His Vengeance, Marriage and a Baby: He hated her for cockolding him with his brother. Now he wanted vengeance.

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His Vengeance, Marriage and a Baby: He hated her for cockolding him with his brother. Now he wanted vengeance. Page 1

by Sabel Simmons

  His Vengeance, Marriage and a Baby

  Sabel Simmons

  Copyright © 2014 Sabel Simmons

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-10: 1500502367

  ISBN-13: 978-1500502362

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Cayman Desires

  His Million Dollar Date Baby

  Love me if you Dare

  Payback Time Baby

  The Tycoon and His Honey Pot

  The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon

  You Owe Me, Baby


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter One

  “One day, Baby, you will be able to take all of me. Now as a newly deflowered virgin I’ll take as much as you are capable!”

  He groaned huskily in her ear as he pushed his big, hard shaft deep into her pulsing sheath for the umpteenth time.

  She moaned, partly from pleasure and partly from pain. He used her so completely over the long hours of the night that she was extremely tender and probably swollen from all the friction of his shaft inside her. But yet again she could not deny him and her body answered his deep plunges until her world exploded. He kept feeding her climax by ruthlessly stroking her clit.

  “Beautiful, you are so damn beautiful when you explode in my arms. Yes, my beauty, more, give me more!”

  Amber woke with a start and cursed when her climax rushed through her, heating every cell in her body.

  “Bloody, Goddamned hell! When is he going to leave me alone! Will this torture never end?”

  She gasped into her still dimly lit bedroom, angry at the exotic dream of remembrance she kept having. This was the first time it culminated in an uncontrolled climax.

  It has been eleven years. Eleven years since she’s had one week with the most gorgeous man on the planet. One week of so much passion and desire that she, at the young age of eighteen could only gasp, shriek, scream and cry. One week where she was taught that passion could rule you. Turn you into a helpless slave where all you craved was the next kiss, the next touch, the next thrust.

  She had been in love with him for two years. They dated secretively for nearly seven months, because she was only seventeen but she already knew he was in her heart. Their one week of passion that started on her eighteenth birthday, just entrenched the love for him in her heart. He kissed her tenderly when he left, promising the next time would be even better. She believed him. Yet it never happened. He went off to do research for his doctorate and called her every night for a week … and then nothing. The next time their eyes met, his were filled with loathing and hatred.

  “Mom, are you awake? You did not forget that you have to take me to the Varsity campus for the research trip this morning, did you? MOM!”

  Her door slammed against the wall as her impatient young daughter rushed into her room. She pushed upright against the headboard, rubbing her forehead. Zoey was immediately contrite.

  “Sorry, Mom. Do you have a headache again? Have you gone to the doctor yet? You have been waking up with these headaches for the past four months.”

  Amber sighed and smiled at Zoey. The dreams have been a part of her life, but have intensified to a weekly occurrence for the past four months, ever since her mother begged her to come back to Miami. Her father had a slight heart attack and was not responding to the treatment. He needed an operation urgently and wanted to see her before he went in. He missed and wanted to get to know his granddaughter better. It was just the thought that she might bump into ‘him’ that had the dreams increase in their intensity and caused her constant headaches and stress.

  “I’m sorry, hon. I did forget. I’ll be quick. What time do you have to be there?”

  ‘At seven and it is already six fifteen. You better hurry, Mom. They made it very clear they will not wait for anyone.”

  “Yes, yes. You just go and pack and I’ll be right there!”

  “I am not a scatterbrain, on the spur type like you, Mom! I already packed last night! Please hurry. This is the first exciting thing happening in this Go … ehm … forsaken part of the globe this whole year and I don’t want to miss it!”

  She spun around and skipped down the passage, mumbling about her parent becoming forgetful in her old age.

  “I’ll have you know Zoey Pears, I am not old, nor forgetful! I have just been a bit preoccupied!”

  “Yeah, yeah, Mom! Just hurry up will you!”

  Within ten minutes they were on their way in her beat up old Volkswagen Polo. Another part of their life her daughter hated. Come to think of it, there was not any part of their lives in Alaska she liked. Since she went to visit her parents during a school break four years ago, Alaska was hell on earth. She went once more, two years ago and her resentment living in this Godforsaken place, increased daily. She could not understand why they could not move to Miami. All their family was there and it was not as if Amber had anything keeping her hostage here either.

  Their little two bedroom apartment on Lincoln Street across the harbor was very neat and spacious, but Sitka was a small town, with a total population below seven thousand. Of course no competition for the glitz, glamour, fabulous beaches and weather of Miami. Where she herself was born and lived the first eighteen years of her life.

  Until Paul Jordan destroyed her life and she had to run and hide to ensure the baby she was expecting were not taken from her.

  Zoey hugged her and gave her a quick peck on her cheek and threw the door open.

  “Zoey … we need to talk tomorrow when you are back. There is something I need to tell you.”

  “Sure. Can I go now, Mom?”

  “Enjoy the trip and please be careful, honey.”

  “You know it! Miss you, Mom!”

  She slammed the door shut and ran towards the jetty where the other kids were gathered. She watched her join the group and smiled at their exuberance. Zoey was an extrovert, extremely so and could talk to anyone and was always immediately liked. She was extremely clever and belonged in a school for the gifted, but the closest one was in Anchorage. Amber could not afford to send her there, even trying to juggle three jobs as it were.

  She drove directly to the Alaskan Housing Authority where she worked as a Bookkeeper. She managed to finish her final school year as a correspondence student during her pregnancy in Cleveland. She fled there after she was threatened by the Jordan’s and their eldest son that she would pay for Paul’s death.

  She always wanted to become an Accountant and was very good with numbers, so she managed to complete a diploma in Bookkeeping while working at a small Bank in Cleveland. She started studying towards a financial degree when Zoey was five and forced to run again when
Damien Jordan found her. It took forever as she could only afford to enroll for one or two subjects a year. She only had two more subjects to complete, which she planned for next year and she would have her degree. Then she would be able to find an Accountant position and their lives would change substantially for the better.

  Amber went directly to the Sitka University after work where she was a personal trainer and offered sessions from five to nine in the evenings three times a week and on Saturday mornings. If she really had to be brutally honest with herself, she was tired of this hard and poor life. They lived from hand to mouth and any extra money was put away for school trips for Zoey and her study fees every year. Both of them had to make do with cheap retail store clothes, but she always tried to buy Zoey a brand name outfit for her birthday every year.

  Her brother sent her all the latest technology gadgets and she loved him to bits. Zoey was the point in his heart and he always came to visit at least twice a year. She knew without a doubt that the next gift would be the iPad she has been begging for and he would be an even bigger hero in her daughter’s eyes.

  She sobered. There was no chance that she would return to Miami and the Jordan’s not know about it. The only hope she had was that maybe after all these years, they would have tired trying to find her and not be interested to extract revenge after all these years.

  “I still can’t understand why you could not accept Uncle Ashton’s offer to pay for our move and plane tickets. Now we have to spend days driving in this beat up old piece of tin! How sure are you it is even going to get us there?”

  “Zoey for goodness sake! Will you please stop complaining? I thought you would be happy to be moving to Miami. All you have been doing since we left three days ago is complain!”

  “I am ecstatic, Mom! But really, to drive for what … four thousand four hundred miles? Show me one child that would not complain!”

  “Similarly show me one parent that would constantly allow their kids to be so cheeky and disrespectful!”

  “I’m sorry Mom, but you could have accepted Uncle Ash …”

  “No! He has done so much for us already over the years, I could not add to it even more. Besides, this way you get to see much more of the States than you ever would.’

  “Except I am too tired to appreciate it!”

  “Oh Lord, please give me strength!”

  Amber groaned. She loved her daughter to bits, but she was very demanding and had a very strong character. Add her intelligence, cheekiness and determination and you have a kid that could drive you up the wall.

  “Okay, I get it! I’ll stop complaining, only if we can stop early today and perhaps go for a swim somewhere? It has been ages since we could swim!”

  Add a shrewd negotiator to that and you could go crazy!

  “What? And add another potential day to the trip! You must be crazy!”

  Zoey laughed with her mother and the little imp once again got her way. They stopped in Casper Wyoming and checked into a little Inn next to the North Plat River. There was a large swimming pool with plenty of shade and they had the place to themselves. Zoey was elated and they relaxed next to the pool the rest of the afternoon.

  Of course her good mood did not last long and the two more days on the road really stressed Amber’s patience with her daughter. Eventually she snapped at her, which led to a sulky, long lipped teenager for a whole day and half.

  Zoey’s mood swung for the better when they reached the outskirts of Miami and she started to recognize some of the places her gramps and uncle took her to, the times she’d been for a visit.

  Ashton was waiting for them when they arrived at her parent’s house on Pompano Beach at NE 26th street in Lighthouse Cross point. It was a relatively quiet area and bordered between middle class and upper class. They had their own private jetty at the back of the house. She had tears in her eyes when she got out of the car and looked at the house she grew up in. She still remembered the pain in her heart when she drove away that early morning nearly eleven years ago.

  Zoey stormed to Ashton with a squeal and jumped into his arms from a whole meter away. He laughed and hugged her tight, his eyes on the emotional face of his sister. His heart burned at the hard life she’s had to endure for the past eleven years. All due to her own stubbornness and independence. He knew she worked three jobs and still managed to study in between. She always declined any financial assistance he offered.

  Ashton was the only person who knew why she ran away and what had happened. If Paul Jordan did not die in a car crash, he probably would have beaten him to death once Amber told him what he did to her. She was adamant that she was keeping her child, and he agreed that the Jordan’s were powerful enough to take her child from her. He helped her to find a job in Cleveland and was the one to warn her Damien Jordan found her and was on his way there.

  She ran with her five year old daughter as far as she could and found peace in Sitka, Alaska. She only dealt in cash at first, even her salary was paid in cash. She did not use her bank account and Ashton eventually opened an account in his name she started using. Living the life of a runaway was hard and lonely, but she did it for the sake of her daughter.

  While Zoey got settled in her room, Ashton hugged his sister hard against him. He had no idea how he was going to give her the news or how she was going to react to it.

  “Where’s Mom and Dad?”

  “Amber, Dad had a setback this morning and he was submitted to ICU. I just came here to meet you.”

  “Oh no! I did not realize it was that bad! What happened?”

  “His heart valve went into some kind of a spasm. I’m not hundred percent sure what it all means, but they are going to do an emergency operation in the morning. They have to normalize his blood pressure first.”

  “And once that is done, will he get better?”

  “He needs a triple bypass.”

  “Oh no … and Dad never believed in healthcare insurance, which means they can’t afford it. What happened to the business since he has been sick? Why have none of you said anything to me until now?”

  “He made us promise. He knew you had enough to worry about and something linked to Zoey kept you away from here. The business went down rapidly over the past four years. An investor bought into the company.”

  “An investor?”

  “Yes … he saved it from bankruptcy and he turned it into a highly sustainable entity. They even expanded and is now listed as one of the financial companies to invest in and approach for financial assistance. Pears Financial Corporation has become a force to be reckoned with over the past three years.”

  “Yet, you seem concerned. What are you not telling me, Ash?”

  “Dad only ever spoke about the investment company, Global Incorporated. Apart from saving the company, he also assisted them to fix up the house and he offered to pay for Dad’s operation.”

  “I don’t understand. If the company has done so well, why can they still not afford it?”

  “The company was nearly bankrupt. The shares were worthless. Every dollar that was injected into the company to turn it around came from Global. They owe eighty percent of the shares to Pears Financial. Dad only gets paid a salary at this point.”

  “Oh my God! No wonder Dad did not say anything. How was the contract drawn up? Will Dad be able to buy his shares back?”

  “I’m not sure. He is very closed mouthed. Sis, there is something you should know. I only met the man behind Global Incorporated this morning at the hospital.”

  Amber felt a band clamp around her heart. Ashton was acting very weird and totally out of nature.

  “Out with it, Ash. Who is he?”

  “Damien. Damien Jordan.”

  Amber paled and took a step back, her hand clawing at her chest. She could not breathe and felt faint. Ashton jumped up and raced to her side. He shook her and she drew a shuddering breath, forcing oxygen into her lungs.

  Eleven years! She hid from him for eleven years! She lived a poor an
d hard life to keep her daughter from him. All for nothing! He was clearly ruthless and would go to all lengths to get what he wanted.

  Now … with the innocent assistance of her parents, Damien Jordan brought her back home. With the sole purpose to extract the vengeance he promised for the death of his brother at his graveside eleven years ago.

  Chapter Two

  Zoey took after Amber and had the same deep red hair, slightly square face with high cheekbones, small straight nose and a slightly wide mouth with full lips. The only traits she had of her father was his natural bronze skin and ice gray eyes, in a perfect almond shape. Lucky for her, it was a similar color to Ashton’s. She was small of frame and looked younger than her ten years.

  “Ash … I can’t lose her! She looks younger than ten. I am going to tell him she is nine years old. They did not know I was pregnant when I left, but he might assume.”

  “I’m afraid he already knows about Zoey. He has been here a few times apparently. There are photos of Zoey everywhere. You know how Mom and Dad brag about her to everyone.”

  “He might still not know how old she is.”

  “True, but find out first if they told him before you lie about it. He is a man of high integrity and don’t suffer fools gladly. I am worried for you, Sis. Damien Jordan is a hard and ruthless man.”

  Amber was well aware what Damien Jordan was. She followed everything she could on him over the years. She needed to know how much of a threat he was. At a stage she did not worry. He was an extremely attractive man that reached the status of Billionaire before he was thirty. He played the field for years and always had a beautiful woman on his arm, he still did, for that matter. But he did not seem to have the time for a triviality of seeking vengeance.

  His family owned the most lucrative Airline globally. After his brother’s death his father withdrew from the company and he became CEO of the massive global company at the age of twenty three. She knew he obtained his doctorate and has been on the senior management level at the Airline while still at Varsity. He was classified as one of the few people with an above normal IQ.


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