The Call of the Moon

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The Call of the Moon Page 16

by Kristy Breckenridge

  “Would anybody like anything to drink?” The woman asked.

  “No.” Fenrir blatantly stated.

  Selene continued. “Time matters…right now. So we just want to get right to things.”

  “Of course.” The woman said, and slowly parked a spot down on the only living chair in the room. “What were your questions?”

  Selena sighed softly. “Are you familiar with mating rituals?”

  “Mating rituals. I’ve heard of them, yes.”

  “Is there a possibility that you may be able to cook one up?” Sam finally spoke.

  The woman slowly began to shake her head. “No, I was not born with the gift that my grandmother had.”


  “But you had mentioned on the phone, that you are a witch.” Selene said, and you could tell by the sound of her voice that she, herself, was getting annoyed.

  “I am a witch.” She said, with a big smile.

  The woman clearly did not know what the hell she was talking about.

  “If you were a witch, specifically from a Salem line, that would mean you could perform this ritual.” Selene had to say.

  “Oh I’ve never actually done magic before.”

  Magic. She called it magic? Even Selene laughed in disbelief at that. Even Fenrir knew how ridiculous that sounded.

  “We are wasting our goddamn time.” Fenrir said, and abruptly stood. Sam shushed him, and stood along with him.

  “Vivian.” Selene spoke, and stood right along with the other two. “I would like to tell you that -” Her hand came out, her palm facing the woman. That familiar electric current sizzled from the palm of Selene’s hand, and this Vivian woman looked as shocked as anybody would from witnessing that. “- you should not give false information. If you are not a witch, don’t claim you are one. Especially when one is needed for something so important.” And just like that, the electricity was gone from her hand. “I bid you a good day, Vivian.”

  With that said, Selene left the scene like a bat out of hell. She practically crashed through those white double doors, and back out to the car.

  “So we have one more option. That…fucking twelve hour drive.” Sam said, and you could hear by the sound of his voice that he was not looking forward to that.

  “I’ll drive.” Fenrir said, coming around to the drivers side. He slid in, buckling himself in.

  “Shouldn’t we…get a place to crash for the night? With all that has been going on, we haven’t been getting much sleep as it is.” Sam stated.

  “No.” Fenrir said. Selene had entered the back seat, and handed Fen the keys from behind. “We don’t have time to stop. Not for anything but maybe a bite to eat. You two can sleep. The GPS will do just fine.” With that said, he put the key in the ignition and fired the engine.

  Fen knew that the next twelve hours could give him one or two scenarios. One, being that they find what they are looking for, or two, that they were shit out of luck. For some reason, he felt like the latter was more of what they were heading for.


  Faye had awoken several times in the night with a bad head ache and an upset stomach. It felt like she had tunnel vision the very last time she woke up, but her upset stomach was a feeling she’d never experienced before. “Ow.” She whimpered, rolling onto her side, with her hand holding her tummy. She knew that feeling. It was going to happen.

  Quickly, she shot out of bed, and walked quickly to the bedroom door. She practically crashed through it, went across the hall, flipped the bathroom light on, and dropped to her knees in front of the toilet.

  The pain was excruciating. On top of that, she felt like she was puking…absolutely nothing. When she was finished, she peered down in the toilet. Red. All she saw was red. It looked like someone had dropped dark red dye down into the toilet bowl. “What?” She whispered.

  Suddenly, she heard someone at the door. “Faye. What’s wrong?” Noct’s familiar voice echoed in the bathroom. She looked up at him, wiping her mouth. She could feel the blood that had smeared from her lips, onto her hand. “Christ.” He muttered. Heading for the toilet, he took one gander, before he quickly flushed it. “We need to get you to bed.”

  “I’ve been in bed.” She spoke in her now usual tired tone. She allowed him to help her up into a standing position, and she used him as a leaning post, while he helped her back across the hall.

  Helping her back into bed, he brought the sheet back over her, and propped some pillows up for her under her head. “Just a minute, okay?” With that, he hastily headed back for the bathroom. When he returned, he had two damp cold wash cloths. One he draped over her forehead, and the other, he proceeded to clean the mess from her mouth and her hand.

  “I don’t like this.” He spoke in a sharp whisper-like tone as he cleaned her up. Once finished, he placed the cloth on the night stand before giving her a long look. “I need to make a phone call.” With that said, he left the room, and closed the door behind him. She could hear the front door open and slam, before he stepped out onto the grass. From where she sat, she could see him walking around out in the dark, aimlessly, while dialing a certain someone.

  She couldn’t make out what all he said, but she did capture the words “organ failure”.

  Were her organs really failing on her? What did this mean? Did it mean that she had less time than what was initially thought?

  She allowed herself to close her eyes. It was all she could do. She needed the rest, it was one thing that Noct was seriously right about.

  It was seven in the morning when Faye woke up. And when she did, her stomach felt cramped. As if she’d just done a couple hundred crunches. The rest of her body ached just as badly.

  But this time, when she got up out of bed, it took her a bit to finally get moving. She felt like an old woman that couldn’t walk properly. She had to grip the edge of the bed as she moved to the door.

  Roy must have realized she was awake, because he was at the door when she opened it. That sensitive hearing that these supernatural beings had, must really pay off. The look on his face, was…terrible. “Jesus, Faye.”

  “What?” She asked, while holding onto the door frame.

  “You-” He seemed to be lost for words. “You look…worse than you did last night.”

  “Thanks.” She managed to muster a sarcastic laugh.

  “No Faye. This is…bad.”

  “I’m fine, Roy. You don’t have to worry about me.” She stood herself up more straight, as straight as she possibly could, but yet she still managed to be slightly hunched over. Just like an old lady would be.

  “Faye. That Noct guy. He told me about your little bathroom break.”

  “Great…” She rolled her eyes, and stepped out of the bedroom. With her hand on the wall, she slowly made her way down the hall. “Robbing bathroom horror stories now huh? Classic.”

  “Faye, I don’t think-”

  She stopped dead in her tracks and turned just enough so that she could look at him. “I’m fine, alright?” She spoke harshly. “Now I don’t want to hear another word about it.” Once that was said, she continued on her slow journey to the living room, where she plopped herself down onto the couch.

  “You hungry, perhaps?” He asked. “We still have all that…food.”

  She shook her head. Truth be told, she didn’t have much of an appetite right now. “I’m not really hungry.”

  “Well. Do you think you’re going to be alright on your own for an hour or so?”

  She looked up at him, after having propped the couch pillows up. “Where are you going?”

  “I need to go get Fen’s Dad.”

  Oh. She’d completely forgotten about his dad making a trip here. It actually made her…nervous. “I’ll be fine.” She said.

  “Oh and Noct had uhm…he finished your clothes. They are in the suitcase at the end of your bed.” He pulled his keys out of his pocket. “He wanted me to tell you that.”


ith an awkward nod of his head, he walked slowly backwards towards the entry way. If he headed out the front door, he’d disappear from behind the small section of wall, where a table and a Witchers brew rested against. “Are you sure you don’t need anything?”

  “I’m sure.” She said, and nodded, giving him a reassuring smile.

  “Alright. I will try and not be too long.” And with that said, he grabbed his coat, just like the night before and disappeared out the door. How did people have so many things they needed to do, every single day?

  She wondered if they were more laid back.

  More laid back, if you hadn’t come in and screwed up their life.

  Faye looked around at the living room. What the hell was she going to do now? She knew now that Noct was a vampire who slept during the day. So that left her with nobody to talk to. At least for the next couple of hours. And that was when the nervousness set in. Fenrir’s father was coming. She wasn’t so sure how she felt about that. Fenrir spoke of his father, as if his father was not a human person at all.

  Definitely not figuratively speaking. He was no human, but he also hated humans apparently.

  She let out a heavy sigh and simply sat there. There was one thing she had noticed just then and there. Selene didn’t have a damn TV. Truth be told, even Faye wasn’t much of a television person, because she submersed herself into her romance novels, but now, at a time like this, sitting down in front of the tube sounded really…comforting.

  Grabbing the edge of the couch, she brought herself slowly up into a standing position. She grabbed the little throw blanket, before heading into the bedroom. Sure enough, her suitcase was there. She put on a new pair of blue jeans, a long sleeved pink shirt, and her white sweater that she wore yesterday, pulled over her shirt. She already felt more comfortable. She slipped on her flats, grabbed the throw blanket once again, and left the room.

  On the porch was one single white rocking chair. The paint had faded and peeled over time, but it was an adorable chair. She brought herself down into it, and there, she began rocking comfortably. This was what she needed back home. A rocking chair.

  That is if she ever got the chance to see home again.

  She sat there as comfortable as can be, despite the aches and pains that lingered all over her body. She watched the leaves continue to fall, and the crisp wind pick them up and swirl them along the ground. It was strange. Because just seven days ago, it was Spring time at home.


  Fenrir and Sam had switched places after about six hours worth of driving. However, when it came time for Fenrir’s turn to get some sleep, it didn’t come like he’d hoped it would. Worries washed over him. So many worries. So many horrors, thoughts, and just…fucking…worries.

  He had received one phone call about Faye. Roy had told him, that Noct thought Faye had some sort of organ failure going on. She had apparently been puking up quite a bit of blood. She also appeared to be growing weaker and weaker. The knowledge actually hit Fenrir like a thousand bricks. Why was it all just happening to her? One worry was when it would happen to him. Would it even happen to him?

  He awoke after a two hour nap. The sun was bright, as it was now going on ten in the morning. “I think we are just about there.” Sam said, and yawned. He had to give his brother credit. He definitely kept trucking on.

  “Great.” Fen said, and stretched his long legs as much as he could in the cramped space in the passengers seat. His hands clasped together in his lap, as he looked out the window. He had a feeling that today was going to be one hell of a long day. Not only did he have to deal with this, but the drive back to Selene’s house was going to be a long pain in the ass.

  The house that they came up to this time, was tiny and somewhat old. It was a one story house, that could not have no more than two bedrooms in it. There was no fence this time, but there were enough yard ornaments for Fen to put two and two together, that an old lady lived in this house.

  “Geez. Can I just stay in the car this time?” Fenrir said. The last thing he felt he could do, was go through another bout of disappointment. He was sure this was going to be another bust.

  Selene was already awake. She must have awoken once the sun’s rays hit the windows. She did not appear the be tired at all. “After this, we will need to get us something to eat.”

  “No kidding. I’m starving like a wolf.” Sam said, putting the car in park and turning the ignition off.

  Any other time, Fenrir would have joked right along with his brother, but this moment was not the time. So instead of saying a single word, he hopped out of the car, and looked around the area. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  They were met at the door by, surprisingly, a very young woman. She had black hair, tied up in a tight bun. She was slender, and a bit tall, but she held herself well. “You are the ones who contacted me?”

  Selene nodded. Fenrir knew exactly what Selene must be thinking. The woman was definitely young. She had to have been the age of Faye. If not around it.

  “There is something that I did not tell you over the phone.” The woman said, while stepping off to the side to allow them all inside. This place was more homey. The inside was incredibly clean and spotless, but not in such a way that made you afraid to sit anywhere. It was very livable for that matter.

  “And that is?” Fenrir said, now following close behind the woman as she headed for her kitchen. She had put on a pot of tea, pulling down four cups.

  “You will not be able to get help from me.”

  So they drove twelve straight hours for goddamn nothing…

  “But. I may have answers.”

  “Go on.” Selene said before anyone else could.

  The woman walked over to a china hutch and opened the two cabinet doors along the bottom. She pulled out one great big book, with some papers that seemed to have slipped loose. “This book has been in my family’s generation for…several years.” She brought the book down on the small dining room table, and took a seat. The rest of them, all except for Fenrir, took a seat right along with her. He stood off nearby, leaning his back against the wall. He felt like banging his head back against it over and over. They were wasting time.

  She proceeded to open to a section somewhere towards the middle. There were several pictures there. “Just so you know, I am a witch.” The woman said. “But I’m not the kind of witch that you are seeking. I know things, but…what you are looking for is someone like this.” Her index finger came to rest near a particular face.

  Selene peered down at it, and then back up at the woman. “Who is this?”

  “My grandmother knew her. She was a really nice lady, who had a gifted power like no other.” She nodded, and turned the page. There were more pictures of what appeared to be this lady’s grandmother, with this particular gifted woman. “She was the last known, at the time, to have the same gene of the Salem’s.”

  Which meant the old broad would be dead by now. Especially by the looks of how old that picture was.

  “What was her name?” Selene pulled out a small notepad and a pen from her purse.

  “She was known as Lavina Sunstorm.” She shook her head. “But you won’t find her anywhere. She died over forty years ago.”

  “We wont be finding her. But we may find people who are linked to her.” Selene stated, finishing up what she wrote before shoving it right back into her purse.

  “I doubt you will find what you are looking for. As far as I can tell, there are no others that come down her line. Now, the lady did have a daughter, but she did not get the rare gene that her mother had. I do not know of any others that came from her.”

  “I’m sure we will figure something out.” Selene looked back at Fenrir. “This is a good big step, Fenrir. This means that there is hope. There has to be others in that family, even if there is a child that was never documented.”

  That was definitely a big chance. Why would someone not want their heritage continuing? Wasn’t that a little bit…selfish, if th
ey did not? “Do you know where this daughter might live?”

  “Last I’d heard, she was just an hour from here. But, I’ve also heard that she moves around a lot.”

  Great, he thought.

  “To be honest with you…the daughter, I’ve never met. The daughter lived more of a life in solitude. At least that is what my mother said.”

  “And where is your mother?” Selene asked curiously.

  “My mother died ten years ago.”

  Well that pretty much summed up their twelve hour trip.


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