chain reaction, 161
code name, 202
Fermi’s beta radiation paper, 105–106
Fermi’s QED paper, 100–101
NAS conference, 287
Nobel Prize, 278
on criticality, 213–214
quantum electrodynamics, 105
radium experiment, 164–165
the Hungarian refugees, 155
von Neumann and, 242
Yang and Lee, 326
Wilczek, Frank, 100
The World of Enrico Fermi (documentary), 357
World War I, 17, 31
World War II
effect on Fermi’s life, 273–274
end of the European war, 249–250
Nazi-Soviet pact, 180
Potsdam Conference, 261
secrecy over chain reaction potential, 161–165
“Society of Prophets” following the path of, 181–182
Szilard’s chain reaction patent, 155
urgency over fission research, 180–182
US entrance into, 167–168, 186
See also fascist regime, Italy’s; Germany; Manhattan Project; Soviet Union
X-10 reactor, 221–223, 228–229
Xenon-135 isotope, 232
X-ray diffraction, 29
X-ray pressure, hydrogen bomb research and, 302–304
Yang, Chen-Ning, 105–106, 285, 326, 330–332, 341(fn), 342, 358–359
Yodh, Guarang, 330–331
Yukawa, Hideki, 127–128, 275–276, 292
Zacharaisen, Walter, 284, 297–298
Zeeman, Pieter, 46, 89, 110
Zeeman effect, 46, 48–49, 110
Zinn, Walter, 211(fig.), 275(fig.)
bringing the pile to criticality, 208
construction of the pile, 205–206
Fermi Award, 356–357
halting the chain reaction, 211
Leona Libby’s pregnancy, 219
Manhattan Project, 181
purity of fission materials, 199
success of the reactor, 215
the Chicago team, 193
thorium explosion, 191
Zuckerman, Harriett, 331
The Last Man Who Knew Everything Page 55