens though.” This she knew.

  Hours went by, and it was already dark out. This meant that the coffee shop would be open until 11 - that was three and a half hours from then. “Oh look who finally showed up.” Lily spoke with a laugh.

  Lifting her head, Faye noticed their boss coming in. Their boss, Noctis Di’Moran usually came in really late. He often had the excuse that he had other busy plans during the day.

  “You’re late again.” Lily said, with a big grin.

  “I’m allowed to.” He said, with a big smile; hastily making his way around the counter. He was planning on going straight to his office, like he normally did. “I’m the boss, so I’m allowed to have things to do in the day. That is why you guys work for me.” And then he disappeared.

  “Damn.” Lily said, while wrapping her arms around herself. Looking up, Faye could see the dreamy stare that Lily had on the office door.

  It was quite obvious that Lily really liked their boss. Who wouldn’t? Their boss was almost…beautiful. He had blonde hair, slicked back, and his black attire really accentuated his pale complexion. He had perfectly white and straight teeth and a smile to die for. It almost made them all wonder why he wasn’t on the cover of vogue instead of the owner of a lame coffee shop.

  Faye was not crazy about her boss, like Lily was. And Lily - the one who kept giving Faye life lessons - wouldn’t own up to it and actually ask the guy out.

  “Ouy.” Faye grimaced and shook her head. “I need to tell Noct about passing.” She spoke all happily. This had to be the most excitement that Faye had ever experienced in her life. It seemed that the shop was not as busy this night, since it was getting later, so she slipped further to the back, where the office was located.

  As usual, she knocked, before peeking her head inside. Noctis sat there behind his desk, but quickly stood like a gentleman when he noticed Faye coming in. “Faye? How was your test? I’d meant to ask you about that.”

  “It was great.” She said with a big smile, before closing the door behind her. Noct’s office was a little…old fashioned, with hard woods. Even his desk, which was big and bulky. Noct almost seemed like a college professor. “I am officially a graduate of Tulsa.”

  Noct’s model-like smile came to life when he heard that. “Good. I was hopeful.” But his smile soon faltered. “Which means you will be finding other means for work.” It wasn’t really a question, but more-so a statement.

  “Not anytime soon. But eventually.”

  He let out a gentle sigh, one that could mix with tired and sadness possibly. Faye couldn’t really tell the difference when it came to Noct. “I’ve had you for three years now. The thought of you just…leaving-”

  “Noct…” Faye couldn’t help but give a quirky grin. “I think your emotions are starting to seep through, and it’s weird.”

  It was definitely true. Very little did they ever see Noct, and when they did, he often kept to himself. He wasn’t much of a talker, and very little did he joke. But he never showed emotion like this. He was friendly nonetheless, and often did nice things for people. Especially his employees.

  He smiled nonetheless, and came around his desk. It was almost in a caution manner, as he slowly made his way over to where Faye was standing by the door. “You are a good employee of mine. Probably the best.” He seemed as if he were admitting something incredibly personal or something. “And you know that you will always have a spot here, if you ever need somewhere to work…or go to-” Noct swallowed hard. “- for that matter.”

  Truthfully, the whole atmosphere was…weird. Noct was a little awkward, yet, Faye sort of adored it in a way. At least the man didn’t hate her, and literally rush her out the door with not so much as a goodbye.

  Suddenly he changed the subject. “Lily mentioned about you two going to a club for your birthday.”

  “Yeah.” Faye shook her head, and blushed some. “I wasn’t too thrilled.”

  He let out a gentle sigh of relief, as if he had been hoping she’d say that. It made Faye deliver an awkward glance. “I was sort of worried about that.”


  Noct came back around his desk, sliding open a drawer. “You just don’t seem like the kind of lady to go partying around.”

  This was definitely true.

  He pulled out a box, flat and black and sort of big, before coming back around his desk, and standing before her again. “I did, however, pick you up something for your birthday.” His gaze lifted from the box, to look directly at her. “Birthday’s are special.”

  Only then did he place it into her hands, and Faye felt like if she dropped it, whatever was inside it would just shatter. Unclasping the latch, she pulled up the lid, and peered inside. “Goodness…” She whispered, and gazed over it’s beauty. It looked like a silver glistening chain, with a single diamond shaped ruby danging off of the necklace.

  Taking the box from her hands, he pulled the piece of jewelry from the box, and quickly stepped around her. “It’s more like, a birthday and graduation gift in one.” It took him only a tiny single moment to unclasp the necklace and bring it over the front of her. He stood so close behind her, as he clasped the silver chain together, so that it dangled down her chest.

  Faye looked down, taking a good look at the beautiful jewel. Nobody had ever given her such a nice gift and she hated herself for wanting to ask what the price was. “How much did this cost, Noct?” She asked, and turned to look up at him.

  “Does it matter? Money does not matter.” He spoke, and reached out, to lightly take the ruby between his thumb and index finger; as if giving a light stroke to it. He then, carefully, allowed it to fall back upon her chest.

  Faye finally smiled. Despite how awkward the situation was, she loved her gift. However, she wasn’t all that sure how she was going to explain it to Lily. “Maybe you should up your game for Lily’s next birthday gift.”

  “Pardon?” He asked with a confused look.

  “You got her a card and a tiny cake last year…I’m sure she’d love something like this. But she likes rings.”

  He seemed completely dumbfounded by what Faye was trying to say.

  “Oh come on.” She shrugged lightly, now grinning playfully. “It’s quite obvious that Lily likes you.” This time she lowered her voice because if Lily knew that Faye had said a word, she’d probably run out of there from embarrassment.

  “Lily.” He straightened his back, and cleared his throat. “Yes.” And just like that, he cut the conversation. His usual self came back, where he was hiding all emotion. Turning, he came back around his desk, settling down neatly behind it.


  “Well. I better get back to work.” When he didn’t say anything in return, and instead, turn his computer on, she le
t out a gentle sigh and came around his side of the desk. “Thanks for the necklace, Noct.” Her hand came out, and she gently pat his shoulder. “I really do appreciate it. It’s beautiful.”

  His hand came up then, and rested over Faye’s. He even smiled, which made her feel much better.

  Finally, she left his office, and came back out to the main area. She caught Lily out cleaning a table, making room for a group of teenagers, whom all either had an IPAD, or some sort of laptop in their hands. It was then that she realized this was going to be a long night.

  “Heeeeey.” Lily said, while coming around the counters. “You were in there for a while.” Raising a brow, Lily looked directly at Faye, and all Faye could do was smile. But Lily’s gaze traveled down to the necklace that so very obviously glistened in the lighting above them. “Where did you get that?”

  Sighing heavily, Faye walked to the cash register, waiting for the teenagers to figure out what they wanted. “That, would be a birthday, slash, graduation gift from the boss.”

  It took Lily a moment to register. “Noctis?”

  “The one and only boss we have, Lily.” Shaking her head, Faye looked straight at the teenagers. They had to have been in tenth grade at the latest.

  Once she took their orders, she turned and proceeded making the first frozen coffee. “That seems really…nice.” Lily mentioned, and looked down at the ticket, and proceeded to make two separate frozen coffees. “The necklace, I mean. It seems….”

  “A bit much?” Faye answered. “Yeah. I know. But, I kind of like it. Ruby is my favorite.”

  “Did you tell him that?”

  “No. I’ve never told him that before.” Faye chuckled, which was sort of odd in a way, because Noct had never known her favorite jewel was the Ruby. “But I did tell him, that he needed to buy you better birthday gifts this year.”

  “Whaaaat?” Looking over, Faye could see the color burning along her best friends cheeks. “Why would you say that?”

  “You really need to stop being a coward and go tell Noct how you really feel.” Sighing heavily, Faye topped the coffee with whip cream and a cherry. She also wrote down the name of the drink. “You are always telling me how I need to go find a man, and here you are…being Miss Coward over here.”

  They both put their drinks on the counter, all with the names. Luckily, they managed to not misspell the customers names.

  “We both know Noct wont go for me. I’m…fucking weird.”

  “Lily! Shh!” Faye looked around her to make sure nobody heard what Lily had said. “And for your information, you’re not THAT weird…just a little bit. But that’s who you are.” She grinned from ear to ear, and that alone made Lily grin.

  “Ah.” Lily looked over at the boss’s door. “Maybe someday.”

  Suddenly, Faye felt a burning sensation, at a spot right under her breast. She gasped loudly, and brought her hand up over the area. It was right under her breast bone, along the left side of her chest.

  Lily noticed. “What’s wrong?”

  “I-” Faye swallowed hard, as the burning sensation began to grow. Reaching out, she gripped the edge of the counter, right before the coffee makers. “-I don’t know. It just burns.”

  “Fuck. A heart attack. Let me go get Noct.”

  “No. Lily. It’s not…” She shook her head, and lightly bent down to ease some of the pain. “It’s not internal. My skin hurts.”

  “Well. Let me see. Just turn this way.”

  “I’m not gonna lift my shirt up in the presence of hormonal -” She hissed in pain. “-teenage boys.”

  Stepping off to the side, Lily brought her hand around Faye’s arm and brought her to the office. “Noct?” Lily peered inside, before dragging Faye and herself in. “Can you keep an eye on the register? Faye has something wrong with her.”

  “What is it?” Noct suddenly stood, and quickly came around his desk. “What’s wrong Faye?”

  “I don’t know!” Faye was feeling frustrated because this was the second time someone asked her this. “I have no idea. It’s like, my skin is burning.”

  “Where bouts is it?” Noct asked in a concerned tone of voice.

  Reaching up, Faye brought her hand over a spot, just right under her breast.

  “Lily, go watch the counter. Make sure the customers are happy. I will handle this.” Noct said, before dragging Faye over towards his desk.

  Lily stood there, and blinked before finally allowing it to register. “Okay.” She finally said, and quickly left the office, closing the door behind her.

  Now all was silent. That is, apart from the occasional wince and gasp that Faye made. Noct brought himself down onto one knee, and his hands came up to the back of Faye’s apron. He hastily untied it, and brought it up. Faye took the rest and pulled it up over her head. “May I?” He asked, his finger tips coming to the hem of her shirt. As if the look on her face said it was alright, he proceeded to pull the shirt up over her tummy.

  “I see.” He spoke softly, the hem of her shirt now resting along the middle part of the cup of her bra. “Looks like a really bad rash.” After gazing at it for quite some time, he looked up at her. It was quite obvious, Faye was struggling to contain herself. Truth be told, she wanted to scream out from the pain. “Faye, did you do something?”

  “What?!” She wanted to scream so badly, but her words only came out as harsh whispers. Her hands came down, and gripped the edge of his desk behind her.

  “Did you do something to your skin? Did something spill here? Did you lean up against something hot?”


  “Last night. At the club. A woman spilled her drink down my dress by accident.” She shook her head and winced in pain. “Could alcohol really do that?”

  Even he shook his head. “Not likely. Not if it’s causing you this much discomfort.”

  Suddenly, she let out a squeal. “Ow! Noct, it hurts so bad. I just want it to stop.” Her chest was rising and falling rapidly as she tried to control how harsh her voice may be, as well as her own breathing. Truth be told, she was in a lot of pain. Such random pain, it was. “It’s b-burning. Like fire!”

  “Burning?” He asked, and suddenly, his hand came up and wrapped over that spot that caused her so much discomfort.

  Suddenly, she stilled. Sweat had collected upon her face, and her cheeks were red. She let out a long sigh of relief. His hand was incredibly cold, for whatever reason, but it felt…

  “Better?” He asked, delivering a tender look up at her. Slowly, he stood, and peered down at her; his hand never leaving that spot.

  Any other time, she’d be asking why he had such cold hands, but it just felt so good, that all she could do was nod and look up at him with a tired expression.

  “Faye?” He asked softly, while looking down at her. “Are you alright?”

  The look on his face, said that he had noticed something. That something being on her face. It was at that very moment, she felt…tired. Dreadfully tired. Maybe even sick. Her head felt like it was spinning. She could barely hear her boss trying to get her attention, before everything went completely dark.


  It was nearing ten, and Fenrir was heading to a part in the forest, just a little ways a way from where all their homes surrounded. It really truly was a pack. They all lived in vicinity of one another.

  Fenrir was right though. His father had called upon a pack meeting. And that was where every single wolf in their pack, would gather, to hear an infamous speech. A speech that, they’d no doubt possibly heard countless of times.

  One by one, the group emerged from the shadows, coming around a fire pit, and many torches to simply light up the area a little bit more. Some of the pack watched Fenrir curiously. Some with disgust because of what he had done. And some, were actually by his side - like his brothers and friends - because they knew what he had been going through.

  Or what he thought he’d been going through.

  “Everybody gather around!” His father then
, came out of the trees and to the tiny clearing, like everybody else did. There was a single moment of silence, before his father spoke. Fenrir stayed a bit behind the rest of the group. Truth be told, he felt a little bit ashamed of what he had done. “We all know what happened, to the Merryweather Farm.”

  All of the people of the pack nodded.

  “We all know that mistakes happen. We are…after all…wild beasts.” His father sighed. “It’s in our nature to let our beasts run wild. However.” He looked at each and every single pack member. “We have to try. We can’t let our people be put in danger, and our kind be known. Thus, I have come to a conclusion.”

  There was another moment of silence.

  “The next full moon, we will travel to a different state. And we will not all be together when we shift.”


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