Ultimate Courage

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Ultimate Courage Page 23

by Piper J. Drake

  Julie watched, unconcerned and even gleefully interested, as she continued to gobble up Elisa’s mousse trio. “This is really good, by the way. You sure you aren’t going to take your last bite?”

  Elisa spread her free hand over the phone on the table, the one Alex had given her. She dragged it off the surface, trying to hide it with as much of her palm as possible and trying to make it look like she was just her putting her hand into her lap. Julie might’ve seen her phone on the table earlier but her “friend” had been very focused on pissing off Alex. Hopefully, Elisa would have a chance to get a message out.

  “What do you get out of this, Julie?” Probably not anything Elisa needed to know, but she wanted to.

  Joseph’s fingers dug into her arm. “I said not to continue making a scene.”

  Elisa closed her mouth and carefully smoothed the expression from her face. She’d only set the phone to a swipe to get past the screen lock in case she needed quick access. Under-the-table texting wasn’t something she’d ever been good at and she only hoped the message would go through.

  The pressure on her arm ceased. “Excellent. You look lovely this evening in a simple sort of way. Wear a darker lipstick in the future and put more effort into your hairstyle. I prefer up-dos at dinner, even at…casual establishments like these. I’ve missed you.”

  A scream was crawling its way up her throat, so she took a sip of water. Joseph watched her patiently, or with what passed for patience with him. It was the anticipation of a snake, waiting until a moment of inattention. Then he’d strike out at her and she’d have no time to avoid him. She wasn’t sure why he hadn’t moved to leave yet, then she remembered. He’d given her permission to take one more bite of dessert.

  Hand shaking, she lifted her spoon and scooped up a small bit of chocolate mousse Julie hadn’t devoured. She brought the spoon to her lips and ate, trying not to gag.

  The corners of Joseph’s mouth turned upward. “Good girl. Let’s go now.”

  He didn’t let go of her arm as she rose, and to anyone else’s eye, he was helping to steady her. Having him touch her again made her skin crawl. He was always one step ahead of her and she’d learned already that making a scene would only result in awful things later. Unless she was absolutely sure she could get away, she had to do things as he told her. Had to.

  Her thoughts started to scramble and she struggled to catch someone’s eye, anyone. As they turned to head through the café’s main dining room to the entrance, he held her back for a moment and took her phone from her hand.

  “It would be unfortunate if the authorities were to attempt to track this phone via the GPS locator.” He glanced at the screen, pulling up the call log, and Elisa’s heart froze. There were no recent calls, none made in the last half hour or more. With a satisfied huff, he tossed it back toward the table and it hit a chair before tumbling to the floor. “I’ll give you a new one.”

  She didn’t dare glance after the phone he’d taken away. It was another one of his tests. It would be a mistake to focus on anything but what he was providing for her. He’d find a way to hurt her for anything less than the perfect response. So, instead, she met his gaze steadily. “Thank you.”

  He smiled his faint, reptilian smile again.

  It was the perfect billionaire boyfriend smile. Where less was more: only the upturned corners of the mouth and perhaps a hint of teeth if a woman was lucky. She’d found herself eager to do something to make him smile in the past. Trying so very hard for such a small amount of good humor. She hadn’t known it was all he had in him.

  He ushered her out of the café and down to the sidewalk. She tried to look up and down the street without turning her head too much. Make it too obvious and he’d tighten his control on her somehow, and she wanted him to think he had her. He hadn’t checked the text history, hadn’t seen her call for help. She might have a chance.

  Please, Alex, please be right on the street somewhere.

  She’d been hoping Alex and Souze weren’t far. He’d said to text him when she was ready to go back, so he hadn’t intended to leave her behind completely, regardless of how angry he was. But there was no sign of him.

  Despair crashed down on her, and her vision blurred as tears threatened.

  “No need to be frustrated, dear.” Joseph leaned in to murmur in her ear again. “Our driver had to go some blocks away to park. He’ll join us shortly. You won’t be waiting long.”

  “I parked around the corner.” Julie flipped her curls over her shoulder. “I’ll meet you at the airport.”

  Joseph nodded. “Your flight information will be sent to your phone.”

  Julie batted her lashes. “I thought I was riding in the private jet with you.”

  “Speed is not a concern in your return home.” Joseph’s tone was dismissive. Of course. He was done with her. “You can take a commercial flight.”

  “That’s fucking ridiculous.” Julie’s face twisted in anger. “I did everything you asked me to and you’re going to ditch me on the way back to DC?”

  As Julie proceeded to give Joseph a piece of her mind, Elisa pulled her thoughts together. Okay, so Alex wasn’t nearby and wasn’t going to save her. She had very little time to save herself because once she was in Joseph’s car, she’d be enfolded in the layers of security he maintained. There’d be a driver for now and maybe a bodyguard. Once they arrived at the airport, there’d be another bodyguard or two. They’d be in private lounges until their flight was ready and then the private jet would transport them to wherever he had in mind, whether it was back to the DC area or someplace else. When she’d been running from Joseph, distance hadn’t been important because he could chase her anywhere. It’d been the randomness of the location she’d depended on to hide from him.

  And random was what would help her now. She needed to behave as he expected and create a chance for herself.

  What would Boom do?

  Julie stormed off with an ear-splitting screech. Joseph muttered a curse and tugged Elisa across the street.


  “That entitled bitch Julie thinks she’s going to cause a fuss, going off to catch the attention of the authorities.” His lips pressed into a thin line, and the muscles in his jaw jumped as he ground his teeth. “Her temper tantrums are an excellent asset on occasion, but the timing is currently less than perfect. I’ll have to consider her punishment later. Perhaps a few choice photographs will leak out to the modeling agencies she was hoping to sign with. She has rather delusional aspirations, unfortunately. Attractive charms, yes, but she is not striking. She really is unwise about sending images via phone.”

  Elisa could only imagine. “Julie often criticized me for being too conservative and not sexy at all when texting with you. I felt it was unwise to have images out there when so many celebrities have their privacy invaded. You don’t like scandals.”

  One corner of his mouth lifted. “You were always considerate, dear. Until you decided to leave. But everyone has second thoughts and I didn’t mind letting you go off to experience a modicum of freedom within limits. I’m relieved you did nothing to embarrass me during your adventures.”

  They reached the other side of the street and he hustled her toward a set of stone stairs by the quaint old bridge. Its stone and wood construction made it perfect for pictures in the daylight but with the fading light, it cast shadows across the adjacent stairs. In the gloom, there were too many ways to be overlooked.

  The stairs led downward, toward a water-filled canal and a dirt running trail. Away from people and the regular foot traffic on the main shopping strip. New Hope was a small historic town; high traffic here did not mean the same thing as it would in the city, even on a Saturday night. The trail was almost deserted.

  Oh, she had to do something. Quick. Her chances of finding help, of catching anyone’s attention, had gone from decent to close to zero.

  You’re not trying to win a fight. You want to hit once and run. Give yourself enough time to g
et away.

  She tried to take in her surroundings. Think. She could do this. She didn’t have to wait for someone else to do it for her.

  They reached the bottom of the stone steps and, sure enough, there wasn’t anyone on the dirt trail or even in sight up and down the river. The banks on either side of the canal were steep. Too steep for her to hope to climb. Other than the occasional steps near bridges like the one they’d come down, there wasn’t any quick way back up to the houses and streets that she could see. And it wasn’t likely for someone in one of the houses to see down into the canal at the moment. Sounds from the street were muffled on the trail running next to the canal. She wondered if shouts from down here would be similarly muffled to people up in the houses or the street beyond.

  Calling for help wasn’t going to do her much good if Joseph still had his hands on her.

  “Come along.” Joseph tugged at her until she stumbled into a faster walking pace. “There’s a parking lot at the end of this godforsaken little hiking trail. I’m going to need to change my shoes after this.”

  It was a good thing she was wearing low heels. Otherwise, she’d have had a lot more trouble catching up. As it was, these were comfortable and broken in. If she had to, she could run in them. Looking at the odd stones in the well-worn trail, it might be better for her feet if she kept her shoes on. Plus the other parking lot she’d seen, where Alex had parked, had been gravel. She wouldn’t be able to run far on gravel in bare feet if they reached a similar parking lot. So the shoes stayed.

  A phone rang, and Joseph pulled it out of his pocket. “Yes? We’ve left the restaurant. We’re heading toward the parking lot you are in. Have Quinlan come down the trail along the canal and meet us en route.”

  The phone conversation continued, but Elisa only partially listened. Instead, her awareness centered on the way Joseph’s grip was loosening on her arm as he split his attention. There might not be another chance.

  She yanked her elbow back at a downward angle, ripping free of his hold. Then she kicked out, aiming for his shins. The inside of her foot caught him just below the knee, and he stumbled away from her with a surprised yell. Inspiration took her and she risked shoving him.

  He fell into the canal.

  She sprinted for the bridge ahead of her. It was closest, the nearest set of steps back up to the street and other people. Because when Joseph came out of the canal he’d be angry. And he was a much faster runner than she was.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I’m sorry, sir, but she left.” The waiter looked genuinely distressed.

  Rojas drew in a slow breath, struggling to remain and project calm. “Do you mind if I take a look around the table where we were sitting?”

  “S-sure.” The young man indicated for Rojas to proceed ahead of him. “They’re clearing the table now.”

  So Elisa and her friend hadn’t left too long ago. “Did the woman who was with me leave on her own?”

  “I don’t know, actually. I was with another table when she stepped away.”

  Rojas nodded to acknowledge the waiter’s answer and started scanning the area on and around the table where they’d been sitting. There, under the table, almost under the railing. He bent, grabbed Elisa’s napkin from the table, and used it to gingerly pick up his find. It was the phone he’d given Elisa, screen cracked from a sudden unceremonious dumping on the floor. Not good.

  “Please work.” Rojas figured talking to electronics might yield more help than he’d gotten talking to random people.

  The phone lit up despite the spiderweb fracture pattern across the screen. It’d been dropped mid-entry and the text was addressed to his number.

  Its hium. Hes here. H

  Garbled—it must have been done in a hurry. She’d been interrupted sending him the text. The last word could’ve been a lot of things, but he swallowed hard. His girl had been trying to ask him for help and he’d been out of reach. He never should’ve left her. Stupid to think she was safe with him a text away.

  She’d said her friends and family hadn’t believed her when she’d gone to them for help, had even supported her ex. He should’ve remembered, kept that in mind.

  He straightened and headed out of the café. Once he was out the front door, he turned to Souze. “Time to work.”

  The big dog almost vibrated with eagerness to be given a job.

  Good, because Elisa needed them, STAT. He bent to show Souze the phone. The big dog sniffed it over a couple of times, ending with a single long and low whuffling intake. Once he was sure Souze had Elisa’s scent, he gave the command. “Such. Such Elisa.”

  Adding her name wasn’t standard, but Souze knew Elisa. If there was any chance Rojas could strengthen the command, it was using her name to emphasize who they wanted to find. Souze dropped his nose to the ground and got to work.

  An onlooker might not notice, but Souze was systematic about the way he searched for scents. He went to work in the area Rojas had set him in, moving back and forth in a grid-like pattern. Checking the ground, any plants or walls a person might have brushed past, and even lifting his nose to the air to catch airborne hints. In less than two minutes, Souze froze to indicate he’d found her scent.

  “So ist brav,” he praised Souze. Then he gave him the next command with terse urgency. “Revier.”

  Souze ranged out ahead as far as the six-foot lead would allow him. Rojas desperately wanted to give Souze his head. Let him off the lead so he could get up to his full speed of thirty miles per hour. Too risky, no way to know who or what was ahead, and Rojas didn’t want to lose sight of the dog.

  Souze had the trail for sure and led them unerringly across the street and to a set of steps headed down to the canal trail. They vaulted down them three, four, five at a time.

  As they hit bottom, Rojas speed dialed Ky. Souze was getting into it now, taking in huge, loud snorts of air as he worked in a quick grid to re-establish the scent trail.

  “Officer Graves.”

  Souze froze for a heartbeat, flipped an ear, and without a word needed between them, the two moved fluidly back into a dead sprint north up the canal.

  “Ky. Rojas here. Elisa’s stalker made a grab for her.” Rojas hated the pace he needed to keep to remain understandable. He needed to make this quick. “Get to the Delaware Canal Towpath between West Mechanic and Ferry if you don’t want anything permanent to happen to this bastard before he sees justice.” That duty done, he ended the call and began to focus on setting a personal record for speed.

  You don’t believe me. Elisa had been hurt. By him. And he’d walked away from her.

  Don’t let me be too late; please don’t let those be our last words.

  Souze pulled on the leash, snapping Rojas’s full attention past the slight bend in the canal and the outgrowth of bushes obscuring the rest of the trail ahead. He had visual.

  Elisa, his Elisa, was running hard down the trail away from him. She was headed toward the next bridge and another set of stairs out of the canal farther east.

  He slowed ever so slightly. The resultant clearer vision and hearing allowed him to take in every angle of the situation as he approached.

  Between him and Elisa, a soaking wet man was climbing out of the water in the middle of the canal, yelling. Farther down the canal, beyond Elisa, a figure was quickly picking out footing as he came down from an awkward lookout-style perch on the far side of the bridge. The far man was clearly moving to intercept Elisa.

  Rojas wasn’t sure what she’d had in mind, but if she was trying to get to the bridge and the next set of stairs, the other man was going to catch her on them. Rojas wasn’t going to be able to reach her in time, not even at top speed.

  Without slowing his pace, he pitched his voice to carry and bellowed, “Elisa! Freeze!”

  Elisa stumbled to a skidding stop, falling to the side against the steep bank. Thank god for practical, intelligent partners who could think and think fast.

  With his previous target stationary a
nd to one side of direct line of sight, Souze wouldn’t misunderstand Rojas’s next command. Rojas dropped Souze’s leash and pointed. “Fass! Fass!”

  The German Shepherd Dog streaked forward. He’d been desperate for the command.

  The oncoming man’s forward progress faltered, and he even turned to run as an oddly high-pitched little whimpering noise seemed forced out of him—so he did have a brain cell or two. The sight of eighty-five pounds of incoming black-and-tan German Shepherd Dog intent on doing you harm was enough to challenge any person’s courage.

  Souze picked up even more speed at the sight. Sure of his target, the dog drove forward, following his instinctual drive to run down prey. In moments, the big dog caught up with the man and launched himself. Strong jaws clamped on the man’s right arm, and Souze’s forward momentum swung him around his anchor point, the man’s shoulder. The resultant forward jerk took the man completely by surprise, and they fell forward to the ground, landing heavily. Souze regained his footing first, jaws remaining clamped on the downed man’s arm.

  Rojas turned his attention to the man just stumbling out of the canal.

  “Bitch!” the man screamed. “I don’t need you. I could take your hand and your eye and leave the rest of you to rot. How dare you!”

  “Stop.” Rojas had to warn the man. Had to give the man the chance to leave off. Minimum force necessary. He reminded himself over and over against the rising tide of rage he was feeling. “It’s over. Leave her alone.”

  “Fuck you.” The man squared off with his fists up. “The bitch is my property. She belongs to me.”

  “No.” Rojas didn’t bother with more words. He slipped under the sloppy punch the man threw and with a small twist of his knees, foot, torso, and legs buried his own right into the man’s gut with a precise uppercut. He followed up with a left body hook to the man’s kidney as he had so obligingly bent down and forward. When the man arched backward and straightened in pain, Rojas finished his striking combination with a right hook to the jaw.


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