Christmas, Caribbean Style

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Christmas, Caribbean Style Page 2

by Kit Tunstall

  Though it had been some time since she'd needed the skill, she used to be talented at blowjobs. Recalling what she had once known on instinct, Laurel swirled her tongue around the head, concentrating on the V where all the most sensitive nerves were. She sucked forcefully as the hand she'd had on his hip moved to his balls. She rolled them in her hands as his body jerked with tiny tremors. As she sucked once more, more forcefully than ever, she stroked the area behind his balls.

  With an aborted scream, his body stiffened. Morgan's cock spasmed, and gism filled her mouth. She continued to suck gently and moved to caress his balls again, until his cock softened in her mouth.

  When she released him and looked up, she was pleased to see a faint flush on his cheeks. A sheen of perspiration lent his skin a glow, and his eyes glittered.

  "You shouldn't have done that." He sounded hoarse. "It wasn't fair to you."

  She stood up and put her arms around his waist. Laurel rested her cheek against his chest, listening to his racing heart. "I enjoyed it, and I know you'll give me just as much."

  "If you don't kill me," he agreed with a chuckle. "What would you like?"

  "I want you to lick my pussy." Her voice emerged confidently, though she was a quivering mass of insecurity inside. She prepared herself for his disgust, remembering the one time she had asked Marcus to give her oral pleasure.

  He had called it a dirty act and refused, though he still wanted the occasional cock sucking. After realizing his double standard, she had withheld the blowjobs. Was that about the time things started to go wrong in their marriage, when they stopped enjoying each other sexually?

  "Gladly." With little effort, he lifted her onto the counter again. "Part your legs, Laurel."

  She complied, spreading them wide. She propped herself on her elbows to see his reaction to her smooth pussy. She giggled when his eyes widened. "The Brazilian," she said inanely. "Not that I have a swimsuit that justifies this style of shaving or waxing."

  He ran his index finger down her puffy lips, and his eyes widened. "You don't need to justify being feminine."

  She sighed as he touched her. When his fingers took her clit in a gentle hold, she arched her hips. She could feel her juices leaking down her thighs, and she wondered what they tasted like to him. When he withdrew his hand and bent forward, she lifted it and brought his fingers to her mouth. She licked her essence from them and was surprised at the interesting mix of their arousals on her tongue.

  He groaned as he watched the action, and his cock hardened again. He appeared to be struggling to withhold himself.

  She almost took pity on him and told him to take her right then, but she ached for the feel of his tongue between her pussy lips. No man since college had ventured there. "Taste me, lover."

  Morgan took a short stool from under the counter and sat on it. He used his hands to part her pussy, and he buried his face in her folds.

  She squirmed against him, moaning when he inhaled her scent. Her pussy flooded with renewed arousal at the promise of his tongue-and then his cock-entering her. She pressed her hips up to meet him, and his tongue stroked across her clit.

  She shuddered at the exquisite sensations flooding her. Each tiny flick of his tongue against her clit had her body seizing with pleasure. She had forgotten how sensitive her clit was to a skilled tongue, and his was very skilled.

  As he continued licking her and swirling his tongue around her hardened clit, he penetrated her pussy with two fingers. Laurel stiffened at the unaccustomed fullness, then ground her hips against him. Tiny flutters extended from her clit, through her belly, and into her aching breasts.

  He pushed his fingers deeper into her and wiggled them. As he did so, he sucked her clit into his mouth and applied steady pressure.

  With a sob, Laurel gave into the flutters, until they swelled to spasms. Her pussy convulsed around his fingers, and more of her fluid flooded her pussy and his face. She had never been so aroused, and the orgasm crashed over her like waves hitting the beach at full force.

  Before the pleasure faded, Morgan pulled her from the counter onto his lap. His cock filled her completely in one quick thrust. She continued to spasm around his cock as the first orgasm slowly faded. When she was semi-aware again, she clutched his shoulders and urged him to plant his cock deeper inside her.

  "Take me all," he whispered as he thrust into her. He leaned her back against the counter, so she was in the perfect position for him to get as deep as possible. He seemed to be having trouble maintaining his control.

  "Yes." She wrapped her legs around his waist, briefly wondering if the stool would hold them. Her practical thoughts fled when he moved his hand between their bodies and pressed on her clit. It should have hurt, but it increased her arousal instead. She could feel the tremors of another orgasm starting deep in her womb and radiating outwards.

  "It's going to be quick." He sounded regretful. "I want to last…"

  "It's okay," she managed to say, as he pushed on her clit in a circular motion. "Now, please."

  He nodded and withdrew his cock from her pussy. He thrust hard into her again and circled her clit simultaneously. His cock started to convulse, causing her pussy to respond in kind. She rotated her hips in a circular motion and pressed against his cock as another orgasm swept through her. She felt his ejaculate shoot into her as she fell over the edge, and they cried out with one voice.

  It was several moments before they broke apart. He was careful to make sure she was steady when he eased her off his lap. He pressed a kiss to her stomach, and then buried his face against it. She stroked his thick hair.

  He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. "I want to see you again, Laurel."

  She smiled. "I would like that. Sarah and I fly back two days after Christmas, so I'm all yours for the next four days."

  Morgan shook his head. "No, I want to see you as more than a fling. I want to get to know you."

  Tears welled in her eyes, and she shook her head. "I can't."

  "Why not?"

  "My husband…"

  Anger stirred in his dark eyes, and he pushed himself off the stool and away from her. "Jesus Christ! You're married?"

  Laurel shook her head. "Sorry. My ex-husband is suing me for custody of our son."

  He frowned. "And you have a child?"

  She nodded. "Timmy's five, and he's been through so much." Her voice cracked. "I've gotten custody three times, but each time, Marcus presses the issue. He has a team of attorneys who bill more by the hour than my attorney makes in a week. I have to live a spotless life if I want to have any chance of keeping my son."

  Morgan walked over to her and put his arms around her. "I'm sorry to hear that, but he can't keep you from having an adult relationship."

  She nodded. "He can. He told me any speck on my reputation would cost me my son permanently. He would ensure it personally." She choked back tears. "He loves Timmy, but he isn't pursuing custody because he wants to be a full-time father."

  "Why, then?" His voice was full of concern.

  "He's punishing me for leaving him." She snuggled closer to him, enjoying the comfort of his arms. "He's a driven man, which makes him successful. He's also cold, and sex wasn't important to him. From the start of our marriage, it wasn't a priority. As time passed, and we grew farther apart, I tried to tell myself it didn't matter.

  "I didn't think sex was that important to me either, until I went without it for so long. By the end, he didn't even touch me." She trembled as she tried to suppress the tears. "That's a terrible reason for ending a marriage."

  He stroked her hair. "No, it isn't. You're a vital, passionate woman. You deserve to have a partner who will please you."

  "You pleased me," she whispered shyly. "I wish…"

  "Don't give up hope yet," he murmured. "There's always a chance."

  She nodded, but she didn't have any faith in his words. He had no idea how powerful and driven Marcus was. He couldn't understand the demons that drove her ex-husband to
control everything and everyone around him.

  Laurel stared out her fifth-floor apartment, watching for Marcus's limousine. He was due to return Timmy, and he was already a few minutes late. It had been a hellish week being separated from her son. Even being with Morgan hadn't taken away all her pain at the separation.

  The snow falling outside caught her attention. The bright white of the flakes reminded her of the sand of Caicos Island, and she sighed. She couldn't think about her vacation without wanting to cry. Saying goodbye to Morgan had been one of the hardest things she had ever done. As crazy as it was, she had fallen in love with him in less than a week.

  She traced her finger down the cold windowpane, scrawling his name. She wondered what he was doing right then. Was he tending bar for customers, or was he swimming? Her heart stuttered when she thought about him making love to another woman the way he had held her.

  She looked down again and saw a red Cadillac parked against the curb that hadn't been there before, but no sign of Marcus's limousine. She glanced at her watch, growing impatient with him. When she took Timmy for visits, she always made sure she was on time, knowing how it felt to be separated from Timmy for days at time. Realistically, she didn't imagine he eagerly awaited his child's visits, but she gave him the benefit of the doubt.

  She shook her head, and her hair brushed against her neck. She still hadn't gotten used to wearing it down, but she had made a promise to Morgan that last day at the airport.

  "Promise me you'll remember what it's like to be a woman. Start by wearing your hair down all the time."

  She had protested. "I can't. When I'm teaching…"

  He had caressed her cheek. "When you aren't working, and you're alone, wear it down and think of me. Touch yourself and think of me."

  The memory left her when someone knocked on the door. She looked down at the street again, scanning for the limousine. He normally had the driver park against the curb. He still wasn't in sight. With a shrug, she walked to the door, wondering if he had purchased a new car.

  When she opened it, Timmy flew inside, hurling himself against her and squeezing her legs. She knelt down and embraced him as tears flooded her eyes. It took her a moment to regain control, and she looked up to thank Marcus for returning Timmy close to on time.

  Her mouth fell open when she saw Morgan standing in front of her. He looked completely different in a three-piece Saville Rowe suit, though he retained his dark tan. She blinked and looked past him into the hallway, expecting to see Marcus. He wasn't in sight. "What's going on?"

  "May I come in?"

  She nodded, nearly struck mute as he entered the modest apartment she shared with Sarah. Emotion overcame her, and she threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly. "What are you doing here?" she asked as she lifted her head. "Why do you have Timmy?"

  "I had a meeting with Marcus," he said casually. "Once we spoke, I offered to drive Timmy home, and he was agreeable."

  She shook her head. "Why were you meeting with Marcus?"

  "To speak with him about the custody issue." Morgan ran a hand through his dark hair. "We came to an arrangement."

  Her eyes widened, and she clutched her chest. "What? I don't understand." Her eyes narrowed. "You didn't do anything…illegal, did you?"

  He laughed, and the rich sound filled the apartment. "No, love. I didn't knock off the ex, if that's what you're thinking."

  "Then what did you do?"

  "I made Marcus realize he didn't have the time to be a full-time father with his duties as VP of his company." He shrugged. "I convinced him you and I would be able to provide a more stable home after our marriage, and no judge would rule otherwise."

  "Oh, no!" she cried. "You told him about us? Do you have any idea what he'll do to me? When he exposes my affair with a bartender during my vacation, I'll lose my son forever."

  Morgan touched her cheek. "First, I didn't mention the vacation. I led Marcus to believe you and I had been seeing each other here in the city for months."

  "You live in the Caribbean. He'll find out…"

  "Shh." He smoothed his other hand through her hair. "It pleases me to see your hair down."

  She ignored the comment. "I know you meant well, but you've ruined my chances with this act."

  He sighed. "It might help if you knew I'm not a bartender. I was on Caicos helping my brother. He owns Center Sun. He had a water skiing accident a couple of weeks ago, and he wasn't able to run the bar."

  Her eyes widened. "What do you do?"

  "Among other things, I'm CEO of WorldLiners. We build cruise ships, design luxury yachts, and cater to the whims of the insanely wealthy." He grinned at her. "Doing so has made the company and me insanely wealthy too."

  Her mouth parted in a gasp. "You intimidated him into submission, didn't you?"

  His shoulders rolled. "Maybe a little, but that's what he's been trying to do to you, Laurel. I didn't deprive him of his son. We've worked out a generous custody arrangement, with Marcus getting Timmy every other weekend, alternating Christmases, and six weeks during summer vacation, if he wants that privilege."

  She eyed him with confusion. "That was our original agreement, before he brought in the lawyers. How did you know?"

  "I did a little research, put a few lawyers on the job, and voila. Problem solved."

  Did she dare believe it was true?

  He seemed to read her mind, because he propped his briefcase on the small table by the door and withdrew a sheaf of papers. "Your copy. You'll need to sign it so we can have a courier deliver it. There is one waiting downstairs. I also have an attorney waiting in his office to ensure he signs the papers and doesn't change his mind." He closed the gap between them and wrapped her in his arms. "I swear to you this is taken care of. I wouldn't handle something so important in a half-ass way."

  She nodded, reassured by his embrace and the comforting weight of the papers in her hand. She stepped away from him and scanned the papers, seeing everything he'd said outlined in clear terms. She had no qualms attaching her signature to the document.

  Once she had done so, Morgan flipped open his phone and spoke to the courier. Within minutes, there was a knock at the door again. He passed the courier the papers, along with instructions, and then locked the door behind the man. When he turned back to her, he was smiling.

  She twisted the watch on her wrist and shot a glance at Timmy in the living room, watching TV. "I have a question."

  "You can ask me anything."

  She nodded. "Did you mean the part about getting married, or was that just to threaten Marcus?"

  "I meant every word." He strode to her and took her in his arms. "I love you, Laurel. I want you to marry me."

  "I don't even know your last name," she said softly.

  "Chase. I'm thirty-four-years-old, and I've never been married. I have three brothers and one sister. My parents have been together forty years, and they still love each other. I believe in love, trust, and commitment."

  "Why…?" Her eyes widened when he pressed his finger to her lips.

  "Before you ask, the reason I didn't tell you who I was is because I wanted you to want me as a bartender before I offered you the lifestyle I have."

  She frowned and pushed away his hand. "I don't care about that."

  Morgan nodded. "I know that now, but you wouldn't believe how many times I've been burned by women."

  She sighed. "Okay, I believe that, but why didn't you tell me before I left Caicos?"

  "I didn't want to get your hopes up, if I couldn't reason with Marcus." He smiled. "I wasn't going to give up either way, but that was the simplest means of dealing with our obstacles."

  She arched a brow. "If he hadn't agreed, what would you have done?"

  "There's always Plan B."

  "What's that?"

  "Ravish you into submission," he growled. "I figured if I chained you to my bed and seduced you six ways from Sunday every day, you would eventually give in and marry me. I knew I could make you
realize our odds of beating Marcus at his game were excellent, if I could just get you to listen."

  "You think you're a smart one, don't you?" She tried to keep her voice scathing, but there was a trace of a smile on her face.

  He shrugged. "I'm smart enough to know a good thing when I see it."


  Morgan nodded. "And I'm looking at it. I'm going to make you and Timmy so happy you won't have any regrets."

  She touched his temple. "My only regret was leaving you on the island. I've missed you every minute since then."


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