Just Trust Me…

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Just Trust Me… Page 6

by Jacquie D’Alessandro

  “You’re so wet,” he murmured against her skin. “So silky and hot.”

  “All your fault…ahhh…” Her words trailed off in a long sigh when he slipped two fingers inside her. Unable to stop herself she undulated against his hand, greedily absorbing the quickening, deep strokes. His palm pressed against her with just the right pressure and her climax roared through her, a series of deep, shuddering spasms that dragged a cry from her throat. She clung to his shoulders, absorbing the aftershocks, her ragged breaths burning her lungs.

  When Kayla could manage it, she dragged open her eyes. And found him watching her with an expression that would have melted her if he hadn’t already managed to do so.

  She licked her lips to moisten them, then whispered, “Told you I wouldn’t last long. Thank you-for putting out that damn fire you started.”

  His lips twitched. “My pleasure.”

  “Not as much as it was mine, believe me. But I’ll make sure I even the score.”

  He leaned forward and brushed his mouth over hers. “Looking forward to that.”

  “And I’ll get right on it. As soon as you give me back my knees. Seems I took one look at you and they fell off.”

  He chuckled then dipped down and scooped her up in his arms. “So I guess you’d better lie down,” he said, striding toward the bed. “That’s a real shame-having a gorgeous woman sprawled in my bed. A damn hardship, but I’ll try to grin and bear it.” He plopped her down on the center of the multicolored bedspread where she landed with a gentle bounce. “Don’t go away,” he said, then turned toward the closet.

  “As if you’d get rid of me.” She watched him dig through a dark blue backpack, presumably for condoms. Her body was already tingling at the prospect of another round-this time with their clothes off. In anticipation of his return, she kicked off her sandals, then shimmied out of her tank top, skirt and panties. Stretching out on the bed, a slow smile curved her lips.

  Time to get this party started.


  BRETT RIFLED through his backpack, trying to stave off the impatience clawing at him. Where the hell were the damn condoms? And why did this damn bag have so many damn compartments? He yanked on another zipper, and relief filled him at the sight of the familiar packets. He’d slipped them in out of habit, not because he’d thought he’d actually need them. He grabbed one then stood and turned toward the bed. And froze. And stared.

  At Kayla, who reclined on his bed, her head propped against the pillows. At Kayla, whose shiny auburn hair was beautifully mussed from his hands and whose skin was kissed by a fascinating splash of pale freckles and painted gold by the rays of late-afternoon sun slanting through the window. And who wore nothing save a wicked smile.

  His gaze tracked down her body, over full breasts topped with coral nipples, generous hips, long, shapely legs…she was curvy and luscious and sinful and holy hell, just looking at her rushed more blood to his groin.

  Talk about an instantaneous reaction.

  He forced several slow, careful breaths into his lungs, then walked toward her. When he neared the bed, he tossed the condom onto the nightstand, and was about to remove his shirt when she shook her head and rolled onto her knees.

  “Allow me.” Reaching out, she slid his Hawaiian print shirt off his shoulders and dropped it at his feet. “All you have to do is relax,” she said, slipping her hand beneath his T-shirt.

  “Relax?” He huffed out a laugh that turned into a groan when her hands skated up his torso. “You can’t be serious.”

  She pushed up his T-shirt, and he raised his arms so she could pull it over his head. Seconds later it joined his Hawaiian shirt on the floor.”

  “Then just stay still,” she murmured, slowly dragging her hands down his chest.

  “Gotta tell ya, that’s asking a lot…” The last word ended on a groan when she leaned forward and pressed her lips to the center of his chest.

  “Maybe,” she whispered, her warm breath breezing over his skin, “but you will be rewarded for your compliance.” Leaning back, she flicked her gaze down to his feet. “Footwear off.”

  While he toed off his sneakers then removed his socks, he said in the most teasing tone he could muster, considering his straining erection, “First it’s ‘relax,’ then ‘remain still,’ now ‘footwear off’…has anyone ever told you that you’re kinda bossy?”

  “I prefer to think of it as being a take-charge sort of gal. One who’s not afraid to say what she wants. And right now I want you to stand still while I get you naked so I can repay you for that fabulous orgasm you just gave me.” She hooked a single fingertip into the waistband of his shorts and yanked him closer. “Any complaints?”

  “Hell, no. I like a woman who’s upfront. But before we begin,” he reached out and cupped her full breasts, his fingers gently tugging at her nipples, enjoying her low moan of pleasure, “just so you know, I’m not afraid to say what I want, either. And I’ll want to see your orgasm and raise you two more.”

  “Oooh, sounds like orgasm poker,” she crooned in a sultry voice.

  “That’s exactly what it is. Wanna play?”

  “By all means. Let the games begin.”

  Her eyes gleaming with heated mischief, she gently grasped his wrists, settled his hands at his sides, then flicked open the button of his shorts.

  Brett stood in an agony of anticipation, watching her slowly lower his zipper then slip her hands inside his waistband to push his boxers and shorts down in a single, fluid motion. When the clothes hit his ankles, he stepped out of them and pushed them aside with his foot, heaving a massive sigh of relief that his body no longer felt strangled.

  But his relief was short-lived as she pressed her palms against his chest and urged him back several paces. Then she moved off the bed to stand before him, her avid gaze roaming over him.

  “Very nice,” she said, her fingertips drawing slow circles on his abdomen. His muscles jumped beneath her touch and he clenched his hands to keep from simply snatching her against him and devouring her.

  “Glad you approve,” he managed to say, his voice sounding as if he’d swallowed gravel.

  Her gaze settled on his erection and she licked her lips. Fire raced through him, feeling that look, that lick, as if she’d actually touched him. Tasted him. His entire body tightened, and he seriously doubted his ability to remain still much longer.

  And she hadn’t even touched him yet.

  God help him.

  “Oh, I definitely approve,” she said in a low, seductive voice he could only describe as a purr, one which didn’t bode well for his rapidly evaporating control. She walked slowly around him, dragging her fingertips across his bare hip, until she stood directly behind him. “Rear view is…lovely. Tell me, is this the spot-” her fingers lightly circled the base of his spine “-where you said the most sensitive cluster of nerves in the body is located?”

  He sucked in a breath. “Yeah. That’s the spot.”

  Her fingers tickled over the area again, shooting arrows of pleasure through him. “Are you sure?” she asked, sounding puzzled. “Right here? Because I would have thought other places were more sensitive. I think perhaps we should conduct an experiment to test the validity of your assertion.”

  “Wow. I love it when you talk science to me.”

  “You’re up for an experiment?”

  He gazed pointedly down at his straining erection then looked at her over his shoulder. “Clearly.”

  A devilish gleam burned in her eyes. “Excellent. For each place I touch your body, I want you to give a number from one to ten, with ten being the most sensitive, and we’ll see which spot wins. How does that sound?”

  Like sweet torture. “Seeing as how I’m a man who appreciates a finely crafted experiment, it sounds really, really good.”

  “Really, really good…is that one of those highly scientific terms? Like ‘wow’?”

  “Yes. Except in this case, it’s an understatement. Of gargantuan proportions.”

/>   “I see.” Her fingers circled the back of his spine once again and a low moan escaped him. “Well?” she asked, pressing warm kisses across his shoulders. “What’s your rating?”

  “I give it a ten.”

  Her fingers dragged slowly downward, over his buttocks. “And this?”

  “A ten.”

  She stepped closer to him, and he felt the warmth of her body down the entire length of his. Her hard nipples brushed his back, erotically teasing, and her fingers dipped lower to caress the backs of his thighs. “Here?”

  “Ten,” he said, his voice low and rough.

  Kayla chuckled, the puff of breath caressing his overheated skin. “I’m seeing a pattern here.”

  “I’m feeling one.”

  She walked around to stand in front of him. Grasping his wrists, she raised his hands. “Behind your neck,” she instructed. After he’d clasped his fingers together, she skimmed her talented fingertips down the undersides of his upraised arms. Heat shot to his every nerve ending. When she raised a questioning brow, he promptly decreed, “Ten.”

  Next she lightly circled his nipples. “Well?”


  Leaning forward she dragged her wet tongue across his nipple then gently suckled.

  He pulled in a breath. “Eleven.”

  Triumph flared in her eyes. “Ah-ha! A breakthrough. It appears not only that the spine might not be the most sensitive spot, but also that sensitivity depends not only on where you touch, but what you touch with-your fingers or your mouth.”

  “You definitely could be on to something,” he agreed. “Further investigation is absolutely called for.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “I’ll try to grin and bear it. For the sake of science.”

  “That’s what I like-a team player.”

  “I’m definitely game.”

  Her fingertips skimmed lower to feather over his hips. He gripped his hands tighter together behind his neck as his muscles contracted in rolling spasms of pleasure.

  “Ten,” he said.

  Brett watched her hands coast over his thighs, down his legs, behind his knees, each time saying “Ten,” each pass of her hands further tightening his body and peeling away another layer of his control. Everywhere she touched him, it felt as if fire raced beneath his skin. And she’d touched him everywhere-except his penis, which strained upward, hard and aching. His breathing turned labored and the effort he expended to remain still had him nearly shaking. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take.

  “Spread your legs,” she said.

  His gaze snapped to hers, and without a word, he did as she asked. Her fingers dipped into the crease between his thighs and a low growl escaped him. With his gaze pinned to hers, he said in a rough voice, “Twelve.”

  Her warm palm cupped his tight sac and gently squeezed. He sucked in a hard breath. “Fourteen.”

  She released him, then trailed a single fingertip down his hard length. His erection jerked at the featherlight contact and he groaned. When he didn’t speak, she asked, “Your rating?”

  “Do it again.”

  After she obliged, he rasped, “Twenty.”

  She raised her brows. “Interesting.” Her gaze rested on his arousal, and he tensed in expectation. When she wrapped her fingers around him, his eyes slammed shut and he pulled in a quick, harsh breath.

  “Number?” she asked, gently squeezing him.

  “Thirty.” The word came out in a low groan and he opened his eyes. “And just FYI-my powers of speech are rapidly vanishing.”

  “Good. Let’s see what this does.” She sat on the edge of the bed, urged him closer, then leaned forward and gave his shaft a long, slow lick, from base to tip.

  A tremor ran through him, but before he could recover, she licked him again, this time sweeping her tongue over the sensitive head before looking up at him through glittering green eyes.

  “Well?” she asked.

  “You’re driving me insane.”

  She lazily circled the tip of her tongue around the engorged head and he clenched his teeth against the aching pleasure. “Good insane, or bad insane?”

  “Good,” he gasped, as she leaned forward and slowly drew him into her mouth. “So…ahhh…good.”

  He watched her draw him in deeper, and he lowered his hands to sift them unsteadily through her soft hair. The erotic sight and incredible feel of her hot, silky mouth moving over him with a slow, mind-destroying rhythm, the sensation of her hands dipping between his legs to cup and caress him, was quickly bringing him to the brink. His vision blurred when she engulfed him deeper and sucked. Hard. He held off coming by sheer will, but when she repeated that tight, control-shredding draw, he knew he was done.

  With a feral groan, he eased himself free of her plump lips. She looked up at him with a heated expression that all but incinerated him where he stood.

  “I haven’t evened the score yet,” she said.

  “Believe me, it’s about to be evened. But when it is, I want you with me.”

  He urged her back on the mattress, and grabbed the condom. After quickly rolling on the protection, he settled himself in the warm cradle of her spread thighs. Their eyes met as he slowly sank into her tight, wet heat.

  “God…you feel-” he ground out.

  “So incredibly good…” she whispered.

  “So incredibly good,” he agreed, sinking deeper.

  Buried to the hilt, he briefly closed his eyes, absorbing the incredible sensation of her body clamped around him like a hot, silken fist. Then, with his gaze on hers, he eased out nearly all the way, and thrust deep. Her lips parted, emitting a low rumbling sound of approval. He thrust again and again, long, smooth, deep strokes that quickened into driving plunges, each one urging him closer to detonation. Her breathing turned choppy and her fingers bit into his shoulders. When a cry broke from her lips and she arched beneath him, Brett let himself go. His climax roared through his system, shudders racking him with hot jolts of pleasure. When the spasms subsided, he collapsed, burying his face in the warm, fragrant curve of her neck and fought to catch his breath.

  He wasn’t sure how much time passed before he mustered the strength to lift his head. When he did, his heart quickened at the sight of her.

  With her skin flushed, hair in wild disarray, moist lips parted and kiss-swollen, Kayla looked completely sated. And utterly beautiful. Propping his weight on his forearms, he brushed a damp auburn strand from her rosy cheek. A low hmmm sounded in her throat and her eyelids fluttered open. Their gazes locked and he stilled, struck by a sensation of…something. Something he couldn’t name because he’d never felt it before. But whatever it was, it was intense and warm and intimate, and while half of him liked it-a lot-its very intensity scared the crap out of the other half of him.

  Forcing a lightness into his voice-one he really had to reach for-he said, “You look…deliciously dazed.”

  She stretched beneath him and smiled. “I feel deliciously dazed. And very smug. It would seem I shot your theory all to hell. Indeed, I think the final tally was, Spine-ten. Penis-was it thirty or forty?”

  “More like thirty thousand. But you changed the entire hypothesis by using your mouth.”

  “Is that a complaint?”

  “Hell, no. In fact, I can’t wait to run my own experiment on you. See if I find similar results, or if it’s just a guy thing. I vote for a nice, warm shower, then another round of orgasm poker. How does that sound?”

  Her lips curved into a beautiful smile that stole his breath. “Deal me in, baby. Deal me in.”


  WEARING Brett’s Hawaiian shirt, which covered her to midthigh, Kayla stepped onto the small balcony of his hotel room. Echoes of music and an indistinguishable hum of voices floated over the cool night air from the nearby Plaza de Armas which was lined with numerous lively bars and discos. The moon shone in the sky, a luminous pearl against black satin. Stars twinkled like handfuls of scattered diamonds, the pe
rfect backdrop for the grandeur of the Andes visible in their silvery glow. A breeze ruffled her hair, bringing with it the savory scent of food, and her stomach rumbled. They’d polished off the pizza hours ago.

  Settling herself on the wrought-iron chair, she rifled through her canvas bag for her cell phone. She wasn’t sure how long Brett would be gone on his errand to hunt up some bottled water and snacks-what kind of hotel didn’t offer room service anyway?-and since it appeared that she was spending the night here, she needed to grab what would probably be her only chance to privately check her messages.

  Flipping open her phone, which she’d set on Silent, Kayla noted she had eight voice mails and twenty text messages in her inbox. With a sigh, she opted to get the voice mails over with first. Three of the messages were from Meg regarding the wedding plans-no big surprise there. Two from Cindy, one asking how she liked the name Butterfly for a girl, the other complaining about Meg. Two calls were from her mom, one reiterating she was too young to be a grandmother, the other reporting that her hairdresser’s son’s divorce was final and that he’d be perfect for Kayla and should she set up a date?

  The last message was from Nelson, left an hour ago, and she stilled as she heard his voice coming through the phone. “Hope the reason you’re not answering this call is because you’re somewhere with Thornton finding out everything you can about him and that damn formula. Keep me informed.”

  She disconnected from voice mail and buried her face in her hands. Guilt weighed heavily on her, along with something else…something she was reluctant to name because she didn’t like it. Didn’t like the way it made her feel about herself and what she was doing. Shame, perhaps? her inner voice archly asked.

  She blew out a long sigh. Yes, damn it, she was ashamed. Because she’d searched through his belongings as soon as he’d departed the room. Searched for something, anything that might offer the sort of clue Nelson expected her to find. But instead of feeling as if she were doing her job, she’d felt like a sneak. And she’d been disgusted with herself for invading his privacy. She’d had to force herself to do it, but that did little to assuage her conscience as she’d still done it. Her search had only served to tarnish the thrill and excitement of being with him with the crushing feeling that she no longer deserved to share such intimacies with him.


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