Seduced by a Stallion

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Seduced by a Stallion Page 15

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  “Brandy, sir!” she said, passing him an unopened bottle of Hennessy.

  Matthew cut his eye from the bottle to her and back again as he popped open the cap. Katrina laughed as he tossed her a playful look.

  “It pays to be prepared,” she said, giggling heartily.

  Matthew rolled his eyes. “If you say so,” he said with a deep laugh. After topping the cherry mixture with a splash of brandy, Matthew poured the decadent sauce on top of the ice cream.

  As they settled themselves down onto the cushioned stools she kept at the kitchen counter, he lit a matchstick and placed it along the edge of the two glasses. Katrina’s eyes widened with delight as a low flame burst forth from the top of each dessert. A wide smile filled her face, amusement shimmering in her eyes.

  “That’s some trick!” she exclaimed as Matthew bowed ever so slightly.

  “Woman, I’ve got all kinds of tricks up my sleeves,” he said cheerily.

  She met his gaze with one of her own and smiled brightly. His raised eyebrows and coy smile moved her to chortle heartily.

  “Make a wish,” Matthew said, taking her hand in his. He gestured to the still-burning flame on her dessert as if it were a candle on a birthday cake.

  She opened her mouth to be contrary, but Matthew pressed his index finger to her lips.

  “Humor me,” he said, reading her mind. “Just make a wish.”

  Closing her eyes, Katrina imagined the one thing she wanted most in the world—a lifetime with Matthew Stallion. When she had whispered her prayer skyward, she opened her eyes and leaned forward, blowing out the spark of light atop her dessert.

  Matthew then blew out the flame on his own cherry-vanilla dessert. Dipping his spoon into the concoction, he scooped out a mouthful for Katrina to try. He smiled as she savored the sweet flavors, the pleasure of it washing over her expression.

  “That’s good!” she exclaimed as she took another spoonful.

  Matthew nodded his head knowingly. “So, what did you wish for?” he asked as he consumed his own mouthful of sweetness. He eyed her curiously.

  Katrina laughed, her head waving from side to side. “Nunny!”


  “Nunny yo’ business!”

  The man laughed heartily. “No fair. I did dinner and dessert, and you won’t at least give me a hint about your wish?”

  “Nope!” Katrina was scraping the last remnants of ice cream from her goblet as she cut her eye at him.

  “Why not?”

  She lifted herself from her seat and reached for his empty glass, intending to transport the dirty dishes from the counter to the dishwasher. She paused to plant a sticky kiss against his cheek. “Because I want my wish to come true,” she answered.

  Matthew wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her to him. He kissed her fervidly, his cherry-flavored lips dancing a tango against hers. As he drew back, he nodded. “I wished for the same thing,” he said breathlessly.

  Katrina took a deep breath, filling her lungs with air. “And what was that?” she asked, panting, his smug expression melding with her own.

  “You and me forever, baby! You and me forever!”

  Katrina grinned as she leaned in to kiss the flavor from his lips. “So, why don’t we head upstairs,” she whispered seductively. “I’m still hungry for some more dessert.”

  Chapter 19

  Matthew’s need for Katrina went bone deep. He felt it in every fiber of his being, the hunger so intense that he felt like he was starving for something he couldn’t get enough of. She’d become his addiction, and he craved her with every inch of his body.

  She was sleeping soundly against him. Her buttocks were curled tight against his crotch, the hard muscles of his chest pressed against her back. His arms were wrapped around her waist, and her hand rested along his hip.

  He knew he needed to get up and be gone before the sunrise graced them with a new day. It had taken some finagling to convince her to let him spend the night. Mark and Michelle had agreed to keep Collin, who was excited at the prospect of an overnight at the race track. Katrina had been hesitant at first, having never considered allowing any man to spend the night in her home. That had never been the impression she wanted her son to have of her. Once plans had been made for Collin, Katrina trusting that he was safe and secure, Matthew had broken down her reluctance with his first kiss, his mouth taking possession of hers. When she’d parted her lips, he’d taken full advantage, his tongue dancing inside her mouth with unrivaled skill.

  Katrina had swooned, falling deep into the seduction of it, and then she’d felt his touch, his hands sliding between her legs to gently stroke the sweetest spot. She had felt like putty beneath his touch, the intrusion so delectable that she couldn’t begin to focus on anything besides his hands stroking and teasing her feminine spirit.

  The sexual tension between them had stirred something deep in Matthew’s core. His erection had lengthened beyond recognition, the blood throbbing like fire through his veins. His skin had prickled, conducting an electrical current from one end of his body to the other. All his senses had been heightened, and he had wanted nothing more than to fill her body with his so that they became one with each other. His satisfaction had been surpassed only by Katrina screaming his name in ecstasy as they climaxed together. They had both come together three times before midnight, and at midnight he had curled his body around hers and had fallen asleep.

  The first shimmer of sunlight had moved him to open his eyes. When he did, he’d taken in his surroundings, noting that Katrina had great taste in decor. Her bedroom was simplistic, the furnishings in cool shades of tan and green reflecting her conservative demeanor. He couldn’t help but wonder how she might decorate a space that was both of theirs and not just hers alone.

  Thinking it made him realize just how much he wanted it. Katrina had become not only his lover but also his best friend, his confidante and his companion. He wanted her with him full-time, all the time and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to make that happen as soon as it was physically possible.

  He shifted his body closer to hers. As he did Katrina snuggled herself against him. A smile crept over her face as she awakened, and she slowly opened her eyes, tilting her head to squint up at him. The image of her resting against the pillow, her hair splayed around her head, the sweetest smile pulling at her lips and her naked body glowing from the heat in the room, aroused his senses, and he was hard as steel without even thinking about it. Katrina’s smile broadened.

  “So,” she whispered softly, turning to face him. “Are you happy to see me, or are you really happy to see me?” she said with a soft chuckle as she wrapped a hand around his manhood.

  Matthew laughed warmly. As Katrina stroked him slowly, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, filling his lungs with air. The woman’s touch was intoxicating, and he found himself suddenly drunk with wanting. Katrina wrapped her other arm around his shoulders as he rolled her onto her back and himself on top of her. Matthew reached for a condom from the box that rested on the nightstand. Anticipation had him about to explode as he sheathed himself quickly.

  Katrina was wet and in want herself when he entered her. Her body molded itself around his hardened form, the soft lining of her inner walls kissing the length of him. She met him stroke for stroke as he pushed and pulled himself in and out of her. Their passionate lovemaking had them both panting heavily, gasping for breath. She whispered his name over and over again, and then they both exploded, Matthew spilling himself deep within.

  Dropping his weight against her, Matthew nuzzled his face into her neck, drawing a trail of kisses against her jawline. As he rolled his body off her, sweat ran across his brow and down his chest. He reached for her hand and held it, entwining her fingers between his.

“I love you, Katrina,” he whispered softly, his eyes shut tight.

  Katrina rolled herself against him, tossing her leg over his. “I love you, too, Matthew.”

  Rolling onto his side, Matthew opened his eyes to stare down at her. “Marry me,” he said, drawing his fingers down the length of her arm, his gazed locked with hers. “Be my wife.”

  Katrina’s eyes widened in surprise, the question unexpected. She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it, sputtering like a fish caught out of water.

  Matthew laughed. “It’s a yes-or-no answer, Judge. Will you marry me?”

  Laughing with him, Katrina shifted forward until her body was tight to his. She drew her palm along the curve of his cheek, her fingers dancing over his profile. “Yes,” she responded, joy glistening in her stare. “Yes, I will marry you!”

  * * *

  Vanessa was sleeping soundly on Matthew’s office sofa when he returned from a morning meeting with his brothers. Her shoes had been kicked off in a corner; her blazer tossed across the low coffee table. She lay curled in a fetal position, her arms cradling her swollen belly. Staring down at her, Matthew mused that she looked quite angelic lying there, not a care in the world reflected on her serene face.

  A slight smile pulled at the corners of her mouth as he drew his hand against the line of her profile, brushing strands of hair from her face. The pad of his thumb gently brushed her cheek, and she stirred just slightly, drawing herself into a tighter ball.

  With everything Vanessa had going on, Matthew worried about her. Although he knew that if any woman was capable of taking care of herself, it was Vanessa, he sensed that her nontraditional path to motherhood had been more taxing on her than she was willing to let on. Vanessa had always been like the little sister he and his brothers had never had, and so he worried about her. Even though she and her baby were not his responsibility, he felt responsible, wanting to ensure that everything went well for her and her baby.

  Tiptoeing around her, he moved to his desk and took a seat in his leather executive’s chair. His gaze was still focused on his friend’s very pregnant form. A few times when Katrina had come to his office, she and Vanessa had passed each other in the reception area. He’d heard Katrina comment on Vanessa’s progressing pregnancy once, wishing her well. Katrina had later remarked how striking Vanessa was, her pregnancy glow illuminating everything around her. He should have taken that opportunity to introduce the two women, but he hadn’t.

  He knew there were some who still assumed he’d fathered Vanessa’s baby, and for whatever reasons he hadn’t wanted that erroneous assumption to cloud what was developing between him and Katrina. With his womanizing reputation and Vanessa fanning the baby-daddy rumors, he hadn’t wanted to give Katrina any reason to doubt his integrity or his intentions. He knew the two women would meet each other soon enough, and he hoped that when that happened, they would all be able to laugh off Vanessa’s baby-daddy fantasy. Especially since Katrina had agreed to be his wife.

  Matthew heaved a deep sigh. Across the room Vanessa rolled onto her back, her stomach bulging skyward. She rubbed at her eyes with closed fists, then struggled to sit upright. She met Matthew’s gaze and smiled brightly.

  “Hey, you!”

  “Hey, yourself. Do you feel better?” he replied.

  “I am feeling much better. How are you doing?”

  Matthew nodded and returned her bright smile. “I am doing very well, all things considered.”

  “The judge must be treating you well!”

  He laughed heartily. “The judge and I are doing just fine, thank you very much.”

  “I’m just checking. I heard you two had a good time in Paris.”

  “You didn’t hear any such thing, Vanessa. You’re fishing for information.”

  She laughed with him. “Yes, I am. So what about it? Are you going to give me any details?”

  Matthew shook his head from side to side. “No, ma’am.”

  Vanessa rolled her eyes skyward. “I don’t know why you have to be so disagreeable, Matthew. It’s not like I can’t find out if I really want to. Besides, you know you want to tell me.”

  “There is nothing for you to find out, Vanessa. Katrina and I traveled abroad and we came home. Neither of us had any complaints with our trip, and no, we didn’t take any pictures that we’re interested in sharing with you.”

  “Ohhh,” Vanessa purred. “So, it was that kind of trip!”

  “Do you ever quit, woman?”

  She laughed again. “Only after I get what I want, good buddy.”

  “Well, there is nothing else for you to get out of me, so let it go, please.”

  Vanessa rose from her seat, a hand resting against her belly. She sucked in air, her eyes widening sharply. Matthew eyed her nervously.

  “You okay?” he asked, concern rising in his tone.

  Smiling, Vanessa nodded her head. “In another few weeks or so I will be perfect. But until then, do you think you can give me a ride over to the courthouse? I need to file some papers before they close, and I don’t have the energy to drive myself.”

  Matthew took a quick glance at his wristwatch. “I think I can make that happen.” He rose from his seat, closing the open manila folder that rested in front of him. “Come on. Maybe while we’re riding, I’ll tell you about my trip to Paris.”

  Vanessa laughed. “See, I told you I can be very persuasive!”

  * * *

  Katrina was laughing heartily with Maxine Bright and Nettie Banks, the two older women regaling her with their courtroom antics. It wasn’t often that Katrina found her way to the county clerk’s office, but the few times that she did, she enjoyed the easy banter between herself and the two women, and the two women and everybody else.

  “He ’bout wet his pants when he found out you were hearing his case,” Mrs. Banks said with a deep chortle. “I have never seen a man look so scared!”

  Mrs. Bright laughed with her, tears misting the corners of her eyes. “I told him… I told him…” She gasped for breath before she could finish her statement. “I told him, ‘Judge Broomes don’t bite, baby! At least not on Wednesdays!’”

  Katrina laughed, swiping at her own eyes. “You two shouldn’t tease the new attorneys like that.”

  “We have to break ’em in right, or they aren’t any good at all,” Mrs. Banks teased. She rose from her seat, finished with the documents that Katrina had brought for her signature and stamp. She tapped the back of Katrina’s hand as she passed the mountain of paperwork in her direction. “A little scaring is good for them. Keeps them on their toes,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Katrina nodded. “Well, thank you. And thank you for your help. As always I’ve had a very good time!”

  As Katrina turned to leave, she shifted her gaze to the large window out of which both of the older women had turned to stare.

  “Well, look at that!” Mrs. Bright exclaimed, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “I told you the two of them would have to come out in the open sooner than later,” Mrs. Banks stated, her gray head bobbing up and down with enthusiasm.

  “Who’s that?” Katrina asked, curious.

  “Matthew Stallion,” Mrs. Banks stated.

  At the mention of his name Katrina’s smile widened into a full grin. Excitement danced in her eyes. She felt as if she would combust with excitement, her future husband stirring a wealth of energy inside of her. She looked to where Matthew had parked his car and was getting out. As she did, the old women continued.

  “And the woman with him is Vanessa Long. He’s her baby’s daddy,” Mrs. Banks revealed.

  “At least that’s what they say,” Mrs. Bright chimed in. “They also used to say that she didn’t like men. That she had a little too much sugar in her engine, i
f you know what I mean,” she said with raised eyebrows.

  “Well, she certainly must have liked one man at least one time to be in the condition that she’s in,” Mrs. Banks interjected.

  The two women chuckled heartily, still staring at the outside world.

  Katrina recognized the woman who was getting out of Matthew’s car out in the parking lot. She had seen her before, outside Matthew’s office, chatting with Matthew’s secretary. She watched Matthew offer his assistance, hurrying to the passenger side of the vehicle. He extended an eager hand to help her out. The two were laughing warmly together.

  A flush of heat suddenly washed over Katrina’s spirit. She inhaled swiftly. Confusion and jealousy tore a rift through her heart as she tried to make sense of it all. Had Matthew not been honest with her? Was he about to be a father? And what was his relationship with that woman?

  “Not that we’re ones to gossip,” Mrs. Banks was saying, “but I’m not surprised. I came right out and asked him, and he didn’t deny it. Just gave me one of his wicked smiles and winked an eye at me.” She did a bad imitation, winking and grinning, grinning and winking in demonstration.

  “And they’re always together,” Mrs. Bright added as she laughed at her friend. “I would have thought they’d have gotten married first, though.”

  Her friend scowled. “Honey, hush! Young people don’t worry about getting married anymore. These young girls don’t think twice about having babies without a husband.”

  “My daughters better think about being married first. My mama didn’t play like that, and neither do I!”

  Mrs. Banks laughed. “You are so old-school!”

  “Tch!” Mrs. Bright sucked her teeth. “And proud of it.”

  Katrina ignored the banter between them, still focused on what she was seeing outside the window. Matthew had wrapped an arm around the woman’s shoulder, his other hand falling against her swollen belly. The two looked quite comfortable with each other. There was no mistaking the looks of adoration the woman named Vanessa was giving him, or Matthew’s concerned posture as he lovingly caressed the protrusion of baby.


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