Protect and Serve: Soldiers, SEALs and Cops: Contemporary Heroes from NY Times and USA Today and other bestselling authors

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Protect and Serve: Soldiers, SEALs and Cops: Contemporary Heroes from NY Times and USA Today and other bestselling authors Page 45

by J. M. Madden

  Abbie's eyes rounded and she coughed when spit went down the wrong pipe. Jimmy pounded her back until she shoved him away. "Becka and I were driving by your house the other day. But we didn't see Fug...Beauregard. We are looking at potential yards to start a yard of the month competition."

  "What a grand idea!" Mrs. Polanski said, suddenly brightening. "That will sure bring spirits up."

  Finally everyone walked out of the small conference room. Jimmy stood in the hallway and Abbie went directly to him. "Let me know what you find out from the neighbors. Melanie Withers across the street is always looking out the window, I bet she saw something."

  "Maybe it's just a jealous neighbor. You did get the last coveted Whisper Day wreath," Julie Milton's voice seemed to hold a bit of bitterness.

  Abbie narrowed her eyes at the usually meek woman. "I'm sure that's not it."

  "I can't believe people were spending over a hundred dollars for a wreath," Clark interjected, his eyes widening when Abbie glared at him. "But they are nice." He finished weakly.

  "Anyway," Abbie said to no one in particular. "I'll be on my way. Glad to see everything is ready for the festival next weekend."

  "I'll pick you up tomorrow evening," Jimmy said.

  "No you won't. I cancelled remember." She adjusted the strap to her canvas tote and strode outside pretending not to hear him say. "You know you can't resist hot wings and beer at Grady's."

  Damn him, he was right.


  Grady's was just as she remembered. Dim, dingy and smelled like heaven. She and Jimmy settled into a booth and were immediately the center of attention. Eyes shifted to them and heads came together to whisper. "Are they together?" or "Do you see who's with who?"

  Of course Jimmy was oblivious, he stared at the menu with glee and ordered for both of them when a server approached. The young guy obviously recognized Jimmy and kept calling him sir, which made Abbie feel old. Well older...

  "So..." she struggled with what to say to a man who she'd dated in High School and slept with on and off through college. Somehow this date was different. He more mature and she...well not feeling anywhere past twenty by the sweaty palms and lack of thought pattern. "Did you find out anything from my neighbors."

  "Nope." Mr. Wordsmith took her hand and brought it up to his lips. Her insides did funny things. His eyes met hers and Abbie felt hers widen. "They pretty much all said the same thing. The huge magnolia trees in your front yard block their view of your house."

  "They could see clear as day when they signed the petition for me to repaint my door," Abbie snapped and pulled her hand away before he kissed it again and she yanked him over the table.

  "It was a pretty wild shade of pink," he said grinning when the server placed two mugs of beer in front of them.

  "Flamingo pink is beautiful." Abbie sulked and drank the icy cold beverage. "She had to admit after two swallows, she felt much better."

  They played darts and laughed when Abbie stepped on Jimmy's toes when they danced. All in all, as far as dates when, she had to give it a high score. The night went smoothly, both enjoying the easy rapport that came from knowing each other for years.

  When Jimmy followed her to the front door, she unlocked it and turned to look past him across the street. Of course the woman who claimed to be blinded by the trees suddenly had a clear line of vision, her blinds shifted one way and then another.

  She'd send Jimmy away of course. The last thing she needed was tongues wagging about her...again. Jimmy looked at her and leaned down to kiss her.

  It was perfect, not too hard or too soft, his lips just right over hers. She took a step back and the door gave way. Without a choice, she grabbed Jimmy's shirt and both stumbled backwards into her house.

  It was fate it seemed this happened and who was she to go against the gods? Besides she'd not seen Jimmy's body since he'd bulked up.

  They left a trail of clothes all the way to her bedroom door. Once there, there was nothing left to take off.

  "HOLY SHIT," Becka exclaimed over the rim of her cup. She blew on it and took a hesitant sip. "You slept with Jimmy?"

  Giddiness fought for dominance over nerves. "Yep. And now I have to figure out what to do about it."

  "You have a date with hunky vet tonight," Becka said with a smile. "You go girl."

  "I don't have to tell Jimmy do I?"

  Becka shook her head. "Nah, I think it was a one night stand. I'm sure Jimmy is not going to tell you if he goes out with Fast Fay again."

  "I can't stand that woman," Abbie suppressed the urge to call Jimmy and find out if he was still going out with Fast Fay. Unlike Abbie, Fast Fay earned her slut reputation after high school. Her husband Ronald dumped her publicly during the Whisper St. Patrick's Day parade claimed he'd caught his "fast" wife with two men in one day. The short balding accountant commandeered the Channel 12 News' microphone and announced that Fay had sex on the float with the guy who drove it. Then said he'd followed her to a motel where she'd slept with Ahmed Thomas, the five hundred pound owner of Sultan Sands Motel. After everyone exclaimed "Ew", Fast Fay climbed down from the float and slapped Roger, who dropped the microphone with a loud thump.

  To be fair, Fast Fay was cute as a button and she'd probably not slept with Ahmed. But the driver of the float, a hunky trucker, now that was believable.

  "I think you should enjoy the single years, especially while you're still pretty. After forty it all goes downhill. By the time you're fifty, you'll have to pay gigolos."

  "Nah, I'll be married by then and some poor sop will have to do his duty." Abbie hoped so anyway. She didn't want to spend her old woman gambling tour money on a male prostitute.

  "Did you hear that?" Becka said looking to the back door. "Scratching." She held up her flour-smudged hands. Better go see if the UPS guy can't knock cause his arms are full.

  Abbie headed to the door. "What do you think he'd use to scratch? His toenails?"

  Fugly trotted in and went directly to sit behind Becka and looked expectantly up at the tray of scones.

  "Oh my! Get his ugly little ass out of here before they close us down!" Becka screeched.

  Abbie grabbed the dog and snatched at scone as she headed to the office. "You don't have to scare it. He could have run off again." She patted the dog's head and he reached around her palm and bit into the scone. "I'll call Cissie, she'll be excited to hear he's alive."

  "I doubt it. Thought she was putting him up for adoption. He's going to be in the pound this afternoon. Won't nobody adopt him." Becka stretched and peered through the doorway at the dog that sat contently on a rug and ate the scone. "Maybe you should give him a better chance at life and put him back outside."

  The little dog was ugly, but he was cute in an ugly kind of way. Abbie sighed closing the door behind her. "I'm getting it some water and a towel to sleep on. Then I'm calling Cissie to come get him." Of course no one would adopt the dog. Cissie must have gotten him when he was a puppy and cuter. But who knew, there was a kind-hearted person somewhere who'd love him.

  She left Cissie a message and then began to mix teas. They had a special order for twenty-five small tins of tea for a bridal shower. The aroma of Earl Grey and vanilla filled the space, both relaxing and energizing in different waves.

  The bell jingled and Clark walked in. He gave her a strange look then looked around to see who else was at the tables. "Abbie, Becka, I need to speak to you in private please."

  "Sure," Abbie replied as she and Becka exchanged questioning looks. "We can talk here, it's pretty private."

  "Okay." He looked at Becka and let out a long breath. "Jimmy is going to have questions for you, but as your friend I wanted to warn you first."

  "What happened?" Both she and Becka asked at once.

  He looked directly at Abbie. "You were seen peeking in Logan Porter's windows. You two were also seen skulking around Cissie's house before the dog disappeared. Also, Mrs. Grundy said she saw you both driving past the Smith's the day their m
ailbox disappeared."

  Becka huffed. "That's bullshit and you know it. Everyone drives pasts the Smith's their house is on the main street into town."

  "She said it was before dawn."

  Abbie rolled her eyes. "Mrs. Grundy can't see well enough to pass her driver's test."

  "I don't want to believe it." Clark moved closer to the counter and pointed at a chocolate chip scone. "Can I get one of those."

  "How about the fact that my stuff got stolen too," Abbie said, holding out a hand to block Becka from giving him the scone. "I told you why we went out looking at yards."

  "Yard of the month," Becka piped up and waved the scone. "We are trying to do something nice for the community."

  Bark! Bark! Of course Fugly decided it was the perfect time to bark.

  Clark looked to the office door. "You have a dog in there?" The man was a genius.

  "Yes," Abbie replied. "We found him starving in the alleyway behind the bakery and brought him in and fed it."

  Clark narrowed his eyes and Becka waved the scone in front of his face. "Here you go."

  He ignored them and went to the office. They watched frozen in place as he opened the door and picked up Fugly. In slow motion he turned to them. "This is Cissie's dog. He was taken from her house."

  "Really?" Abbie said

  "No way." Becka exclaimed.

  Clark backed toward the door holding a now struggling dog. "I'm taking Beauregard to his rightful owner and then calling Jimmy. Don't leave town."

  "Well that went strangely bad." Abbie rolled her eyes. "Stupid dog."


  They closed at four that afternoon and Jimmy had yet to show up. Abbie stopped jumping every time the bell over the door jingled. They groaned when the mayor's wife walked in. Belinda Carter could talk paint off a wall, her visits were rarely short. Tanned and svelte, she walked into the teashop and pulled her sunglasses up using them as a headband. "Hello lovelies." She flashed them an artificially whitened smile. "How have things been in boring little Whisper?"

  "Not as exciting as Aruba I'm sure," replied Abbie. "Scone?"

  "No thank you, I avoid carbs."

  Becka turned toward Abbie and muttered. "She avoids food."

  Belinda moved to the window. "Have you ladies seen Clark? I got back early this morning and haven't seen hide or hair of the man." She didn't seem particularly upset, as she flipped through her cell phone.

  "Err...yes, he was heading to return a lost dog last time we saw him," Abbie told her. "He's doing the usual mayor thing, whatever that is. You know accusing innocent people of crimes. That kind of stuff."

  Belinda shrugged and dropped her phone into her Kate Spade. "Oh okay. Well if you see him tell him I'm going to meet friends for dinner. I texted him." She waved and left.

  "They are such a loving couple," Becka said.

  Abbie locked the door and turned off the "Open" sign. "Never mind her. What are we going to do? Jimmy might arrest us tomorrow."

  "He can't arrest us without proof. We don't have the crap, cause we didn't steal it," Becka boxed the leftover scones and lifted it. "Give these to Logan tonight."


  "You have a date remember."

  "Oh damn. I should cancel." Abbie rushed to retrieve her tote and find Logan's number. I am not in the right frame of mind to go on a date." She continued to dig frantically through her bag, finally giving up and dumping the contents onto the counter. "It has to be in here."

  Becka's eyebrows lifted. "Just go, it will distract you. Have sex."

  "I can't sleep with him. I just slept with Jimmy. That would be...ummm...I don't know slutty?" She finished weakly.

  "Normally it would be a horrible idea, but if we end up in the slammer, you'll have to settle for sex with either a woman or vegetables."

  "You're stupid," Abbie burst out laughing. "We are not going to jail. I have no choice but to go to this dinner. You're going too right"

  Becka nodded. "Yep got a new dress."

  "We'll be working it. It will be the perfect time to ask questions and investigate the random thefts. Clear our name."

  LOGAN SHOWED up right on time. Dressed in tan slacks and a navy blue blazer, he looked incredible. He hugged her when she opened the door, his spicy cologne making her head fuzzy.

  "You look great," his hazel eyes appraised her. "Blue is your color."

  "Thank you." She almost twirled in a circle, but figured it would be silly. "Ready?"

  He held the door open for her and she climbed into his car. At once in the car, she thought of the night before. When in Jimmy's truck she'd been giddy and excited about the date. Tonight it was different. When he started the engine, he flashed her a smile and she considered, maybe the butterflies were late and would show up later.

  The drive was short, but she was glad when they arrived and didn't have to try to make conversation. As soon as they entered the pretty decorated outdoor eating area, she scoured the crowd for Becka. "She's there!" Abbie grabbed Logan's arm and pulled him to where Becka and Gary stood.

  Logan and Gary shook hands and Abbie relaxed. Becka gave her a strange look. "Why do you have that creepy smile on your face."

  "I don't," her face hurt from smiling. "Oh I am aren't I? I can't stop it." She hiccupped which sounded more like a burp and both men turned to her. "I need a drink. Logan would you like something?"

  "Sure, I can get it." Logan offered and she waved him off. "Nonsense, relax. I'll be right back."

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" Becka followed her. "Did something happen?"

  "No nothing. That's the problem. I can't relax, I feel as if I'm on display, like everyone stared when Logan and I arrived."

  Her friend chuckled. "You're so silly. They are staring. Duh, two different men, two nights in a row."

  "Shit." Abbie lunged for the bar. "Margarita, extra shot of tequila."

  While waiting for drinks, she watched the crowd. Nothing unusual, mingling and stiff small talk. A couple women competed to see who could laugh harder in an effort to prove they were fun. Clark and his wife had managed to hook up. Belinda held a drink up in an Audrey Hepburn stance and looked around the room as if trying to find somewhere to escape to.

  It seemed Clark was still hot flashing by the sweat breaking out all over his shiny face. He constantly looked around as if an ax murderer would jump out with a chainsaw at any minute.

  Abbie poked Becka. "Do you think Clark is nervous because of the dead body?"

  "What dead body?" Becka hissed.

  "The one we couldn't find."

  "Oh that dead body. Becka studied Clark. "He is acting weird. We should follow him. Oh look there's Cissie, she looks upset."

  "Here," Abbie shoved Logan's beer at Becka. "I'm going to follow Clark. Maybe I'll find a clue."

  "Don't take too long." Becka walked off toward the men who seemed to be deep in conversation.

  Soft music filled the air as Abbie walked toward the side of the building where she'd seen Clark head too. Mrs. Polanski caught up to her. "I heard a horrible rumor about you," she gave Abbie a pointed look.

  "I am not sleeping with the vet," Abbie told her and tried to walk off.

  The older woman put her hand over her forearm. "Not that. That you might be the random thief."

  Abbie whirled around and faced the woman. "That is crazy. Why would I steal parakeets and mailboxes?"

  "It could be you were sexually frustrated. But now that you're getting around, can I have my birds back?" Mrs. Polanski refused to back down. "I'll let you borrow Mr. Polanski for a night or two."

  "Ew," Abbie blurted. "I am not "getting around" she made ineffective air quotes since she only had one free hand. And, I am not the random thief."

  "Just know the offer stands," Mrs. Polanski tottered off shaking her head mumbling something about birds and special seeds.

  Angry at the woman's accusations, Abbie gulped down the margarita and took off toward the side of the restaurant. She had to get to the botto
m of who the thief was. It was that or be labeled as the town thief and slut. All right so the slut part she probably could not do anything about at this point.

  Although it was dim, there was enough light not to make it creepy. Abbie's heels sunk into the dirt so she walked on her toes. Just as she was about to call out Clark's name she heard a noise. It sounded like a moan. Great, he was probably throwing up. She didn't want to have to do the "are you all right" thing. She was about to turn back when another noise sounded.

  She peered around the corner to see Clark holding Cissie against the wall and her skirt hiked up around her, well above her butt. His hand was somewhere where she couldn't see it.

  Cissie pushed him back. "You said you'd tell her as soon as she got back."

  Clark tried to kiss her. She turned her head and his mouth landed on her throat. "Give me a couple days." He turned to look in her direction and Abbie ducked back behind the wall. She strained to hear whatever they said, but the music made it hard. Now she understood why he was acting so fidgety at the committee meeting. Cissie was feeling him up under the table.

  "Oh my God," Abbie whispered and turned to head back. Although Cissie and Clark messing around was interesting news, it didn't help her figure out who took the crap. She took a step when another sound came from across the way. Unable to help herself she rushed over and peered around the side of that building. It housed a gift shop and an accountant's office. Shadows in the window got her attention and she slipped closer.

  "I tell you what, this is too easy. They'll be shocked when we show up." The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it over the sound of her heart beating so hard in her ears. Whoever it was, planned some sort of attack. She reached for her clutch and realized she must have left it in Logan's car. "Damn it." She muttered and turned, slamming straight into a man's chest.

  Abbie's screamed, but it was muffled by whoever it was' hand.

  "What are you doing?" Jimmy hissed into her ear. "I thought someone was about to break in."

  "Shhh," she whispered. "There's someone in there."

  "Where?" Jimmy squinted into the darkness.


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