Just Trust Me…

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Just Trust Me… Page 16

by Jacquie D’Alessandro

  “Same here. I’m proud of you, princess. I didn’t hear a single complaint.”

  “Who had air to spare to complain? And I’m proud of you, too. Of all of us. Including myself. When I get home, I’m going to have a custom T-shirt made-I hiked to Dead Woman’s Pass and it didn’t kill me. At least not completely.”

  Any hope she’d harbored that the descent into the valley would be less strenuous evaporated within minutes. The path descended sharply, on uneven, complicated stone steps that required close concentration. The only part that was noticeably easier was that the air became a bit less thin as they approached the valley.

  By the time they arrived in Pacamayo, they’d hiked nearly seven miles-about the same distance as the day before. But today’s journey felt like seventy miles in comparison.

  When they finally stopped, Kayla shrugged off her backpack, allowing it simply to thump to the ground. She instantly followed suit then curled into a fetal position and whimpered, “I am one with the dirt. Go on without me. Save yourself.”

  She heard Brett chuckle, then hiss out a curse. “Please, do not make me laugh.” A long, deep groan followed, and she pried open one eye and watched him lower himself to the ground next to her. Using his backpack as a back rest, he reached out and plucked up her limp form with an ease that majorly impressed her. She couldn’t have plucked up so much as a daisy if her life had depended on it. He settled her in his lap, and she curled against him, her head flopping like a rag doll’s on his chest.

  “Why aren’t you half-dead like me?” she asked.

  “I’m pretty tired.”

  “Pretty tired? I left ‘pretty tired’ behind about six miles ago. I don’t want to be a whiner, but my God, everything hurts. My hair hurts. My eyebrows hurt. Even my earlobes hurt. Parts of me I didn’t even know I had ache. There is not one bit of balance in my life-only profound soreness. Whose crazy idea was this anyway?” A moan escaped her. “I knew I should have gone to the Caribbean to find my balance. No change, no gain? What a pile of pain-filled hooey.”

  His chuckle shook his chest. “Poor princess. You’ve really been a trooper. I haven’t heard a complaint all day. Of course, you’re making up for it now, but since everybody’s lying on the ground in various stages of moaning and groaning, I won’t hold it against you. And lucky for you, I know just the thing to make you feel better.”

  “You have a morphine drip handy?”

  “’Fraid not. But I do have what you need.”

  “I’d ask what that is, but I’m too busy trying to remember how to say ‘Where’s the hospital?’ in Spanish.”

  “As luck would have it, I’m a doctor. And I give excellent physical therapy.”

  “You’re not a medical doctor, and the only thing I’m physically capable of right now is…nothing. Okay, here’s a sentence I never thought I’d say, especially to an exceptionally hot and willing guy-I’m too tired for sex.”

  “Compliment of ‘exceptionally hot’ noted and appreciated. But I wasn’t talking about sex. I was talking about a back rub. After I’m done, you’ll feel brand-new.”

  “Brand-new would be nice. Because old, battered, aching, creaky and sore really sucks.”

  “Fear not. I’ll rub away all your aches and pains.”

  “Gotta warn ya, you’ll be rubbing for a really long time.”

  His lips brushed against her temple, warm and comforting. “A really long time,” he repeated softly. “That’s what I’m counting on, princess.”


  “HOW DOES THAT FEEL, princess?”

  Ensconced in his small tent, Brett smiled at the long pleasure-filled sigh that constituted Kayla’s response. He continued to smooth his hands down her bare back, alternating long, gliding strokes with a circular kneading motion, working out the soreness and kinks.

  He felt surprisingly well, considering the brutal workout of today’s hike. Of course, the warm shower after a hearty dinner had helped considerably toward reviving him. Not that there were any facilities here, other than the same bathroom-tent set-up as last night. But tonight, instead of “showering” with ice-cold river water, Ana had heated large pots of water so that everyone had gotten a bucket of warm water with which to bathe away the day’s dirt and sweat and strain.

  A combination of pity and amusement curved his lips as he recalled how piteously grateful Kayla had been for the steaming water, with Eileen and Ashley not far behind in their gratitude. The men had been just as grateful-just less gushy than the ladies.

  As he had last night, Alberto had directed them to a private area where they stripped. He’d held up Kayla’s bucket for her, tilting it to produce a thin stream of warm water under which she gratefully soaped up and rinsed. The air was chilled with a brisk breeze and they hadn’t lingered, just washed and dressed in clean clothes, then made their way back to the campsite.

  The tents had been set up while they showered, and after dinner they’d bade the other hikers-all of whom were dragging their tired butts to their own tents-good night.

  Once he and Kayla were inside his tent, Brett had secured the flap. Space was tight, but he had no objection to sharing a cozy space with her. She’d flopped facedown onto his sleeping bag and expelled a long moan.

  “I may never move again,” she’d whispered.

  “You don’t have to. Just relax.”

  “Relax. Okay, good thing you told me that ’cause otherwise I would have hopped up and jogged a few miles.”

  Chuckling softly, he’d stripped her of her clothes, then removed his T-shirt, but kept on his sweat pants. Straddling the backs of her thighs, he’d asked, “Do you have any sort of lotion in your backpack?”

  “Front zipper compartment. Unscented stuff, so as not to attract bugs or snakes or whatever other creepy crawlers might be slithering about.”

  “Good thinking.”

  He’d located a tube bearing the La Fleur symbol and after squeezing some into his hand, rubbed his palms together to warm the lotion, then started slowly massaging his way down her back.

  Now, twenty minutes later, she was showing small signs of life.

  “That feels sooo goood,” she said as he worked out the tight knots in her shoulders. “If I’m ever able to rise from this spot, I swear I’ll pay you back.”

  “Looking forward to that. But I’m fine. Let’s just focus on getting you whipped back into shape.”

  “Okay. I’ll give you three days to quit massaging me. Not a minute more. Really. If you haven’t stopped by then, I’ll have to call the cops.”

  “I’m not too worried. You don’t know how to call the cops in Spanish.”

  “Oh. Right. So I guess you’ll just have to stop on your own after the three days are up.”


  “Have I told you what a nice man you are?”

  “Twice. But hey, I like hearing it, so feel free.”

  “You’re a very nice man.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Who has very nice, very talented hands.”

  “Uh-huh. Keep going.”

  “Trolling for compliments?”

  “Let’s just say I’d be willing to listen to any flattery you might want to toss my way.”

  “You’re very smart. And strong. And thanks to you and the shower you gave me and this incredible massage, I may actually be able to move in the morning.”

  “My pleasure.” His hands slowly rubbed their way down toward the base of her spine. “Anything else?”

  One green eye peeked at him over her shoulder. “You mean other than sexy and witty and sexy and gorgeous and sexy?” She resettled her head against her folded arms. “Nah, I think that about covers everything.”

  “You’re very nice, too, you know.”

  For several seconds she stiffened under his hands. “I…I’m glad you think so.”

  “I do. And you know that whole sexy, witty, sexy, gorgeous, sexy thing you said about me? Well, same goes, princess.”

  And speaking of gorgeou
s and sexy…his gaze followed his hands’ path down the smooth, pale skin on her back, pausing over several scatterings of gilt freckles, skimming lower, until he gently kneaded her rounded buttocks. A prolonged mmm escaped her and she lifted her butt into his touch. Given the spectacular view, he was already as hard as steel, but his body reacted immediately, tightening further at her movement. He hadn’t really considered what sweet torture this massage would be for him.

  Forcing himself to put aside his growing need and continue his ministrations, he shifted, nudging her thighs apart, then resettled himself on his knees between her spread legs. Squeezing out another generous dollop of lotion, he massaged her hips, then made his way down each shapely leg, manipulating the backs of her thighs and calves. Her long, soft moans of approval told him he was hitting all the right spots.

  “Feel good?” he asked, working the arch of her foot with strong sweeping strokes of his thumbs.

  “Good doesn’t begin to describe it. I think my toes just had an orgasm.”

  The word orgasm shot arrows of pure lust through him, and he inhaled sharply. And caught the subtle scent of female arousal. Apparently she was as turned on as him. Thank God.

  Sitting on his heels, he worked his way back up her legs. When he reached her buttocks, he changed the speed and strength of his strokes from healing massage to sensual caress. He spread his knees more, opening her thighs wider. His fingers lightly kneaded her supple flesh, then dipped lower.

  Her sex was wet and soft, and he stroked two fingers into the velvety heat, while his other hand continued to gently massage her bottom.

  “Brett…” His name was a husky groan filled with want, and his body responded by tightening to the point of pain. With another groan, she lifted herself up onto her elbows and pushed back against his hand.

  “More,” she rasped, panting. “More.”

  He added a third finger, pumping slowly. Her breathing turned more ragged and finally, with a strangled aaahhhh, her slick walls pulsed around him.

  When her ripples subsided, he slipped out his fingers. Instead of going totally limp as he’d expected her to, she instead pushed herself up on her knees, then looked at him over her shoulder. Her eyes glittered with enough heat to incinerate him.


  The husky command was one he was more than happy-and beyond ready-to obey. He pulled a condom from the front pocket of his backpack and gave thanks that his sweatpants made for easy access. He pushed down the soft material and his boxers to his hips. His erection sprang free and he quickly sheathed himself. With his butt resting on his heels, he grasped her waist and positioned her wet opening over the head of his penis.

  She slid down slowly, her sleek inner walls gripping him like a heated fist. When he was fully engulfed, her back pressed against his chest, he leaned forward and scraped his teeth across her shoulder, lightly biting her smooth skin, then fastened his mouth on the sensitive skin of her nape. A shudder ran through her.

  “More,” she whispered, putting her hands over his, sliding them up her torso until his closed over her breasts.

  His fingers played with her hard nipples, teasing, tugging, as he thrust upward, his movements measured and deliberate in an effort to hold off coming as long as possible. But she wasn’t helping him retain his control. She slowly circled her hips in such a mind-blowing way he saw stars. Urgent, brutal need churned through him. He wasn’t going to last much longer.

  Cruising one hand downward, he curved his fingers over her mound and caressed her wet flesh. He thrust harder, faster, gritting his teeth, holding off coming by sheer will. The instant he felt the first ripple of her orgasm, he clamped his arm around her waist, surging up while urging her down, imbedding himself deeper and letting go.

  They were both still breathing hard when she leaned back fully against him, and pressed her lips to the side of his neck where his pulse throbbed.

  He closed his eyes and bent his head to breathe her in, her own unique scent mixed with the heady musk of her arousal.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  “My favorite scientific term. More?”

  He felt her smile against his neck. “That’s enough-for now. Check back in five, ten minutes.”

  That’s enough.

  His insides jittered at the words, instantly rejecting them. No, it wasn’t enough. And he couldn’t imagine it ever being enough. Not just the sex-which was inarguably outstanding-but everything to do with this woman. Her laugh, her humor, her determination to keep herself together on the trail today. The way she made him feel just by standing next to him.

  She’d grabbed his attention from the first instant he’d seen her, and that fascination, that instant chemistry he’d experienced, hadn’t waned one bit. It had only grown stronger. Along with his feelings.

  The realization ripped through him with the intensity of an atomic explosion.

  He was falling in love with her.

  Falling? his inner voice interjected. Who the hell do you think you’re kidding? You’re way beyond falling. You’re splattered all over the ground.

  He went perfectly still, unable to deny it. He was in love with Kayla.

  Probably that realization should have scared the crap out of him, but instead, a sense of calm settled over him that he’d finally found a woman who could make him feel this way. So what if it had happened fast? There weren’t rules about how long it had to take to fall in love. His own parents were a perfect example. This was right. Kayla was, unequivocally, “the one.”

  The words I love you involuntarily rushed up from his pounding heart, and he had to press his lips together to keep himself from saying them out loud. They weren’t words he said lightly. And he’d never been tempted to utter them to anyone after such a short acquaintance. But then, no woman had ever made him feel the way this woman did.

  It was definitely too soon to tell her. She’d not only think he was crazy, he’d probably scare her off. And there was no rush. They lived in the same city. Although they hadn’t yet discussed continuing their relationship after the hike, as far as he was concerned, it was a no-brainer. There was absolutely no reason for their adventure to end once they returned home, no long-distance issues to deal with.

  That realization suffused him with a profound sense of peace, and he could almost feel the out-of-alignment parts of his life shifting back into balance-like car gears slipping into place.

  No, this wasn’t enough.

  And he intended to see to it that it didn’t have to be.


  THE NEXT morning, Kayla walked carefully along the dirt trail as the group made their way single-file through a narrow pass toward their first stop of the day, the ruins of Runkuracay.

  She knew Brett walked directly behind her and was probably ogling her butt-knowledge that should have made her smile, but instead pulled a frown between her brows and added another rock to the heavy weight already pressing upon her heart.

  After enjoying a good night’s sleep, basking in the luscious sensation of awakening in Brett’s arms, a delicious bout of morning sex followed by a scrumptious breakfast, she should have been happy. Yet as many times as she told herself that, she remained troubled. A deepening sense of distress snaked through her, one that grew stronger with each passing hour because each passing hour brought her closer to the time when she and Brett would go their separate ways.

  No more waking up in his arms. No more laughter or lopsided grins or enjoying his company or watching his eyes darken with desire for her. No more curling up against him after making love and just listening to his heart beat.

  No more Brett.

  And that knowledge, the absolute certainty that the end to this magical time with him grew closer with each passing minute, ticked in her mind like a giant, evil clock, mocking her, sneering at her, reminding her that not only would it end, but any feelings he had for her would go the way of the dinosaur.

  Because, of course, he’d believe she’d only gotten close to him, slept
with him, to gain information for La Fleur, for which she couldn’t blame him. How could she? The reality was that she’d followed him to another continent with the sole purpose of spying on him. Of finding out about him and his formula and steering him toward La Fleur. Of dishing out some payback for a perceived wrong. If the situations were reversed, it’s certainly what she’d think.

  But her mission now left an impossibly bitter taste in her mouth. One that burned like acid every time she swallowed.

  Maybe she should just tell him the truth. Hope he’d understand. But why would he? Why should he? No, he’d just toss her aside sooner rather than later and these last couple of days on the trail would turn into a nightmare-one that would continue back in New York after Nelson found out she’d spilled the beans. There’d be no more talk of bonuses, perks, or a promotion. Hell, she’d probably lose her job. Even if Nelson didn’t fire her, certainly her work environment would turn uncomfortable.

  Bottom line was that regardless of what she did, at the end of this adventure, because of her actions, Brett was lost to her. And that harsh truth filled her with such an aching, profound sense of loss, she could barely catch her breath-in a way that had nothing to do with the thin air.

  And on top of that sense of loss was her deep shame at her own actions. When, precisely, had she turned into the sort of person who would spy on someone else? Look through their belongings? Seek revenge, especially for a merely perceived wrong, and most especially without finding out all the facts?

  She’d always prided herself on her integrity and sense of fair play, yet sometime during this past year, since she’d been promoted to director-and most recently during this past week-she’d become someone she didn’t like very much. Someone who was willing to do things she knew in her soul weren’t honorable, all in the name of furthering her career.

  No, that wasn’t a person she liked at all. Not a person Brett would admire if he knew the truth. And he deserved better. Because he was, without a doubt, a decent, good man. A kind and honorable man. The sort of man a woman could envision herself sharing a future with.


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