Capitalism Wakes Up!

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Capitalism Wakes Up! Page 7

by Ali Shariati

  1969/1348 April-May

  Translated into English and published (Houston: IRIS, 1983).

  31.10 Conditions of Class Awareness pp 389-408

  Date unknown.

  31.11 Some Third World Pioneers in the Return to Self pp 409-424

  Date unknown.


  31.12 Open and Closed World Views pp 427-438



  31.13 Migration: The Basis for an Open World View pp 439-448



  31.14 Scientific Sociological pp 449-452



  31.15 Darwinism in the Transformation of Various

  Civilizations to Each Other pp 453-454



  31.16 The Third World Finally Speaks Out pp 455-458

  Date unknown

  31.17 The Religious Perspective in the View of a

  Real and a Pseudo-Intellectual pp 459-462

  Date unknown. Continuation of Love- Monotheism

  which has been printed in volume 2.

  31.18 Examples of Elevated Ethics are in Islam pp 463-522

  Date unknown. Translation from Arabic into Persian of a long letter written by Allamah Muhammad Husayn Kashif al-Ghita (d.1954) addressed to Gerald Ivans Hopkins, then vice-president of the American Friends of the Middle East in which Kashif al-Ghita had expressed the grievances of the Muslim world against the West. Hopkins had invited Kashf al-Ghita to attend an anti-communist conference to be held in Lebanon. The latter refused and instead sent a letter in which he took an anti-imperialist stance. An English translation of the letter has been published (Tehran: IPO, 1987) under the title Islamic Anti-Imperialism.

  31.19 Introduction to the Lecture of Hasan al-Amin pp 523-542

  Volume 32: Art 350 pp

  32.1 Art Awaiting the Savior pp 3-30

  Speech. Mashhad. Date unknown. Translated into English and published (Tehran: Hamdami Foundation, 1980).

  32.2 Religion is a Door and Art, a Window pp 31-72

  Speech. Mashhad. Date unknown. Taken from an essay called “Islamic Sciences”.

  32.3 Art: Fleeing from What Exists pp 73-86

  1969/1348 October-November


  32.4 On Criticism and Literature pp 87-270

  Translated into Persian by Shariati. Text by Dr. Mandur. Date unknown.

  32.5 Oppression Based on Justice! - a play pp 271-278

  Date unknown.

  32.6 Selection of Poetry pp 279-298

  Date unknown.


  32.7 What is poetry? pp 301-304

  Date unknown.

  32.8 Advice and a Story pp 305-312

  1970/1348 February 1

  Text. Mashhad.

  Volume 33: Conversations in Loneliness (2vols) 1325 pp

  There are over 1325 pages in two volumes containing 133 different essays. Some topics are on men like Erich Fromm, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Montgomery Watt, Sartre, and E.G. Browne. Others relate to art and poetry: “What is art?,” “On Poetry and Literature,” and “Stream of Consciousness.” On miscellaneous topics like assimilation, anticipation, faith, ‘know thyself to know thy Lord’, fear, childhood and the journals he wrote while in solitary confinement for 550 days in the Qazil Qaleh prison. The Persian editions have neither been indexed nor contents listed.

  Volume 34: Letters 188 pp

  Letter 1: To his wife 1972/1350 Aban pp 5-7

  Letter 2:  To his son 1974/1352 pp 8-15

  Letter 3: To his uncle n.d. pp 16-19

  Letter 4: To his cousin n.d. pp 20-21

  Letter 5:  To his brother 1970/1348 Farvardin 3 pp 22-24

  Letter 6: To M. Homayoun n.d. pp 25-29

  Letter 7: To K. Motaheddin n.d. pp 30-34

  Letter 8: To Friend 1962/1340 May pp 35-37

  Letter 9:  To A. Bazargan n.d. pp 38-47

  Letter 10: To a friend n.d. pp 48-52

  Letter 11: To a friend n.d. pp 53-55

  Letter 12: To a friend 1972/1350 pp 56-58

  Letter 13: Not clear n.d. pp 59-61

  Letter 14: To a friend n.d. pp 62-64

  Letter 15: To friends 1972/1350 (Tir 25) pp 65-68

  Letter 16: To friends n.d. p 69

  Letter 17: To a friend n.d. pp 70-71

  Letter 18: Not clear n.d. pp 72-73

  Letter 19: To Husayniyah n.d. pp 74-84

  Letter 20: N ot clear 1978/1356 (Ordbehesht 24) pp 85-89

  Letter 21: Not clear 1971/1351 pp 90-97

  Letter 22: To Ayatullah Milani n.d. pp 98-103

  Letter 23: To Ayatullah Milani 1972/1351 pp 104-121

  Letter 24: To Dr. Madkhur n.d. pp 122-133

  Letter 25: To Dr. Matini n.d. pp 134-135

  Letter 26: To Dr. Matini n.d. pp 136-139

  Letter 27: To Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan 1972/1351 Azar pp 146-162

  Letter 28: To Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan n.d. pp 162-165

  Letter 29: To someone who wrote to him n.d. pp 166-188

  Volume 35: Miscellaneous Works (2 vols) 558 pp

  Part One

  35.1 History -Society pp 1-106

  Date unknown.

  35.2 Human Being pp 107-130

  Date unknown.

  35.3 Understanding Islam pp 131-236

  Date unknown.

  35.4 Middle Ages—New Age pp 237-278

  Date unknown.

  35.5 Religion-Mysticism: Tendency to Dream pp 279-366

  Date unknown.

  35.6 Art pp 367-434

  Date unknown.

  35.7 Conversations Alone pp 435-514

  Date unknown.

  35.8 Husayniyah Irshad pp 515-544

  Date unknown.

  35.9 Letters pp 545-558

  Date unknown.

  Part Two

  35.10 Children and Young Adults pp 559-600

  Date unknown.

  35.11 Articles pp 601-650

  Date unknown.

  35.12 Miscellaneous Writing pp 651-684

  Date unknown.

  35.13 Translations pp 685-754

  Date unknown.

  35.14 Notes pp 755-980

  The second part of Volume 35 has not been printed yet in Persian.

  B. Indices to the Collected Works

  1. Alphabetical Index to the Translated Volume Titles of the Collected Works

  Abu Dharr 3

  Ali 26

  Alid Shiism/Safavid Shiism 9

  Appointment with Abraham 29

  Approach to the Understanding of Islam 28

  Art 32

  Characteristics of the Contemporary Century 31

  Class Orientation in Islam 10

  Conversations in Loneliness (2 vols) 33

  Fall into the Desert, The 13

  Hajj: Reflections on its Rituals 6

  History and Knowledge of Religions (I) 14

  History and Knowledge of Religions (II) 15

  History of Civilizations (I) 11

  History of Civilizations (II) 12

  Husayn : Heir of Adam 19

  Iqbal and Us 5

  Islamology, Irshad (I) 16

  Islamology, Irshad (II) 17

  Islamology, Irshad (III) 18

  Islamology, Mashhad 30

  Letters 34

  Miscellaneous Works (2 vols) 35

  On Women’s Issues 21

  Prayer 8

  Religion vs Religion 22

  Return 4

  Revolutionary Self-development 2

  Selfless Human Being 25

  Shiism 7

  Study of Iranian-Islamic Identity 27

  The Human Being 24

  To Familiar Listeners 1

  What must be done? 20

  World View and Ideology 23

  2. Alphabetical Index to the Transliterated

  Volume Titles of the Collected Works

  Abu Dharr 3

  Ali 26

  Athar-eh gounah goun 35

  Ba mokhatib-ha yeh ashna 1

  Baz gasht 4

  Bazshenasi-yeh hoveyat-eh irani-yeh eslami 27

  Che bayad kard 20

  Ensan 24

  Ensan-eh bi khod 25

  Eslamshenasi 30

  Eslamshenasi I 16

  Eslamshenasi II 17

  Eslamshenasi III 18

  Gofteguha-yeh tanhayi 33 (2 vols.)

  Honar 32

  Husayn: varith-eh Adam 19

  Hubut dar kavir 13

  Jahanbini va id’iologi 23

  Jehat-giri-yeh tabeqati-yeh eslam 10

  Khod sazi-yeh engelabi 2

  Ma va eqbal 5

  Madhhab alayheh madhhab 22

  Miyad ba Ebrahim 29

  Nameh-ha 34

  Niyayesh 8

  Ravesh-eh shenakht-eh eslam 28

  Shiah 7

  Tah lili az manasek-eh haj 6

  Tarikh-eh tamadon (I) 11

  Tarikh-eh tamadon (II) 12

  Tarikh va shenakht-eh adiyan I 14

  Tarikh va shenakht-eh adiyan II 15

  Tashayo-eh ‘Alavi/ tashayo-eh Safavi 9

  Vijehgi-ha-yeh qarn-eh jadid 31

  Zan 21

  3. Alphabetical Index to the Translated Lectures Titles in the Collected Works


  About Creation 13.3*

  About the Book 25.9

  Abu Dharr Ghifari 3.1

  Advice and a Story 32.8

  African Colonialization 4.23*

  After Martyrdom 19.4

  After the Festival of Sacrifice: Stoning (rami) 6.24

  Ali is Alone 26.4

  Ali: A Myth-like Reality 26.2

  Ali: Founder of Unity 26.6

  Ali: His Fruitful Life After Death 26.9

  Alid Shiism/ Safavid Shiism 9.2

  Alienation and the Dialectic of Work/Need in Marxism 17.8

  Aloneness 24.7*

  And Once Again Abu Dharr 3.2*

  Appointment with Abraham (4 lectures) 29.1

  Approach to the Understanding of Islam 28.2

  Arafah 6.15

  Art 35.6*

  Art Awaiting the Savior 32.1*

  Art: Fleeing from What Exists 32.3*

  Articles 35.11*

  Assimilated 4.15*

  Attitudes of the Yellow Race 11.8*

  Awaiting the Religion of Protest 19.7


  Black Stone (hajar al-aswad) and the Oath of Allegiance (bayat), The 6.10

  Blood 19.2*

  Book of Ali (€), the Book of Tomorrow, the Book of Always, The 29.22*


  Capitalism and Compromise 18.6

  Capitalism and Surplus Value 18.1

  Capitalism Wakes Up 18.7

  Characteristics of the Recent Centuries 12.2*

  Characteristics of Today’s Civilization 12.6*

  Children and Young Adults 35.10*

  Circumambulation (tawaf) 6.9

  Civilization and Modernism 31.9*

  Civilization: The Logical Outcome of Migration 29.3

  Colonialism and Assimilation 4.20*

  Coming to Know Muhammad (⁄) 30.3

  Commentary on Surah Anbiya 18.8

  Commentary upon Sermon 32 26.1

  Complete Human Being 25.6

  Concept of World View in Open and Closed Societies, The 28.11*

  Conditions of Class Awareness 31.10*

  Consciousness and Deception 20.5*

  Contemporary Reformers 4.6*

  Conversations Alone 35.7*

  Critical View of the Intellectual 4.34*

  Cultural Geography of Arabia 28.15*

  Culture and Ideology 23.6*

  Cutting of Nails or Hair (taqsir) and the End of the General Pilgrimage (umrah), The 6


  Darwinism in the Transformation of Various Civilizations to Each Other 31.15*

  Death: A Message for the Living 29.26

  Deceitful Shiism/Truthful Shiism 9.1

  Description of History 11.4*

  Desert, The 13.2

  Determinism of History 4.13*

  Discontinuity of History 4.16*

  Discussion About Martyrdom 19.5*


  Economic Roots of the Renaissance 31.3*

  Economics 10.2*

  Economics or the Class Curve of the Quran 10.1*

  Examples of Elevated Ethics Are in Islam 31.18*

  Existentialism 24.6*

  Expectations From the Muslim Woman 21.2

  Extraction and Refinement of Cultural Resources, The 20.7*


  Fall, The 13.1

  Fanon’s Last Will and Testament 4.48*

  Fate of Thoughts, The 4.5*

  Fatima is Fatima ( €) 21.1

  Feeling for the Past and Coming to Know Historic Self in the East 4.18*

  Festival (id) of the Sacrifice, The 6.21

  Final Word, A 6.26

  Followers of Ali (€) and Their Anguishes 26.8

  Four Prisons of the Human Being I 25.3*

  Four Prisons of the Human Being II 25.4*

  Four Visages of Monotheism 16.5

  Free Human Being—Human Freedom 24.4*

  Freedom 24.2*

  Freedom, Auspicious Freedom 2.5*

  From Migration to Death 28.4

  From where should we begin? 20.6


  General Discussion on Civilization and Culture 11.3*

  General Discussion on World View and Culture 12.3*

  General Look at the Hajj, A 6.23

  Geography of Words, The 4.36*

  Glance at the Characteristics of the Ancient, Middle and Contemporary Eras, A 31.4*

  Glance at the Characteristics of the Middle Ages and Contemporary Centuries, A 31.5*

  Glance at the Life of Muhammad (⁄) : From Birth to Actualization of

  Prophethood, A 29.12*

  Glance at the Quran, A 28.16*

  Glance at the Successorship of Imam Rida (€), A 28.7*

  Glance at Tomorrow’s History, A 31.6*

  God in the Various Religions 28.10*

  Good-bye City of Martyrdom 22.5


  Hajj: Objective Embodiment of Monotheism and Islam 16.9

  Historic Determinism 18.4

  Historical Conscience 4.17*

  History and Ali 26.11*

  History and Its Value in Islam 29.20

  History in the View of the Quran and Schools of Thought 17.1

  History of Chinese Civilization 11.7*

  History of Islamic Iran Until the Safavids 27.1*

  History and Society 35.1*

  History: The Naturally Guided Line of Adam 29.21*

  How to Remain 2.2

  Human Being 35.2*

  Human Being and History 24.5*

  Human Being and Islam 24.1*

  Human Being, Islam and Western Schools of Thought, The 24.3*

  Human Rebellion 25.2*

  Humanism in the East and West 25.1*

  Hurr: Man Caught Between Tragedy and Salvation 2.9

  Husayn (€): Heir of Adam 19.1

  Husayniyah Irshad 35.8*


  Ideology I 23.3*

  Ideology II 23.4*

  Ideology III 23.5*

  Ideology IV 23.7*

  Ideology V 23.8*

  If it were not for the Pope and Marx 22.6*

  Ihram at the Place of the Appointed Time (miqat) 6.4

  Importance of Migration in Islam and a Study of Five Kinds of

  Migration in the Quran 29.14

  Impressive Events in History 12.1*

  Incompetence of the Marxist Western View with a Colonialist Analysis 4.24*

  Insight into Shiite History, An 19.6

  Intellectuals and Their Responsibility to Society, The 20.2

  Intellectual vs. Pseudo-Intellectual 4.22

  Intellectual: Conscious Thinker Having an Ideology 4.40*

  Intercession of a Totem and Intercession of Ideology 23.10*

  Introduction to a Book on Hujr ibn Adi 19.9*

  Introduction to Husayn (€): Heir of Adam 17.9

  Introduction to Iqbal and Us 5.1

  Introduction to the General Pilgrimage (umrah) 6.2

  Introduction to the History of Civilizations 11.1*

  Introduction to the Lecture of Hasan al-Amin 31.19

  Introduction to the Study of Monotheism 16.3

  Introduction to the Time-Specified Pilgrimage (tammatu) 6.14

  Iqbal’s Ideology 5.5

  Iqbal’s World View 5.6

  Iqbal: Manifestation of Self-Reconstruction and Reformation 5.3

  Iqbal: Not Deceived by the West 5.4

  Iqbal: The 20th Century Reformer 5.2

  Islam of Muhammad: Reviver of Abraham’s Religion, The 29.8


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