Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2)

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Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2) Page 14

by SJ McCoy

  She spun around at the feel of Shane’s hand on her shoulder. “Can we send them all home now and get the party started?”

  She laughed. “No. We have to wait. Enjoy the anticipation.”

  His eyes shone as he smiled back. “I like anticipation when you’re the reward for waiting.” There went those goose bumps again as he placed a hand in the small of her back and pulled her a little closer. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I like fucking you better though!”

  Damn him! She tried to move away, but he slid his hand down over her ass. “Don’t tell me you don’t want to.”

  She met his gaze. “I told you, I’m not a liar. I’m not moving away from you because I don’t want to. You’ve got me all hot and wet and needy. I’m moving away because what I really want to do right now is unbuckle you, close my fingers around you, and then bend my naked ass over this counter in front of you.” She loved the way his eyes glazed over at her words. She looked around to check no one was watching, then covered the hand that he still had on her ass with her own. She moved it around. “See, I took a leaf out of your book. I’m commando under here. Figured it would help with ease of access. And if you keep talking about fucking me, we may have to make our excuses for a minute and go upstairs so you can.”

  His hand grasped her ass hard. “You think you can call my bluff? Let’s go.”

  She had been hoping to call his bluff, but now she was tempted to go. “And leave my guests and your family standing around here waiting for dinner?”

  He grinned. “They know what I’m like.”

  Hmm. Cassidy didn’t want them to think that was what she was like. And she certainly didn’t want them thinking she was just another of Shane’s conquests. “I think I’ll stick with anticipation.”

  He nodded. “We can make up for it later.”

  She smiled. “We can. Now, do you want to make yourself useful in the meantime?”

  He grinned and pressed her against the island, grinding his hips against hers. “Sure. Is this useful enough?” She couldn’t help it. Her eyelids drooped and she let out a low, deep breath as her hands came up to his shoulders. He grasped her waist and pressed into her.

  Her eyes flew open and she pushed him off. “Okay, you can take the win on that one. I want you. I can’t wait for them all to leave, so you can make good on what you just promised, but for now, that wasn’t the kind of useful I had in mind.”

  He smiled. “Okay. I’ll behave. What do you want me to do?”

  She showed him around the kitchen. “I’m going to pull everything out soon. Can you help me serve?”

  He nodded. “I’d be glad to.”

  ~ ~ ~

  When he finally took his seat, it took a moment for Shane to realize that she’d sat him at the head of the table. He smiled to himself and looked up in time to catch Mason watching him. His brother gave him the slightest of nods. It seemed that he’d noticed, too. He’d watched as Shane had helped Cassidy get everyone served. It was weird. He’d felt as though they were a real couple and they were hosting their friends and family—and he’d loved it! Him! Shane! The guy who ran a mile if a chick suggested so much as a night out with a group of friends. Yet here he was, playing the man of the house and loving the idea of it. What the hell was she doing to him? And why didn’t he mind?

  Beau looked down the table at him. “Have you decided what you’re doing about the cabins yet?”

  Why did he want to talk about that right now? He shrugged. “Yeah. I talked to Dad last week. I’m going to build.”

  Beau nodded and looked from him to Chance. “And whose land will that be on?”

  Oh shit. Why was he going there? That was family business, something to be talked about at home, not aired in front of other people like this. He smiled. Hoping to change the subject. “On Dad’s land, of course.” He knew damn well what Beau meant, but he didn’t want to get into it tonight.

  Beau scowled.

  Shane was surprised that it was Summer who stepped in to avert the awkward moment. She was sitting between Beau and Carter. She turned to touch Beau’s sleeve. “Speaking of what land belongs to whom, I’ve been wanting to ask you. Do you own the place I’m renting, or do you manage it for someone?”

  Shane did his best not to chuckle. Beau was evidently spoiling for a fight, but he was too polite to ignore Summer. He shot Shane another scowl and then turned to her. “I own it. Most of the properties I rent are managed, but I own several and that’s one of them.”

  Summer had such a sweet smile. Shane wanted to ask Cassidy where she was from. She had a southern twang, but not a very pronounced one. He had a feeling she was one of those southern belles though. Softness and sweetness on the outside with a will of steel underneath. He was taking a liking to her, and it surprised him to realize that he liked her as person, not as a female to pursue, but just as a fellow human being.

  “Why, are you interested in buying it?” asked Angie.

  Shane did not like that girl. She was one of Katie’s cronies. He’d hung out with them often enough to know the way they gossiped, how bitchy they were. He didn’t want her getting her claws into Summer.

  He had to laugh at the reactions around the table.

  In the same moment, he looked at Angie and said, “Don’t be so nosey.”

  Cassidy stood and asked, “So who wants dessert?”

  Mason looked at Angie and asked. “How about you, do you want to tell us what you’re planning to buy?”

  And Carter glared at her and said. “That’s none of your business.”

  After a few moments of stunned silence, Summer started to laugh. Everyone joined her and the tension was gone.

  Angie looked around the table. “Sorry. That was really rude of me, wasn’t it?”

  Cassidy nodded. “I’m afraid so. But you didn’t deserve that response. I’m just on edge trying to take care of my friend here.” She smiled around at the brothers. “And it seems I have quite a lot of backup in protecting her.”

  Mason and Carter grinned at her. Then she met Shane’s eye. He tried to convey to her without words that it was her he was most concerned with. She gave him a grateful smile. He hoped she understood.

  Once they’d finished eating, Cassidy shooed everyone out of the dining room and into the living room, assuring them she’d join them very shortly.

  Shane hung back to help her. Between them they made short work of clearing the table and loading the dishwasher. The kitchen was cleaned up in no time. Shane was struck again by how much he was enjoying this—enjoying feeling that they were a couple and in this together. “We make a good team, huh?” He held out his fist and she bumped hers against it.

  She gave him an odd look. “We do. Scary, huh?”

  He laughed. “Scary? I was thinking it was kind of cool.”

  “You were?”

  “You weren’t?” Maybe she was feeling the way he normally did at the very idea of shared domesticity?

  She gave him a puzzled look. “Actually I was. I was thinking it was really cool! And I was wondering why it doesn’t freak me the fuck out!”

  He laughed out loud at that. “See we are the same kind of animal. You stole my thoughts. I was really enjoying playing house with you until I realized I’m the guy who runs a mile from all that shit.”

  “And I’m the girl who does it all by herself or doesn’t do it at all.”

  They stared at each other for a moment. She looked a little scared, and he felt a little scared. He held his fist out again. “Okay, let’s just go back to good job, partner, and leave it at that, shall we?”

  She laughed and bumped her fist against his. “Gladly. And let’s go get a drink. We deserve it.”

  Just as they made their way to join the others, Chance held up a hand to catch Shane’s attention. He came over. “Thanks for a great dinner, Cassidy.”

  “Thanks for coming. Do you want to play pool? I’m going to see if everyone wants to head down to the basement to play?”

He shook his head. “Thanks, but I’m going to head home.” He looked at Shane. “Could I have a word?”

  Cassidy laughed. “Yes, he’s staying, yes you can have his keys.”

  Shane burst out laughing. “Don’t you just love my shrinking violet?” He put an arm around her shoulders and grinned at Chance as he dug his car keys out of his pocket and handed them over.

  Chance grinned. “And there I was worrying how I could be subtle about it.”

  “I have many strengths, Chance,” said Cassidy. “Subtlety is not one of them. So, I’ll be blunt again. Why are you leaving?”

  Shane knew that Chance warmed to Cassidy in that moment. She could see something was bothering him. He shrugged. “I’m the odd man out on couples’ night.”

  “You knew that before you came. What’s really the problem?”

  Chance held her gaze for a moment. Shane knew he was weighing it up and deciding to be straight with her. “Beau and I don’t see eye to eye. Mostly we let it ride, but something’s eating at him. I can tell he’s working his way up to a showdown, and I don’t want to spoil your evening by letting it happen here.”

  Cassidy nodded. “Thank you. I appreciate it, even though I don’t want you to leave.”

  He shrugged.

  “Will you come over another time and just hang with us?”

  Shane was pleased at the genuine smile on Chance’s face. “Thanks. I’d like that.”

  Cassidy leaned in and pecked his cheek. “Me too. I’ll say goodnight now, because I’m guessing you’re going to slide out the door before anyone notices.”

  Chance nodded. “You got it.” He looked at Shane. “You’ve got yourself a good ’un here.”

  Shane nodded. He knew it. Now all he had to do was figure out how to make it last.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next morning Cassidy opened her eyes to find Shane propped up on one elbow smiling down at her.

  “Good morning, Princess.”

  She shook her head. “You’re still calling me that?”

  “I still see you that way, the way I described it, not the way you did.”

  She shrugged.

  “You’d better get used to it, and you’d better change the way you look at things.”

  “What things?” she mumbled. Her brain wasn’t fully awake yet.

  “What you think a Princess is like.” He trailed a finger down her cheek. “What you think I’m like. You’re wrong about me, you know.”

  She smiled. “I was right about one thing.”

  “Oh yeah? And what was that?”

  “You are exhausting.” They’d had quite a night!

  He grinned. “I’m glad you think so. I didn’t want to disappoint.”

  She reached her arms up around his neck. “Oh, you didn’t disappoint at all. I’m impressed, very impressed.” She winced as she moved to pull him down to her. “And maybe a little sore too.”

  He lay his head on the pillow next to hers and looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry. Do you want a massage to help you feel better?”

  She shook her head. “Maybe tonight? I have to get a move on this morning. I’m supposed to pick Summer up, and we’re heading into Bozeman.” She’d love nothing more than to stay here in bed with him, but she couldn’t.

  He pouted. “I’m supposed to be back at the ranch by now, but I’ll stay here if you want me?”

  “That’s not fair. You know I want you. I’ve told you enough times. But I’ve got things to do.” She scrambled out of bed before her willpower deserted her. “Come on. We’ve got time for a quick shower, but the rest will have to wait until tonight.”

  He hopped out of bed and started pulling her toward the bathroom. “You already know what happens in the shower.”

  She grinned and let him lead her in—that was what she’d been hoping for.

  Half an hour later they were both dressed and ready to go. “Do you want me to drop you off?” she asked.

  “I can get Carter to take me, if you’re in a hurry.”

  She checked her watch. “I’ve got time.”

  He grinned. “Then yes. I’d love you to give me a ride, and I’ll do the same for you tonight.”

  “You’re just one of those guys who can’t get enough, aren’t you?”

  “Not when it comes to you, I can’t.” He pulled her to him and kissed her. She loved his kisses. They were so confident, so adventurous. He didn’t dominate her, take possession of her. It felt more like he was inviting her to join him, to go someplace with him and to have fun. She kissed him back, hoping that her kiss could tell him that she accepted the invitation, was up for the adventure—wherever it might lead.

  By lunchtime she was exhausted. She and Summer had spent the morning shopping. Now they sat in a café on Main in Bozeman. Summer smiled at her. “I take it you and Shane had a good time last night?”

  Cassidy grinned. “One hell of a good time! And what about you? What’s really going on with you and Carter? I can tell you like him.”

  “I do. He’s wonderful, Cass. It’s like someone upstairs listened to everything I wanted in a man—physically and in personality—and went away and made Carter just for me.” Her smile faded. “But we lead such different lives. He lives for his work as much as I live for mine.” Her voice cracked as she finished the sentence and she shook her head.

  Cassidy nodded. “He does, and I don’t see him getting involved with anyone unless it’s for keeps.”

  Summer scrabbled in her purse and pulled her pad out.

  I would love to keep him! He’s my ideal man in every sense. But it couldn’t work. Neither of us is talking about it. It’s like we have this silent agreement that we’ll just be friends. He always jokes that he’s a dumbass, but he’s really smart. He understands. He knows.

  It made Cassidy sad, but she knew her friend was right. There was no point in the two of them starting something they wouldn’t be able to finish. Summer’s stay here was temporary. Carter’s entire life was here. He wouldn’t get involved lightly, neither would she for that matter. They were doing the smart thing, the best thing. That made her wonder, was she doing the dumb thing by getting involved with Shane after she’d promised herself no more man-messes? Only time would tell. Dumb or smart, she was doing it. He was coming back for dinner tonight, he’d no doubt stay over again. They were on the fast track to somewhere—disaster or delight, they’d find out soon enough.

  Summer was scribbling away on her pad again. She held it up.

  You and Shane are made for each other. He’s not like your other guys. Yes, he’s big and strong and sexy ;0) BUT he’s not a control freak.

  Cassidy frowned. “I never thought of him as a control freak!”

  Summer smiled and scribbled again.

  You didn’t think Al was either. Or Adam.

  Cassidy shuddered. “You know, I don’t think I knew they were until right now. I’ve always thought it was about ego, with both of them.”

  Summer shook her head. “Control,” she croaked. With a look of frustration, she started to scribble again.

  Damn this is annoying! So much I want to say and my voice just won’t keep up! You’re like this wild, beautiful, free spirit. You attract guys who only want the best – you ARE the best. BUT they want you on their terms, and can’t handle that you have your own terms and you live by them. It seems to me that Shane likes that about you. He doesn’t want to control you, he wants to run alongside you, because he’s another wild, free, beautiful, spirit.

  Cassidy read the words and then reread them before looking up.

  Summer nodded. “It’s true.”

  It was. Shane had never tried to make her do or be anything that…well, anything at all. He just waited for her to be her and, as Summer put it, ran alongside. Maybe he was different. She smiled at the thought. Maybe he was as special as she was secretly hoping he might be.

  “Your smile says it all,” whispered Summer.

  Cassidy met her gaze. “Maybe. But that’s en
ough talk about men for now. I want to talk about you. How long are you thinking you’re going to stay here? Do you really think you might want to buy the house from Beau? How would it work if you did? Would this be your escape place?”

  Two little lines creased Summer’s forehead as she bent over her pad once more.

  I’m trying not to think about it all. I would love to buy the house. I already feel more at home there than I’ve felt anywhere for years. I don’t know how long I’m going to be here though. The doctor’s say rest, rest, rest the voice and I should get it back without surgery—I don’t want surgery!

  She stared off out the window before she continued to scribble.

  Part of me wants to use it as an excuse. An excuse to give it all up. I don’t enjoy it anymore.

  Cassidy read that last line and looked up. “I thought that might be the case.”

  “You did?” Summer looked pale and uncertain. “Don’t tell Autumn!”

  “You mean you haven’t talked to her about it?”

  Summer shook her head.

  “She only wants what’s best for you know.”

  “I know, but she thinks the career is what’s best for me. What would I do otherwise?” She hung her head. “What would Autumn do?”

  Wow. Cassidy hadn’t thought about it like that. She thought of both sisters as being the perfect team. Summer was the face—the voice—while Autumn was the business brain, working tirelessly in the background. If Summer were to give up her career, what would Autumn do? She patted her friend’s hand. “Well, you’ve got plenty of time to figure it all out while you rest your voice. And you need to have some fun, too.”

  Summer nodded. “Resting is fun for me right now—it’s such a novelty!”

  “Is that your way of saying you want to go home?”

  She nodded. “Yes, please. I hear a hot tub calling.”

  Cassidy grinned. “I can just picture you sitting in your hot tub out on that deck, listening to the river, watching the stars.”

  “My idea of heaven. Want to join me tonight? I’ll supply the wine.”


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